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Everything posted by spg

  1. Hmm... maybe this new thing is a new ranking system. Ensign = 1/2 a sleeveless shirt Lt. Jg. = Full sleeveless shirt Lt. = Full T-shirt Lt. Cdr = Full polo shirt Commander = Full dress shirt Captain = Full dress suit (or dress) ;)
  2. I just found this breakthrough article - Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Alright... that is it. I'm now officially mad for people telling me spelling was important all these years... :P
  3. I think a Sunday night advanced sim is a good idea. As long as it is after say 7:30 PST (10:30 EST), I would be interested in simming in one. As for lavatories... I think it must have something to do with advanced medical technology. ;)
  4. Have you been watching in on the Reaent sims again? :-) We actually are in a situtation like this right now, some sort of "search device" has shown up with a non-conventional faster than light engine. All other information is strictly confidential for viewing only by members of the crew. (My way of saying... we don't have a clue what it is yet! ;))
  5. Feel Better Soon Lt. Spencer Goad Personal Log - Stardate 50309.21 Spencer stood at the entrance to sickbay, looking back at Commander Farrington once more before leaving. He didn’t even want to imagine what the Romulans must have done to her on the warbird. Having not had much experience with Romulans over his life before Starfleet and the academy, Spencer was shocked that they would even think of treating someone in this manner. He now understood the anger many members of the federation have against the Romulans. “Feel better soon Commander” Spencer said quietly as he stepped out of sickbay. He knew he had duties to perform, but he couldn’t help but think about how much the Romulans behavior reflected the behavior of his own people. The reason he had run from Ullian Prime had been the way the Ullians were treating each other as well as other humanoid creatures throughout the galaxy. Neither those Ullians nor the Romulans seemed to have any respect for anyone else, always thinking about themselves. Spencer sighed deeply as he stepped into a turbo lift. This was too similar to things of the past… he had to get his mind of it. “Main science office” Spencer barked to the computer, surprising himself with the roughness of his voice. Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, he pulled out the padd that Dr. Farron had given him. Slowly he read off the injured science personnel, as well as those who had been released from Sickbay. Stepping off the turbo lift, he moved into the science office and checked the list against those who would be on duty. “Well, we are a little sparse but it will have to do.” He said to himself, while tapping his comm badge. Quickly he called several science crewmembers to meet him in Science lab 1… they needed to perform several science system diagnostics. Closing his communication channel, Spencer slowly stood and moved towards the door once again. Looking back this time he did not see Commander Farrington, but he did see her empty office just off the corridor. Spencer turned back around and walked out of the door whispering to himself…“I hope we all feel better soon”.
  6. Well, I'd have to vote for "When I think about it". I don't visit very much, sometimes before sims, sometimes when I can't think of much else to do. :-)
  7. In an effort to make this thread even less useful... what do people here like to tap? Garnoopy likes to ::tap panels:: I like to ::tap console:: I know some people like to ::tap dance on the command chair:: but we will leave them out of this. :D
  8. Could I have mine changed to - "The Science Guy"
  9. ::shakes head::
  10. Well my best simming "amigo" would have to be Travis, as he is about the only one I talk to outside of sim time. I talk to HD some on IM (Side note: he did not list me... :-)), but that is about it. Garnoopy is on my buddy list, as are my commanding officers on both ships... but I only talk to them in case of chat room emergency. :D
  11. The Waiting Game Lt. Jg. Goad Personal Log – Stardate... my clock is broken and we are about to be boarded. Spencer sat staring blankly at the view screen. The Romulans had just communicated their intentions very clearly; they were going to board the Manticore. Obviously Melville’s vast knowledge of the Manticore had played a role in the events of the past hour. The Romulans (and Melville) had seen through the cloak, were able to fire disrupters right through the Manticore’s shielding, and they were taking no damage from a full spread of the Manticore’s torpedoes. “They simply outsmarted the Manticore.” Spencer said to himself. Glancing around the bridge he noted the feelings of shock and frustration on almost every member of the bridge crew. Spencer felt the same way for the most part, but he also knew it was the Manticore that had broken just about every rule in the book. The Romulans now had a right to do whatever they wanted with her… and her crew. He shuttered at that thought, what would the Romulans do with them? Maybe they didn’t want the crew killed outright, since they were not planning on blowing up the Manticore? Or maybe they just wanted the ship, only later to kill the crew. Spencer shook that thought out of his mind, “No reason to dwell on that now” he thought. “The Romulans haven’t boarded yet”. What could they do about it though? Looking down at his console, Spencer tried to run scans of the Romulan vessels. He soon gave up on this as the Manticore’s power was severely drained, and sensor systems were inoperative. Spencer glanced at the upper left hand corner of his console, the place were the Stardate and time was always displayed. This time however… there was nothing. Mumbling to himself he said “Today is probably a good day to die, and I don’t even know what today is!” Slamming his first into his console, Spencer now knew that there was only one thing he could do… and that was to play the waiting game.
