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Barnabas Collins

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Everything posted by Barnabas Collins

  1. Dark Shadows......HA,HA,HA,HA..... no just joking although I do like Dark shadows....(obviously), my favorite show these days is...... STARGATE SG1
  2. BLACK It's the only way to drink.....coffee!!
  3. By the way Ms. Troi, welcome to the STSF boards.
  4. Welcome Captaincaleb, I'm Barnabas Collins, I'm sort of new here myself I hope you enjoy your time spent on these message boards and in sims.
  5. What's this? Captain Picard ahead of Captain James T. Kirk in this poll? I cann't believe my eyes, there is only one starfleet captain worthy of the name and that is Captain James T. Kirk! :)
  6. Hello folks, I just thought I'd write to introduce myself, I'm Barnabas Collins and I'm new to these message boards. I intend to return often, but don't worry, I don't bite.....much!
  7. TOS IS THE BEST AND ALWAYS WILL BE YAY TOS YAY!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :D
  8. I would have to say that my favorite 2003 movies were ( and not in any order) 1) THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 2) THE LORD OF THE RINGS 3
  9. Three of the most disappointing movies I saw were The Hulk, The League of Extraudinary Gentlemen, and Daredevil. I thought that the Hulk lacked a plot the effects were great but the TV show starring the late Bill Bixby and Lou Ferringno was much better. I disliked The League of extraudinary Gentlemen because I thought that some of the characters were....well....dumb. For one thing Mr.Hyde could easily have been Frankenstein's monster if they wanted to use a computer animated image. The idea of Mr. Hyde going around London wearing a cape over his torn clothes and carrying a cane and that rediculous top hat is moronic. Then there was Dorian Gray, where did they get the idea that he couldn't look at his portrait? if they had read the novel or even seen the movie they'd of none that Gray spent hours looking at his degenerating portrait. At the beginning of the movie I thought the villan was going to be the Phantom of the opera, but instead it was Dr. Moriarity, where was Sherlock Holmes,or at least Dr. Watson? The only character I actually liked was Tom Sawyer G-man. Then there was Daredevil, I hope if there is another movie they get another actor to play the part and I hope they get rid of the leather outfit and replace it with spandex. Well that as breifly as I can put it are three of my movie disappointments.