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Everything posted by Hilee

  1. I hope to be back...at least in the near future...
  2. Antebellum Duty Log: Hilee,Richard,B., Lt.Cmdr. Asst.Eng. U.S.S. Manticore Two and one half hours to go at the finish of the dept.heads conference...now with a mere thirty minutes to go before we enter the section of space we have been sent to. Thirty minutes to be ready in engineering to perform our part in this mission. The time has flown by while going over every possible scenario emergency this department and members can respond to and be prepared for. The conference was a shock as it did pertain to what we all had speculated before hand,now made fact and congealed into a matter of hours and minutes. The matter is without question irregardless of personal thoughts or conjecture...other than why we of all the ships in the line have been chosen to mount the first blow and draw blood in this most definite act of war. The simple facts remain ...We have been given a direct order and mission outline and we must follow those orders to the end. The engineering staff have responded to the duty and drills as always...above and by far any expectations. The times and response to each scenario is well above acceptable. The drills have been a cross section of emergency drills designed to tax each and every part of engineering from bulkheads being ruptured to loss of main,secondary...and reserve power. An imminent warp core breach to a full system cascading failure and recovery drills,patching,repairing the grid,plasma rerouting,repairs...and even including massive breaches in the main systems and computer core failure...each run having a correct response routine...allowing the personal observation variables to be accounted for. Time now reads fifteen minutes before time is up....fifteen minutes "Before the War" starts...may the powers that be help and preserve us. Computer...encode and send to the command staff. Computer...end log...! Beep
  3. Vulnerant Omnes, Ultima Necat The various paths and colors that have preceded in my link with the core have proven both completely puzzling as much as painful. The way intermixed with a representation of known referenced knowledge that I am sure resides in my long and short term memories. I have been trying to my up most ability while under the forced link to resist...to delay or possibly stop the incessant invasion of my mind. The power, or as I see it the bright light is ever beckoning me onward, I have purposefully tried to think of islands in the stream with little or zero effect as it appears as soon as I appear on the island, my very feet are greeted with a sensation of sinking..and eventually being caught in the streams once again. I still hold the nuance as incredible as it may seem we are literally being artificially ingested into a completely larger by scale than ever imagined Planetary Hybrid Biological and Mechanical race/species if you will that have managed to successfully overtake and enslave the native populace and take as needed any and all subsequent races as seen fit. I have been attempting to retain what little piece of self awareness and humanity though it has become arguably increasingly difficult to separate the state that I and my fellow shipmates here in the core have been undergoing forceful integration into...the streams continue to pull the consciousness towards while the sirens song continue to sing. I feel the very real repulsion to entertain the idea of becoming a part of this cold and uncaring reality...were I given the chance I would in fact totally kill or at the very least find a way to expedite the demise of our captors. The resulting destruction might free others at the very least...as well as possibly take the opportunity of this situation ever occurring again... I am fully aware as we all here are pulled inexorably towards that core the time is short until we will not be enabled to resist the machine, to even have fond or concern for our loved one's....including the most recent addition of my beloved Eva. The streams continue...the will grows weary with each passing moment,The hope for rescue from this abysmal form of hell declines. The mere passage of time,relative time.... " Every {Hour} wounds, The last kills" if our shipmates do not persevere in their pursuits to free us. I do not wish to become a part of a large force that may ultimately endanger the Manticore or the crew that serves her so well...or a possible threat to the one onboard I have became so enamored with...so deeply in love with.....End Log:: Beep!
  4. Ad Infinitum The team had been separated...split, four of us shuttled and restrained by robots while being stripped naked and placed onto cold steel tables arrayed along with the other numerous occupants...all lying in silent testimony as to what was soon to be our fate. The robots once having secured us shaved a portion of our heads which was more insult to injury...the cold skull caps being placed upon our heads replete with the various probes that were in place on the others in this dark,cold, Still room...connected to what was apparently the core of this network. I observed the robots as they withdrew and had tried to gird myself for what was surely to ensue. The initial probing and energy brought a blinding surge of pain likened to ones head being cracked and white hot liquid steel being forced into every possible nook and cranny of the brain. The repeated thoughts of killing the entity or disrupting the network was torn away as if burning ash on the winds. Memories began to cascade down transparent screens as if being projected from a three dimensional device...my eyes closed tightly as I try to fight the probing and scanning of my brain...noting with each visual reference and memory being brought to the fore it was torn from the screens as if a massive hand sheathed in shadows merely flipped through the translucent pages and colors represented in my memories. I do recall the pain,and the subsequent ebbing of the fire as the network began to seep into my consciousness at the peripherals of my mind...the probing steady and unrelenting. I could feel the ingress into my reality as the cold...unfeeling tentacles of the machine crept deeper into my mind. I remembered the words of that disembodied voice as it had spoken to us all before the pain and my restrained screams of pain. I had tried to focus on one ...singular thought as the pageantry unfolded in my minds eye, and that was...kill it. It is robbing you, it is trying to make you part of a massive collective brain or computer if you will. The Borg though a bit more aggressive in their technique at least utilized the entire being,whatever race it may be. The thought of being disembodied from my self has awakened another unknown possibility as I look around me in my new environment within this enormous collective as it goes about what seems to be a routine progression. I am an engineer...or at least I was I watch as the various colors and energy streams congeal into shapes and forms I have never witnessed on any of my travels, the question what is real...or what is imagined. I feel the draw of the core...a central bright light of sorts centered within the very middle of my focus. I can actually feel myself resisting the pull, and nonetheless being pulled along a rainbow colored stream of energy along with other streams that appear to many and numerous to count literally " To infinity without end"...perhaps those same paths may show a way out of this colored panoramic maze. End Log...beep! :P
  5. Nulli Secundus Personal thoughts: Hilee, Richard, B.,Lt.Cdr.,Asst.Engineer, U.S.S. Manticore The time here in our new enclosure is passing without any kind of reference. The room though comfortable with plenty of fresh air being provided and the temperature being held to a comfortable level....it is still a cage we now occupy waiting on some type of contact from our robotic captors. My fellow shipmates are all busied with exchanges of ideas to gain release from and escape from this new cage...I have been going over every possible alternative in my mind from an engineering aspect,even thinking out of the box a bit...to no avail. The fact remains we are truly held captive with no reasonable way to find an egress...every inch of this room has been gone over and over again. The walls are smooth with no apparent seams or joints,no access to any power junction...no obvious wiring, Truly caged. I hope our medical team member can find a way to stabilize Mr. Pilots injury or perhaps our captors while observing us will intercede and allow the splinting of his wrist/arm to prevent further damage...That might as well present us with another venue for communication or possibly escape. I do not even know if our last comm with the core was heard, or if we can even be picked up on the cores sensors...we have been relieved of all weapons,tools,...even the tricorders. One certainty does come to mind through all of this, The very real knowledge somewhere up above us the crew of the Manticore will be diligently working at finding us and getting us back. The crew of the Manticore are "Second To None" in the fleet and I am reassured within myself they will find us and liberate us...All we here can do is continue to strive to find a way to escape and await a rescue from the core. :(
