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Lt. Friebel

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Everything posted by Lt. Friebel

  1. Welcome aboard and always remember to salute your superior Officers, like me! No! I'm just picking on you. Again welcome aboard.
  2. I would like Live Long and Prosper
  3. I agree darrik, but it is Scott Bakula the Quantum Leaper. lol
  4. I agree with you Fred.
  5. These are some pretty impressive Logs. Congradulations Cadet Delgado.
  7. To Tovan.........Ok
  8. These are all very interesting subjects.
  9. I would go to a Firearms dealer and start packing up all the guns and ammunition could handle and wait for the groung war to begin.
  10. I geuss i don't understand where you people are coming from. I personally like all of the StarTrek shows.
  11. Hey! I thought the Marines were cool, but it was kinda sad when Major Hayes got killed. I like StarFleet but i like the Military better. Nothing personal Blu.
  12. It was a really great episode and the ending was very interesting and the three planes shooting at the Shuttle was indeed P-51 Mustangs not Corsairs, I am an Airplane freak especially WWII erra, Please don not take this personal.
  13. I liked the first one so I should like the second one.
  14. I voted for Trip Tucker because i like Enginering and Connor Trineer Is the man.
  15. It makes sense.
  16. Hey Tovan which man in the picture are you?
  17. I would like to see William Shatner in Enterprise however doesn't this show come a few Centuries before Captain Kirk?
  18. Its not a secret society? Damn, JUST JOAKING I KNOW THE TRUTH
  19. Very interesting subject. I would like to die in space to.
  20. I have no idea which Enterprise is what, so help me out here??????????????????????
  21. When is the game going to be finished?
  22. Thats really funny!!!!!!! HAHA............
  23. That was pretty cool how ever you could use better graphics. Keep up the good work.
  24. Like some people are saying, with the lineup now on friday Enterprise may not stand a chance.
  25. Major Hayes was all right but he was a real #$%^%$#@. But the episode was really intense.