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The Strategy Expert

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Everything posted by The Strategy Expert

  1. Today was my first day. Participated in the Academy 9pm session. I am an unusual individual, I am half human and half Q. It has been requested of me by the Continuum to pass through Starfleet Academy as a human and to serve as a member of Starfleet without using my Q powers. This is a mission from the Continuum to help them learn more about the mystique of the human race and to learn via my experiences. From time to time I may also have alternative objectives to perform on the side. This will not affect any of my Starfleet duties whatsoever, but they do consist of important routine tasks. Just simple stuff like balancing out the universe and altering and influencing time, space, and events etc.
  2. *

    If telepathy can be used to advance Star Trek missions and objectives then the exploitation is justified. Scientific advancement and evolution of the human society trumps the value of individual privacy, by a LARGE margin. Also, in speaking of Spock, I have started recording only episodes lately since they are reaired daily and I don't particularly think that the character of Spock is written well in terms of his logic/intelligence, I find it to be rather weak.
  3. Coming soon to a movie theater near you: Saw 5: Our Movies Are Getting Retarded
  4. Also, At the time I signed up here i also sent a request to join another game the A Call to Duty version which looked quite similar to this game. I just rec'd an email from a guy that was out of town that wants me to train with him. Does anybody have any info or insight on that just out of curiosity, or any other interesting star trek games whether internet or video games that they like?
  5. Wait a minute. If the crew died do they still get to keep playing? I would think that once you died you are done as a character?
  6. I'd like to see a show in the year 2050, when we are traveling to Mars. The whole series would be on a 4 man shuttle and the 6 month journey, and there isn't any alien interaction of course, but it's a character study to learn about these 4 people and their backgrounds. Ok now for the real ideas: 1) How about a show that evolves similar to the style of this game? It starts off w/cadets learning at the Academy and preparing for life on a starship. You get glimpses of what future education and training methods would be plus of course holodecks that could simulate all kinds of situations that are creative. One kind of drawback I always had with Star Trek was that every episode a major crazy event happened, there weren't any routine days. But with the holodeck training simulation creating events of all kinds of unusual types of physical and mental challenges at least they would have a valid excuse for having a crazy adventure each episode! :) 2) I of course would like a show that is way into the future especially with the increased capacity of new technologies that we had glimpses of in other episodes. In particular I wouldn't mind a show that is from the point of view of Q and his adventures of various natures to get us a first hand look at many different races and other stuff that a Q would spend on his day to day. This would give blanket creativity to a lot of avenues. It could be almost like a soap opera style where you have full character sets at sooo many different junctures. Maybe in an episode part of the time you are on a Vulcan ship in one year, a Romulan ship in another, a planet based community etc etc etc. and each episode you are continuing on with a multitude of character sets and story lines. In a sense this would comingle as many creative ideas as possible and make as many come true to satisfy my content urges. You could come up w/a million ideas for star trek shows and it would suck to just have 1, let's have this one that can open us up to as many of these ideas as possible all at once. Whatever ideas they choose in this mix I'm sure I'll love each and every one of them, give me Q-uantity!
  7. Yeah you might never get a post in the real life Starfleet in the future because of what is now on your permanent record!
  8. Cuda - How come I don't see you in the graduation announcements?
  9. Ok thanks!
  10. Oh ok, so it's like a surprise party? :) How does one get on a ship, do you wait for offers, or do you ask around, how does that process work?
  11. So how does the graduation process work? Are people keeping track and logs of what I do from each post, are they reviewing the chats, will I be requested for interviews or screenings? Are there any graphical bars to show percentages obtained towards full completion? :)
  12. Thanks for the advice! Well I suppose if nobody accepted me then with my Q powers I could create my own ship and serve as every position and then post a thread detailing the adventures on my one man crew! j/k :) Here's an example mission recap: Federation ship Qbert is dispatched to confront an incoming Borg legion to the Milky Way Galaxy. [insert Tech Talk] [insert Tech Talk] The Borg ships all blew up, Earth lives to see another day. The end.
  13. You can also buy the human version of Romulan Ale. Although it will stain your mouth for a couple days and it doesn't taste very good.
  14. Vulcan Root Beer
  15. Your welcome. You know, if we combine our resources, my post count and your post count puts us over 100 total. Pretty cool huh? Perhaps we could discuss more about this over some Romulan Ale? :) lol
  16. Greetings to you sir!
  17. Oh ok, well I can't change my race, I was born this way, so I understand if it would be more convenient for everybody if I was not that way, but I can't change who I am. I do have powers available to me, but my powers of being half-human and half-Q do not allow me to change my race, and I'm sure not going to petition anybody from the Q Continuum to take my humanity away from me. I am the ultimate team player and look forward to proving myself as deserving a spot on somebody's team. I have confidence that I will find somebody to accept me for who I am. If I don't, well then I will have a lonely existence here in the Federation, but that's ok, I'm used to it, I was very lonely in the Continuum as well.
  18. I added you as a friend. You have been very courteous and professional via PM. I aspire to one day pass Starfleet Academy and to serve with you. (bio from above) I am an unusual individual, I am half human and half Q. It has been requested of me by the Continuum to pass through Starfleet Academy as a human and to serve as a member of Starfleet without using my Q powers. This is a mission from the Continuum to help them learn more about the mystique of the human race and to learn via my experiences. There are a few objectives on my agenda in the long term that I have to perform as a Q that may require me to perform on the side. Perhaps some time I will offer to take you on one of these expeditions. Don't worry about your current position, as we can fulfill any experiences in the blink of an eye, you wouldn't miss a thing. I am intrigued by your persona.
  19. Oh ok thanks for info. I participated in the first academy session already, pretty cool.