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Posts posted by Taalix

  1. Unfortunately, I am currently swamped under two summer classes that have to be finished in a month. So I've decided to take a temporary leave of avatar-making during this time. I'll post here when I can start taking requests again, which will probably be in a month.


    Lilkittyprincess, Rana Zor, and Erik Ashton: Since you already put your requests in, I will take care of those tonight and/or tomorrow.


    Sorry to have to do this, but RL is a hassle right now. I barely have time to sleep :P

  2. Aerosmith

    Aretha Franklin

    Kim Locke

    Jimi Hendrix

    Gladys Knight

    Bob Seger



    90's Country Music

    Old Gospel and/or Bluegrass


    ...just about anything EXCEPT for rap. The only rap songs I really ever liked were "Gangsta's Paradise" and "California Love."


    Just for fun, the first CD I ever owned was "DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince" :P

  3. Ok sure.. I had Windows ME for two years before I got XP.. :)  Pretty much self explanatory.  ;)

    *bangs the drums and cymbals*


    ba dum dum tsssssh


    Seiben will be here all week! :P


    Seriously, though, I have to totally agree here...all my cringeworthy technical moments had to do with the 6 months I had Win Me on my computer. Yeesh. I lost a whole website design template one time, that had taken at least 4 or 5 hours of painstaking graphic manipulation to achieve, because of that stupid OS.

  4.   The Robert Frost one about the two splitting paths (can never remember the name)

    The Road Less Traveled?


    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

    And sorry I could not travel both

    And be one traveler, long I stood

    And looked down one as far as I could

    To where it bent in the undergrowth


    Then took the other as just as fair

    And having perhaps the better claim

    Because it was grassy and wanted wear

    Though as for that, the passing there

    Had worn them really about the same


    And both that morning equally lay

    In leaves no step had trodden black

    Oh, I kept the first for another day!

    Yet, knowing how way leads onto way

    I doubted if I should ever come back


    I shall be telling this with a sigh

    Somewhere ages and ages hence

    Two roads diverged in a wood

    And I took the one less traveled by

    And that has made all the difference


    I love that poem.


    I always loved My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson when I was little:


    I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,

    And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.

    He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;

    And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.


    The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow--

    Not at all like proper children, which is always very slow;

    For he sometimes shoots up taller like an india-rubber ball,

    And he sometimes goes so little that there's none of him at all.


    He hasn't got a notion of how children ought to play,

    And can only make a fool of me in every sort of way.

    He stays so close behind me, he's a coward you can see;

    I'd think shame to stick to nursie as that shadow sticks to me!


    One morning, very early, before the sun was up,

    I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup;

    But my lazy little shadow, like an arrant sleepy-head,

    Had stayed at home behind me and was fast asleep in bed.

  5. Star Trek over Star Wars. I didn't even like Star Wars until recently (almost sacreligious, I know); heck, I really didn't even understand what was going on half the time until I was forced to watch the other 5 in sequence after I went to see SW III.


    Even now, though, I only have a mild respect/liking of it. Star Trek is mostly exploring, with some good fighting thrown in here and there. I just see Star Wars as a big galaxy shoot 'em up kind of thing. There's nothing wrong with that at all, but it's just not my preference.

  6. "A Decoded Surprise"

    Taalix Rokara's Duty Log

    Stardate 0506.15


    Taalix was worried and unsure of what to do next. But she had not really been anything else since she had arrived on Aegis, and today was certainly no exception.




    Taalix had left Main Engineering just a few hours earlier. She, along with her science department colleagues, planned on transporting any wreckage left from the blast into cargo bay 5 and run a preliminary analysis on it.


    She had not been able to locate Morson to update him on their plans, so she tried to contact Lieutenant Commander Hawke. Taalix received no response from her either.


    Next, she contacted Security Chief Quark to see if a security and science combination team could be put together to examine the wreckage. Unfortunately, Quark was busy and was not able to speak with her.


    After all that, it was no surprise that Taalix was starting to feel a bit bothersome. However, she knew that both Hawke and Quark must be extremely busy with everything that was going on, so she tried not to take it personally.


    She decided to continue on to the cargo bay with the rest of her team. At least they could beam in the wreckage and take some preliminary scans. As long as they did not do any invasive tests that would disturb possible evidence, Taalix supposed that they could get a head start on analysis of the debris.


