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STSF Precip

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Everything posted by STSF Precip

  1. Hi Danika Sylar! I sent your graduation paperwork...in to the proper people right after you graduated from our Saturday Academy. Needless to say you'll soon be finding Ship Captains suggesting their ship is the best. Have fun! -Precip
  2. Congrats to STSF's Newest Ensign, Ensign Danika Sylar from the Kbear and Precip Show late Saturday Night. We wish you all the best in your future with STSF!
  3. Randy, I think I speak for everybody here at STSF , in thanking you for the work you put in to our messageboard and website. Thank you so much for your efforts...and we look forward to the new boards when completed! :P -Precip
  4. Murdok...Congrats on your work becoming the official logo for STSF! I like it, a SF logo, a compass , a watch..suggesting time...Great Job! But I must ask, given your Avatar?, Are you a Cylon? Precip "Lucky Mug Owner"
  5. Middle Passenger-"Someday I will be as large as my Father and Elder Brother, and then I will get to have the window seat!" -Precip
  6. Well Santa, I want NBC to allow Battlestar Galactica to finish up on Ron Moore's terms not on NBC's operational cost hack job. I really need a replacement Car can you help me out with that? Ah..an ISS NX-O1 Enterprise Ship. A new Ipod or something that I can listen to music with? Did I mention BSG ending when It's supposed to ..its my favorite show! -Precip
  7. I would love to see these notations before I comment on this, given I am a big Star Wars Fan. -Precip
  8. And now we have photographic evidence that wildlife contributes to the Ozone Hole Phenomena.
  9. Well, I know my favorite Quote is Ivonova's and thanks to Mr. Anderson's post I know can repeat it! "Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova, Commander, daughter of Andrei and Sophie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is going to kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth ... I am Death incarnate, and the last living thing that you are ever going to see. God sent me." It was said so cool by Claudia... -Precip
  10. It only has one show "qualitywise" of replacing it, and that is Battlestar Galactica. But it seems to be locked into it's own timeslot supporting another show this October. "Caprica" I presume won't be ready until late 2007..and when it is available...I imagine they would team the two shows up together in one night. It's a bummer to hear the cast was signed on for another season. But I am curious if they would of signed on if they had known Sci-Fi's scheduling plans? Let's give Stargate Credit where credit is due...10 years is an incredible run for a Sci Fi show. Kudos to the team behind it. -Precip
  11. Happy Birthday Dac! -Precip
  12. STSF Cadets/Grads, Id like to apologize for not being able to run the July 9th Late Sunday Night Academy. Kbear informed me earlier in the day she was not going to able to make it..I was going to be fine until my folks decided they wanted quite a bit of furnature moved in the evening for some carpet installation. Needless to say moving things around at dusk is new to me....and it took longer than expected. Precip
  13. ROFLMAO Seiben!! Great..short clip. This illustrates Sevolth Sidega 's point marvelously. Sure it was a cheap shot but man...Zidane does not have a gun mounted in his head..nor is he Daggerhead from the IKC Qob. Precip
  14. Well folks, we are one week away. For those who like to keep a weather eye here is a link to the NWS Forecast for Orlando Florida. Since we just within seven days this should be a handy link. National Weather Service Forecasts for Orlando, Fl. -Precip
  15. Personal Log Lt Cdr Mitar Precip Chief of Security USS Manticore-A Precip was pleased to here from Commander McFLy that the freighter had checked out clean of hostiles onboard. Not that he worried McFly would have a problem, He had Ensign Brutus and Crystal backing him up. Two Ensigns that would give any Klingon a run for their money in close combat. Mitar wanted to go with McFly on board the freighter, but their was just too much tatical analysis work that had to be done on the "A"'s Tactical systems. He knew the ship was mothballed in pristine condition so there was no worry about burnt out phaser couplings or depleted phaser emitters. But, over the years battle expereince from his predecessors and himself had "tweaked" the "tug" to get every extra bit of tactical edge possible from the original Nebula Class Starship. His predecessors had done a marvelous job making a Nebula Class Starship more capable in combat than it's design intended. He knew he'd need to eventually partner with now Counselor Roget on any specific programs she added during her tenure. She being the only previous CSEC on the "A". The situation outlined by Admiral Atragon delayed the normal shakedown cruise procedure needed for getting the "A" in full tactical readiness. The Council needed an experienced Covert Operations team in this delicate politcal matter with the Klingons. Mitar noted the Babylon was not sent in on this one, despite her superior readiness status. Clearly the Federation Council needed a diplomatic and quiet solution to this issue. But was it too late for that? The Admiral's debriefing on Starbase was rather disturbing in nature. And clearly the freighter which limped back to Starbase had taken some disruptor fire given the particular hull damage patterns observed by SEC Ensign Snow's EVA report. The "A" wasnt ready for this... So.. Mitar concluded that he had to trust his shipmates just as his father had reminded him to do on his leave of absence. Chief Garnoopy and his Engineers would have to get the "A"'s Cloak fully operational. Keb's team would need get those scanners ready faster than a Bolian Flyswatter. Dr Mele and his staff would need sickbay at full readiness in case of the worst. He needed Colonel Eason's Intel updated quickly. And of course he had to count on Captain Sovak and Admiral Atragon not getting Manticore into a shooting match..at least until Mitar and his team could get weapons systems at acceptable performance. With this crew on the "A"..maybe they can get her ready in time Precip reassurred himself.
