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Everything posted by STSF NDak

  1. Jolan tru from the Rihannsu! Welcome to the Fleet! :lol:
  2. Remind me the next time they call me with an emergency to leave my phone alone.
  3. Topic's Ancient. Let's not try and dig things this old up, mmkay?
  4. Mission Briefing: The crew having been whisked into an alternate universe by the explosion of the Tal Shiar ship at the exact moment they were in the worst place in the Gate has found themselves on a remote repair facility, that is out of the way of main communications, yet, still dangerously close enough with a few days travel. In this time, they have found their alter egos, having a much different life, and in an effort to get the ship repaired, must try to fake those identities while not encountering themselves 101807.txt
  5. I am not happy with these castings at all. The movie is turning into exactly what I was afraid it was going to be--a rehash of TOS with Actors who are either going to try and mimic the original cast and fail or "re-invent" the characters in a way that's not faithful to the show. :P
  6. So, the away team had covertly made a quick trip to the repair facility where they found that this is indeed, some alternate reality of our own, and in this one, that tKsa is the current Daise Khre'Riov. Once they picked up on this, they played it up, and told the stations guards that her flagship had been damaged and was adrift damaged in the nearby nebula. The station, asking if Enarrain Pexil still lead the Talon, noted they would send ships to tractor it to the repair facility/ The Away team, astutely got as much of this information to the ship as they contacted it on the way to tractor it back. What is still unknown, is with Pexil as the Enarrain, and tKsa the Daise KhreRiov...where exactly was everyone's counterpart, and would we run into ourselves, and what of those that we've not learned about yet....? 092707.txt
  7. Hey gang, I'll be heading to SL, so I will be AFK stating tomorrow and I will be back the 14th sometime in the afternoon. Have a great week and look forward to seeing some of you guys :)
  8. Anyways, so we had been taking the injured to be treated now that Pexil had gotten the ship righted, and Laehval was still out cold, NDak, the walking dizzy, and tKsa, put to sleep to rest by her own staff and t'Aejhae we then noticed that our ongoing gravity and hull leakage issue was due to a structural issue, where a part of of the ship that we destroyed when it exploded, had impaled us with a large shard of it's hull, sticking out of us like a large splinter Everyone able to put on an EVA suit, has been mustered to go out and work on extracting the fragment, and trying to patch the hull with plating that Pexil was organizing to patch with. SUMMARY: The team took a space walk and determined that the shard needed removed, however there was not a consensus on how or how long it would take, a meeting was called to decide. Meanwhile, Ksa and Laehval both awoke and are on the road to recovery, while t'Rexan and N'Dak both found something most curious on the star-charts. 080207.txt
  9. We are all Corizon. :)
  10. Have at!
  11. When we left off last week, we were recovering from the ship being thrown from the blast of the other ship's AQS exploding however, as we were in the 'Gate......we were thrown all through several anomalies, but we've yet to investigate that. The ship has gravity out in the majority of the ship, and we were literally laying sideways until Pexil began to make small adjustments. The crew has been trying to slowly move the injured so nobody was dropped while we turned. Morgana was pretty badly hurt, but t'Aehjae was making sure she was being repaired; the rest of us are about to investigate the ship and our status. This Week: N'Dak woke from his MVS-induced slumber with a mild concussion, while other members of the bridge attempted to assess damage and the location of the ship. However, sensors were badly damaged and we were unable to get a complete reading on our location. Pexil, Sarvek, t'Aehjae Rhean and S'Bein are going out in an REF in an attempt to get a clearer reading on our position. Meanwhile N'Dak has been ordered by the Maenak staff to get some rest, at t'Rexan's request, he is resting in her chambers. chatlog2007_07_26.txt
  12. Actually, it was developed by Vex who's a member of the forums and plays on Excalibur :P
  13. She :D Thar be Dac and thar be Dak Dac/k, Killing Cadets in Style. ;)
  14. From one Dak to another Dac, Happy Belated Birthday!
  15. I'm going to Vegas this year as part of SLW. I thought about either SL: Baltimore or Otakon (which was this past week) but decided one con a year was all I could handle. LOL.
  16. ::keeps his mouth shut:: I just saved myself the trouble and read the wiki for it an hour before the book came out in the US. :D
  17. I prefer Honey Crullers. We used to have excellent ones on Hood :D
  18. I think they both have a choice. I don't think either universe is inherently different, it's just in the "Mirror" somewhere along the way, people decide to choose differently :D
  19. Gore also pays *extra* for green energy. There's nothing wrong with owning a 20-room house that you've spent millions in retrofitting into a more eco-friendly house, including adding solar panels. Gore also flies on regular planes now and drives hybrid cars. Could he do more, of course, we could, But he is doing more than most people are and trying raise awareness. If you're going to bash someone, doing a little research in the future might be effective.
  20. The Talon has left the Nebula, pursuit is now doubt hot on their trail. 062107.txt
  21. The Talon continues to hide in the nebula and make repairs to her vital systems. 061407.txt
  22. Dumbass continues his routine as a Bush Impersonator, this is his imitation of the president reading from a teleprompter.
  23. Happy Birthday, Laura the Lovely. PS: Me, Evil? Never!
  24. How Pandarians really get around...
  25. Immigrants trying to cross the American border now must face this obstacle as part of the new "American Gladiator" stunt course required for citizenship.