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Everything posted by EvietMahren

  1. "...his brain is a bag of cats; you could smell crazy on him..." I'm not sure exactly why this quote popped into my head when considering the Talon crew. Really, I'm not...
  2. Setting the Stage CDR Malcolm Alexander LT Charlotte Matsumura Daise'Enarrain Serinn tr'Granus Malcolm Alexander stepped out onto the balcony, his gaze dusting over the horizon. The green, blue and white lights of the Rihannsu capitol stood out in sharp contrast to the dark skies as obsidian towers of every shape and size stretched toward the heavens. As Gaius tr'Argelian, it was a beauty he dare not contemplate; he'd been far too concerned about the internal politics and his own personal safety. Looking out now, through unmodified Human eyes, he could appreciate the sight... at least for a little while. "Reminds me of some of the old holos we watched when I was a child," came a voice behind him. Mal smiled as recognition settled on him. "Rather like the science fiction novels of old," he replied without turning. Charlotte Matsumura stepped into his peripheral vision. "All the things they ever dreamed of..." "Common place for us." Her features softened as she turned to look at him, her hand coming to rest atop his as they leaned against the balcony railing. "How are you?" Perceptive as always, his lovely Charlotte, he thought. "I'm..." He paused, considering her question and parsing his response. Both knew they had to choose their words carefully, given the very likely chance of being overheard. "Struggling. Relieved. Worried. Intrigued." Shaking his head, he gave a snort. "It's a bit complicated." Charlotte edged in closer, wrapping her arm around his, pressing her side along his. Mal felt her warmth radiate through him, felt the strength and stability she silently offered. "It's like the old spy novels my father is so fond of: Diplomatic parties, everyone speaking in riddles; a place I never thought I'd see with my own eyes. Still... it's beautiful to see the skyline." "And not all the politicking, backstabbing, and intrigue just below the surface?" He smiled. "Exactly." Slipping an arm free, he embraced her with it, drawing her to him once again. "It's liberating...and so very easy to forget we're caught in a precarious situation." Charlotte looked up at him, eyes searching his own. Mal knew she could read the concern there, intermingled with his unspoken fear -- he couldn't lose her. Not now, and especially not here. Not after what happened to her father, Ronin, just a few kilometers away, all those years ago. "We'll just have to tread very, very carefully." She gave a wry grin. "You know there's no place I'd rather be." Movement in the doorway caught their attention and they turned. A tall Romulan, clad in a well-tailored Galae uniform smiled tightly at them. His shoulders were stiff, accented by the square cut of his tunic. "Ah, I do apologize for interrupting --" Releasing Charlotte, Mal positioned himself between her and the new arrival. "No harm done," he replied. "We were just enjoying the rather unique atmosphere." "Ah, yes," the Galae officer said, moving out onto the balcony and gazing out over the city himself. "Quite exotic, especially by Lloann'na -- ah, Federation standards. A sight seen by very few of your people." "Exotic?" Mal chuckled. "Probably the most accurate description I've heard yet. It is a bit surreal to finally be here." "Indeed. And quite an honor, I’m sure." The officer regarded Mal and Charlotte with a slight smirk. "I am Daise'Enarrain Serinn tr'Granus. I serve as what you might call the...chief of staff for Daise'Khre'Riov Varlon tr'Vatrix, the current Head of Galae." Impressed, but not surprised, Mal bowed slightly to the senior officer. "Commander Malcolm Alexander, communications, and Lieutenant Charlotte Matsumura, security." tr'Granus inclined his head, acknowledging the introductions. "Ah, yes. Daise'Khre'Riov tr’Vatrix sends his regards. He had hoped to meet you himself tonight, but was detained by a... personal matter." At this, Mal furrowed his brow. He had expected some interaction from Galae, what with the nature of the information he carried, but he had not expected personal attention from tr'Vatrix himself. Then again, he thought, given the implications, it made perfect sense. The fallout could prove of enormous political benefit for Galae. "Nothing serious, I hope," he said aloud. "Nothing he cannot handle," tr'Granus replied. "We are looking forward to our later discussion. I am sure there is a lot to be learned from each other." He paused just shy of the railing. "Tell me, Commander, do you or the lovely lieutenant speak Romulan?" "Enough to get by... though Charlotte is quite the linguist." tr'Granus arched his brows, effectively shifting the ridge defining his forehead. "Indeed?" Charlotte nodded, and Mal affected the posture of a proud spouse. "My mother is English, but my father is the eldest son of a traditional Japanese family. I grew up speaking both English and Japanese; I found I had a gift for languages. So, when it came time to choose studies at the Academy, I chose Rihannsu and Kll'inghann." The senior Romulan officer grimaced at the mention of Klingon. "A barbaric language for such a graceful student," he said. "It was about balance, rekkhai," Matsumura replied. Mal saw her eyes glint with mischief and reached up, ostensibly to scratch his nose. He hoped it hid the smile that threatened to creep across his lips. "Language reflects culture, and," she continued, "as I chose Rihannsu, I chose Kll'inghann as the balance to an ordered, cultured society." Then tr'Granus grinned and Mal knew Lottie had done well. "In that regard, it does make perfect sense. I, myself, have taken an interest in Cardassian, since the war." "Then you speak the common language?" Mal asked. He slipped effortlessly into Cardassian Standard. "It can have its uses," the Daise'Enarrain answered in the same tongue. In Federation Standard, he added. "Your accent is almost flawless, Commander. Perhaps you and Lieutenant Matsumura would care to help me... 'brush up' on mine?" "We'd be delighted to, rekkhai," Charlotte answered. The Galae Chief of Staff gave a taut smile and nod. "Excellent. I will be in touch." Mal bowed his head, not breaking eye contact. "We look forward to it." tr'Granus turned and disappeared back into the crowd. Neither Mal nor Charlotte spoke, instead silently intertwining their fingers as they watched after him. This really was too much like his father's spy novels, Alexander thought. He could only hope the likeness would stop here.