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Leetos Poll

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Everything posted by Leetos Poll

  1. Well so far from what I've seen of the USS Republic all has been great. I'm glad I didn't get posted aboard the Hood. Intriguing offer... lots of donuts. My commanding officer Lt. Commander Will Robinson is a good guy. Though our first day together has me confused. As in what is this Holly program that Dave wasn't supposed to get into. Granted I don't think I'm supposed to know myself. Admiral BluRox is quite a woman. She drives a nice firm ship, and yet seems to have a nice softer side to her. Jax Robinson- The chief's wife is pregnant though I forget how far along she is. Seems nice even though I'm sure I'll see worse before the baby(ies?) arrive. The Doctor is crazy.... can't stay focused. I've been informed through the grapevine that we're running from Jem Haddar ships. As long as we can avoid them I'll be happy. Though my trigger finger has been itching as of late. I hope I get to shoot something or someone soon. :End Log:
  2. Could I get "Will's trigger-happy assistant?" thx
  3. alright I have to ask for the same thing. Can I have my name changed from what it is currently to my character's name Leetos Poll?
  4. Full name: Leetos Poll Nickname: Lee Rank: Ensign Post: Assistant Security Officer Ship: USS Republic Age: 23 Race: Bajoran (male) Birthplace: Bajora Marital Status: Single Hair color: Brown Eye color: Brown Height: 5' 8" Weight: 150 lbs Hobbies: Poker (though not very good at bluffing), swimming, target shooting, Anbo-Jytsu Personal History: Lee has always lived more or less according to the rules. Born on Bajora and raised by two loving parents. They were overjoyed that their son got accepted into the academy. Did well in the academies and is one of the best shots with a phaser around. Still a greenhorn looks eagarly to what the Republic has to offer. Starfleet history: Participated in many simulations. Finally graduated on 080503 Assigned to the USS Republic on 080505
  5. Sorry about missing the last sim on the 12th. My hard drive crashed on my laptop preventing me from joining the USS Republic. I'll be there for the upcoming monday sim.
  6. Now i see that every advance sim group has their own log section but cadets in the academy don't. Can we fix this with perhaps an example of what a log looks like so that way we can have logs too?
  7. alright then one other simple question..... how are we calculating stardate?
  8. Hello STSF! My name is Benedict Pollasski (character name obviously). I'm glad I found STSF and i'm looking forward to joining the academy tonight.
  9. silly question: Are you restricted to going to only one academy or is it encouraged to go to as many as you feel comfortable going to?