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Everything posted by Aaron_Westler

  1. Captain Corizon after a long personnel meeting with Commander JoNs.
  2. or... You spend more time with the "Random Page" feature on Memory Alpha than actually doing work, at work. :P
  3. :P That's exactly what happened to me. I think trying to create something little for STSF in SL is doable, even if it is a mock-up of Redstar (as a test!), or something along the lines of a log or plot intro, like Caelan mentioned. I'd be more than willing to help set something up ;) ::looks to a "higher-up" for some kind of... "something"::
  4. Wellll, I've been poking around SL for quite a while now, and it *IS* a pretty freaking cool interface. I've had thoughts too about having STSF sims inside of SL, but its like A9 said - some people wouldnt be able to use it, it would cost to create a set for a ship sim, plus monthly land fees. It's something to think about though - the easiest thing to do STSF-wise ATM would be something like Red Star, since it would just need a bar-type setting, and there would be no need for NPCs.
  5. It's a possibility.....::looks to the band::
  6. Hi Samantha, welcome to STSF ^_^ You can find our simming schedule here. Feel free to join in on any of the academies listed, and once you graduate from the academy, you can join any of our advanced sims. Feel free to sit in and quietly observe any of our advanced sims. :) Here are a couple things you will want to read: Help Tips from the Moose. And don't forget to come to the Redstar Nightclub In-Character Chat sim every Saturday night at 11pm EST! I've gotten the chat to work on Macs before as well, as long as I had the latest Java pack installed. That's the biggest problem people have accessing our chatroom :D If you have any other questions, feel free to ask someone! Hope to see you around! -Aaron
  7. Hey Shane, Welcome to STSF ^_^ From my knowledge, none of our sims have a position labeled as Equipment Officer, but I could be wrong here. Most of the positions follow the type of roster in the academies, with Security, Engineering, Medical, Science, etc. On your other question - I'll kick this to the individual GM teams of each sim. Each has their own policies about attendance and such :) Hope to see you around! And don't forget to join us for Redstar Nightclub every Saturday night at 11pm EST in the Holodeck! -Aaron
  8. I. Love. Mirror. for me please? :lol:
  9. Wow.... Theres no way they would delete that entire site... theres just too much history there! And what of the upcoming movie and possible future series?
  10. Welcome to STSF Jonathan! Also, don't forget to come to Redstar Nightclub, our In-Character chat sim on Saturday nights, 11pm EST!
  11. "Somebody's Getting Married" a Zier and Zier production (this log is set 2 months into the "re-assignment" timeframe) ---------------------------------------- Alex sat on a bench across the street from a small church near the Kassem's farm. He looked at the building, thinking and smiling. Maria's friends and family were milling about the entrance, some going inside to sit. Somewhere inside, Martin was practicing walking around with a pillow carrying two rings, and Maria's niece Kairi was already dropping flowers out of her basket in excitement over how pretty her aunt had done her hair. A firm hand gripped Alex's shoulder, as an older man wearing a suit, came out from behind him. It was Thomas Kassem, Maria's father. He sat next to Alex, but kept his focus on the church before them. "Son, are you ready for this?" Alex nodded, and moved over to give them some more room. "I am." He looked at Thomas, straightening his dress whites. "I was just watching all your family and friends, wishing I had my own to invite." Tom looked Alex square in the eye. "They are your family too." As the two men talked, Maria was locked away in a room of the church with her mother Mary and her sister-in-law, Rikku. They were helping Maria with her dress. Rikku smiled at Maria as she finished putting the bride's long hair up into a fancy bun. "You look simply radiant." "Aw...thank you so much...and thank you for helping," said Maria as she was sitting in front of a vanity mirror. Rikku beamed. "It's nothing dear, I'm just so happy for you." She looked over to the corner where little Kairi was spinning around in her dress. "Stand still for a moment Kairi! You'll lose all the flowers out of your basket again!" "Aw..." pouted the little girl. She put the basket down on the floor and ran up to Rikku, tugging on her dress. "Momma...Can I go pway wiff Mawtin?" Rikku looked down at her and fixed a loose hair. "Not just yet Kairi, because you need to do a job for Mom." She smiled. "Can you go find Grandpa and Uncle Alex and see if they are