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Cosmo Rex

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Everything posted by Cosmo Rex

  1. Happy Belated BirthDay Huffy!
  2. J.A.G. Officer and Scheduling? (two of the four...its early...don't ask me for any more :lol: )
  3. tr'Dark Helmet :o
  4. Can I have mine changed to: Sexxy Rexxy ::snickers::
  5. Yo, Hansy, No photo showy uppy ;)
  6. As noted earlier, the Mt. St. Helens eruption, would be dwarfed if the Yellowstone Caldera we're to erupt again. Talk about VA all over the place. Scientests feel that if a SuperVolcano were to erupt it could put then entire globe under slight darkness from Volcanic Ash. Interestingly, one theory about the Dark Ages, is that they literally were darker. Scientests know that one of these so called SuperVolcanoes erupted in the earlly 1100's. The think that their could have been so much ash put into the atmosphere that it literally darkened the globe. Food for thought.
  7. That would be correct, actually it had a small steam eruption just the other day, they are expecting a real lava eruption anytime soon. (It originally erupted in the early 1980's killing several people and doing millions of dollars in damages when half the side of the mountain when BOOOM causing lava and these wonderful things called Lahar's to sweep accross the landscape.) You know, the entire Pacific coast is like one big lava pit waiting to happen? For Example, Mt. Rainer, the picturesque backdrop to Seatle, could more or less wipe out the University of Washington's Campus should it ever erupt again. Yellowstone Caldera: Yellowstone National Park is more or less the reminants of an ancient Super Volcano that erupted with so much force it completly destroyed the mountain (Crater Lake is another example of a Caldera.) The Yellowstone Volcano had erupted once every 700,000 years or so. Last Erupting oooo a little under 700,000 years ago. Should it ever erupt again, it is estimated the entire Snake River system could be destroyed. Recent movements of steam pockets and irregular eruptions of the geysers of Yellowstone, indicate Volcanic activity. Mt. St. Helen's Remain a dangerous threat, as shown recently. and basically any of the mountains along the Pacifc Coast can be considered "Volcanoes." :P
  8. As Mr. Precip pointed out, Earthquakes can occur almost anywhere that there in an active fault line (or simply a fault line.) Although the intersting thing about them is that, while you may have thought the Earthquake hit right at you, the actual EpicCenter of the Quak may have been hundreds of miles away. Even more amusing, is that if and when we have a quake on the East Coast, our quakes tend to be stronger in magnitude, because the waves travel easier through the solid base rock of the east coast than they do in the fractured stuff out west. Interestingly enough, a quake in California is actually registerable upon siezmographs in places like West Virginia! And to Sketti's point--there is an active fault that runs along the back-bone of the Appalachian Mountain Range. Another interesting thing, is that most geologists don't even pay attention to "Rechter" scale readings anymore. They use something called the Mercator (Or M something or other :P ) Scale that measures the ammount of Damage done by a Quake, which can better show the intensity of the quake than can the Rechter scale. ::looks up:: Oh good grief....somewhere Dr. Bob is proud of me!
