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Everything posted by Kestra

  1. My family recently got a black pomeranian. It's really the first pet we've had, and everyone is obsessed with him. I also occasionally volunteer at a pet shelter with my sister, so I just want to say thanks to everyone who adopts. There are some really darling animals that have been treated poorly and I'm glad there are people who are willing to take them in and love them. We need more people like that in the world!
  2. Will Farrell and Dustin Hoffman are shooting some movie at my college right now. I don't really understand why they'd choose my campus, though. I'd rather have a Star Trek actor here anyday though. Patrick Stewart, that's hands down the one I'd want to meet.
  3. I'm so horrified, I had no idea there were elections! But thanks for the heads up--I'm definitely paying attention now.
  4. Yeah, I agree with Taalix. I can't believe there isn't a Mac version available yet! I'd love to see a Bolian ... that would certainly be a challenge. I'm not too great at shading myself, but I think it could it could definitely be done.
  5. I'm going for my birthday less than a week later ... hope everyone has fun though!
  6. I haven't been practically anywhere out west ... should look into doing that. I need to get out of the midwest! Here's the world map, for good measure. I really want to visit Ireland, and maybe some of the Scandanavian countries ....
  7. hey everyone I had my first academy last night (Sunday 4/30) and I just wanted to say a couple of things about it ... First off I had a lot of fun--definitely more than I thought I would. Everyone was friendly and it was nice to just see everyone having fun. It moved much faster than I thought it would. You should warn people about that! People were good about bringing me back in when I was lost though, which kept me from being frustrated. I'm not sure if this is really the thing for me, but I'm going to give it a few more tries. I guess I just wanted to say that regardless of whether I keep doing this or not, everyone made it a really good experience so thank you!
  8. It's kind of confusing to explain how you would go about doing different races ... however different human skintones are easy and creating Vulcans are pretty easy as well. Thanks for posting your avatar Nick!
  9. Thanks for all the quick responses! I already feel better and I'm really looking forward to trying this out. I'm reading up on all the tip posts you guys referenced and it's slowly building a picture of what this is all about. Oh, and I'm glad you caught my name ... it's so nice being around Star Trek fans and having people appreciate the small things! Why didn't I do this before?