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JiranShen Kor

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Everything posted by JiranShen Kor

  1. hey :)
  2. :) hey joker, see you in the sims.
  3. So, I stumble across the main site and try to log into the java chatroom to attend the star trek simulation game for tonight but I dont know how to register for a name and password, there is no option available..... anyone? Nevermind i just used this username/pass...duh lol thnx anyways. But Now im wondering where to start within this whole site to roleplay a character, there's no one in the chat rooms btw.
  4. Thanks for the help, I attended the academy Saturday night, it was a blast.
  5. I'm confused about how to play but i generally get the idea that I have to attend the academy like you just said, since I'm central it will be at 11...hmmm, just trying to get everything sorted so I can get this ball rolling. Since i dont technically have a character/or graduated I cant attend the red star?