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Cmdr Laura Issia

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Everything posted by Cmdr Laura Issia

  1. central air, because I'm sick of being confined to the rooms with window units. (blasted humidity) ketchup or mustard?
  2. ¿?

    Well, there goes the brilliance theory, Travis. :D Welcome to STSF, Wing-of-no-Wing! If you haven't already, read through the Help, FAQ, Rules, and Tips from the Moose sections. After that, the best way to learn is really by doing. Check out the schedule for an Academy that's convenient for you, and just drop in. It's best to arrive several minutes before the hour so that everything can get set up and the sim can start as close to the hour as possible. Don't worry too much about making mistakes; the purpose of the Academies is to learn by practicing. You are also welcome to come and just observe if you like, and you can also watch an advanced sim to see how our experienced players do it. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy simming with us!
  3. toast
  4. Holy Hand Grenade
  5. enjoy
  6. ^ Clearly, likes Tarantino.
  7. Microsoft
  8. sounds you don't want to hear on the bridge or from your doctor
  9. Bad Music
  10. fools
  11. Hmm... ::pokes around the site a bit curiously:: I played medical officers for several years, and found that having some real medical sites handy was useful -- WebMD is basic and usually easy to follow, eMedicine.com is about emergency medicine but very technical, and Gray's Anatomy is great for pulling impressive sounding jargon out but otherwise a little dense for sim use. ;-) Try 'medical reference' in your favorite search engine.
  12. Well, lately I've unearthed a box of my old childhood favorites in the process of cleaning, so I've been reading through some of those, and discovering that there are those you never outgrow. However, on the older end of the scale... *LotR, of course. I had to purchase new copies, having read the old ones to tatters. (Hey, I've had 'em since I was 6!) *Newton's Cannon and sequels, by J. Gregory Keyes. I'm still working my way through the third one. They're as scientific as the title would lead you to believe, but if you can follow Trek technobabble, you should have no trouble. *Elizabeth Kerner's Song in the Silence and sequels, if you like Dragons. *Also Dragonish -- Bertin's The Last Dragonlord and Dragon and Phoenix *Working my way through Mists of Avalon, I had to start it over because I put it down too long and lost my place. ::sigh:: *More fodder for my Arthurian kick -- Sutcliff's Sword at Sunset and it's sequel/prequels. I read The Silver Branch and The Eagle of the Ninth way back in 5th grade without realizing they belonged to a set, now I'm trying to work my way through them all. I also read Sir Thomas Malory recently, but that wasn't for pleasure. ::chuckle:: *Philippa Gregory, The Other Boleyn Girl and The Queen's Fool *In non-fiction, Simon Singh's Fermat's Enigma and The Code Book. I actually liked the latter more than the former. *I'm also reading Ben Franklin's autobiography.
  13. *5 dorms with 2 bathrooms per floor (approximately 25-35 people per floor). 3 dorms with jack-and-jill bathrooms (that is, two rooms share one) *Excellent food with wide variety. Several campus eateries. Option to leave campus if desired. *Freshmen 2 or 3 per room. All other years singles. (When I went through. Rising class numbers now have sophmores in doubles, though). Options like 2-room quads and suites (each with own bath). *Yeah, well, they have you over a barrel, what do you expect? *Fined for damages. *Theoretically could be inspected, actually only at check-in, check-out, and one for safety violations (overloaded outlets, halogen lamps, heavy objects over bed -- earthquake region) during Winter Break. *Drinking allowed if 21 with your door closed. Or under, if you don't get caught. *Smoking allowed in 4 dorms, forbidden in 4. Can only smoke in room with door closed. (The door rules on both of these have to do with public/private space regs... drinking and smoking can't be done in 'public' residential spaces.) *However many guests you wanted, as long as you don't leave them unattended in the dorm. Overnight stays limited to 72hours (after which they had to leave for 24 and then could come back... some people basically had live-in SOs under that rule) *Health insurance required, but full-time student still covered under parents' family plan. *2 RAs per dorm -- basically 1 per floor. *Phone jack provided in each room, you bring the handset. Voicemail, on-campus calls, and local calls free. Long-distance charged to individual. *"Microfridge" deal with supplier -- unit about 4' with separate fridge and freezer sections, and a microwave. The idea being that the fridge shuts off while the nuke's in use, a power supply thing. Or bring your own fridge. Small electrical appliances (coffeepot, electric kettle, etc) fine, no microwaves or open heat sources. *M-F Breakfast, Continental Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. M-R Midnight Snack. W - Afternoon Tea. Weekends and Holidays Brunch and Dinner. All you can eat everything. *Thrown out over Winter and Summer Break, can stay Fall, Thanksgiving, and Spring if desired. *Generally only the one bed to worry about. *Conduct ignored as long as the neighbors didn't complain to the RAs and nothing was burning, exploding, or demolishing the building.
  14. To reply to several at once -- Where in the world are these rent numbers coming from? I've been apartment-hunting lately and not finding anything that cheap, I tell you! Most co-ed dorms are single-sex rooms, co-ed floors, halls, or buildings. Some places do have co-ed rooms, though. When I was at college, there were no co-ed rooms, but there were co-ed suites -- singles or doubles sharing a living room and bath, usually with 6-10 people per suite. And where are dorms strictly regulated? I lived in the most 'strict' set of dorms on campus (multiple colleges, multiple policies -- it's kinda a long story), and that was just on the basis of us having keycard locks and an escort policy, so no off-campus people could physically enter the dorms without a student escort, and you had to keep your guests in line-of-sight and not let them wander the halls alone. Beyond that, you could do anything you wanted, as long as you didn't burn the dorm down. (Or paint your walls. Man, the fines for that...)
