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Adm Day

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Everything posted by Adm Day

  1. Crispin Xavier. A suitably exotic name for a Human colonist character. Let’s make him skilled in engineering, very creative, a good student. Don’t want to make him too exotic, so let’s make him human. From a colony… how about … Aries 7? Yeah! That would be fun! Two years ago, a young man by the name of Michael Ian Davis came to Excalibur with an idea for a character. He longed to bring his creative talents to our Engineering section, to interact with the shipmates he met here, once a week, and too… well, to have fun! We all sim to escape Real Life, I think. Whether you want to become a strong young engineer, a tall, dark alien, or a strong and virile Admiral who is only slightly graying at the temples, we can become, for one hour a week, anyone we want. Out character can escape the bounds of this earthly atmosphere, and the boundaries of our meager terrestrial existence, and travel to the stars. In our minds we sit, not in dimly lighted rooms typing at a keyboard, but in brightly gleaming starships, shooting through the cosmos, exploring strange new worlds with our beloved crewmates, who, being of like mind, explore the heavens with us for a brief period each week, dreaming of places and situations that are quite beyond us. For that one hour, however, they are reachable. With a few deft keystrokes, we can join others, and soar to anywhere our imaginations can take us. Micheal… (No, I still think of him as Crispin. That’s how he introduced himself to us, and that’s who he wanted to be…) Crispin became a wonderfully creative simmer, and soon rose to Chief of his department. The crew loved reading his logs, and interacting with him during sim. During that one hour each week, he could escape from the worries of earthbound existence, and be a brilliant engineer, racing through the stars. Crispin rarely talked about his real life. I remember one quick note explaining that he was absent from some sims, because he had some surgery to go through, but it was optimistic, and the only reason he brought it up, was so his absence might not disrupt the sim. You see, this was his place to escape from real life. His friends here helped him forget the lurking illness that had prompted the note. Crispin Xavier will no longer be joining us on our journeys. On October 7, 2006, Crispin took that Ultimate Journey to the Greatest Adventure of All. He will always be a part of our crew, and we will miss his creativity, his humor, and his friendship. Warp Speed, Crispin,
  2. Crispin Xavier. A suitably exotic name for a Human colonist character. Let’s make him skilled in engineering, very creative, a good student. Don’t want to make him too exotic, so let’s make him human. From a colony… how about … Aries 7? Yeah! That would be fun! Two years ago, a young man by the name of Michael Ian Davis came to Excalibur with an idea for a character. He longed to bring his creative talents to our Engineering section, to interact with the shipmates he met here, once a week, and too… well, to have fun! We all sim to escape Real Life, I think. Whether you want to become a strong young engineer, a tall, dark alien, or a strong and virile Admiral who is only slightly graying at the temples, we can become, for one hour a week, anyone we want. Out character can escape the bounds of this earthly atmosphere, and the boundaries of our meager terrestrial existence, and travel to the stars. In our minds we sit, not in dimly lighted rooms typing at a keyboard, but in brightly gleaming starships, shooting through the cosmos, exploring strange new worlds with our beloved crewmates, who, being of like mind, explore the heavens with us for a brief period each week, dreaming of places and situations that are quite beyond us. For that one hour, however, they are reachable. With a few deft keystrokes, we can join others, and soar to anywhere our imaginations can take us. Micheal… (No, I still think of him as Crispin. That’s how he introduced himself to us, and that’s who he wanted to be…) Crispin became a wonderfully creative simmer, and soon rose to Chief of his department. The crew loved reading his logs, and interacting with him during sim. During that one hour each week, he could escape from the worries of earthbound existence, and be a brilliant engineer, racing through the stars. Crispin rarely talked about his real life. I remember one quick note explaining that he was absent from some sims, because he had some surgery to go through, but it was optimistic, and the only reason he brought it up, was so his absence might not disrupt the sim. You see, this was his place to escape from real life. His friends here helped him forget the lurking illness that had prompted the note. Crispin Xavier will no longer be joining us on our journeys. On October 7, 2006, Crispin took that Ultimate Journey to the Greatest Adventure of All. He will always be a part of our crew, and we will miss his creativity, his humor, and his friendship. Warp Speed, Crispin,
  3. The dispassionate blue face turned to look at him, antennae swiveling forward, and then tilting slightly out as the face frowned, and then slowly acquired an expression of extreme sadness. The features melted, the antennae disappeared, and the skin tones became lighter. Simultaneously, the expression took on a state of shocked horror. The visage filled his entire view and the eyes met his, only making contact for a few seconds, but those seconds seemed to stretch for an eternity. A roaring, rushing sound built behind the frightened features, and suddenly, with a silent scream, the face receded from view, the owner’s hands still reaching forward, trying to clutch to him, to anything. The eyes within the horrified mask quickly dwindled to a speck, as the body that held it spiraled outward into the vast deepness of space through a ragged hole in hull. He turned to fasten the hatch behind him, the image of B’nai Summers’ eyes still burning on his retinas. The image solidified, took on male features, became the face of Zack Chen, the eyes looking at him, still, as the plasma fire erupted behind him, the