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Shallara Navor Hevoda

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About Shallara Navor Hevoda

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    Tosos Limne H8-84-487-13
  • Birthday 01/12/1985

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    H8-84-487-13 (Tosos Limne)
  1. Count me in!
  2. Hello, and welcome abourd! JesusTrecky, nice job I don't think I have ever seen anyone get that stuf up there first! Well before....what's his name.....OHh well it dosen't mater! ;) :P ::runs and hides:: ;) I'm dead!
  3. Eh I don't work on Friday! English toffy or French vanilla?
  4. Hey EVERYONE may I introduce my brother! :P ;) :D ;)
  5. Let us concider what happens to radiation emited by the surface of a star as it contracts. Although what we will disuss applies to radiation of all wave lenghts, let us simply visualize standing on the surface of the colapsing star while holding a flashlight. On the surface of a supergiant star, if we shine the beam at any angle it seems to go straight ought into space. As the star colapses, two effects begin to ocur. (We willignore the outer layers, which are unimportant here.) Although we on the surface of the star can not notice the effects ourselvs, a probe on a planet revolving around the star could detect them and transmit information back to us about them. For one thing, the probe would detect that our light beam is redshifted. Secound, our light beam would be bent by the gravitationall field of the star. If we shine the beam straight up, it would continu to go straight up. But the further we shine it away from the verticall, the more it would be bent from the verticall. When the star reaches a certian size, a horizontall beem of light would not escape.
  6. Old they messed up the new ones. Chips Ahoy or Oreo?
  7. Andorians, due to that fact that they have better tecknology then that of the Vulcans. Mercury or Venus
  8. For massive stars, the core contracts as the outer layers expand. The core reaches 100 million degrees, and the tripple-alpha process begins to transform helium into carbon.By the time the helium is exhausted, the outer layers have evaporated evenfurther. The star has become so bright that we call it a "Red Supergiant". Betelgeuse the star that makes the shoulder of Orion, is the best known example. The carbon core of a supergiant contracts, heats up, and begins fusing into still heavier elements. Each stage of fusion gives off energy. Eventually, even iron builds up. The iron core is sourounded by layers of elements, it takes up it takes up energy instead of givving it off. No new enerdy is released to make enough pressure to hold up the star agenst the forces of gravity pulling it in. Within seconds, the star collapses. It rebounds and bursts outwardl with amazing brightness. It has become a Supernova. Shock waves - like sonic booms - that result cause heavy elements to form and then throw off the outer layers. Any outher questions? ;)
  9. The strange forces of electron and pressure support dying lightweight stars and some heavyweight stars agenst gravity. The strangest case of all occures at the death of the most massive stars, which comtained much more then 8 and up to about 60 sollar masses when they were on the main sequence. After these stars undergo supernova explosions, some mayretian cores of over 2 or 3 sollar masses. Nothing in the known universe is strong enooough to hold up the remaining mass agenst the force of gravity. The remaining mass collapses, and continues to colaps forever. The result is a black hole, in which the matter disappears from contact with the rest of the universe. Later, we shall discuss the formation of black holes in processes other than those that result from the colaps of a star. The formation of a stellar black hole Astronomers had long assumed that the most massive stars would somehow lose enough mass to wind up as White Dwarfs. When the discovery of Pulsars ended this prejudice, it seemed more reasonable that black holes could exist. If more then 2 or 3 times the mas of the Sun -- two or three "sollar massas" -- remains after the Supernova explosion, the star colapses through the neutron star stage. At present we know of no force that can stop the colapse. We may then ask what happens to a 5- or 10- or 50-sollar-mass staras it collapses, if it retains more then 2 or 3 sollar masses. It must keep colapsing getting denser and denser. We know that Einstien's generall theory of Relativity predicts that a strong gravitationall fieldwill redshift and appear to bend radiation. As the mas contracts and the star's surface gravity increases, radiation is continuously redshifted more and more. Also, radiationleaving the star other then perpendiculary to the surface is bent more and more. Eventually, when the mass has been compressed to a certain size, radiation from the star can no longer escape into space. The star has withdrawn from our observable Universe, in that we can no longer recieve radiation from it. We say that the star has become a "Black Hole" Why do we call them black holes? We think of a black surface as a surface that reflects none of the light that hits it. Similarly, any radiation that hits a black hole continues into it's interiorand is not reflected. In this sense, the object is perfectly black.
  10. Welcome! If you have any questions regarding science post them or PM me and I will do my beas to answer. Questions on anything else, post them also, and someone here will most likaly hav an answer for you! Enjoy your time at the Academy!
  11. The nearest star to the Earth, apart from the Sun, is Proxima Centauri, which is 39.9 petametres (39.9 Pm = 39.9 trillion kilometres = 4.2 light years = 1.29 pc = 1.29 parsecs) away. So light from Proxima Centauri takes 4.2 years to reach Earth. If you took the French TGV, one of the fastest trains, on a trip to Proxima Centauri using its highest recorded speed (515.3 km/h), it would take you about 8.86 million years to get there! This distance is typical of galaxy discs. Stars can be much closer to each other in galaxy and globular cluster centres, or much further apart in galactic halos. Between this distance and a few times this distance, there are quite a few other stars. Astronomers estimate that there are at least 70 sextillion (70×1021) stars in the known universe [1] (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3085885.stm). That is 70 000 000 000 000 000 000 000, or 230 billion times as much as the 300 billion in our own Milky Way. Globular clusters are usually composed of hundreds of thousands of old stars, similar to the bulge of a spiral galaxy but confined to a volume of only a few cubic parsecs. Globular clusters are fairly numerous; there are about 150 currently known globulars of the Milky Way (with perhaps 10-20 more undiscovered), and larger galaxies like Andromeda have more (Andromeda may have as many as 500). Some giant elliptical galaxies (e.g., M87) may have as many as 10 thousand globular clusters. These globular clusters orbit the galaxy out to large radii, 100 kiloparsecs or more. I hope I have answered your question. Shallara
  12. Silver compliments my skin tone! iMac or Dell?
  13. I"m sorry neither "UP" or "Down really exist. They are bothe relative, "UP is diferent depending on what point ov view you are looking at it from. therefore I can choose neither. White or Black?
  14. Romeo, and Juliet of course, I love those great love stories! They fall inlove and they die! Alright Polaris or Deneb?
  15. I apologise for the way I worded that. A Whit dwarf is what remains of a star after it goes nova, the dense core, in time it will cool, and eventually freeze in space. It will go from white to red, brown, then black once it is frozen. Yes their are many diferent tipes of stars, just as there are many diferent tipes of planet.