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Cptn Corizon

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Posts posted by Cptn Corizon

  1. So, even though most of the founding fathers had slaves they disagreed with slavery? Even though women weren't given basic rights until well into the 20th century, they agreed with equal rights between the sexes? I don't understand...


    That's correct, to at least a point. The Founding Fathers, were for the most part extordinarly progressive, but the nation as a whole wasn't, and in order to unite the people enough to make a nation, some things...such abolishing slavery would have to put off the table and left for later generations to deal with. However, revisionest history serves it's purpose. History is a fluid and flowing document, and if it means portraying our past in not the best light, I am all for it. Americans tend to have a complex that we have never done wrong, and...that...is sadly not the truth.

  2. The Dominion War, Month 12 of Hostilities


    The brilliant rays of the triple suns that surrounded Dameon Prime shone down brightly on the ancient capital of Tykoo. When humans wandered naked, Tykoo was a bustling city of over 300 million Dameon. Today, it was a bustling space port, for a race whose Golden Age long since faded away.


    In the skies high above the city, the Dameon Defense force patrolled, ever watchfully. For generations, they protected the Empire from her enemies, while the Dameon Army conquered every planet in sight.


    Before the Vulcans developed logic, before the Klingons knew of honor, before the Federation was a glimmer in the eyes of an oppressed human looking up at the stars, the Dameons walked as gods. For years, no one stood against the Dameon war machine. Unbridled, they expanded outwards, thinking themselves invincible. Indeed, the mighty Dameon raged across the quadrant with claws of fire; amassing an Empire that would not be again rivaled in the Alpha Quadrant till the Birth of the Federation.


    But they would pay for their hubris. Long in the shadows of the Dameon Empire, the Gorn destroyed all that was Dameon. The pride, the power, the people—broken and shattered.


    But even then, the Dameon survived. They persevered. Even through out the terrible ravages of the Gorn War, the homeworld had been just that—home.


    On this very bright, sunny day, The Dominion, the new scourge of the Galaxy, would harm the Dameon deeper than the darkness of the Great War. With the Federation embroiled in conflict; Starfleet couldn’t spare any ships to protect the homeworld. Disaster waited for opportunity to strike.


    The initial attack on Dameon caught everyone on the planet off guard. Someone dropped the ball, and the attack fleet of over sixty warships entered the system catching the Dameon home fleet out of position. Before they could even be called to help, the communications network was disabled and the siege upon the planet began.


    Automated defenses were little match for the battle hardened Dominion, and the Jem’Hadar death squads were able to land on the surface. For the first time in the history of the Dameon, alien forces set foot on the homeworld. It was a blow deep in the heart of the Dameon People but they did not have time to sulk. Backed against the wall, the warrior blood flowed.


    One of the Cardassians aboard the lead Dominion ship later recalled, that only the Klingons had fought so evenly with the genetically enhanced protectors of the Founders.


    In the early stages, the death tolls on both sides were staggering. For every four Jem’hadar killed, seven more Dameon died. Still, it was among the worst losses for the Dominion during the entire war.


    The fighting was so intense, that at one point, two units of Jem’hadar attacked each other, mistaking the other unit for Dameon forces. By the third hour of the attack, it was clear to the Dominion that before they could win a ground war, they would have to crush the Dameon forces from the sky.


    And thus, they rained hell, fire and brimstone on Dameon Prime. The death toll, which still to this day remains only an estimate, was in the hundreds millions, Starfleet’s own estimates listed the attack as killing nearly a billion.


    But before the Dominion could completely devastate the homeworld, like knights in shining armor, the Dameon Warfleet and three Federation battle groups stormed to the rescue—sending the Dominion fleet home, licking their wounds.


    The damage, however, was already done.


    The ground smouldered for weeks following the attacks, With nearly a billion dead, and even more left homeless, the Dameon people searched for answers. Three hundred years ago, disaster of this nature was unthinkable, but no longer did Dameon control her destiny as she once did, years ago.