  6. "Love To Love Ya Baby" An Eva Jaz and Richard Hilee production: Joint Risan shore leave personal log: After exiting the restaurant and wishing their dinner companions good night, Eva and Hilee ended up alone by the boardwalk. The evening and dinner had gone extremely well in a very different way then the previous alcohol fueled night. "Eva" Hilee quietly spoke..."I hope you enjoyed dinner I know our friends are really good friends...however when the tension between Faldek and Keb began...I was just waiting for the bomb to drop." Eva smiled before answering "I certainly had a good time, and technically they are your friends even though I sure hope they will become mine too in time." With a wise look in her eyes she added: "As far as Keb and Faldek are concerned, well if there is something I’ve learned in over 250 years it’s that it is always better not to get involved in someone else’s domestic disputes." Hilee grinned, taking in that bit of wisdom and replied "I could not agree more my dear. I just hope for the best for them." Changing subject he simply said "The reason I asked you out again,especially seeing that we may have very little time left here is that I wanted us to just enjoy ourselves,and get to know each other better." Eva listened without talking as he added. "I have very rare chances to enjoy others’ company, with the exception of the engineering staff. And you have brought a very bright light into what is usually a very cloudy existence." Eva smiled at the compliment. "I have to say that I was expecting a much duller vacation since I came here not really knowing anyone." She grinned before adding "The Romulan probably thinks of you as her new best friend for having taken me out of her sight for the past few days!" Her usual self having been brought back when she had little chat with her conscience in the luxurious bathroom, she boldly grabbed his hand." As you mentioned we do have so little time left, and I do intend to make the best of it! " Without another word she began walking towards the shore line with Hilee in tow. The impromptu stroll had taken him a bit by surprise, however he held on tightly to Eva's hand and followed her closely, smiling ,and clearly enjoying the cool breeze wafting up from the sea , mingled with the exquisite and alluring scent from her perfume. Alluring and enticing at the same time. "I will follow your heading" he faux stated, in his best serious voice. Eva laughed at his answer " Well it's only fair...you've been dragging me around for the better part of 2 days...my turn now!" As they reached the water, she sat down, her toes digging into the wet sand right by the shore. She tilted her head back, eyes closed, enjoying the salt filled air on her skin. When she opened her eyes after a long minute she looked at Hilee with a smile, curiosity filling her eyes. "So why did you bring me a drink, at that forest fire, err I mean bonfire? Young attractive women are not really something Risa is lacking...so why me?" Hilee took in her beauty, in the moonlit surroundings before answering. "Well to be perfectly frank, you had a glow about you, to me anyway, you stood out from the rest." Sitting down behind Eva and drawing her in closer while looking into the most beautiful stars that gleamed with a truly flashing radiance, "I guess you might say I was smitten right then and there." "To answer the drink, and other women question…" Hilee felt his throat go dry for a moment. "I had to find someway to introduce myself, and the other women here do not hold a candle to you.” Eva thanked the sky that it was dark out, as she had promised herself to stop blushing but against her own will she felt her skin burning again. She leaned back letting her head rest on his chest closing her eyes again; she said almost to herself “I’m glad you did..." Feeling herself getting too serious she tilted her head back to look Hilee in the eyes as best as she could. " But you have to stop looking at me like I'm the next best thing since the warp drive " she chuckled softly, before resting her head back where it was before .. " a girl can really get use to that " She rested in silence for a minute or two enjoying the sea, the stars and the company , knowing all too well that moments like that would be scarce once they got back on the ship . Hilee didn't’ answer right away ,trying to collect his thoughts before saying " Well, first of all, the inception of warp drive pales in comparison to you. "He chuckled a bit, enjoying the moment feeling her warmth,feeling her close to him before adding " I just…well I am a warp and quantum slip stream theorist, I can assure you nothing in this known universe sends my heart and pulse racing as you appear to be able to do with that smile of yours. You are to me the most beautiful woman ,both inside as well as outside, I have ever known. Eva dug her toes deeper in the sand , feeling quite uncomfortable being the object of so many compliments. It wasn’t something she was used to. Richard continued " I do not intend to end this here on Risa. Oh no...I have found the finest jewel one could find, and I hope we can grow our…" he paused unsure of the words to use "relationship as time goes on." Eva twisted around to look at him, letting the overly nice compliment slide she started smiling from ear to ear. "I'm pleased to hear you say that since I was scared that with the amount of swamp drinks I had on our first evening together you might have gotten the idea that I was a "what happens on Risa stays on Risa kind of girl." She looked at the waves before adding "Humans seem to have a bizarre preconception about Trills being, how should I put it, well easy.” Having said that, images of her new chief walking around the beach in what could be describe at best as barely decent attire came to mind. She added in a mocking tone "I must admit that some certainly are." The exuberance showing on her face spoke volumes. Hilee said "Well just consider me a bit different from some of the others." Thinking back about the bonfire night, he could not hold back a laugh. "Besides it was very interesting to observe the others as they consumed large quantities of real alcohol in various forms". Looking at her directly in her eyes he added "I assure you I had no preconception of you being easy, just the contrary you conducted yourself accordingly, every inch a true woman and a lady". Having him say that was a great relief to Eva. Her memory of that evening was mostly lost in a fog induced by the swamp drinks she ingested. She wiggled her way back to her initial position , slipping her hand in his, absently playing with his fingers. She said in a falsely sadden tone. "I guess I can kiss goodbye my plan of seducing you then. After you just told me how correct and lady like I have been up to now. Wouldn't want to shatter that perfect idea you seem to have of me." Looking down a bit, Hilee said “I was imprinted by you from that very night...and no, I am not easy either. But I am yours for the taking, at your desire." Keeping a straight face, Eva got up. She paused for a second to brush the sand off her dress. Once done she extended her hand for him to take before adding with a shameless grin "Just so you know, I am expecting breakfast in bed in the morning." :wacko:
  7. Ergo Bibamus Personal Risan Log: Hilee,Richard,B.,Lt.Cdr.,Aeng, U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A The cool breeze blowing in towards the beach was enough to awaken me from my deep peaceful slumber, I am quite sure as well the generous helpings of the swamp mud drinks from last nights beach party had something to do with the deep sleep,as well as this enormous headache I have. The party was a success apparently as there still remains a large group of various attendees sleeping about the area...in various stages of scantily clothed states. The more...or less in this case scantily clothed did have the good taste to at least draw a blanket over themselves...except for that one couple in the bay sailing boat, I had to pull the sail and cover them both...the sun would have left quite a few painful and possible embarrassing reminders of their...fun. The caterers have cleaned the area quite well and disposed of most of the trash and garbage from the immediate area...I was as well greatly relieved not finding any smoking remains of anyone in the still smoldering remains of the coals left over from the signal pyre....err, Bonfire from last night. I really have to discuss this with Ej at our first lucid opportunity. The left over booze has been reduced in quantity considerably...good thing we only brought out a third of the necessary survival stock for prolonged exposure to Risan surroundings. I am a bit amazed to have a somewhat full recollection of last night and the festivities...and my most delightful company. My good friend and fellow partner in the exploration of intoxicants actually had commented upon meeting her,along with his very nice bride to be, "Robbing the cradle" I think was his remark to me . I could not help but chuckle to myself as actually Ens.Eva Jaz is twenty six years old in Terran reference...however her symbiotic age is considerably more. Reflecting back on consideration of her age...it seems to me I am getting the very best of both worlds...a very beautiful young woman,as well as the experience of an older symbiot, I ask you who could ask for more?. I am reminded of course of Eva as for some reason it appears I am in possession of the Sun dress she had worn over her other clothing,as well as her sandals. We had walked,or staggered more like it down the beach together and had to finally pick a spot in a small cove on the