  12. First, for those of you not in the late academy sim last night (Sunday), a little background. Our Academy ship... the USS Legend has gone to investigate possible trade route raiding by the Pandarians. Once the Legend arrives, some debris is found of a federation ship. The ship, USS Las Vegas, was carrying the fleet's leading admirals (if my memory serves me, they were - Admiral FredM, Admiral Atragon, Admiral Dac, and Admiral Sovak). Now that this ship was destroyed, the question was who does fleet command fall to? Captain Stardust contacted Admiral Garnoopy who at first claimed he was in command, the Admiral Kbear came into the picture claiming she was in command. So to prevent any further confusion, I'm starting this poll... who is REALLY in command? :D
  13. put on the rest of the suit? ::shakes head::
  14. As a wise man once said - "Never fight he who doth have GM powers" ::D:
  15. Ah man, I knew I forgot someone... and I knew it wasn't him. ::points and glares at Travis:: Sorry Moose! :D
  16. And he wonders why I didn't include him in the poll? :D
  17. Starfleet Personnel File Subject: Lt. Jg. Spencer Goad Chat Name: spg preceded by rank (ltjg_spg) General Information: Name: Goad, Spencer Gender: Male Species: Trill Age: Twenty Five (Host body) Height: 5' 11" Weight: 130 lb. Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Hazel Skin Color: White, Dark Tan Place of Birth: Trill Homeworld Symbiont: Goad Service Information: Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade Position: Assistant Science Officer Assignment: U.S.S. Reaent, NCC-3345-G Training: The human host of the trill symbiont known as Goad entered Starfleet academy at the age of 20, graduating without incident at the age of 24. Spencer's training was within the science division of the academy, and he received commendations for knowledge in the astrophysics and exobiology areas of that study. Upon graduation he applied for the Trill host program, something he had wanted to do since childhood. He was accepted into the program 6 months later, and went through training under the tutelage of Gidza Goad, a trill who he had met on earth some 15 years before. Close to the end of the two month training program the Spencer and Goad were involved in a shuttle accident, killing Goad's host body. Having been near the end of his host training, Spencer was granted permission to become the new host of the symbiont Goad. They were joined just before his 25th birthday. Still saddened by the loss of his trill mentor, but with his experiences and memories living on, the new trill Spencer Goad requested a post as a science officer on board the U.S.S. Reaent. He was given the post and began his Starfleet service experience under the command of Captain Fred Michaels. Medical History / Psychological Profile: Goad's host body has been deemed in superb condition. There is only one previous medical problem that could become an issue, his accident as a 10 year old that left a severe left ankle injury. The ankle was detached and an artificial joint was put in its place. He is now able to walk normally, with minimal limping. The injury was aggravated again after the shuttle accident that killed the former host body of the trill Goad. The trill symbiont Goad is close to 235 earth years old. It has had 4 hosts prior to it's joining with Spencer, they are listed in order of their joining. Nodia Goad - Female, Hidzia Goad - Male, Kiazon Goad - Male, Gidza Goad - Male. No further medical /psychological issues have been located as of this report.
  18. Uggh, that should be Personnel file, not Personel.
  19. You know, I really can't stand computers with a short attention span. I kept trying to talk to this one and its attention kept drifting to other people! I think that advanced AI technology needs some work. ;)
  20. Sounds good to me! :cool:
  21. ::in best Trill character voice:: Thank you Captain! It truly is an honor. (It is right? Not so sure after all the benifits you guys mentioned)
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GROMVIK!!! Sorry, a day late I know. I was just wating for Travis to mess up like that so I could show him up with my message board skills. :o
  23. lol. And Travis, even though we said we couldn't pronounce you name, did we really mean we wanted to know how? ::o: Ok enough with the joking, I think I can pronounce your name now. If you ever hear me pronounce it wrong just yell. :)
  24. Ah, ya should have stopped by the Academy silly, you were safe. He was referring to the Republic, which is at the same time as the Mantie. Then again, the cadets did happen to blow up a plot that was supposed to have worked, and let them all live....oops! :o Well I was out eating at the time anyway, slow resturant made me late for the Manticore. :) Now as if cadets didn't have enough ways to worry about dying, now they even mess up the plots where they are supposed to live... maybe I'm glad I wasn't there after all. :)
  25. Anyone notice I didn't show up at the Academy on Monday? ;-) I was at the Manticore though, and given our situtation, I'm not sure which one would have been worse...