  16. Amazing Story! Amazing Little One! Thanks for sharing! -Precip USS Manticore USS Hood
  17. I shall go with the legendary Nation of Other. I am not certain what it's flag looks like... Honestly, with so many teams I thought none of the above was a distinct posiblity. Precip
  18. Yes there were the names. I just feel I had to remention this...and despite this being a spoof with comedy that pokes fun at both TV series..is the computer graphics in Star Wrekker. I hate to give away a scene..but the Enterprise E (which had a joke name) being sawed apart by Excalibur (another joke name).looked straight out of a scene from Babylon 5 with a Minbari Cruiser getting sawed into two by a Shadow Vessel. I guess I am so used to spoofs like SNL's "Love Boat meets TNG Parody". Precip
  19. On the Family Porch Personal Log Lt Cdr Mitar Precip Location: Bolarus, Precip Family Farm Sebar looked at his son after listening to Mitar for at least the last hour explain why he'd finally come home. It wasn't an easy talk for Precip to do...to confess his sins to his Father of misleading them to where his life had taken him. The long journey from his Ensign days to his current rank. Several times his father stopped him and asked if he should be telling him these stories about Romulans, space anomolies and Federation Classfied Operations. Mitar insisted he had to tell his father the truth about his life...so he could move on with his life. The elder Precip listened on... Both men took time to view the setting sun on Bolarus from the family farm porch bench..the same one Precip sat on as a child...as a teen..as a cadet..and now a Lieutenant Commander in Starfleet..for the time being. "Son...I recall you were so headstrung about joining starfleet...and now it seems you are justifying your resignation from a career you sought years ago..." Sebar metnioned. "True Dad...I recall you had to convince Mom I didnt have to be a farmer on this very porch. But so much has happened... " Precip countered. "....Which wasn't your fault Son. You are only responsible for the actions of your own hands..and mind. You followed the proper orders...you did your duty..you protested when you had to and it seems your fellow shipmates respected your opinions. Son, ...humans have that game called chess..you were not a "pawn" in the grand scheme of things...Sebar paused. "I disagree...I was an instrument of a higher agenda.." "You were not a pawn Mitar...more a Bishop or Knight son...you considered your actions..you weren't motivated by power, command, greed or jealousy..as this Jaffe you mentioned was "corrupted into" Sebar countered. "You also owe your shipmates a bit more credit...this Atragon you described..he is not corrupt in your mind? Your Engineer he stayed the course..that Garnopal." "Garnoopy" Dad.. "Well yes..you mentioned about three dozen names tonight Mitar! Give your old dad a break...give yourself a break." "That's why I am here Dad" "And Myself and your Mother are extremely greatful for your visit..but this is just a break..not the end..just a..pause in the action" Precip couldn't add another thought as the sun set below the cropline. End Log
  20. Personal Log Lt Cdr Mitar Precip CSEC USS Manticore Precip continued to gather his belongings for his much needed Leave of Absence from Manticore. The sounds of frantic construction and repairs could be heard as the Engineering Teams tried to get the ship ready for its next mission. A mission Precip was not inclined to particpate in at the moment. Captain Sovak was generous to give Precip the leave he requested. He could of said no...and insisted to help on repairs to Manticore's weapons systems. But it appeared to Mitar that the Sovak was well aware of the other damage done to the ship's crew. Damage to the ship and crew could be traced to the Late Consul General Jaffe. Precip had to be greatful Jaffe had been ousted from office. In the line between Starfleet Intelligence and Black Ops and been blurred to the point where he couldnt decide where his missions were coming from. Questionable orders given to senior officers such as Atragon and Sovak who had to carry them out undermined the crews confidence in them; Atragon being relieved of command at one point. Federation ships ordered to fire on one another..prime directives tossed away at will by the CG herself. Precip Sighed. What a mess. But the clean up had begun. Jaffe was out. To what fate she was to face Precip could not know...he doubted anyone outside tight circles would be made aware of just what had transpired in the later half of her tenure as CG. What bothered the Bolian was that Jaffe was not originally a person to wield power recklessly