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Everything posted by Kestra

  1. Yeah I do that sometimes, I just want to be a bit more creative. I've got to agree though; I appreciate being able to read duty logs even if I was at the sim. It's nice to see what has been going on in other departments because I often miss things when it's all going so fast.
  2. Well on the subject of logs, I've been having major problems writing them lately. Where do the rest of you get your ideas from? The only way I can work past my writer's block is to harass some other crewmember to do a joint log with me.
  3. ROFL I totally forgot about that! A couple of people have pointed it out to me but I was lazy about getting it corrected. Maybe I should just change my character and see if they're still interested. B)
  4. Kestra is quite a sight to behold, isn't she? Not that either of you could handle her. B) Seriously though, good writing and a fun log. It's going to be fun simming with some different people. Looking forward to Thursday!
  5. I'd have to say "no" on this one, as much as I love Red Star. I don't think the other forums are getting enough posts as it is. I mean you look at Ten Forward, and "Community & Trek Discussion" is easily the most active forum, right? But it's just not as active recently and I think the focus should be on that instead. Splitting into another forum might just spread us a bit too thin, in my opinion. But everyone should go to Red Star. Because it rocks! B)
  6. Would just like to throw my thanks out to the webmaster. I'm sure there's a lot of upkeep to the boards, and this seems like a good time to express gratitude for all of that. Thanks for giving us our forums back! B)
  7. Here's a movie link that someone else showed me. I found it pretty interesting myself. Hope you all enjoy it!
  8. What types of things would be posted there besides fights? Just curious. Did you have anything particular in mind?
  9. ::smacks RL too:: We'll miss you, but RL is infinitely more important. Take care and keep in touch, okay? ::tosses him a Kestra doll:: I'll take it out of my Red Star tips <_<
  10. Sorry I disappeared from the avatar making business temporarily folks. I had some real life issues that limited the time I could spend doing them. Unfortunately, when I went back to make them my computer decided to have a fit and I have now lost most of the data I had on requests. I've spent a great deal of time trying to recover it but I don't know if that's going to happen. If you still want a request fufilled, can you please send me another PM with the information? My aim would be to have it done for you this weekend as I have free time. Once again, I apologize.
  11. Nice job as always Fred. I'll be there!
  12. I had to put together some quotes for a trivia thing my English Organization was doing on campus. The selection is obviously biased, but I still have a decent variety on there. Some are silly, and some are serious. Try to put down both the author and work if you know them. And no Googling them! Just guess! I'll post the answers in a couple of days. 1. "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes . . .” 2. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” 3. “We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.” 4. “I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference” 5. “It begins like this: Listen: Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time. It ends like this: Poo-tee-weet?” 6. “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful, one hundred percent.” 7. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair ..." 8. "Call me Ishmael." 9. "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." 10. "If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth." 11. "When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow." 12. "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody" 13. “(Frankly) my dear, I don’t give a damn.” 14. “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary..." 15. “Who is John Galt?” 16. “But when he looked out across the crowd, the sea of faces, the thing happened again. The thing that had happened with the apple. They changed.” 17. “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU.” 18. “It was a pleasure to burn.” 19. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” 20. “It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didn't know what I was doing in New York.”
  13. And now for the answers! 1. William Shakespeare, "Macbeth" 2. Jane Austen, "Pride & Prejudice" 3. Hunter S. Thompson, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" 4. Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken" 5. Kurt Vonnegut, "Slaughterhouse-Five" 6. Dr. Seuss, "Horton Hatches the Egg" 7. Charles Dickens, "A Tale of Two Cities" 8. Herman Melville, "Moby Dick" 9. Leo Tolstoy, "Anna Karenina" (the only one of the quotes that is a translation, I believe) 10. J. D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye" 11. Harper Lee, "To Kill a Mockingbird" 12. J. D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye" 13. Margaret Mitchell, "Gone With the Wind" 14. Edgar Allen Poe, "The Raven" 15. Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged" 16. Lois Lowry, "The Giver" 17. George Orwell, "1984" 18. Ray Bradbury, "Fahrenheit 451" 19. William Shakespeare, "Hamlet" 20. Sylvia Plath, "The Bell Jar"
  14. Woohoo! I just saw it and my DVD came in the mail today, so today was definitely shiny. Anyway, just wanted to say I loved it! Not going to give anything away, but it had all the drama, suspense, humor, action, and cheesiness that I expected. And it was awesome seeing it with other Firefly fans. Never been to a midnight showing of anything before; that was great fun!