ready? Martin might be with them." "Aw...ok..." "Wait Kairi, come here for a second," said Maria. As soon as the little girl came of, the bride gave her a big hug. "Give that to Uncle Alex. Tell him it's a present from me." Kairi gave a big toothy smile and ran off. Tom was still sitting with Alex, talking. "So, how is San Fransisco?" Alex looked up at the clear skies. "For a stationary assignment, it's one of the best." He looked at Tom. "Though I, and I believe Maria, would rather be out among the stars." "I don't know about all that..." said the old man. "I'm just a simple farmer." "Gwampa!" Suddenly little Kairi latched onto his knee. "There's my little girl," Tom said as he lifted her up onto his lap. "How are the women coming along?" "Fine..." said Kairi as she squirmed out her grandpa's lap, standing up onto the bench. "Careful dear", said Tom as he braced her. The little girl looked at Alex. "Uncwle Awex?" Alex looked up at her with a big grin. "Yes Kairi?" She figited for a moment before finally giving him a hug. "That's fwom Awnty Mawia..." Alex grinned and looked at Thomas. "Well thank you Kairi." He looked at the crowd, which was making its way inside. "Well, it looks like things are about to start..." Tom nodded as he stood up, and carried Kairi in his arms. "Better head out...Come on Punkin, let's go find your Mommy." He walked of towards and eventually inside the church. Alex followed behind them, but broke away once inside the church, moving to the spot shown to him at the practice the previous night. He looked around at all the guests, faces he'd hadn't ever seen before, some of which he'd probably never see again, all here to see him and Maria. Mary and Rikku soon joined the crowd, taking a seat next Charles Kassem and their baby son, Richard. From somewhere behind him, Alex heard an organ start playing a song, and every head in the building turned towards the back. Alex closed his eyes and cleared his mind of the many thought and feelings going through it. When he opened his eyes, he could see Martin and Kairi at the other end of the aisle, just starting to walk over to him. He grinned as he watched Martin exercise extreme caution with the rings, as Kairi threw flowers all over, some flying past Martin's face. As they reached the front row of pews, both children smiled at Alex, Martin giving his father a secret thumbs-up sign. Just then, the organ began playing a familiar tune to almost all of the people present, and heads turned once again, including Alex's. Standing in the back, looking beautiful in her white dress, was Maria. Tom took his daughter's arm and began the march up the aisle. The entire audience stood and turned as the bride walked by. Maria smiled sweetly at Alex in her shimmering white dress. She had little blue and white flowers in her hair. Eventually She made it to the altar, where Tom kissed her on the cheek and then took his seat. Alex took her hand and grinned at her. He whispered as they moved to where the priest had shown them, "You look beautiful." Maria smiled as she put her hand into his. The two stood there as the service began and continued, giving each other looks and smiles throughout. Finally, the minister looked at the two, and spoke up. "Alex and Maria, if you take each other's hands, and Alex repeat after me...I Alex..." "I Alex..." The minister continued, "Take you Maria, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, in sickness and health, 'till death do us part." Alex repeated each phrase after the minister, who then turned to Maria, repeating the vow with her. "...for better, for worse, in sickness and health, 'till death do us part." Maria said as her eyes were locked with his. The minister smiled. "Then, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride Alex." Alex grinned and took Maria into his arms, kissing her, as the crowd cheered and clapped. Maria returned the kiss, and as she broke away, she whispered in his ear. "I love you..." He whispered back as they turned to face their family and friends. "I love you too..." <<END LOG>>
  12. Happy Birthday A9 :D
  13. Hi william, welcome to STSF :D You can find our simming schedule here. Feel free to join in on any of the academies listed, and once you graduate from the academy, you can join any of our advanced sims. Feel free to sit in and quietly observe any of our advanced sims. :blink: Here are a couple things you will want to read: Help Tips from the Moose. So you know, for the month of December, the USS Hood Advanced sim will act as an Academy for all to join and enjoy the TOS-era simming style. And don't forget to come to the Redstar Nightclub In-Character Chat sim every Saturday night at 11pm EST! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask someone! Hope to see you around!