    And that way, she could also feel like she was accomplishing something instead of running all over the station looking for superior officers that had other things to worry about.


    However, it turned out that someone was looking for her. Soon after she entered the cargo bay, her commbadge clicked on with an unexpected voice. It was Admiral Meve.


    There was a transmission that needed to be decoded and he wanted them to work on it. As soon as Dent routed the information to the cargo bay, she had stepped over to the console and had a look at it.


    The data signature itself was encrypted, but Taalix managed to play the audio portion of the message in the cargo bay so the whole team could hear it. She attempted to reduce the noise and realign the frequency levels, but she was doubtful she would be able to decode it successfully. It was just too garbled and there was too much static to be able to decipher without a lot better equipment, and from the way the Admiral had sounded, it seemed like she did not have the luxury of spending a few days trying to track that equipment down.


    So she turned to the data portion of the transmission, which she hoped she would have better luck with. It had been securely encrypted with a Cardassian code, so Taalix searched the computer's database for known Cardassian encryption keys in order to decrypt it.


    The computer responded, "No possible matches found."


    Next, she decided to check the database again, this time for known Cardassian coding techniques. She realized she would not have too many options left if this did not work out.


    Soon the computer responded again, this time with something different. "Potential match found." She eagerly looked to the console to see what the computer had come up with.


    Unfortunately, Taalix would not be able to simply decrypt the message like she would have been able to with the key. Because she had only found the coding technique, the computer would have to run several processes to decode each letter. She began tapping at the console, taking a guess as to what may hold the crucial information the Admiral had wanted.


    The first few bits of data had been nothing worth noting, but soon she picked a part of the data stream that had something interesting contained within…the destination coordinates.


    She stood up with a smile on her face, proud that she had managed to find something. "Computer, chart the coordinates contained within the decoded data and display their location."


    When the map of the quadrant displayed in front of her, the grin quickly faded and was replaced by disbelief. The blinking dot indicated that the destination of the transmission had been at the edge of Breen space closest to Cardassia. To be precise, it was a communications relay near the planet Portas.


    With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Taalix turned back to decoding more of the data. More unscrambling resulted in finding out that the message had originated from the Prime Minister's office on Cardassia Prime.


    This did not look good at all. With the recent events aboard Aegis and on Cardassia, Taalix suspected this transmission was not exactly an innocent exchange between cultures, especially if it involved the Breen.


    She was eager to try to unscramble more of the data, but she thought Admiral Meve should know what had been discovered so far. She tapped her commbadge and tried to contact him, but once again, she was told to wait.


    Taalix became frustrated. She had been sent this transmission to decode, which turned out to be something completely unexpected. Someone needed to know what she had found out, because this could mean even more trouble for the Aegis.


    She thought for a moment about what to do, then tapped her commbadge again.


    "Ensign Taalix to Lieutenant Dent."

  7. how did you do that?!?!?! I've played sim's 2 since it came out. ;)

    It was a custom skin tone, uniform, and hair color that I found for free online. All I did was make a change to the rank on the uniform. The antennae had to be cut and pasted onto the finished picture in Photoshop, because the game doesn't let you do antennae...yet.


    Most of the avatars just involve some custom skin tone or clothing...every so often, I can't find something so I'll have to create it on my own.


    ModtheSims2, The Sims Resource, and the Sims 2 Offical Exchange are just a few of the sites I use. ModtheSims2 has got some great Star Trek related downloads, like a warp core and various consoles.

  8. The Simspons and Star Trek references...they just go hand in hand.


    The episode where Homer goes to college and befriends a group of geeks.

    GEEK#1: “Someone at M.I.T is sending us a list of reasons why Captain Picard is better than Captain Kirk.”


    GEEK#2: “Yeah right, as if...”


    In the episode “Homer and the Monorail,”

    Leonard Nimoy is boring his fellow monorail passengers to death with his stories about his time on 'Star Trek'. At the end of the episode, when the danger is over and everyone is saved, Nimoy smiles to himself and states that his work here is done. He is then confronted by Barney who says Nimoy did not do anything.


    NIMOY: “Didn’t I?” And at that point Nimoy is beamed up.


    One of my favorites, though I can't recall the name of the episode

    There's a trailer for the film, Star Trek XII: So Very Tired. An extremely old Kirk sighed in resignation as he hears the ship is being attacked by Klingons.


