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Everything posted by Leonah

  1. Hey there,I'm a new 'freshman' and I look forward to hopefully understanding fully how to Star Trek Sim,however I have some questions. 1.I enjoy TOS and VOY and a bit of TNG but I was very young when VOY was out and only see reruns(every now and then) of older versions-is this a big deal in regards to me playing since I don't have FULL knowledge of character/race/postion etc. backgrounds? 2.Say if I were to go into the Academy for the first time and didn't understand something someone was saying will I be shunned or would I recieve help?Will the Academy be a place I can learn all there is to know(or as much as it can teach) on how to sim? 3.And last question,what is a good site that explains certain terms that may be used or the job that is to be done by a certain position? Other than that...I'm a huge nerd who's looking for a new challenge outside of WoW :D
  2. :D Lol ty
  3. Thanks alot :D Anyway I can be borg?Lawlz, j/k