  14. "Stop hitting yourself, Stop hitting yourself, Stop hitting yourself, :D"
  15. A radio station here started playing Christmas music the day after Halloween >.< And you thought you had it rough :D
  16. Hi Ordan :D You can find the Java Runtime download at http://www.java.com/getjava After you download it and install, you might need to reboot your computer, or just your browser for some computers, and it should work for you :)
  17. Welcome back Chell!
  18. Happy Birthday, O Antlered One :D
  19. 13 hour simming-sessions? ::drools:: We should organize something like that... ::ponders::
  20. "Past Tense" a log by Lt. Commander Javin Prell, USS Agincourt =/\= ------------------------------------------- He awoke to find himself in the middle of a large clearing in the middle of a forest. He blinked in the bright sunlight above, then frowned. Something was poking him, repeatedly. He turned his head and found a small man, who looked very much humanoid, poking him with a tree branch. As soon as the man saw Prell move his head, he jumped and scurried back a distance, watching warily. Javin sat up slowly, woozy from a big headache. Once his vision cleared up, he looked around at his surroundings. The toolkit he had been carrying was lying a few feet from him, and as he tried getting up to reach it, the short, almost-naked man frowned and pointed his stick at him. "Arooh" Prell carefully looked at him. Other than him being smaller than a normal human, and a large V-shaped mark on his forehead, his new friend, or adversary, could have passed as human anywhere. "Arooh." Little Man brandished his stick and moved closer to Prell. Not wanting to inflame the situation. Javin stopped walking to the toolkit and put his hands palms-up in front of him, as a sign of peace. Little Man shuffled closer to him, stopping a few feet away. He poked Prell's open palm with the stick. The native looked up at Prell quizzically, as if he expected something to happen. Javin grinned, and pointed to his toolkit. "It's OK, I won't harm you." Little Man looked at the toolkit, then back at the taller stranger, and nodded. Prell retrieved the toolkit and opened it, fishing around inside for one of the nutrient-rich snack bars he always carried around with him. He opened the package and took off a bit of the bar, popping it into his mouth. Watching his new friend look at the bar with wide eyes, he offered the package to him. Little Man took the bar, setting down his stick. He smelled the snack bar carefully, and cautiously bit into. Prell thought he must have liked it, because the large bar was gone in less than a minute. The native looked up at Prell and smiled, motioning for him to follow him. The pair walked out of the clearing and into the woods. Soon, they were met by more of Little Man's kind, all eager to get a look at the stranger who appeared out of nowhere. Javin listened intensively to their language, which seemed to him like a myriad of animal-like noises. What fascinated him was that the different animal sounds he heard seemed to correlate to the emotions and feelings the natives had. Little Man and a few others seemed to have a verbal fight over Prell, and it sounded like a zoo of lions and tigers growling at each other. After a few minutes, the babbling group and Prell reached a village, if you could call it a village. It was very primitive, and it looked like it had been put up recently. "Nomads, most likely," he thought. The parade that had led him to the camp broke off slightly, and most gathered around a central area, where it looked like two women were trying to get a fire started, unsuccessfully. The men that he had been walking with started "talking" in angry tones toward them, which upset the ladies. Prell stepped forward to that group, frowning. Most of the natives scurried away frightened. Little Man looked at Prell, wondering what the stranger was doing. Prell reached into his toolkit, and took out a laser aligner. The crowd stepped back a bit in sync, obviously scared. He looked to Little Man, holding his hands out as before. "I just want to help." Little Man looked at him, and because of his trust of the stranger, nodded. Prell knelt down next to the fire pit. No wonder they couldn't get a fire started here, everything was wet. He adjusted the aligner to the broadest setting and set it low to dry out the pit. As soon as all was dry, he adjusted again to use the aligner like a piece of glass magnifying the sun's ray. Soon, Prell had a large fire going, and judging from the chatter he heard behind him, the native's moods had taken a turn for the better. As he turned, his vision started to become blurry, and faded to black. ----------------------------- USS Agincourt, Deck 3, Senior Officers Quarters, 0338 hours Prell sat up in his bed, in his quarters aboard the Agincourt. It was only a dream...but it felt as if he was actually back in that forest. He blinked and pinched himself to make sure, then layed back down and stared up at the ceiling. ----------------------------- 0659 hours He stared at the chronometer next to him on the night table. He hadn't caught a wink of sleep since the dream had woken him. The computer chimed in his room. "The time is now zero-seven-hundred." He sighed. "Computer, lights." =/\=END LOG=/\=