    Kirk (sigh): "Again with the Klingons. Scotty, I need more power."


    Scotty (extremely fat and trying to get his hands to reach past his gut): "It's no good, Captain. I kinna reach the controls!"



    I love the Simspons, Futurama, and Family Guy for the various references they make like these.

  9. Should I just sit down and *REALLY* watch a few eps as others have said they did? I think that Atllantis may be more to my liking.

    I haven't watched Atlantis yet.


    I too did not like Stargate SG-1 until I sat down and forced myself to watch the whole first season in order. About halfway through, it really started growing on me. Now I love it.


    I'm not saying it would work for everyone, but I was also surprised at first that I couldn't get into it. I loved the movie and the show idea itself.

  10. "Bruises, Dysfunctional Turbolifts, and Plasma Junctions…Oh My!"

    Ensign Taalix Rokara's Duty/Personal Log

    Stardate 0506.09


    Taalix was having a really bad day. Granted, everyone on the station was having a really bad day, and some of them were a lot worse off than her. People were seriously wounded, cut off from the rest of the station, or, worst of all, dead or dying.


    She tried to keep that in perspective as she rubbed her right temple. Apparently her head had decided to have a closer look at the edge of the panel she was currently working in, and the meeting did not exactly go well. The newly acquired pain was only the beginning of her physical problems. Her muscles ached, her arms still hurt from where she had slammed into a console, and she had experienced her fair share of bumps and bruises ever since this whole mess had began.


    Morson, Vatric, and Taalix were assisting Engineering with crucial repairs, and from the looks of things, Lieutenant Zhu and his crew needed all the help they could get.


    She knew that Morson would soon want the science department to begin looking at what was left of the exploded ship and start analyzing it, so she wanted to help out in engineering as much as she could before he gave the order. Simply put, Taalix could not afford to stop and rest right now, not when there was so much to be done and there were people still in danger.


    She moved back to the panel so she could find the plasma junction she was looking for, wincing in pain as the rest of her body disagreed with her determination to continue. So far, the science department had managed to help eject excess plasma and avoid an overload in the reactor. But, before that, when the reactor had first went critical and the emergency shut down occurred, certain plasma junctions on Pylon 1 had been cut off from the power grid network. Now those 15 plasma junctions needed to be switched back on manually, and Zhu had asked her to work on getting them back online.


    She had already managed to get two of those junctions to reconnect to the power grid. Both, one on Deck 36 near the emergency reactor shutdown control, and the other right outside of Main Engineering, had been fairly easy to get to. Getting to the junction she was currently working on had been a little more difficult. The turbolifts were having problems, and had only taken her 11 decks down. The other nine decks had involved clamoring through various Jeffries tubes to get down to Deck 57 and the third plasma junction. Needless to say, she had gotten quite a workout in the process, and she was certainly feeling the exhaustion sapping her strength.


    Thinking of her previous work on the junctions made her smile. She enjoyed being a science officer, of course, but she also had a soft spot for engineering that had been with her since her days at the academy.


    When she first began at Starfleet Academy, she had struggled a bit with focusing on her goals and her studies. Her personal struggles and thoughts had nagged at her constantly. Her computer systems and basic engineering classes had helped her focus her mind and clear her thoughts. It was like a strange form of meditation, with the routine work of setting up the systems and repairing subprocessors causing her to focus solely on that and ignore all her personal problems. Eventually, she took up regular forms of meditation and martial arts to help as well, but those two courses were really what had saved her from leaving Starfleet.


    Taalix realized that the same was occurring now as well. Recent events had filled her mind with a lot of uncertainty and worry. Being able to do something simple like switching on plasma junctions was once again helping her clear her mind and focus on the job at hand.


    Taalix managed to easily find the plasma junction. She stooped down and opened the engineering kit she had brought with her, located the tool she needed, and moved back to the panel. Within a few minutes, she had managed to switch it back on, and she quickly replaced the panel and put the kit back together.


    She tapped her communicator. "Ensign Taalix to Lieutenant Zhu. I have managed to reconnect the plasma junctions on Decks 31, 37, and 51. I'm moving on to Deck 100."


    "Acknowledged." Zhu replied.


    Taalix stood up and grabbed her kit. She really hoped that the turbolifts were able to make it to all the decks now. Otherwise, she was going to have a long way to go to get to the next junction.