  9. ^ Has managed to get something said about him by three of my persona's
  10. Reality Bites
  11. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 8 Priority Transmission ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO: Vulcan Fleet, Commander Khevio FROM: Ambassador Neptune Rex SUBJECT: VULCAN WITHDRAW Commander Khevio, acting in an official capacity, I must respectfully ask you to withdraw all Vulcan forces from the Sol System immediately. If you do not respond by withdrawing the Vulcan fleet from the Sol System, I am afraid we will have to make you leave. Respectfully yours, Ambassador Rex. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 8 Priority Transmission ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  12. Ambassador Neptune Rex Chief Liaison to Andoria SD 0407.13 >Begin< Neptune sat sullenly in the darkness of his office. He wasn’t alone though. An elder man, two younger ones, and woman were setting across the desk from him. The elder man looked concerned. “Neptune, have you gotten any response from your message to the Andorian Fleet.” “No Vice-Admiral I haven’t.” One of the younger men, he was dressed in a Starfleet Uniform, spoke up. “What exactly does that mean?” “It means at least three things,” the Vice-Admiral said before Neptune or anyone else could answer. “It means he doesn’t trust you, I know I wouldn’t. And it means they know as much as we do about the t’Kel.” One of the two younger men, he was also in uniform, titled his head. “You said three things, that’s only two?” Neptune frowned. “It means they are planning to attack.” “How do you know that?” the woman, also in uniform , finally spoke. “Think of it this way,” the Vice-Admiral said. “Your in the woods, hunting deer, and you see one. You reach to pick up your gun, but the deer sees you. What do you do? Do you keep reaching and scare the deer off? Or do you stay silent and wait till he looks away to get your gun and shoot him?” He didn’t need an answer everyone in the room knew what he meant. “Then what’s next?” the woman said. “We should tell the Vulcans to bring their entire fleet and mobilize ours,” one of the younger men said. “We have to show them that we aren’t pushovers.” “Yeah, this aggression can’t go unchecked,” the other one chimed. The Vice-Admiral shook his head to them. Neptune did as well. “No gentlemen. This is a game of chess,” he said calmly. “And they have us in check…” “And when your in check, you can’t move,” the female finished for him. “That’s correct Commander. All you can do is move out of check. And that’s what we should do.” The Vice-Admiral nodded in agreement. “I am going to suggest to Starfleet that we stand all of our vessels down from battle stations…” “You can’t be serious!” “Yes Captain Thomas, I am. To be frank, the Andorians can clean our clocks when ever they want to.” The younger man nodded in resignation, he was all to aware of that. “I would suggest Mr. Rex that you relay to our Vulcan counterparts that they too should withdraw from the Sol System.” “Agreed, maybe then the Andorians will be willing to talk.” The Vice-Admiral stood up. “Alright, we all agree that this conversation never took place, Captains, Commander we have work to do. Ambassador Rex, good luck.” The party before him stood and quickly exited into the shadows of the dark room. Neptune sighed and placed his hands on his temples. He had never had a great responsibility than he had now. In his actions the fate of humanity rested. He turned to the computer consol and began writing a message to the Vulcan Fleet. What he was about to do was a dangerous, but calculated move. He just hoped he wasn’t setting himself up for checkmate. --- Vice-Admiral Colt Monroe, or the ‘Slippery Dog’ as he would come to be known during the Romulan Wars, was no stranger to dangerous situations. He was tall man, with white hair and had a look that could make a Vulcan’s blood run cold. For 20 years he had been an agent/administrator of Starfleet Intelligence, and was one of the most respected men in the Fleet. But right now, that didn’t matter. He watched out the transport window as it neared the San Francisco Head Quarters of Starfleet. What he was about to ask…no tell them to do wasn’t going to go over all to well—but it was his—no Earth’s only option for survival. He looked over to his young staff, Captains Thomas and Nelson and Commander Lenin. For their sake, for the world’s sake, he hoped this worked. >End<