in his mind. She had become another Melville in a way. Just another Black Ops Senior officer gone bad. Mitar had to wonder..if her replacement would do anybetter; it seemed to him the current post...with such wide ranging powers bred corruption and mismanagement. That last thought was the primary reason Precip needed time away. He wanted to step back and see things sorted out in Starfleet's Black OP division and it relationship with the Federation Council. He didnt want to see another officer fall into an inevitable corruption holding the office of Consul General. Precip looked at his belongings....all packed up. He was anxious to get on the next Starfleet Transport to Bolarus...home. Home where he can think things out...where he could see his family. Be at peace for a while. Have the beautiful scenary wash out so many questions of conscious he had had the last several years on Manticore. Precip secured his travel case and surveyed his quarters...everything seemed in order...ready for his departure. Then he remembered his "project". He walked to the wall and leaned his elbow agaisnt it sighing. After a few moments Mitar walked over to his bed sliding the mattress off the base...which revealed a hollow center occupied by a case about a meter long. He took the case, slid the mattress back on its base. Settling down on the bed he opened the case revealing his "project" of the last several months. It was a fine piece of work combining design, functionality and technology all learned while serving on Manticore. Precip felt the smoothness of the sniper rifle's flash suppressor. Admired the scope he had constructed from an MPD and Phaser mark 4 conventional scope. It was a fine weapon in combination with an uprated Personal CLoaking Device...a weapon to stop corruption when he finally had to the chance to use it. Now he wouldn't need it..since Jaffe was deposed. But corruption still lingered....for Mitar Precip's heart knew; that much to his sadness...planning assasination was about as corrupt as one could get. The Consul General was not the only one who had fallen in the world of Black Ops.... Precip closed the Weapon's case. End Log.
  21. This sounds like Star Wrekker ; an unbelievably great Spoof of Star Trek meeting Babylon 5. I was fortunate to have a friend at work learn I was a Trek/Babylon 5 fan who loaned me the DVD. Despite the subtitles (the original work is Finnish); It was unbelievably hysterical..and the special effects are well above your generic spoof..Heck they are excellent (almost equal to B5 graphics if not better); and I tend to be picky in this area. All names in this is film are cleverly done...Kirk is now..."Pirk" and Ivonova is now "Ivonitsa". And the encounter these two have against eachother is amusing. I highly recommend this for fans of both series...it's a great laugh. If I could borrow it again and take it to Shoreleave I would!! -Precip
  22. It's all about the "Bear" Necessities song once sang about. Well Since I am not going to check in baggage, Space is going to be tight to say the least! I was recently talking to some Floridians about July..and they looked at me and said.."You're going in July???" I found that a humorous yet interesting take. On trips to Vegas I knew one needed sunblock. But I didnt have to worry about a Tropical like Atmosphere like Florida. So I ask thee Floridians or people who have been to Florida in July what are the things you should take...(beverages aside ,and keep it on topic here please...) The two things I have been thinking about are ....umbrella (portable) and DEET. Heard the Mosquitos love it down there. Feel free to add on . Thanks -Precip "First Attempt at reaching the tropics!"
  23. Many thanks to those who are contributing to the graphics design for STSF! -Precip
  24. back on topic... I noted that "Caprica" is only in the drawing board phase. Yet I'd rather not have R@D worry about another show and keep Galactica so darn Good. When viewing the video blogs by Mr. Eick it seems these guys are having fun on the job which is a plus for a show. Ron in his blogs are a little more serious...still together everything is running as smooth as can be. I am curious who pitched the idea of a spin off of Galactica the network or the Creators? Precip
  25. All I ask for an opening scene in "Caprica" is breakfast with the Adama's with fresh toast being served by chorme Toaster. Honestly, I find it suprising Mr. Moore and Eick are taking on another project. Let alone a spinoff prequel. While Galactica has has been a presence since 2003 on Sci Fi...it's only got about 30 epi's in the can. Seems a bit soon to chew on something like "Caprica" in my opinion. Precip