beach to take a break. The particular ensuing events are a bit fuzzy...I do remember she does have a great sense of humor and a most pronounced zest for life indeed,quite the informed and charming conversationlist..not to mention one of the most passionate women it has been my distinct pleasure to be with. The inner passion she has is only surpassed by her dedication to her chosen field of endeavor. Stopping briefly on my way to the hotel to get cleaned up...and dressed again with fresh attire I had to of course pause and mix up a large quantity of the Ej inspired Swamp Mud beverage...a guaranteed get over the hangover remedy, the facts are simple...you imbibe to much the night before, you simply apply a portion of the mixture..taken orally of course to stave off the lingering effects of too much drink, " Therefore, Let us drink" and once again be whole. I have taken the sundress Eva left behind and carefully rolled her sandals up inside the dress, She is probably wondering right about now where and what happened to the extra accessories she had worn last night, Well she in all probability will not even remember our fun encounter anyway. I must admit she was great company and a very pleasant change from the normal...eye candy found here on Risa. I should eat some food before looking Eva up,after getting cleaned up...perhaps she may be interested in doing lunch or dinner,who knows..maybe both. The sun is beginning to really heat the beach up right now and one can see the visitors beginning to mill about the shops and eatery's that abound down the strip separating the beach and sea from the turf of the mainland. The birds are singing,the cool sea air is wafting across the land ,filled with the aromas of food,flowers and various spices from the vendors. The day has just begun and a new day is upon us once again, I have not seen Ej since he departed down the beach with two of the beach bunnies last night, serenading them with what he described as Kligon opera...I have to say it must be an acquired taste and ear to enjoy it. The bunnies seemed genuinely interested though they were pretty well smashed at the time. I am sure he enjoyed the remainder of the evening, Oh well another day and another chance to enjoy our leave time. Computer...End Log...Beep..! :P
  8. Hocine Bibo Aut In Eum Digitos In Servo? Personal Log: Hilee,Richard,B.,Lt.Cdr.,Aeng, U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A This has been an excellent start to a much needed shore leave for the crew of the Manticore,and a chance for relaxation ...blow off some pent up steam and negative perspectives. The meet up with my fellow officer and engineer Ej has been opportune and could not have been timed more perfectly. Meeting Ej on the pier entrance while looking at the heavenly bodies that abound on Risa was pleasurable indeed. I had actually suppressed a chuckle when the expression on his face turned from his usual somber appearance to one of delight as I explained my reasoning for the comment of this place being a target rich environment. The trip to the Ancient Mariner was interesting and revealing as it as well gave some insight to Ej's persona...the delight and almost boundless excitement as he browsed through one of the best collections of fine spirits this side of the neutral zone. Introducing him to the owner Joseph,or just Joe for short led to an impressive personal order for himself as he loaded up on preferred Kligon type beverages...all with a discount from Joe of course. I put together my own list and order for personal use and had it beamed to quarters along with Ej's. The next order was for the impromptu beach party we had in mind for the crew, To say the least I am grateful for my cousins influence and personal dealings with Joe as well as footing the bill for this occasion as a personal favor to me. He did mention though he was expecting an arrangement in return...something along the lines of the "Pipes" was referred to in the conversation. If I did not know Eagle was a blood relative I would have to swear he is part Ferrengi as he seems to have gone all business and profit on me. The additional physical assistance from Ej has proved valuable as well...the curious looks as we brought covered grav lifts after grav lifts onto the beach near the pier and jetties and began setting up for what is looking like a very nice party indeed. The fireworks were a bit more difficult as the local vendor had so large of a selection to choose from..well following the vendors advice and the crew he sent to set up the displays it has gone pretty well with the one small exception of one of the drunk tourist decided to place a giant sparkler in his hair and pose like some kind of statue. The ensuing fire he started in his mane was impressive indeed...and I am almost sure the fire extinguishers they chased him with as he ran down the beach finally were able to put him out. Looking down the beach as Ej has started the Logs to fire for the bonfire...logs mind you,not branches,no....logs, Apparently Klingons think bigger is better when it comes to flaming piles of wood. I can see some of the crew approaching as other curious and the fun loving visitors,and lovely ladies have begun to gather. I have started the portable music player...and the beach party music the music vendor described as "Reggae" and "Polynesian" have prompted some of the people to begin dancing and enjoying themselves. The booze has been flowing as others have joined in the festivities on the beach...Booze indeed, No syntheol here...thank the stars. The caterers have arrived and setup the local seafood smorgasbord to consume,along with other various forms of epigastria delights. Taking time to just simply watch and observe the pleasure and festive expressions on the groups faces as they are partying hardy is a delight in itself,The cares and concerns of duty having been slipped for a brief period of time. I find myself actually wishing Eagle were here to enjoy this night on the beach under this exquisite Risan sky and the awesome view of the dual full moons over the Azure waters of the sea...he would enjoy this festive atmosphere as well I am certain. I do worry about him at times as he has been through quite a lot over the years..the loss of his beloved wife T'Linna was very painful I know all to well. The thought occurs to me though he has additional responsibilities as well now other than just business and the Arcadia, He has the "Twins" to deal with and raise...my wee cousins now added to his plate...to think he has become the responsible one in the family. I must have had the appearance of brooding as one of the lovely vixens so scantily attired came over and offered...well a long walk on the beach...and whatever else might happen, I regretfully had to turn her down as she was having difficulty even standing as she asked which one of me was real,She said there were three of me. Directing the young lady to a nice soft beach towel and other willing company I proceeded to the spirits table for a refill of a simple scotch whisky...where I was promptly met by a certain Kligon friend with a large glass in his hand ,sporting a big grin as he offered me a glass of what he described proudly as a new drink he had "engineered" from various drink formulas listed in the drink catalog while we were perusing through the Mariner. Taking the glass and giving it a quick look over...and sniff ,He explained it was a blending of a drink known as a mudslide,swamp water,or mud water, the names escape me now. The drink Ej has offered appears to be congealing in the glass as we converse...I had to jokingly inquire..."Do I drink this or stick my fingers in it"..and simply eat the drink. Apparently the joke was lost in the moment...well anyway I graciously accepted the drink and thanked him for the effort. The flavor of the mixture was actually not bad at all...and went down rather smoothly, perhaps a bit too smoothly as the effects of the all alcohol combination has begun to creep into my consciousness from the periphery....what the hell, "I'll have another my large Kligon friend" I seem to recall saying...watching as he smiled and toasted with his own ,downing his in what must have been one huge gulp. The chartreuse colored shrimp and crabs,and the purple lobster are to die for...my compliments to the chef's .Watching as Ej....weavingly has set upon mixing us up another one of those excellent, whatever they are I find some of the more borderline appearing partiers of the female persuasion have some how magically had their beauty enhanced. Beauty ...indeed...that reminds me I need to remember to give my friend Cdr.Faldek and his lovely bride to be their pre-wedding,wedding presents should they find their way to this party. Finding ones way to this little shindig should not be any problem as the bonfire my friend has built could easily be spotted from orbit let alone the hotels strung along the shoreline...surely his own curiosity should heed him to investigate. Again looking on the joy filled faces of those present worth the time effort and expense of this little humble outing. The next few refills of ...the mud drink is all I can think of right now as rational and clear thought seems to be waning a bit...I am as well enjoying the fact and humor of my friend as he is attempting to stand perfectly straight...and not being totally successful at the attempt. I have noticed a few of the ladies present appear to be warming up to him...I am sure he will enjoy the company. I have not spotted Doug,or Kansas,or the chief ...the Admiral,Co,or Xo yet. I do so hope the messages we left at their hotels were not too cryptic as it would be grand indeed if all the crew were to make it to this little party. I have spotted some of the medical staff and sciences dept. being well represented. The thought occurs to me ...perhaps we should just call up the others and give an invite to a small gathering of friends and those soon to become friends..the trouble is I wonder which of us in this entire group are actually sober enough to articulate the words without it coming across as slurred gibberish...I know in my mind the words are good,however there seems to be a problem with the words as they issue forth. Oh well...Bon Festival all...End log. :)