  13. SD 0407.12 Chief Diplomatic Liaison to Andoria SD 0407.12 >Begin< Commodore Moose’s secretary had been quite…helpful. She had put him in contact with the new Commander of the Vulcan task force, a Commander Khevio. Khevio had informed Neptune of his findings. That’s what worried Neptune—Romulans. But right now he had more important things to deal with. He had a fleet of Andorian vessels that could pound Earth back to the stone age, circling like sharks. He was in his office in Geneva, contemplating what to do about the situation. He was getting no where with the Andorian bureaucracy, and he was running out of options. Just then his secretary walked in. An older lady, Janice had seen her fair share of troubles. She was his secretary, and most trusted advisor. “Janice,” he said to her as she placed a report on his desk. “What should I do? The Andorian diplomats are just giving me the end-around. The Vulcans…well they aren’t making things easy either. I am running out of time and options.” “Why don’t you just talk to the Andorian Commander?” Neptune blinked. “What?” Janice smiled. “This whole time, no one has bothered to talk to them have they?” “No I guess not…” “Well then why don’t you at least try, as you said you are running out of time and options. It’s worth a try.” “Maybe your right, thanks Janice.” “No problem…” She smiled and walked off. Neptune looked out the window, Janice was right. It was about the only option they hadn’t tried yet. And right now that was a plus. He turned back to his desk and began typing a secure message to the Fleet Commander of the Andorian Task Force. >to be Continued< ----- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 8 Priority Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO: Commander of the Andorian Task Force FROM: Ambassador Neptune Rex, Chief Diplomatic Liaison to Andoria SUBJECT: OLIVE BRANCH Fleet Commander. I am Ambassador Rex. I know that your people didn’t destroy the T’Kel. I also know that we are running out of time and options, and that if something isn’t done soon, we’re going to have a lot of dead bodies on our hands. I offer you an olive branch. I wish to discuss terms for your with drawl from the Sol System. Please, I beg of you to consider the loss of lives that will happen if there is a military conflict. I respectfully await your response. Rex ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 8 Priority Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. Well, This may be treason (Sorry Huff, I love your sim too :D ) But the Talon is my favorite...I really enjoy it, and I hate it when I miss because the crew totally Rocks! (Go Dak Goon Squad! ) :) All of the Sims here that I have been on have been a lot of fun...maybe thats why I am on five of them :)
  15. Ambassador Neptune Rex Chief Diplomatic Liason to Andoria SD 0407.05 >Begin< “Ambassador, while I appreciate your concern, I assure that the blockade is not necessary for the protection of the Sol System, nor is the Challenger part of a Military Build up of Earth as a satalite nation of the Vulcans. Earth is an Indep…” Neptune didn’t get to finish what he had to say. “Nonsense, enough of your lies Ambassador, I refuse to hear this argument any further!” With that the screen Neptune had been looking at went blank, he’d been hung up on. He sighed to himself. So far nothing anyone did was helping the situation, in fact every new move seemed to deepen the problem even more. He touched a button, maybe the news would be better, but he doubted it. The screen flashed to life with the SolNetwork News logo. “In breaking news, SolNetwork News brings you this exclusive, breaking development in the ongoing saga of the stand-off between the Andorian task force and Earth-Vulcan forces…” The screen flashed to a young woman Neptune recognized as Leslie Yerington. “Welcome viewers. I am Leslie Yerington with this exclusive update. An intercepted communiqué between the Vulcan flagship t’Pa and Vulcan High Command revealed horrifying news today. An investigation into the destruction t’Kel revealed that the Andorians may have not been responsible as originally believed, instead a Third Party, yet to be identified or confirmed is believed to have masterminded the attacks. Links are believed to exist between the destruction of the T’Kel and the recent terror attack on the Challenger. At this time neither the Vulcan, Earth, or Andorian governments would comment. Stay right here as the story devlopes, on SolNetwork News, News you can trust…” Neptune blinked at the screen as it went to commercial. How did SolNetwork know something he didn’t? He flipped the screen off and turned on the communicator. “Nancy, find Commodore Moose and tell him we need to talk…now.” >End<
  16. ::is very happy with his copy of 'My Life' ::
