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Posts posted by Kairi

  1. As Dash pointed out, they are improving on the game, adding more content, etc. It's not all pew pew. I mean there is quite a bit, but it is slowly evolving. There is also some great stories in it as well. Even some good moral issues involving the Federation and how it goes aboutit's foreign policies. I really can't wait till the klingon story content. Then it looks like Romulans are not far off from there. :)


    Overall, I think it's something you should check out and see if you like it for yourself. Opinions can vary drastically when it comes to choosing a new game. Just decides on tastes.

  2. Hiya! Welcome to STSF.


    As TMir stated, don't go too heavily into your character development yet. For the most part, all cadets are human for the Academies (I say for the most part, because sometimes there are special Academies.) This is to help avoid any confusion, and allows the cadets to focus more on getting the basics of simming down so they can get ready to graduate.


    But above all, and we can't stress this enough, have fun! :P

  3. Typically we follow the chain of command (Advanced and Academy sims.) Even if an inexperienced player is placed in charge of more advanced players, that advanced player needs to follow the chain. Now it's not unheard of for the Assistant to make suggestions to the Chief, but it is still ultimately the Chief's decision.


    There are things storywise that contradict this (ie. the Chief is stricken with mental illness and is making silly decisions.) But like i said, we mostly follow the chain.

  4. It takes a little while to pick up, but I have to say once you start getting into the meat of the series it really does the whole political intrigue thing, and the character development is second-to-none in any of the other Star Trek series.


    That's why I love DS9. I feel I got to know the characters much more than I did in any other series. And not just individual characters, but species as well; such as Klingons, Ferengi, and Cardassians. There was more liberties with this since the location for the most part didn't change. There wasn't the constant "lets fix this problem then move onto the next system" like all the others. Not that I didn't enjoy that as well.

  5. Villain's plans are quite often rubbish in the first film of a modern geek franchise. Ya have to spend so long introducing everyone to the new folks that by the time you get to the threat, the baddie will just be blowing the crap out of stuff with no full reasoning. X-Men, batman begins anyone? But don't despair, X-men 2 and the dark knight soon followed...


    Unfortunately X-Men 3 and Wolverine came soon after... <_<