  11. Stargate SG-1: I could not get into SG-1 for the longest time. Then I sat down and made myself watch 5 or 6 episodes after I heard so much about the show. Now I can't stop watching it. It's become almost as much of an obsession as ST...note I said almost ;) I still like the show, but I don't think Anderson IS the show, and since he's gone, it will just drown. I believe he brought viewers with him when the show started, but I think the other actors can now hold their own with the show. At least I hope so. We'll see what happens.


    The 4400: I just like it. It's unique compared to some of the other shows on television.


    Dead Zone: Loved it at first, though it has grown a bit stale as of late. I've heard rumors that the fourth season that's about to start is going to be the last.


    It's interesting to me that the last two have crew that has worked with various Star Trek series (Behr on the 4400 and Michael Piller on the Dead Zone).


    Anything else that I watch that's even remotely related to scifi is usually in movies.

  12. They look great. Can you do any race or combo of any race?

    I got your PM, OHNO. Check your inbox.


    As far as races and combos go, it simply depends on what you have in mind. Wide necks like those of Cardassians are not possible due to the fact we can't really alter the neck size. Vulcan ears are possible, but we wouldn't be able to move ears around or make them disappear.


    Ridges like those on Klingons, Cardassians, Bajorans are possible through changes in skin tone and painting them in. The actual face structure cannot be changed to put those ridges in, so it only looks like they are there.


    And example of some of these limitations and possibilites is the Bolian I just created. It has a painted in ridge, but I cannot make the ears attach to the lower part of the head and neck like in an actual Bolian.




    It doesn't look as realistic as it should, but it's as close as I can get.


    It's really just a case by case basis for determining whether something is possible or not. You just have to be open and willing to work with us ;)


    These are my thoughts, though. Kestra might have something different to say :D

  13. It seems Kestra and I have a little business going here ^_^


    Thanks for the compliments, everyone. I just think it's a lot of fun to actually be able to see the characters that we interact with on STSF.


    If you do wish to make a request for an avatar, I ask that you either send me or Kestra a PM or post here with a picture and/or specifics like age, race, gender, eye and hair color, etc. You also need to specify the rank and type of uniform the character should have (color and style).


    Thanks again!

  14. Hmmmm...I COULD see another Trek series or movie with that more "realistic" look regarding cameras and lighting. And, yes, I do feel that it will still *be* Star Trek.


    With the other *real looking* shows as competition, I would think trek may need to go with the flow and keep up. Then again, when you think about it, Star Trek has been doing this for years already. TOS was very bright and colorful due to the 60's. When TNG premiered, that was *bright* due to the 80's, and then as the seasons went on, and DS9 and VOY came on the air (1990's), the *looks* shifted to slightly less bright as other television shows have done, yet not completely dark either. ENT was, in my opinion, a *dark* series (not as dark as BSG) due to camera and lighting work.


    Star Trek has been changing it's look already through the years, but as for that ultimate dark look of 24 or BSG, we will see if it happens with Trek or not y'all.  ^_^

    The "dark" look of Enterprise is one of the reasons why I didn't particularly like the show. I'm also not a big fan of 24 either. I think that's an example of, for me, Trek trying too hard to keep up with other television shows that have nothing to do with sci-fi, and it's caused them to slack off where it counts, in the writing and plot development.


    But I don't want to debate over what Trek is good or bad...I want to respect all things Trek :P


    However, personally, I would prefer any new Trek to return to the "brighter" look, at least that of the DS9 and Voyager type.


    (Added in to avoid confusion)

    I realize that they were considered the darkest of the Star Trek series at the time they were created, so I'm not saying they were bright. I'm just saying that I don't particularly like the realistic "dark" look that a lot of television shows have today.

    (End addition)


    I had no problem with the way any of the other series were done in terms of camera and lighting work.


    But once again, that's just a personal preference.


    Also, after reading Travis Kroells previous post, I have to agree with him. Star Trek should take a rest for a few years (just 2 or 3, not 5 or 10, in my opinion) and take the time to gather some fresh ideas.

  15. Welcome to STSF!


    The people here are great, and I'm sure that whatever advanced sim you would eventually join, they would understand about the work schedule. As long as you give them notice when you need to miss, it should be fine.


    Hope to see you around the academies!