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Nicolas Lepage

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Everything posted by Nicolas Lepage

  1. Nerd...am I one? I get up between 3 am and 5 am just to pretend for one hour to be someone else from the future...I let you judge. But whatever one might think about this I always have fun and I did never regret getting up. So if I'm a nerd I'm having a good time being one.
  2. Happy Birthday! If you fall and break anything...I'm sure I could fix it ;) Nick
  3. Welcome to STSF! And there you get my avatar I didn't make it myself though. Hope to see you around the Academies! Nick
  4. Good morning and welcome to STSF. I know how you feel it's been pretty much the same for me when I first came here. That was only a month or two ago. Now I feel like I've never done anything else but simming...ok not true but it gets a whole lot easier after only a few Academy sims. So just go there have fun and you'll learn automatically. Hope to see you around! Nick
  5. Welcome to STSF! I sure hope to see you around th Academies! Nick
  6. Welcome to STSF! I think we've met at one of the Academies,too. I sure hope to see you around regularly. Nick
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. If you have computer problems again just do what I always do. First yell at the computer and then threaten to throw it out of the window. It won't help but it'll make sure you won't end up with a heart attack or stomach problems! Hope to see you around for the Academy tonight. Nick
  9. Welcome to STSF! Well the red X makes it sound like a java problem to me. Depends on what OS your computer's running on, though. Hope we can fix that problem and you'll be around the Academies soon!
  10. Nicolas was lying in bed well aware that in twenty minutes he would have to get up again. He hated not being able to sleep. This past night had been typical of the last two months. He went to bed late, could not sleep so he got up again, thought he was tired enough to give it another try but as soon as he lay down again he knew he would not sleep. He sighed. Maybe it was just the new situation...maybe it was not. Thinking back he had to admit that he had never had problems like this. Ok, he didn't like the idea of having to establish his position in a new team. But then his rank and the limits that went with it relieved him of this effort. Now this was a thought he liked much less but he had decided to join Starfleet and now he had to live with it. He had managed situations like this before. He turned to lie on one side. What was it then? The day had not been too bad. The reception had been...well a reception and he had been lucky to have been offered an excuse for leaving early. The only thing that really annoyed him was his getting lost all the time. He had underestimated the size of the station. Judging by the time he had spent walking around aimlessly, not knowing where he was or where he was going, he must have walked at least 20 miles today. Ok, maybe he was exaggerating but he knew he would still have many detours ahead before he would know this place. After leaving the reception he had talked to his department head. That could not be the reason for his insomnia either. Dr. Jones had told him how things were done and Nick had done the obligatory nodding and smiling. All in all he thought he liked both Dr. Jones and Dr. Pavilion so there would not be any problems at work. At least none he could see coming up just now. Nicolas turned again and sighed. The rest of the day had been rather uneventful. It had taken him some time to find his quarters after leaving sickbay. Other than that all he had done was trying to make his quarters look remotely like a place he could call home. Then he had sat down and tried to find out more about the Rixians and why they were there. What he had learned was quite interesting but nothing to keep one thinking about it all night. He turned on his back and looked at his chronometer...only ten minutes he thought as his eyes closed and he finally fell asleep...
  11. Wow if ever we get a new sim I suggest the ship's name to be USS Applepie maybe you could make it Cucumber-Class.
  12. My point simply was that we should always question what we think we know. Not to the point that we do not believe anything science found out but in a way that what we know today might just be the beginning of understanding the truth.
  13. Congrats Grom B) Hey maybe if there's a Grom jr. hanging around the academies the chance for cadets to survive will get better. You don't want your children to run around and complain bout their father killing them all the time now, do you?
  14. It's a fair point but isn't it interesting just to try? I mean if we always just did what we know is possible and never tried to do anything that is believed impossible how could we make progress? Anyway I think everybody agrees that any estimate concerning the age of the earth can just be a rough guess. I, however, find it interesting to see the possibilities shown by those estimates. Another thought,if we cannot even determine the age of our own planet how much else is there that we do not know yet? So just some thoughts I've come up with that i find quite interesting.
  15. Considering that 500 years ago mankind "knew" that the earth was the center of the universe (a theory that was also based on some data) I wonder what scientists in 500 years time will say about what we "know" today.