  21. "Rumor Mills and Smooth Operators" an Odile and Prell log ------------------ <<BEGIN LOG>> The mess hall seemed louder then before, Prell thought to himself as he sat there eating his first meal out of Sickbay. Everything did after his time spent snatched away from the Agincourt. He sighed, and turned back to his steak and baked potatoes. "Spotty?" A surprised voice came from behind him. "They let you out loose already? Without making sure you're some evil twin?" Prell turned around to see Odile standing behind him. "Well now, if it isn't a sight for sore eyes...come sit down Odile, so I can keep an eye on that dagger of yours." He grinned. Condacin didn't comment on the last part, her face instantly drawn tight. "To you, how long have you been gone?" she asked. He frowned. "It feels like years. Lots has happened or changed." "Very true." Odile considered. "I hear I get to off-load operations on you, for one." He smirked. "Has it caused much trouble for you?" "Not much. Tactical's handled phone-operator duties, for the most part really. But now you're around, no need for that." "Guess I should polish up my smooth operator voice." He looked at her. "Anything else I should know?" "It's been quite the maelstrom of activity for the last few months," Odile admitted. "Nothing that won't likely be in a report, or the gossip chain, I suppose..." He smirked. "I havent been back but for 2 days, and I think I've heard it all already." He played with his potatoes with his fork. "What's your take on the NNC holodeck incident?" Condacin shrugged. "Apparently the DNA analysis I did was incorrect -- or planted. We had a lead -- and one that looked like a damned good one -- but... what can I say? Even science is occasionally proven wrong." Prell nodded. "That it is." He sighed. "Are we any closer to finding a way home?" "Perhaps -- we've made a few friends... or semi-friends out here. And we know who has the technological means to get us home." He nodded. "That's good. We've been out here long enough." "Hopefully, soon, we'll dredge up what we need to bribe the resident species or whatever. I'd frankly like to get back to civilization as well." "I think everyone is." Prell took a bite of his food, not feeling very much more hungry. "So that little Romulan you were interested's not been moping about too much," Odile commented, a slight smirk on her face." He frowned. "Oh yeah?" "I really don't know all that much, but the rumor mill places her and one of my minions together." Prell looked at Odile, thinking of a way to avoid that touchy subject. "Well, at least you have minions to start a rumour mill, who knows what kind of a department I have." "Probably a few engineering cast-offs," she teased. "Operations' people are few, but I never had any trouble with them." He smirked. "Well, at least something will be stable on this ship." "Indeed." Prell sighed again and pushed away his plate, all of a sudden just tired and wanting to rest in his quarters. "Well, I think I'll call it a night, Odile. I have a department to figure out and run in the morning." "Understandable. Good luck." He smiled as he got up to leave. Luck? He already had received his fair share of luck by being returned to the Agincourt. He muttered to himself as he walked out the door. "Let's not tempt Fate anymore, eh?" <<END LOG>>
  22. Whoops, wrong account :)
  23. What you see in the dictionary under the word "lazy".
  24. Fourth-ded :D :P :P :)
  25. So, seeing as I had a whole bunch of free time last night, and also in the spirit of all things new (ala new chat room), The Redstar Nightclub website has had a smashing good update and makeover. It's now in frames, which looks much much organized and layed out. For those whose browsers have issues with frames, I kept the original version, linked from the main page. Contact me at [email protected] if you want to be added to the Wall of Visitors (you have to had visited at least once :( ), or you have suggestiong for the new menu or other ideas for the site! http://www.freewebs.com/redstarnightclub/ -Aaron, Resident Redstar Bartender and Webbie