  17. Ambassador Neptune Rex Chief Diplomatic Liason to Andor >Begin< The Monitor jumped to life with the logo of the Sol system, and loud booming voice. “The Sol-Network, News you can trust.” A slender blond woman dressed in pink appeared on the screen behind a news desk with San Francisco in the background. “Hello. And I am Leslie Yerington with today’s top stories. In Interstellar News, the Andorian blockade of the Sol system continues. Spokesman for the Andorian government say that the blockade will continue as long as the Vulcans remain present in the system. The Vulcan government had no comment, except that they regretted that the Andorian government was continuing to hamper the Challenger Project with illogical aggression. A spokesman for Commodore “Bull” Moose, head of the Challenger Project, also had no comment either. However, Sol-Network News was able to get an exclusive interview with Ambassador Neptune Rex, Chief Liaison to the Andorian Government. And we go to Rachel Regal live with the Ambassador. Rachel.” The scene changed to a middle-aged woman dressed in black and gold with the tall silhouette of the UN Headquarters in Geneva towering behind her. “Thank you, Leslie, I am here just outside of the UN Building in Geneva where I just spoke with the Ambassador following his return from Andor…” The scene changed slightly, in the frame now was both Leslie and a younger man dressed in attire befitting an Ambassador. He looked ragged from lack of sleep, which he was. “Ambassador Rex, thank you for speaking with us,” Regal said warmly. “We understand you have been in direct contact with the Andorian government since the distruction og the T’Kel?” Rex sighed slighty. “That’s correct, we’ve been in discussion of this at the highest levels of the government.” “Do the Andorians still continue to deny responsibility for the attack despite the findings of the official Vulcan Investigation?” “Yes they do. The Andorians have been very candid with me, and they believe that there is in all likelihood an outside party involved.” “Is it the Klingons?” “I am afraid I can’t answer that question on the grounds of Intergalactic Security. All I can say is that Andorians, unless they are bold face lying say they are innocent, and until they are proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, they are innocent.” “Have they said when they will end the blockade of the Sol System?” “We are in full scale discussions with them now at the very highest levels of government. While we can understand their motives for the blockade, we certainly do not approve, it’s a very volatile situation we have here and we are trying to deal with it as quickly and safely as possible…” The scene returned to just Regal. “There you have it. And Now back to you in the studio…” “Thank you, Rachel. In other news, in the wake of the attacks upon Challenger…” The screen blipped off. “I thought you handled that very well Neptune,” someone said. “Thanks,” Neptune sighed deeply. “I only hope we can resolve this ‘as quickly and safely as possible’… >End<
  18. PERSONAL LOG Ambassador Neptune Rex Chief Diplomatic Liaison to Andor June 4, 2003 >Begin Log < When Neptune had first meet Amdassador Ventaur he wasn’t quite sure what to expect. That meeting was short, but very useful for Neptune. --- The doors slid open and Neptune stepped inside the large office. “Welcome, Ambassador Rex,” Ventaur said wiggling his antennae slightly. “Come have a seat.” Neptune was a little surprised at the friendliness of Ventaur, but took his seat anyway. Ventaur looked the pinkskin over a few seconds before he said anything else. “Now Ambassador Rex,” he started. “Explain to me why your government has engaged in this reckless aggression that has the universe at the brink of war??” Surprised at the…quickness…of the question, Neptune was taken a back. Before he could speak Ventaur started again. “I see you can not give me an answer!” “Yes, actually I can,” Neptune said interrupting Ventaur. “Self-Defense. This is not reckless aggression.” The Andorian was a little surprised. “Continue…” “With dispatch of several of our vessels to long range exploration, the Sol system did not have a capital ship protecting it.” The Andorian was clearly thiunking judging by the movement of his antennae. “So you propose that this Challenger is for defense only?” “Defense and limited exploration, depending on fleet deployment at the time.” The Andorian didn’t seem convinced. “The Andorian government doesn’t and will not believe that this is not some military build up sponsored by the Vulcan government in a plan to begin a war with us on two fronts. However, for the time we shall not discuss this, besides I have an important meeting with High Command. I will be unavailable for further meeting with your, Rex, until two days from now. Until then you are free to do as you please, with in reason…do not give me reason to distrust your Pinkskin. Once I have concluded my meetings I will summon you. Now have a ‘nice day’.” --- Two days had passed and now Neptune was on his way to meet with Ventaur once again. >End Log<