  15. It's not a bad idea to watch episodes specifically looking for 'normal' interactions. They're usually quick moments, because what's good ship protocol and what's good TV are rather different, but there are some really great examples of how smooth problem-solving can run.
  16. No problem with it at all. Actually I prefer it to the alternative. But the Spring time change is always difficult to get used to, yeah. Amazing what we carry over from the World Wars (fuel shortage). (And yeah, Franklin suggested it as a joke, but I hadn't heard the April Fools thing before -- where'd you read that?::curious:: )
  17. Hon, if you think tea is sweet, you've never drunk mine. :) Can we say "rocket fuel"? Coffee -- blech. Unless it's 4am and I've got a paper due at 9, in which case a poor man's mocha (instant hot chocolate made with the strongest coffee to be found instead of hot water) is a god-send. Really, decaf coffee would wake me up -- it's the taste that does it. :) Of course, a nice delicate tea blend makes a refreshing change. There's a great shop in town that sells more kinds of tea than you can imagine. And I must admit an addiction to our college coffeehouse's cinnamon chai. Yum!
  18. You like TT but not RotK? I thought there were far more book-continuity errors in Two Towers than in Return -- Fellowship remains, by far, the most accurate. Frankly I think that's why TT and RotK feel like such a let-down for me (speaking in terms of their adaptation from the books, here. Cinematically, they're wonderful); Fellowship was so accurate for a movie adaptation that it raised my hopes for the others sky-high.
  19. Gotta disagree. I thought Revolutions was a good ending to the trilogy, balancing the mind-bending of the first with the mindless fighting of the second to create a satisfying conclusion. And I also loved that the ending was not all happy (actually I could have done without the cute kid and the Oracle scene right at the end) and left us with questions -- like would the machines keep their word and for how long? But frankly I'd be more concerned with the Architect keeping his word to the Oracle. As for Smith flying, that's pretty much a given for someone who was effectively running the entire Matrix at that point. He could give himself whatever abilities he wanted, really, and the only surprise is that Neo stood up to him as well as he did.
  20. If you popped by the Tuesday Midnight academy late and missed us, we apologize. Unfortunately, we seem to be rather unpopular -- or at least unpopulated of late. :P If you've never been to a Tuesday Midnight Academy (shame on you!) -- consider it! We have a great time. We can be a little silly, thanks to the late hour, and recently we've been running a series of departement sims. That's right -- everyone plays in the same department. No worries about being out of the mission's focus! Great chance to get experience in different posts! Awesome opportunities to get more involved with the central action! Excellent role-playing and character development potential! Coming next week: Science!
  21. Afraid I have to give it mixed reviews. While as a film it certainly blows the mind, and the cinematography is outstanding, as a book adaptation it left me feeling rather empty. Now by comparision to Two Towers on that score, it rocked, but as a whole I think it was a bit of a let-down. Fellowship got my hopes up so high for a really good film adaptation, Towers crashed them, and Return salvaged the wreckage. Hopefully the extended edition will fix some things, but there are a few points that I can tell won't be (by reason of affecting scenes we did see too much). That's all I can say in a non-spoiler forum. Now, if you haven't read the books or don't care how well they translate to screen, this is absolutely the year's best movie. All of the acting is phenomenal (even Tyler didn't bug me this time) and Mortensen is stellar! (And hot, which doesn't hurt. ;) ) I think they might have been working a tad too hard to get parallels in the cuts between the Gondor and Mordor storylines, but the flow is nice nonetheless. Now, this leaves us with just one little problem.... What do we spend the next year looking forward to???? :(
  22. ::coughs gently:: I think the point here was that GMs play in the academies; that is, as cadets. :D
  23. ::(: There are post counts under our avatars? ::looks:: Oh, yeah, there are. Wow. Guess we know how often I look at 'em, huh? I wouldn't mind seeing them removed.
  24. U.S. Bi-coastal. For now, anyway. :-)
  25. Well, nothing is ever certain. After all, STIII, IV, and V were all going to be "the last one" at the time, and look where that got us. (Frankly, given how V turned out, they shoulda stopped at IV. But VI was ok, so I guess it's all right. :D ) But they've done a pretty good job of splitting up the TNG crew, including killing off one of the more popular people (Er, is there anyone left around here who's worried about 'spoilers'?). DS9 and Voyager both left off in places that beg for sequals -- the Voyager finale in particular needed to be at least 15 minutes longer so we could find out what happened when they got home. DS9 left us with an idea what people would be doing in the future but plot threads it would be interesting to revisit -- What's Odo going to do after he heals his people, and are they ever going to get over this 'solids' thing? What's Sisko learning about as a non-linear being, and when will he goes nuts trying to keep it all straight? ::D: I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a movie of either series, but I agree with Huff -- all of the crews have been split up and gone their own way now, so let's see a mixed crew. Maybe Kim (finally having gotten that loooong-awaited promotion) could turn up on Riker's ship, along with... Gah. Been too long since I saw the DS9 finale... who's available for transfer... Bashir? Ezri? Or something like that, anyway. :)