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Lance Moris

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Everything posted by Lance Moris

  1. I'd like mine changed to: "Boyish good looks and a dazzling smile. Lock up your daughters." If thats too long, then use the first half.
  2. *insert "darn.... not 19..." here*
  3. everyone is going to want to know... why?
  4. It was a horrible and gut-wrenching experience for me. Well, had I noticed the downtime, anyways.
  5. Half the fun is in the journey :P The other half is theres no messy breakup
  6. Bah! you've discovered the source of my power. :P grr
  7. I'd get sued for sexual harrasment.
  8. you could always do "STSF Featured Player - March 2004" Anyways, I'd like... "I'm venting CO2"
  9. I feel the sudden urge to fire up 3ds MAX.
  10. Anyone care to bring me up to speed on what you're talking about... jury-wise.
  11. I personally would like to see a star trek movie feature an all-new cast. Its kinda of like Babylon 5....well, the Ranger off-shoot at least. I'm surprised they didn't take that anywhere. Some of my favorite shows are based off of Movies. Especially, Stargate SG-1. I'm sure I'll enjoy Galactica when it comes around.
  12. Is this an argument for the st/sw debate? Star Wars, I consider, is high fantasy as much as scifi. And theres nothing wrong with that. But that alone moots any point the comparisons have. They're both good in their own rights.
  13. guess theres no such thing as an anemic penguin in Paws' world
  14. Could it have anything to do with the fact that the episodes are improving?
  15. Watched an episode of TNG tonight(The one where they first introduce Picards heart). Wesley referred to the Klingons as having joined the Federation. I believe the exact quote was, "This was before the Klingons joined the Federation?". Ah, the joys of attacking canon trek.
  16. ----General Information---- Name: Lance Moris Gender: Male Rank: Ensign Species: Human Age: 22 Birthday: June 2nd Birthplace: Topeka, Kansas, Earth ------Starfleet Record------ March 4th, 2381 - Graduates Starfleet Academy, promoted to Ensign. March 6th, 2381 - Assigned to USS Republic as Assistant Engineer and the journey continues...
  17. It's like if Lucas ends up making a sequel trilogy... he'd be fighting the novels for what is Star Wars canon.
  18. YEA 0!....er.... 1156.9 it was one lucky shot too... lots of speed... landed right on a mine, then landed straight on a double mine. :)
  19. oh? that is interesting... wouldn't that make her an old lady... even by vulcan standards
  20. well... think about this.. the Xindi might not be a part of the federation in the late 24th century... but by the time the 26th century comes around, they might be a part of it. also, the nx-01 really screws with that mean service age, considering theres about a hundred years between that and the good ol constitution-class. so the last half of the list would be built to last.