blast deafening him, the flames engulfing the vision, starting at the edges, and burning quickly toward the center, lastly engulfing those imploring eyes. The faces came quickly then, faces now forever gone, but fading into existence, and morphing from one crew member to the next around those eyes that never left his. Eyes that begged, pleaded, implored. Eyes that had trusted in him, had looked to him for guidance and security, but now were forever closed in the cold, uncaring darkness that is death. The eyes mocked, pleaded, accused, entreated, and blamed him as they bored into his, moving closer, and closer, the faces behind them blurring into and endless stream of all those who had died under his command. The last face began to come into focus, the eyes fading from accusation, to concern. The edges of the face began to become clear. “Admiral, are you all right?” The face resolved to solidity, became that if Random Perfect, as his vision slowly came into focus. She held a blood-soaked rag of some kind to his throbbing head, which he rolled to one side as he slowly regained acknowledgement of his surroundings. There, lying on the floor at arms reach, was a PADD with the picture of an Andorian on it. His thoughts converged, and he began to recall the events that led to his present unfortunate position. He had been studying the new replacement personnel records, a new Ensign… Quelsar was the name, yes… when the Red Alert sounded. He had moved quickly to go to the bridge, and had dropped the PADD. Quickly reaching down for it, (and here his memory of the events began to get fuzzy) either the ship had bucked, or he had simply slipped… hit his head… and then… the faces. He shook his head to keep his thoughts from going that direction, again, and had instantly regretted it, as a nine pound hammer hammered him in the temple. “Lay still, Admiral. A medic is on the way.” “I’m all right, Yeoman, thank you. I need to get to the bridge.” The rest of this thought, he kept to himself. He had to do what he could to pacify those faces… and to keep from adding more to their ranks.
  4. Admiral Day sat in the Command Chair of the bridge, his face portraying a look of concentration, as if, by force of will alone, he could keep the battered Morningstar in one piece, and complete the journey back to Camelot Station. They were maintaining a lead on the pursuing force, though barely. He did not want to push the overtaxed engines of the ship any harder, as his present tactic deemed that he arrive at the station reasonably intact, even if only a few minutes ahead of the enemy. They were hopelessly outnumbered. Sensors were still under repair and information was still sketchy, but indications were the force was a large one. He reviewed his tactics, again, and wondered if he was doing the right thing. The Romulan ships had bought them enough time to escape, at a sacrifice to themselves. He shook his head, again, at this. One moment they seemed bent on double-crossing him at every opportunity, and the next, they do something like this. He would never understand the Romulan psyche. Now, here he was, leading a large enemy force back to his own home base. Were his tactics sound? He shook his head again. It was no use thinking that way. Even if the ship was in pristine condition, and they turned to fight, they might take one or two ships, if they were lucky, but the rest would soon overwhelm the Morningstar. Then the fleet would, most likely, continue on to Avalon, anyway, now that their cover had been blown. No, they must get to Camelot first, so they could turn and fight with the Allied Fleet at their backs, and the power of Camelot defenses to turn the tide. If they were victorious, it would mean a devastating blow to the Hundred Rebellion. If not… well… he HAD been dreaming of retirement a while ago. …assuming he survived the battle, of course.
  5. I have had some inquiries about our sim and the Morningstar, so I'll post a note to clarify. Our current plotline has the crew of the Excalibur aboard the Morningstar, as the Excalibur was damaged and taken out of commission. The fate of the Excalibur-B is still a mystery to the crew. It was towed away as junk several weeks ago. Only time will tell whether we see the good ol' Excalibur-B again, whether we'll see a brand new Excalibur-C (There are a lot of letters in the alphabet.), or whether the Morningstar will be re-commissioned with a new name. Remember the Vulcan IDIC principal. There are Infinite Diversities, in Infinite Combinations. :P
  6. Personal log, Lieutenant Jim Baund, Star Date 0506.21 Gee, I haven’t recorded one of these in so long, I’m not sure where to begin. The Excalibur picked me up from being marooned on that God forsaken planet. I’m not really sure how long I was there. Months, I suppose. I’m sure I went a little bit crazy for a while, but, somehow, managed to survive. I guess the worst part of the whole ordeal was knowing that there was really no one out there who was looking for me. I’ve never had any family, and no friends who are left alive, so there was really no one to miss me. ::nervous chuckle, and a shrug:: I guess I’m used to that, though. I’ve always been a bit of a loner… my own choice. It’s just that, this time, I didn’t have much of a choice. I don’t remember much about the crash, really. Doctor Delgado says I probably won’t ever remember it. The human mind tends to block out those traumatic memories. In fact, everything before the crash is like a dream. And not just the events that lead up to the crash, but my entire life to that point. It’s like… it belonged to someone else. ::shakes head:: Weird, huh? Anyway, I’m here, and alive, thanks to the Excalibur crew. They’ve given me the opportunity to work in their Science Department. The doctor has released me for light duty, and the Chief of Science, Lieutenant Chen, has already given me the job of monitoring sensor data on the reconnaissance mission that the Excalibur is currently undergoing. It feels good to be back to work! I’ve always been good at gathering and tabulating data, so I hope I can show the crew that I’m up to the task, can help them out, and maybe repay their generosity, and the life debt I owe them. Computer, end log.