  15. Yep! I actually meant to put a different one on when I was making up the poster for our org, but I messed up and put on one of the "reject" quotes instead. I wanted to stick Twain on there but he got left off.
  16. Finally! :lol: And I know I titled the post "How Well Read Are You?" but it's not really a measure of that at all. I tried to put at least five quotes on that I thought most people would recognize whether or not they had read the work and could identify it. With the rest of them, well, we all have different tastes in reading and different lines stick with different people. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have been able to get most of them myself. :P
  17. I discovered Firefly less than a month ago and I think I've seen all the episodes at least three times each! My DVD set is on the way, as is my Blue Sun shirt. And I'm going to see it at 11:59 on Thursday night. Can you tell I'm obsessed? It's the only sci-fi I've gotten into besides Trek, and it's all thanks to people like you that talk it up on the boards. :P
  18. Kestra strode into the turbolift. “Command center, please.” She almost added a command asking it to go faster, but knew there was no point in doing so. The fingers of her right hand tapped anxiously against her leg as she tried to figure out what had gone wrong. Why hadn’t the Chief given the order to shut down the power yet? As the turbolift slowed, Kestra felt a rush of emotions surge into her and instinctively tried to block them out. She had learned long ago that in a tense situation, it was better for her to avoid feeling the stress of others. She had a fleeting sense of Commander Light before she put up a mental block. The turbolift doors swished open and Kestra stepped out, looking for the engineering station and Cmdr. Light. Her eyes searched and came up empty, till she dropped her gaze to the ground. He lay on the floor next to a console. “Chief! Are you okay?” Kestra rushed over to him, vaguely wondering why no one had helped him yet. He caught sight of her running over to him. “Kestra, run!” Even in his condition, his voice carried well through the command center. There was a moment before she had time to fully process what he had said. In those few milliseconds, every Vulcan in the command center had turned to look at her. Time seemed unreasonably slow, when suddenly it all came together in her consciousness. Her body tensed up reflexively, and at that precise instant she heard the unmistakable whine of phasers. The Vulcans were firing at her.
  19. If you come during the summer, it gets pretty hot here. The conventions in September though, when it cools down a bit. I'd say it's been in the 70s or 80s here most of the month so far, reaching into the 90s maybe once or twice. I'm actually withdrawing my proposal, so I'm not overly concerned if you pick somewhere with better weather. Anyone who wants to pick up the Chicago proposal, be my guest.
  20. You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd. The times, they are a-changing. It used to be that being exceptionally smart led to being unpopular, which would ultimately lead to picking up all of the traits and tendences associated with the "dork." No-longer. Being smart isn't as socially crippling as it once was, and even more so as you get older: eventually being a Pure Nerd will likely be replaced with the following label: Purely Successful. Yes! I'm smart! Edit: 65 % Nerd, 30% Geek, 17% Dork And T'Linna, I use Firefox and it worked just fine for me.
  21. Here's the thing guys. I'm not a big fan of anything more than a few lines of small text in a sig, but that's my opinion. If the sigs bother you, you can go to "My Controls" and "Board Settings" and change the option of viewing sigs to "No". The sigs still come up if you look at someone's profile, or if you aren't logged in (obviously) but this way they don't distract you when looking at posts. I think it's nice that we have this option on the board.
  22. I had a wonderful time and was disappointed I couldn't stay around for more of the festivities. It would have been fun to play around more with having our characters simming farther into the future. The decor was beautiful and the music was lovely! Thanks for inviting the rest of us.
  23. I actually saw this somewhere else, but I thought it was an interesting topic and I'm borrowing it. Has there ever been a Trek character that you speculated about after they left a series? Maybe a supporting character, or someone who had a guest appearance or two? This thread is where you can make up what happened to them, within reason. It can be as in depth as you want. Example: I always secretly felt that Sito Jaxa (from TNG's "The Lower Decks") was in fact not killed, but that the Cardassians faked her death. She was kept for questioning and later rescued during the Dominion War. Anyone else?
  24. I wasn't going to have a heart attack! I just said "No monkeys."
  25. I apologize to everyone who's been sending me requests but I won't be able to work on them till possibly this weekend. I'm not ignoring you, I promise!