  19. You know it is getting bad when Kroells is calling peolple stark raving lunatics....
  20. Hello and Welcome to STSF (or Jolan Tru) Hope to see you around the Acads. :)
  21. Name: Neptune Rex Age: 45 Sex: Male POB: Geneva, Switzerland Ht: 5'9" Wt: 165 lbs Rank: Ambassador, currently on assignment to Andoria Father: Dune Rex, deceased Mother: Kim Rex, deceased Siblings: Hermes Rex (Male), Lunar Colonization Project Chief Scars: none Past History: Born the eldest of two children, Neptune grew up on the outskirts of Geneva. His father, Dune, served as Chief Diplomatic Advisor to the New European Union, centered in Geneva. Raised in an intellectual family, Neptune was taught the value of peace from his parents, both of which had been children during the Post-Atomic Horror Years. Neptune was always encouraged to seek peace as a first and only option. At age 17, Neptune entered Oxford University, in England studying Political Theory. He graduated top of his class summa cum laude. After graduation from Oxford, Neptune enrolled at the University of Cairo, Egypt to pursue a Doctorate in Government. At age 25, he graduated with a Doctorate of Government and a second degree in Linguistics. After graduation, he began teaching at the Univ. of Cairo. During mid-2140, Dune Rex had left the public sector for a position with “Cochran Warp Technologies” the leading research firm at the time. He served as Director of Governmental and Vulcan Relations. In 2143, Dune passed away of natural causes. Following the death of his father, Neptune returned home to Geneva for a short time. Shortly after which he resigned as a professor and assumed his father’s job. Neptune quickly impressed those with in the CWT hierarchy and worked his way up to Executive Vice-President of Public Relations. During his time at CWT he made many friends with in the Earth Government. Based on that and his track record at CWT, Neptune was tapped by Starfleet Command to become the Chief Ambassador to Andor in mid-2154.
  22. PERSONAL LOG Ambassador Neptune Rex Diplomatic liaison to Andor June 2, 2154 >Begin Log< Ironic that a man named after a blue planet would be assigned to the Andorians, a cruel joke Neptune thought when he received the news that he would be sent packing to Andoria some two weeks before the announcement in anticpation of a negative reaction from the Andorians. While he was, at some level, happy that it was Andoria and not Vulcan, Neptune was not exactly happy about being sent out to calm the brush fire started by Commodore Moose’s decision to step-up the Challenger Program, but he supposed he could live with it. When he first arrived at Andoria he had been greeted by Telphia, an aged Andorian female whose job, or so Neptune deduced after being led around to all the ‘high points’ of Andoria for a week, was to keep Neptune as far away from the people he was sent to ‘calm’ down. --- After being showed around “Imperial War College,” for the fifth time in two days, this time to be indoctrinated in Andorian Security Protocols, Neptune decided it was time he found why he was being ‘kept’ from his job. He stopped mid-way through a hallway. “Ambassador Rex,” Telphia said, “Is there something wrong?” “Yes, There is something I don’t quite think I understand.” “OH,” Telphia said, “Did I go to fast for you during the explanation of Andorian Security procedures?” “Oh no,” Neptune said, “That’s not it…something else…” “Well then ask and I shall elaborate,” Telphia antennae wiggled slightly. “I am sure I can explain it so that even a human could under stand.” Neptune let the comment pass. “Yes, well try this on for size,” he said, “I was sent here by my government to act as a liaison, and to try and explain to your government that the Challenger Project is not part of a military buildup before an invasion of Andorian Space…but instead I have been delayed in that mission by nonsensical drudgery being showed the same things over and over…now why is that?” The Andorians antennae wiggled and her eyes grew wide, all she could do was blink for a few seconds. “Are you saying that we are intentionally preventing the Peace process?” “No I neve…” “Well,” she huffed angrily, “Have it your way. We thought you would enjoy a tour of our wonderful planet, a tour we only give to those we respect, I see we were wrong to think that you could appreciate us.” Neptune was a little surprised at the turn of events. “But…but…” “Humans, you al care so little about the other races of galaxy!” she huffed as walked over to a terminal on the wall. She spoke into the speaker, “Send word to Ambassador Ventaur that Ambassador Rex has chosen to end his tour and will be arriving very shortly at his office to begin preliminary negations!” She flipped of the comm system and whirled around her antennae wiggling angrily. “There you shall have your ‘work,’ but next time don’t expect any hospitality from US. Follow me!” Unsure what to do, Neptune could only blink and stammer an, “Okay.” --- Neptune had been escourted to a small shuttle craft by Telphia who told him he would arrive at Ambassador Ventaur’s office with in a few minutes on the shuttle craft, since he was in such a hurry. Once on the shuttle Neptune could only sigh, how easy it was for alien races to misunderstand each other, that was very clear to him now, and it was a mistake he would not make again, so he hoped. After a few minutes in the air, the shuttle came to a halt and lowered to a landing pad, Neptune stepped off and was on his way to his first meeting with this ‘Ambassador’ Ventaur, little did he know what lay in store for him. >End Log<
  23. can i have: King of the Stars