  16. I've seen the movie,too. but I agree with dumbass. If there is a god and he created us and he was omnipotent he would certainly not let us prove his existence. if we hold that true wouldn't then proving the existence of god do exactly the opposite? I knew why I stuck to science instead of taking philosophy at school.
  17. Are you trying to say that if there is a God and earth is created by God there is no use of science to try and find a prove that there is one? Just trying to get it right.
  18. well I'm way beyond the tender age of 18 (even though I look like I was 15 but as long as I bring my passport there shouldn't be a problem) ::gets out his map:: so where do we meet? :blink:
  19. humm...nemesis you mean that in montreal even I would get into bars... j/k it would be much better for me though cos I'll be in montreal anyway...::starts thinking that maybe he should organize his own shore leave::
  20. Well you could at least make a rough guess. The trick is that you use a non-stable isotope of carbon (C14) which is radioaktive (instead of the "normal" carbon which would be C12, the number indicating the number of neutrons in the core). You know at what rate that specific isotope dissociates and therefore you can tell the age of any given organic compound. True is however that rock generally is not organic but you can use this method,too if you find any organic compound enclosed in it and you assume that because the two were found together they must be of approximately the same age. By the way theoretically it would be possible to find life that is not carbon but silicon based. The two elements have similar chemical properties. Now I really start to wonder why I always fail those chemistry exams.
  21. ermm...someone late for april fool's day there??? btw carbon dating is a rather common method also used in archeaology and anthropology...as much as I have a passion for showing up about knowing those utterly useless things I can refrain from doing so publicly (but it's a challenge :blink: )
  22. Sounds like you're new here...welcome to STSF As for a schedule for central europe...there are neither advanced sims not academies at decent times for us euopeans. I've heard rumours that someone is considering an advanced simulation that would be more convenient for us to attend. I suppose it's difficult though because you'd need enough people who are able to attend regularly since if they make any sim like 9 pm our time that's 3 pm ET and quite frankly at that time I'd have better things to do than simming. Most people have jobs or still go to school so you can imagine the problem. So we can just hope that at one point we might get enough europeans on here to start our own sim. Until then we just have to get up early or stay up late. I can, however, give you the academy schedule for CET so you won't have to figure it out yourself. Keep in mind that if an academy is scheduled on,say, sunday evening it's already monday morning for us. Monday: 5 am-6 am CO: STSF Dacotah ; XO: STSF Scetti 6 am-7 am CO: STSF KBear ; XO: STSF Precip Tuesday: 4 am-5 am CO: STSF BluRox ; XO: STSF LoAmi Wednesday: 3 am-4 am CO: STSF Jorlis ; XO: STSF Jami 5 am-6 am CO: STSF Laura ; XO: STSF GromVik Thursday: 4 am-5 am CO: STSF Dacotah ; XO: STSF Atragon Friday: 4 am-5 am CO: STSF Lebowski ; XO: STSF N'Dak Saturday: -no Academy- Sunday: 6 am-7 am CO: STSF Sovak ; XO: STSF Jorlis There you go. So whenever you get your Java working. Try this: System, Network- and Internetconnections,Internet Options (I'm not sure whether that's really what it says since my windows is not in english but it should sound similar) if you click through the stuff you'll get to a list with which you can configure your internet. Make sure the box for Java is checked. That was my problem and it took me almost a whole day to figure out what was wrong. Hope to see you around and don't forget to check out the FAQ section and the tips from the Moose.
  23. Toronto would be far more convenient for me, too. We should think about it :blink:
  24. Happy birthday to the four of you! No longer a teenager eh, Murray...I'm a couple of years ahead of you and trust me it just gets worse. How bout looking for a nice retirement home??? If you need addresses just ask. :blink:
  25. First time I was exposed to Star Trek was when my dad decided I was old enough to watch "The wrath of Khan" (hope that's the actual english title). I must have been nine at the time. Right after the movie we watched the TNG episode...uhmmm you know where Starfleet is threatened to be taken over by those bugs sticking out of your neck (sorry I only know the german title which is "Verschwörung" ). That was in '91 (and no it was not a re-run we have to wait THAT long for shows to be translated). I've been a fan ever since.