  9. Aqua Vitae Personal log: Hilee Richard,B. Lt.Cmdr.,Aeng,U.S.S. Manticore The trip here to Risa had been long overdue. The crew of Manticore once slotted and granted shore leave seemed to scatter to the winds like a covey of Quails once startled and take to flight. Donning a casual dress blue attire and packing his ditty bag with the additional wardrobe and beach essentials including his famous Hawaiian tropics shirts, shorts,and certainly last but least the all important sandal's. I wonder how long Chief Garnoopy will stay onboard before he joins us all on Risa if at all indeed. I am quite sure he needs the R&R as much as the rest of the crew does and deserves...Well to each their own private pursuits. I find myself reflecting over the preceding months since his arrival on Manticore...or has it been,yes it has been going on two years since I first stepped into the Main engineering section. The time has flown by literally, Very little time to devote to personal endeavors other than that time between shifts which usually are a welcome rest for a exhausted mind and body. The crew overall has to be one of the finest it has been my pleasure to work and serve with in my career in the fleet. Taking another sip of the scotch he had poured for himself before showering and changing clothes...I have seen as well the numbers of crew gone literally snuffed out in the very prime of their lives all in the line of duty and those faces are forever etched in my mind, Their names have long since vacated my memory though they remain as ghostly visages. Taking another moment to pour another Scotch from the 100 year old bottle of whisky all the while thinking of friends and fellow crew past and present. I must remember to garner a suitable wedding present for Faldek and his lovely bride to be and some of my fellow officers if nothing else a token to remember our time here and now together and a reminder of just how short our time is in the grander scheme of things. I certainly do hope the old spirits shop is still in operation off from the main square down by the beach, it has been years since I had last visited Risa and that place has the very best source of rare and aged Scotch Whisky in the quadrant as well as other various exotic beverages from throughout the Galaxy as the sign hanging from the small chains over the door implies. My friend and fellow officer Faldek has at last found love and happiness and is quite deserving...suppose that means a probable end to our floating poker games, Well all is not lost as he stands as an example that love really does exist in this universe and can find you when you least expect it. I will of course seek out the others when on Risa including Precip...as memory serves we were all about to meet at the bar on the space station when a recall order was given and we left on our now present destination. I look forward to proposing a toast to Faldek and the others of course...present and past officers and crew of this fine ship. I must look for and findout if the local marina still has available sea craft for rental...and excellent time to go out on the bays and sea to relax watching as the Dolphins playfully escort the vessel cutting close across the bow and frolicking in and out of the vessels wake as it glides along silently through the water with only the occasional splashing sound and spray as it cruises along. Watching the Sunrise and Sunset over the sea is an awesome sight indeed on Risa either with your toes buried in the sand,on a sea vessel...or in the company of friends at an impromptu beach party. I look forward to it indeed for it has been far too long and is much needed. Perhaps an impromptu beach party may be arranged with the others once we are in contact with each other...relaxing perhaps beside a campfire on the beach roasting and cooking up the aquatic delicacies of this planet while sipping on some excellent Scotch or Brandy the true "Water of Life". Finishing his drink and gathering his ditty bag....Computer secure quarters and activate quarters monitor...Computer end log:...Beep..! :)
  10. E Re Nata Personal Log: Hilee,Richard,B.,Lt.Cmdr.,Aeng, U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A The recordings had been explicit in the logs from Auxiliary Control main panel. There had been an obvious override and change in the logs from the main engineering console and ergo through the secondary systems and attempted deletions and log changes. The obvious glaring data from the Aux .Control logs had done as designed and logged the time of the override from the main console. The resulting temporary overrides had in effect changed or thrown out of sync the normal timing of the two systems though joined they do work independently for obvious reasons. The event may have gone undetected were it not for the diagnostics routine I had ordered on the primary and secondary systems...ship wide. The secondary systems through Aux. control immediately reported and logged any variances in the computers routines and time stamped. I had initially taken the data as merely a few glitches in the routines as this does occur at times especially when an overhaul of the systems occur or routines cleared and updated. This unfortunately was not the case. I had ordered Mr.Pilot to run the primary diagnostics and find any anomalies...I did not order the anomalies to be corrected,as they in themselves could reveal the root of the problems and therefore offer a way to correct them. I had during the scans of the data stream from Aux. control isolate and log the varying events into a separate file...all the while once engaging and resuming the data scans...the initiators or the source of the problemed data sync conflict seemed to be corrected post haste. The ensuing half hour passed very quickly as the logged events began to build to a definite source of the problem data and recorded events. I had now found a profound and deliberate attempt to not only isolate the logged data...as well a deliberate attempt to cover or replace actual logged activity with a fabricated logging and done by a Command Override from the main console. The crux of this whole damned situation was giving me a definite lurch in my gut as it was apparent there had been a great deal of monkeying around with the main systems and their data recordings. I thought of the conversation with my friend Mr.Pilot as he seemed pensive...a bit more than his usual self. Completing the scans...and logging the data as well as transferring the data to a disk...I asked Mr.Pilot to join me in Aux. control. The reactions from him spoke reams of information as I asked and prodded him to explain the data brought up from the logs. I have asked him first as a friend...the next time it will be as his superior officer if he does not level with me. I full well understand there are times we must all do "As circumstances dictate". I full well know as well we have recently been grilled over and over by Security as it has pertained to an infraction. I have always trusted my fellow shipmates and fellow engineers as we must do so and work as a team just to survive. I cannot and will not however tolerate this kind of situation as the possible repercussions may well effect the ship or department as a whole. I am not suffering under any delusion or naive belief that we are innocent in our missions...especially in black op's...on a black op's ship. I am aware of the necessity of guarded data and missions NTNB..(need to know basis)...however in this particular event...I need to know as it has led to extreme paranoia from the engineering section...and the crews thereof,a definite morale problem along with tattered nerves and mistrust and grumbling's from the whole section all directed at the security department...and that cannot be tolerated. I am of the mind the security dept. has been diligently doing their assigned job...and nothing else. I will get my answers or have someone keel hauled for the lack or direct dereliction...no the apparent attempt to compromise this ships very safety. The need to know far outweighs the possible consequences...and I will have my answers, If I have to go all the way to the top of the command chain. The safety of this ship and crew takes precedence above all else...and nothing short of that is acceptable. computer...End Log: Beep..! :huh:
  11. Ut Incepit Feceris, Ita Metes Personal log: Hilee,Richard,B.,Lt.Cdr.,Aeng.,U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A The room was at minimal lighting as Hilee entered his quarters. What a day it had been indeed. The first Meng inspection since return to Manticore and the assignment of crew to make right the gigs found while they had been on their little excursion to Romulus, It appears when the Cat's are away the others will play. The overall engineering section had not been in ill repair or unkept ...overall,just not within the shape Commander Garnoopy, or myself expected it to be kept in. the white glove when revealed did cause a bit of a nervous reaction from some of the engineering techs and staff. The scotch in the glass swirled as he sniffed the aged single malt whisky with a slow deep appreciation. It had been quite sometime since he had the opportunity to simply sit and relax while taking in the soft background music from the highlands.The day had began right enough until Lt.doug T. had asked to speak in private which resulted in a report and subsequent complaint filed against another officer connected with an incident that did occur while on mission on Romulus. I had mentioned and advised during the proceedings I had witnessed the incident and advised as well Doug that extraordinary measures had been taken due to his own behavior that possibly could have compromised the mission and the away team. I as well advised him that the follow up complaint and charges may in fact not go the way he thought it may. Being so advised Mr.T elected to continue the proceedings being so advised. I had returned to the engineering deck post filing and securing the complaint and sending copies to Commander Garnoopy and the involved departmental heads as per regulations. The return to the main console found an air of intense activity from Mr.Pilot apparently attempting to run a trace on the engineering computers logs and recordings. The report and complaint of course was reported to Chief Garnoopy at that time and opportunity. It appeared while Doug and I were involved in the complaint there had been a transmission made from engineering,or one of the consoles...that in itself is not that odd with the obvious exception it had been done prior to our reentry into Federation space while still in Romulan space. Commander Precip had entered engineering while the activity had been at the peak..and an ensuing heated discussion had taken place. Commander Garnoopy standing firm beside the engineering staff and actually advising an investigation be made into the mistreatment of engineering staff by security staff. I as well as others replied to the chiefs interrogatories as it pertained to either making or personally observing anyone making any kind of communication from engineering. I can certainly understand Commander Precip's position and his duty. The ensuing lock down of engineering and interviews of the staff fall well within the security departments prevue if necessary and ordered by command...and apparently it came from the highest in the command structure. I do not know whom or how this communication was carried out,or why. I reflect on an old adage however "As you sow,So shall you reap" as I have personally witnessed this on many occasions to be true. I have little doubt all will be revealed in the end. The opportunity to shop for a wedding gift looms in my future as well as my friend Commander Faldek has become engaged. I can only wish he and his bride to be the very best...we all deserve some modicum of joy in our lives...especially those of us whom serve on a black ops ship, never truly knowing just how much time you have left to enjoy. Computer...end log: Beep... :P
  12. Vultus Est Index Animi Duty log: Hilee,Richard,B.,Lt.Cmdr. Asst.Engineer , U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A The return to Manticore was welcome for a lack of a better term...a true blessing. The Captain had ordered all support to the cloak to enable our extended subterfuge. I had routed all available power to just that...including life support. The graying had set in ..and noticeably as member of the crew...after member had begun to succumb to the now non-existent life support...well to sum it up..we were found and rescued by the core. I had been ordered to standby on the "blow the hatches" button,as well as my own rig to completely destroy the scout ship if boarded by uninvited guest. The fact we are alive and back home on Manticore is awesome indeed...however the nagging of the scout ship remaining intact for the purview of the Romulans does cause a degree of concern. Had I been enabled one to two more seconds the point would have been mute...I certainly do hope the romulans will look upon the craft as one stolen...and not one that had been re engineered for the use of the UFP..the implications as well as the hardware on the scout might prove to be embarrassing...at best. The return and subsequent restoring of our normal appearance was interesting all along with the normal conversations with fellow officers. The jabs were of course all intended to not offend ...all the while attempting to inject a bit of humor into the situation and possibly defuse the close call and within the mere moment of meeting the spirit of death head on...without reserve, Some may desire to remember just how close we were to death and I mean and infer the finality of it. I could not resist taunting my friend Faldek as well as Mr.Pilot to categorically refuse and deny the surgery to return them to their respective normal appearance as it allowed in my opinion their surgical implants to be a marked improvement. The rebuttal was of course shall we say a bit colorful. The fact remains that upon the surgical removal of the implants...and restoring of their normal features their collective visage..."The face is the index of the soul/mind" ,and considering what the crew has been through..their minds,memories speak of volumes as they proceed along the normal routine....Computer end log...Beep..!
  13. You looking at me?,I don't see anybody else...so you must be looking at me!!!
  14. Welcome back... :)
  15. If you do not like my driving...get off the sidewalk... :)
  16. T'Kar...you can go to either hulu,or the CBS site and watch a few for free as well. It may help you on the decision.. :)
  17. Venienti Occurite Morbo Engineers log: Hilee,Richard,B.,Lt.Cmdr.Aeng, U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A Engineering has been busied with a laundry list of repairs upon our rather hasty departure from Romulus. The mission though plagued with various delays and setbacks appears to have been successful...so much for the cheerful part of this report. Ruptured fuel cell resulting in a substantial loss of usable fuel,An oxygen cylinder rupture behind a console on the bridge resulting in a severe injury to a crew member who may be dying at this moment..along with the blow out, Massive circuitry damage to the console literally resulted in a profound power short and surge...throughout the ship. The team of course responded immediately along with a much needed assist from Lt.Cmdr. Faldek. Main power was rerouted to secondary and backup systems in order to control the possible progression of the shorting of the entire system possibly resulting in a cascading effect and total catastrophic systems failure. Lt.DougT. managed to replace at least the basic circuit boarding and connecting fibre optics and wiring. He was then assigned to enter the area of the fuel leak after the flow was cut from the demand valve to that section of baffle to make good the repair,The repair was successful ...unfortunately the majority of the fuel was lost. Lt.Pilot was busied with the task of keeping the power distribution center intact while diverting and manually allocating power as needed to maintain the minimum power necessary to the systems. Turning the main console over to he and Cmdr. Faldek, I quickly made way to the main circuitry junction in the very rear and bowels of the engineering section. Being literally waist deep in burned out,live and dead circuitry is not a picnic by any stretch of the imagination by no means. Manually cutting off the power to one part of the system and diverting it to the secondary as fast as possible a modicum of damage resulted to the ISO main panel. Replacing the burned out Isolinear chips did take some time as probing the various blade receptors for the chips had to be done one by one to insure continuity and forego problems when primary systems were restored. I was not aware of additional problems it appeared were developing until I had completed repairs on the main junction and had restored the main systems from secondary. The ability to communicate with the Manticore upon our arrival at the rendevous point for pickup had been apparently been knocked out. The science department had apparently successfully rigged a device and incorporated it into the main deflector system and was enabled to send a short burst communication...I sincerely hope it has not damaged our ability to utilize the main deflector as a small piece of rock,or meteorite would make our situation academic. The concerns over the deflector are apparently of minor importance now as our life support systems are running on minimal...normally that is not a severe problem if you have time and power enough to make it to your destination...apparently we do not. The ship is now on a non powered inertial glide apparently. The hope the signal and comm was received by Manticore. I have been working diligently along with the engineering team to reroute and partially recharge the battery backups by running on the bare essentials...including minimal artificial gravity,life support..and lighting. I do suggest minimal movement and effort to minimize the demands on our already severely strained life support. we all are working literally by emergency flash lighting as needed. I furthermore suggest additional layered clothing...it may get a bit chilly as the artificial heating and cooling is at the lowest possible settings to conserve power. In the likely event anything else happens to go wrong I am sure we all will "Meet the misfortune as it comes" and live to see home the Manticore again. End log: Beep..! :(