  7. Congratulations to another winner of the Meritorious Achievement award. After careful deliberation, The Command Staff have bestowed this award on the following person for outstanding log writing: Ensign Tandaris Admiran (The Meritorious Achievement Award is awarded for excellence in log writing. It is generally awarded to a simmer who writes a log ore series that "blows us away." It can be awarded for various reasons: a log/series that shows a detailed and creative knowledge of Trek lore that is integrated into the sim, a log or series that is lengthy and exhibits a grand amount of work, a log/series that is emotionally touching, a log/series that grips us with drama, or a log/series that sends us to the floor laughing are all candidates for this award. As this is the most subjective of all of the awards, it is unusual in that it does not require joint command staff approval to be awarded. Another important consideration are other crew members' comments. So if you like a log, let everyone know why! )
  8. Admiral Day paced, alone, in his Ready Room, trying to release some of the nervous energy that he dared not show to the rest of the crew. At every trip past the port, he glanced at the huge, airless rock that hung there, as if he could actually see the men and women that were busily carrying out his orders, miles away on the surface. Though to the crew, he appeared outwardly calm, this entire mission was beginning to wear on him. They were deep in enemy territory. An enemy of whom they had no idea of thier actual strength. The few encounters that they had already endured had shown that they could be formidable, indeed. Perhaps, if this mission was successful, they might be able to gather more data about the Hundred, but until that time, the Excalibur was out here alone, and vulnerable. They sat, invisible, under thier cloak, hoping that the location in the asteroid field would help mask their presence, but each hour they stayed here made the odds of discovery stack higher and higher against them. Most of his Engineers were on the surface, setting up equipment. He only hoped that the maintenance of the cloaking device, which had never been tested for periods that lasted this long, was being adequately handled in their absence. Captain Sorehl was back at Camelot, administering the operations fo the station and Captain Jcin, his regular XO, and Commander Brianna, his CMO, were both off on a special mission, so much of his crew were new at thier jobs. Wayne stopped and squared his soldiers. He ran through the litany he always repeated when faced with command decisions: "They have all been trained for this. They knew thier jobs. It will be all right. We'll make it through this, and all get back, safely." He glanced out the port again, and took a deep breath as he thought about the next part fo the litany. "... or die trying." He mumbled to himself as he turned to go back out onto the bridge, "I've always hated that part."