    The Dominion destroyed the last vestiges of Imperial Pride. The attack had proven to the Dameon that they would never be able to stand alone again in the galaxy, and that the Federation was their only hope for survival. Battle scarred, the Dameon people did what they have always done—survive and advance.


    Almost 5 years after the brutal Battle of Dameon Prime, the memories seared into the hearts and minds of the Dameon were constant reminders of the savageness of war. The landscape recovered, and buildings rebuilt.


    Never would they forget, the day that beneath a silent blue sky, the empire finally died.

  3. Atragon9 Posted: Jul 6 2005, 01:38 PM 

    Okay folks, let's be very careful here. Discussions of religion, politics, death penalty, right to life/choice, etc. are Extremely touchy and can spark strong opinions all around. Please speak gently or we will have to close the topic. Thanks.



    All right kids...let's all calm down. As stated else where by A-9 (see above), with touchy topic such as religion, etc. we need to be aware of not tredding on other peoples shoes. If we can't do that, then the thread will be closed. Thanks. :D

  4. “I’ve paid my dues, time after time. I’ve done my sentence, but committed no crime.”


    Mr. Pilot, launch the shuttle.


    That sentence. Those, combinations of nouns and verbs and grammatical devices; it was the hardest task he’d ever faced. But the thought process to come to this place, it was no different than had he been deciding between eggs or bacon for breakfast.


    Infact, after he gave the order, he didn’t feel anything different. Which stuck him as, odd. Afterall, it had been the first time he’d actually given orders to someone that could get them killed.


    Sure, he’d planned battle strategies in the Dominion War. But somehow, he’d never carried that with him as burden, he’d never had blood on his hands. Sure, he came up with the plan that killed men, but ultimately, it wasn’t his fault.


    So, it struck him odd, that at long last when he did give an order that could possibly cost lives, he felt exactly the same about that choice as he did any other.


    They took the same oath I did. We’re here to protect the Federation, and if I die to do that, then I have made the ultimate sacrifice. He posited to himself.


    He flicked his ears to either side, listening to the hum of the bridge as he waited for the next action in the galactic game being played out before his eyes. If Graham and Chen’s plan failed, then they would be dead. And the Excalibur would not have the luxury of trying again—if they failed, war would no longer be just rumbling beneath the surface, war would erupt on a galactic scale. And in all likely hood, he’d be responsible for it.


    Most people would be torn apart by that consequence, not for some reason, Windu didn’t even consider that scenario. In his head, he focused solely on the task at hand, and what his immediate next move.

  5. Actually. UPN and Paramount are *technically* the same company, at the present time. They are owned by Viacom, meaning if Viacom tells UPN to do something, then they have to do it. For example, if Viacom told CBS they were going to be airing ENT, then they would have to do it.


    UPN, Viacom-et al, made a decesion. Enterprise was not pulling it's weight anymore. They could produce programing cheaper that could fill it's place. Paramount, then, with out somewhere with in the Viacom family to send it, pulled the plug.


    Sci-Fi could have done a better job with it, because guess what? They actually care about the content of their sci-fi shows, however the point is moot, because at no point would Viacom have been willing to allow the Trek franchise out of their hands.


    Translation, Enterprise was cancled for a reason. It wasn't a profitable show, and they weren't going to turn over the rights to it either. Moral of the story: the show died for a reason.

  6. None of the above are correct.


    The system is not The Romulan Star Empire or more specifcally the Rihannsu'Saeihr'Nneikha. That's the entire empire ^_^. Ch'Rihan is the planet, again not the system. Romulus is also the planet, not the system. :D


    Vulcan would, I suppose be their *home* system, however that is not what I am looking for.


    This is a hard one, fyi. As it's streching Canon to include Diane Duane :P And there are two acceptable awnsers for this.

  7. Electro-Plasma System, it powers the ship ^_^



    And for the Oberth. That's intersting because in the Graveyard scene itself, there is never an Oberth...and why anyone would send something like it into a battle is crazy....but I guess i learn something new everyday :P