  18. Happiest of our Vulcan Captain's Birthday...and many more Sir ! :: Lights the Fireworks on the cake...and preps for the grand finish with the launching of the candles...or is it visa versa?....never can get it straight... :P
  19. Animis Opibusque Parati Duty Log: Hilee,Richard,A.,Lt.Cmdr. Asst.Eng. U.S.S. Manticore The words from Captain Sovak were clear as a bell to engineering. The statement in essence meant we need a possible distraction along the route indicated by him to coincide with our position to relation of Manticore to give cause to our escort to back off from their current position. I along with Mr.T,and Malik brainstormed to come up with a plausible alternative to aid us in a planned deception to fool our unwanted guest. The idea of venting plasma was of course considered,and taken into account. The possibility of decreasing the shielding around the core had been voiced by Commander Faldek as well taken into account.. Considering our present plight and what has transpired, This excercise should pale in comparison to what this intrepid team has been through recently. Scanning the main systems controls and outputs I have taken into account the varying suggestions and input as offered and have arrived at the very best possible alternative. The Captain has ordered a full diagnostics and readiness of our cloaking ability when ordered to implement, I have placed Lt. Doug T on that most important duty to insure when the order is given we can respond in a timely manner. The thought of responding in a timely manner reinforces the awareness of the actual situation we are presently in. The Romulan Empire may very well be saved by our efforts, However the fact remains if we are caught we may very well be forced to take solace in that fact posthumously. we have as well taken aboard with us an actual Romulan doctor whom was a great part in this covert operation and apparently the sole survivor of that operation to garner the rescue of her race...eventually leading to her own sacrifice and exile. The sacrifice is not lost on me. The presence of the Romulan as well raises certain concerns from a security point of view I am certain..and rightfully so. The aspect of security concerns at this moment do not concern me at this moment unless related to the engineering section, We have enough to juggle right now with our part in our overall survival. The Manticore is out there...home is awaiting us,I have put together an initiave that if successful may help to allow us to slip away under the guise of an imminent threat from our ships propulsion systems. The escort surely has us on their short range sensors and are monitoring at this very moment. The theory if implemented with split second timing and cooperation from every department right up to and including communications we may just be able to pull it off. The risk in my opinion is far outweighed by our potential slip away under cloak with the side benefit of us falling victim to another artificial quantum singularity accident and the scout ship being totally destroyed with all hands aboard.The theory and formula has been ran through the simulation...First a slight misalignment of the Nullifier cores..this in effect would raise a question on the escorts sensors and indicate a potential problem, Second the partial lowering of shielding directed at the aft section of the drive would indicate a potential problem or imminent collapse of the artificial quantum singularity drive. The timing will be critical as by the time they have detected "our" little situation we can vent a residual plasma ejection...any ship would call up and advise they read us as having a distinct problem and would have already began the process of getting as much distance from they and we as possible in order to avoid being caught in the possible event of a total singularity failure. Third and possibly most critical will be the communications from our command staff to our escort all the while advising them of our imminent destruction. The plasma vented may be ignited and at this point I would suggest the Romulan equivalent of a torpedo being fired to ignite the plasma with a close proximity fuse for the effect. Once this is done the timing of bringing the nullifier cores back into alignment and stopping the plasma ejection is negligible. The resulting energy eruption from the detonation may prove sufficient...the real problem and risk is in the timing. The detonation and subsequent cloaking must literally coincide and we must make way out of the immediate blast radius or all of this subterfuge may just wind up being academic...and none of us may reach home. The theory is sound and we are preparing for the order if command so orders. "we are prepared in mind and resources". We all know our jobs ...now comes the next phase and a sincere prayer for all of us to return to our familiar space...and our home, Manticore...End Log..! :)
  20. Lapsus Nivium! Observation Log: Hilee,Richard,B., Lt.Commander,Aeng, U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A The going had been proceeding along in a steady pace as the engineering crew went about their respective assignments in the Romulan lab. So far so good...We had been detained for a period of time upon our arrival. The release of the crew was wrought about by one of our Romulan contacts..an Administrator of the labs. Initial problems with interfacing with the various equipment and language/symbols have been rectified and further exploration on the labs and subsequent equipment,power allocation,generation and grids were thoroughly gone over. There is an interesting note I had found during the systems analysis and fact finding duty. The Romulan's despite their much proclaimed technological progress, greatly suffer in areas of tech the Federation has replaced and upgraded to a long time ago, Some of the equipment and computer systems are very antiquated by our standards. Upon completion of the translation of the symbols and language downloaded from their computer hub and loaded onto our redesigned tricorders the process actually took very little time to translate and upload to our crews individual tricorders. The opportunity to actually inspect and go over Romulan technology and equipment is a rare chance to delve into and gain a greater insight to their overall achievements in an engineering aspect. The fact remains standard or speciality equipment speaks and reveals volumes on their progress. The data recorded is standard in nature with no high security data implications or applications...non the less it should come in handy in the future as a way to actually back engineer their technology at a future date if necessary...truly fascinating data. The contact here on Romulus T'Tamarak had apparently from the briefing we had received was being pressured to have our group undergo a full physical scan ..right down to the genetic level. This obviously could not be allowed to occur. T'Tamarak had approached the Co with the request for the services of the engineering and security personnel to accompany her to another lab where the equipment necessary to perform the scans was housed. Commander Garnoopy gave the order to proceed and assist as needed.The other lab was filled with a wide selection of medical equipment and power systems. The briefing did not take long after T'Tamarak had sent off the technician on a job to perform and return in a short while. The stipulation on our assignment of course was to not destroy any equipment necessary for the team to continue the assignment. The word was given...and the ordered destruction had begun. Mr.T had dismantled a metal table,and a wood table...issuing the equivalent of a ball bat to others in the sec teams as well as one for himself began to work on the systems junction and panels as directed. Mr.Pilot and I began to work on the power grid and control systems. The technology was easy to defeat for all practical intents and purposes. I had given Ej the assignment to bypass the control circuits limiters...and hold only the main feed controls at manual effectively defeating the safety and automatic shutdown controls and limiters. I had been switching from the secondary power feed systems and onto the main grid then removing the main bus limiters from the secondary systems..and tieing back both the secondary into the main power feed while Doug,and crew were going about the destruction of the main junction controls and diverters. The power being demanded and held through the manual control circuits were now beginning to build at an alarming rate...Ej keeping an eye on the readouts as Doug and the additional wrecking crew were ecstatically ...and efficiently completing their end of the work assigned. I spotted from the corner of my eye Kansas was getting into the swing of things...Literally. The energy back up was now at very dangerous levels as I ordered Doug to stop and getaway from the junction...things here in a few moments were going to heat up,and very rapidly. The word to release the controls circuits from Ej's end of the main console allowed the back up of the power to flow unhindered now...with both the secondary and main power grid tied into each other with zero flow regulation I threw the demand circuit to maximum power allocation from the grid...The resulting cascade of power into the shorted and bypassed junction and systems was shall I say quite entertaining as a light show as system after system overloaded and succumbed to the raw overpowering feed. The visual effect of watching equipment literally exploding ,catching on fire with some aspects of the systems becoming so much melted metal flowing over the floor of the lab akin to molten lava was amazing and colorful. The distinct odor of Ozone and burning plastics filled the air. The "Avalanche" of power was successful in accomplishing our task. The dedication to their duty and the almost zealous way the team had gone about their work was interest indeed impressive by any standard. The team returned post haste to the lab we had been assigned to. I reflect now on our little mission and cannot help but think that aside from the original intent and purpose of the mission there was indeed a definite side benefit I had observed. Irregardless of the fact it would buy us all time. Irregardless of anything else it may have accomplished...It had indeed in my humble opinion given the crew a definite healthy outlet to fully vent their collective built up stress and anger...some more than others to be sure,however it was beneficial....End Log...Beep. ;)
  21. Vir Sapit Quipauca Loquitor Personal log: Hilee,Richard,B.,Asst.Engineer/ Acting Ceng, U.S.S.Manticore The space has slipped by us on the way to Romulus and all is well the Celad and the repairs made to the systems on the scout. "Celad" ...the engine...another one of the new words we have had to remember on our voyage. The almost force fed new adaptation of a new language is most exasperating under normal circumstances. The air around the scout is a buzz with others going over and over the recitals and pronunciation of the new tongue all in hopes of not falling short if the need arises to communicate with a genuine Romulan. The term genuine Romulan would be amusing if it were not so serious of circumstances we are facing... "Ie"..yes,...indeed possibly perilous events may await this crew in the very near future. The expressions and mannerisms of the crew as well reflect a real attempt to disguise their "lloan'na"...fed origins. The further we go into this mission the more I have entertained the chances we may just pull this one off with all intact for a return trip home to Manticore. The odds just have to be weighed and considered...The team should have little or no problems as long as we keep a low profile,attempt to blend in. There always seems to be the constant variables involved in our missions as most have gone in the past. The appearance of the crew is even beginning to take on a normal cast to me at least...non withstanding the various augmentations we have all had performed on us pre launch. I do so hope we may be enabled to make this as brief a trip as possible. The fact the crew is becoming a bit more accustomed to communicating in Romulan is a bit comforting,and unnerving at the same time. Mr.Pilot while monitoring a few in the "etrehafwe"...engine room...offered a mug of coffee referring to me as "daise'celad" all the while grinning. It took me a second to respond to the chief engineer term before the appropriate "hann'yyo" was returned. Smiling I offered the same to Mr.T.,and he responded to the "arrain'celad"...lt. engineer...and offer of the coffee with a crisp "ie'rekkhai" within a few seconds...yes sir. The observation so far is all are doing extremely well given the short period of time we have had to prepare. My concerns fall along the lines of as little contact with others on Romulus...just get in and get out. The fact is sure we will have to have some contact even limited to a few short exchanges we may fare well. I remember an old quote from my Grand Father and it may fit well in this time as he was prone to say "It is a wise man that speaks little" and may just not wind up " yy'a" or dead if you will !...Computer ..end log:beep...! :o
  22. Factum Est Personal log: Hilee,Richard,B.,Lt.Aeng/Temporary Ceng...U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A The ensuing hours since ordered to report to sickbay and undergo surgical alterations has proven to be quite interesting indeed. The first of events came as the head engineering crews were informed and ordered to begin the transformations. The first obvious rebuttal came from Mr.Pilot...and rightfully so...How in Hades do you make a Klingon/Human hybrid look like a Romulan?. I must give all allocates to the medical staff as they applied their trade for as the outcome of the surgery was quite amazing and a bit unsettling as he came out of surgery looking every bit the appearance of a Romulan Centurion. The alterations to Mr.Doug T., went pretty much as expected ...with the exception of Mr .T's per chant for inquiring,questioning constantly.The medical crew responded in kind of course with a full sedation of Doug as he went limp and asleep while they did their miracles...and in short time produced the desired results . Mr.T awoke looking like a true Romulan replete with the ears,and brow and hair...A look of puzzlement was noted. I had stood back along the parameters of sickbay with the majority of the command staff as the alterations were done in order of appearance from the various departments as the select crews reported as ordered. During the wait there was a constant heads over broadcasting all the while listening and absorbing the irritating constant repetition of the Romulan dialect we all were being force fed. The time had arrived for me to go under the lazer scalpel as those before had done. I was observing the various reactions from those that had undergone the procedure and was delighted to hear the varied responses from some as they either stated the change was most enhancing...possibly an improvement,At others it abounded they expressed their concerns and hopes that it could be reversed along with all the ugly augmentations in their opinions. The medical staff of the Manticore have once again proved they are among the very best that the Fleet has to offer as they worked their miracles...and quieted any and all concerns as they related to any permanent change. I was listing off for only a moment in my mind when a certain doctor looked down and asked me if I felt ok...with a clear genuine concern in her voice. I looked up to peer at the changed features of the doctor and found myself looking square into the face of the enemy...a Romulan. The doctor smiled and reassured me all was well as the effects of the sedation began to wear off and allowing me to return to full consciousness. I had briefly considered when my eyes first focused on the doctor to lash out and snap a neck if you will...after all they are the enemy we have all trained to fight. I obviously had not taken into consideration the effects of the medication as when I attempted to move at first...movement was denied. The minutes followed as I regained full awareness of my surroundings and back to reality to look over and observe Commander Precip retching in pain. The entire time we had all been in sickbay that damnable recorded learning tool had been invading every moment with the literal Romulan language and translations. Relentless in it's pursuit... I had momentarily considered cutting the damn things vocal cords at their source when I left and then realized that program just might make the difference wether we all survived this mission. The time spent by all teams have proved again the excellent standard of this ship and compliment all with continuing their duty and daily routines and knowing each and every one may have a short life span equated into hours and minutes.The Romulan Scout is prepared...and crew have been reconfigured to meet the mission..."It is done". Computer ..end log: Beep::.. ;)
  23. Consummatum Est Duty log: Hilee,Richard,B.Lt.,Aeng, U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A Watching the portable monitor as my Bot's appeared inside the Dorsal section and near the scout ship still leaking Theta radiation. The beaming was apparently successful as the little buggers with their shields intact and fired up began the programmed procedures to look for and seal/repair the leak. The emitters were doing quite well..Ej had made sure the equipment was right. The idea originally to just open the module and let them board had to be taken off the table as we really did not know the extent of radiation contamination. sweeper had began scanning and immediately starting de con procedures. Grinder had moved to the area of the conduit where it was obvious a repair had been done previously,probably the one our Ceng had performed prior to another rupture of the seam welded adjacent to it. Grinder simply began the process of grinding and beveling out the pipe for repair with his mandrill. Torch had scanned an area of the conduit and stopped as Judge moved in and scanned the area for some reason not known at the time. Interfacing the feed to judge revealed a section of the conduit was in fact showing stress fractures and would therefore have to be replaced. The find of the weakened area was excellent...for by simple observation the conduit at that area appeared to be fully intact. Calling back to Meng and requesting additional conduit material be beamed into the scout...and matching the material as close as possible from our own ship stores