  9. Uhh, I don't think he was actually worrid about YOUR security, but ours. ;)
  10. Admiral Day sighed and sat back in his chair as he finished the dispatch to Fleet command. He shook his head and spun his chair around to watch the stars through his port hole, as was his habit when he was deep in thought. The situation was much more serious than he had admitted to the crew. The renegade Founders in the area were more than just a nuisance, and Excalibur was on more than just a reconnaissance mission It was true that the Federation needed more information about the activity of the renegades, but Starfleet Intelligence had already gathered quite a bit. Shortly before the end of the war, there had been reports of a secret base that was developing a new kind of heavy destroyer. Fortunately the war had come to an end before the enemy had had time to fully conclude the project; however, the location and even the existence of the base was never revealed. The appearance of the destroyer which had attacked the Excalibur had, indeed, been a portent of bad, but important news, and Wayne had been torn as to his next action. The data that the Excalibur had recorded about the ship was vital to intelligence, and it was important that he return to base with the information. However, the very existence of the ship had made the second, undisclosed part of his mission even more essential. Wayne leaned the chair back as he stared at, without really seeing, the unfamiliar stars, his mind awhirl. He didn’t like the idea that he could not share his plans with the crew, but in the meeting, his astute diplomatic officer had hit the nail squarely on the head. Hawthorne had pointed out that the method they were using to contact the Founders was against treaty provisions, and he had been entirely correct. Entering the Founders home space unannounced and undetected was completely against the provisions of the treaty and if they were discovered, it could lead to another breakout of the war. Millions of lives would be affected. However, if they wished for the nature of the mission to remain undetected by the renegades, it was the only way to accomplish it. Until they made contact with Odo, and got permission from the Founders (if they were successful, of course), the responsibility must be his, alone. If they were discovered before that time… SF Intelligence had made it quite clear that the Excalibur and her crew were expendable in that case. Admiral Day turned back to his terminal, entered a password, and called up the plans once again. The hologram rotated above his console, as he studied it carefully. It was an important undertaking; one that would keep the Excalibur and her crew occupied for some time… he hoped. If he could only get the Founders to agree! It was critical that he get the chance to ask them. If he didn’t… He hit another control on his terminal, and the self destruct program displayed. He took a deep breath and spoke. “Computer, change parameters of voice controlled subroutine. Remove the three officer confirmation, and set to enable on mine, or Captain JCin’s voice command with 10 second countdown.” “Command is in violation of Starfleet Protocol, cannot comply without authorization.” “Admiral Wayne Day, Flag Officer authorization, Beta, 17, Delta, 01. Override protocol.” “Authorization accepted. Stand by for retinal scan… scan complete and confirmed, Admiral Day. Parameter changes complete.” Wayne sat back and swung his chair around again to once again gaze at the stars, hoping it wouldn’t be the last time for the opportunity.
  11. Thanks for joining us, Sorehl!
  12. Hiya Ben! Glad to see you're back! But sorry about the job. :P Hope to sim again with you soon!
  13. Welcome to the Excalibur boards! We have many good log writers aboard Excalibur, who will be posting their logs here. Read and enjoy! Also, be sure to visit our website at http://www.webexcalibur.com Vice Admiral Day Commanding Officer USS Excalibur, NCC2004-B
  14. Star Trek Simming Forum Bio Name: Wayne Day Rank: Vice Admiral Service Number: 580524-570717 Race: Human/Vulcan Sex: Male Place of Birth: Spaced. On regular Earth/Vulcan shuttle run Age: 51 Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Green Height: 5'10" Weight: 200 Marital Status: Married Father: Keith W Day Mother: K'Lar Siblings: None Current Assignment: Ship: USS Excalibur Current Position: Commanding Officer, Excalibur and STSF HQ Liaison Wayne was born on a shuttle craft during the regular Vulcan/Earth run his parents made each week. His mother, K'lar was the copilot at the time, his father, Keith, serving as engineer. They had met as members of the crew of the Shuttlecraft Rainbow, and struck up a relationship which began during cross training exercises. As the friendship blossomed, each became respectfully talented in each other's fields of study and eventually became married, K'lar explaining that it seemed the logical thing to do. They continued the run for a total of 19 years, Keith eventually becoming Chief Engineer and K'lar, Commanding Officer. Two years after they met, Wayne was born. He accompanied them on the ship for the first 17 years of his life, where he was tutored in both operations and engineering from his parents. His parents allowed him to the choice to embrace whichever religious and cultural philosophies he wished and eventually he chose the human philosophies of his father in favor of the "logical and non-emotional" overtones of his mother, which he felt made one too "stuffy" to interact well with others. It may be that these traits like the physical ones, are hereditary, as Wayne has none of the traditional outward physical traits of the Vulcan race. His ears appear for the most part, human, and though his eyebrows are somewhat pointed, he is mostly human in appearance. He does have limited telepathic abilities, which he has developed, with the help of his mother, to some degree. On his Seventeenth birthday, His parents were holding a party for him on the Rainbow, and because they had invited the entire crew, a mistake in autopilot settings by the copilot resulted in a disastrous crash. The Copilot had neglected to put all sensors on automatic and the shuttle ran into an asteroid field. Wayne's mother and father and most of the crew were killed in the crash. Wayne was the only qualified pilot left on board, and he, with the one remaining crew member, was able to repair the shuttle and pilot it to Earth. As a gesture of loyalty and remembrance to his parents, he signed up on the replacement ship which continued the run. He served for five years on the shuttle Pursuit attacking his duties with a vengeance. He became a level five pilot during that time and a highly rated engineer. Because of the incident with his parents, he was always a stickler for regulations. He eventually applied for admission to the Academy and, because of his record was admitted after his first application. He graduated at the top of his class. Wayne began his career on the Excalibur as an Engineer and continued for almost four years (Real Time) in that capacity. He worked his way through the ranks to Chief Engineer and eventually to First Officer. SFHQ assigned him as a special liaison to the fleet and promoted him to vice Admiral, giving him command of the Excalibur as part of his duties.