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Everything posted by STSF NDak

  1. I'll be at Pirates, hopefully I'll be back!
  2. Which of course isn't it's practical use anymore. However, we'll likely never abandon our interstate system because we're so firmly attached to it.
  3. That's assuming they have another business to go into, which for the most part they don't. They also still would make /billions/ of dollars even if price cap or profit capped them to something like 50 dollars a barrel. Here's an interesting piece of information. Last year at this time, LSC was 7 dollars higher per barrel, yet gas prices are on average some 50 cpg higher. Want to fix gas prices, stop price gouging. How, have the government regulate prices the same way they regulate other energy prices.
  4. Well money would have to exist in some form in order for any sort of economy to operate, realistically anyway.
  5. That's why you kill the interstate system by investing in mass transit :lol: Sidebar: Actually, I was using the supply-side economics bit to refer to the argument about price caps. If you actually wanted to control prices, though, you wouldn't want to control them by setting the pump-price. You'd want to set the price at which light-sweet crude could be sold. The problem with saying less people will enter the market is that it doesn't take into account the fact that oil producing companies need the petro dollars as much as we need the oil. They can no more easily stop selling it than we can stop buying it, especially countries like Venezuela, Ecuador and Russia. And if oil companies bulk, you can always just take away their billions in subsidies. (Yes that's right, the wealthiest corporations on the planet are subsidized by our government.)
  6. Ahh Supply Side Economics. (I am pretty well versed in economic theory, I just don't happen to agree with it. :lol: ) See I don't have a problem with nationalizing our oil industries, so demand shouldn't ever be a problem :P
  7. I am not going to get into the whole tax funding argument on this thread, but cutting taxes is generally a bad idea
  8. Not that simple. You cut out that gas tex, people save some immediate money...but then it costs them more money when the state can't supply them with the needed services they're used too :lol:
  9. The New Sheriff plots...
  10. The gas tax here is something like (according to my latest research) 6.5 cpg
  11. Mission Briefing: After collecting evidence as to who was behind the missing cargo and grain shipments, the Talon has found that a rogue branch of the Tal Shiar seems intent upon a coup to take over the government on ch'Rihan, and have enlisted the aid of the Sheilak and others to supply them, in exchange for who knows what. Compounded by the fact, that tr'Psichore, may have turned on us, and is no longer with us, we've decided to rush back to ch'Rihan, to warn Galea and the Praetor, before the Tal Shiar ships either begin their coup or shoot us down 051707.txt
  12. MISSION BREIFING:: The Talon has been moving back into position to either drop off more ground assualt personnel, or to pick up our infiltration team. A decision is hinging on NDak's report on his family NOTE: Talon will run this coming week, but we will not run the following Thursday due to potential attendence issues with the release of Pirates of the Caribbean 3. 051007.txt
  13. The chat logs are given to the GM's for the night they have a game. If you're in need of one, just ask the GM for that game. :)
  14. More original than Al-Ucard and Scorpiad :)
  15. NDak -> The AT had returned from the planet. They now must decide their next course of action. Do they stay and attempt to further foul the Tal'Shiar or do they return home to track the money as N'Dak has suggested? KhreRiovtRex : <Alternate Mission Briefing: Take out NDak and blame the whole mess on him> 042607.txt
  16. I just gripe and complain B)
  17. Mission Briefing: The away team has infiltrated the spaceport that seems to be run by an offshoot branch of the Tal Shiar. Shipments have been seen being loaded onto Sheliak ships, and bills of lading approved by Deihu NDak also found. Missing cargo from not only our own ship, but all of the places we had investigated as well. The ground team, also sent a report on the actions, of trPscichore and NDak both being suspicious. t'Rexan, reads an ISD that was left in her drawer, make a few notes and destroyed the original file, and then announced to the crew....... 041207.txt
  18. The Magna Carta. ::hated reading it in Latin:: Bonus points if you can do it with out looking it up on Google.
  19. ::snerk:: Google is your friend I see. "When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin."
  20. "And thus I clothe my naked villany With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ, And seem a saint, when most I play the devil." Points for whomever finds what play that's from :angry:
  21. ::snickers:: You know, after the whole "Admiral Garn" scare from a few years back, banning the jokes actually made some sense to me lol
  22. He's not dead...he feels...happy...he feels...fine...
  23. They were also about the size of an iPod
  24. Just because we have things good as Trek fans doesn't mean we have to accept the crap they gave us called Enterprise. :blink: