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Everything posted by Plikiplaki

  1. I guess I'll go first, to get things started... Thursday, December 13, 2003 Braddock Sr High School During 12th grade, I had purchased a rather loaded PDA and Graphing Calculator and used them everyday. The PDA had voice recognition technology and stored voice data for processing later and had a hard protective shell that opened like a flip phone or a TOS communicator. After picking up a rather loaded AP Calculus Worksheet, I accidentally picked up my PDA instead of my calculator and said "Computer, y =x(9x^3-12y^2)/ (i)x+23, simplify. Locate Roger Duncan." The words (a lá Riker) just slipped out in my haste to complete this problem, I did not realize I had done this until i looked at the screen and saw that it was asking for a clarification. Unfortunately, I had spoken loud enough to be heard by everyone in the class. They all stared at me for what seemed like an eternity, and I, embarassed by their stares, tried to hide inside my seat until the teacher finally told them to get back to work. If that was not enough, during Gym, after stowing my clothes and stuff into a locker and sealing it, my PDA began replaying my commands for that day. As I ran back to the Locker, and freverently turned at the lock, I knew it was already too late, my voice belted out through the air holes in the lockers, venting like pressurized steam into the crowded locker room. over 100 boys erupted into peals of raucous laughter. For months afterwards, as people passed me by they said a variety of clichéd Star Trek phrases, such as, "Beam me up Scotty" or other antiquated and thoroughly humiliating words. Nw, more than a year later, I purchased a new PDA, this time without Voice Recognition and I never use a calculator in math... Note: Of course, not all mishaps may be as thuroughly humiliating or coincidental as mine but here is the place to unload and have a laugh whenever you feel the need to. Check back occasionally, as there are more mishaps to come!
  2. It's nice to see that people are still posting on my topic ^_^ I got an email saying someone posted, and I'd thought I'd take a look.
  3. Further slogans for the good people in New York: New York: Watcha gonna do about it?! also New York: New York
  4. I of course got my name from the nearby Mental institution across the way. Though, I wish that they would stop screaming it constantly... :wacko:
  5. Wha? Could you repeat that in either engish, spanish, french, or any other fine EARTH language?
  6. None of them smiled. :D