I continued to watch in fascination as those little guys continued to work away. Mr.Pilot was careful in the beaming of the materials and their matching as Cutter and the Judge appeared to look through the sections and upon finding a suitable section cutter went to work removing the weakened section. While Cutter was cutting and forming the section bending and shaping as necessary Torch was trimming and prepping the areas to be repaired and welded into place. Sweeper was moving over every square inch of the scout all the time applying de con foam material and scrubbing the air. The programming I had originally entered into the Bot's had imprinted into their circuits their mission parameters. I had no idea the little creations would actually work in unison the way they were doing...Almost in a symphony of harmonic movement as the work progressed. Cutter when ready placed a section of the pipe into place and held it as Torch followed close behind and began welding the section into place,Grinder moving in and began polishing the welded areas. The Judge after Grinder moved to the next area began scanning the newly repaired area as the others moved further along. There was one occasion where apparently the final weld was not quite up to the Judges examinations of the area and Torch and Grinder returned and repeated the process in the entirety and only continued when the exam was passed. The monitor and scanning equipment on Sweeper was showing a definite reduction in Theta particle radiation count as the work progressed. I double checked the readings from the Bot's systems as they continued...all to within nominal levels. I know Mr.Pilot was closely watching the backup monitor as well...ready to beam one or all of them out if need be. I am as well confident Doug is keeping an alert eye out in engineering as we are getting this repair completed. I reflect back on the past hours preceding this venture and remember how Chief Garnoopy looked in Sick bay during the meeting and can only pray for his recovery. I reflect on the conversation from Lt.James and Captain Sovak as well. I do have a good working idea of just how important this mission is if the numbers discussed there are accurate. The possible aid to the Romulan empire may well start an end to mistrust and hostilities, That is enough in itself to warrant the risk of the mission in my opinion. Turning the scans and visual feeds from the Bot's to a closer detail imaging the repairs seemed to be going quite smoothly and considering the environment they were working in is a statement to technology and adaptability indeed. The final section cut out by Cutter that had split along a weld seam further down the line from the repaired area is in place and being prepared by Grinder. The other thing to mind naturally is the mission at hand. I wonder who will be formed for the team, How will there even be time to surgically alter the members,and certainly last but not least will they survive?.The term team does come back to mind and is a bit encouraging in our present position as if any team can work well together under the most drastic of conditions...the team from this crew will accomplish the mission. The final weld is in place...Torch and Grinder have moved to one side as Judge made his way along the conduit slowly and deliberately...scanning and imaging each and every inch. The Bot known as Sweeper has faithfully been going behind all the others and collecting even the smallest of particles from the repairs and from the original rupture. The urge to simply shut down the scouts systems at that point was pretty tempting...However I elected to allow the systems to continue in operation as I sent Cutter and Grinder back along the entire length of the conduit systems along with Judge looking for any additional possible fracture points. The thoroughness of the Bot's is amazing as each little Bot tapped,jostled,scanned and insured each section of the entire conduit system was secure and not showing any further signs of possible stress fracturing or blowout possibility. Watching the chronometer as the time ticked by slowly and methodically is probably one of the most exasperating aspects of any job wether it is in R&D,or on mission. The ten minute mark passed...then thirty minute mark, Finally the one hour mark since inspection and final repairs has passed and zero negative findings. The Bot's have all lined back up at the scout entrance with the exception of Sweeper as he had been continuing de con procedures as the others moved about the craft. I watched on as Sweeper finally ended his programmed sweep and de con of the scout ship and moved along side of the other Bot's neatly in line at the entrance as the data from his scans and de con report have revealed de con complete...the Judges scans and imaging have confirmed the repairs and no radiation being vented. The time now is at two hours thirty minutes since final repairs and inspection. I have taken the additional time for Judge to scan all the Bot's for any residual radiation contamination and the results are all within normal parameters. It appears my little part time Tinker Toy's have done quite well..Perhaps I'll give them all an extra helping of lubricant and a nice polishing for their efforts. I have contacted the transport room and Mr.Pilot has beamed our little guys back to engineering and in a small containment field just be sure..Closing and shutting down my portable monitor and control panel I find myself literally soaked with sweat...must have been the focus and anxiety of watching them do their thing and praying for a positive result....Well as for the job" It is completed" now. Computer end log...beep.. ;)
  24. Orcae Ita Duty log:Hilee,Richard,B.,Lt.,Aeng U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A The trip to the bridge had been revealing in more ways than I had remotely imagined. The intent was to find out as much as possible concerning our situation and belay the scuttlebutt that has been running rampant since an incident occurred in the dorsal module. The rumors of the entire command team being killed to the ship was under invasion by Romulan death squads on various decks was the last straw. The Intel I had been given was augmented with the appearance of Captain Sovak and Commander Farrington on the bridge. The ensuing report by the Captain was a bit disquieting and reassuring at the same time. The Captain in his level stoic voice informed me of Commander Garnoopy's present condition and that was the comforting part of the conversation. Our Ceng is alive and appears to be recovering. I was prompted to offer an idea to the Command staff on a possible way to seal the leak in the dorsal module. I was advised of the importance of the repair mission. I can still hear the Captains last words to me as he stated the importance for a successful mission as "lives hang in the balance". I do not know all the details involved other than what was directly passed to me by the Captain...however he did seem to emphasize "lives hang in the balance"...that is more than enough motivation for absolute detailed attention to all aspects on this assignment. I have returned to engineering and going over the small robotic machines I had hobbled together in my spare time for development of assistants to the engineering section during repair scheduled on our daily routine. The thought that any of them may be called on to perform the necessary repairs we face had never even been given consideration. The micro-shield emitters have been installed by Mr.Pilot and appear to test out well within the required parameters necessary for them to survive in the highly radioactive environment they will be shortly introduced into. The minute attention to detail he insured in the instillation's is excellent. I had considered along with the additional emitted shields an additional safety be put in place and have augmented the normal protective coverings of their skeletal structures with additional shielding material, and have augmented the audio/video transmission and reception circuitry along with backups. The words still fresh in memory have made it imperative to assure redundancy in the small mechanical creations. Bot#1,or Cutter as I have named it is rigged to cut and seam form metal...bot#2, Torch is equipped with a miniaturized version of a plasma torch/and welder. bot#3, Judge is equipped with micro scanning equipment and will as repairs are performed scan for imperfections in a weld or seam to insure a good repair. bot#4 or Grinder is equipped with both a hardened grinding mandrill and wheel for metal preparation and finishing polishing. The little machines have all been programmed onto their respective boards and onboard processors the parameters for the repairs. The literal hardwiring of their memory and processors should as well reduce the possibility of damage from intense radiation exposure for extended periods. Bot#5 and last of the creations I call sweeper, This bot is considerably larger and equipped with decontamination materials along with micro filtration system onboard to clear the air in the module and store the radiated materials in a lined and sealed storage compartment. Time is drawing near and still the words from the Captain are present. One thing for sure our Captain is" Pretty straight forward" in his information. End log..Beep. ;)
  25. Tacet Personal log: Hilee,Richard,B.Lt.,Asst.Engineer, U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A The shift has been rather routine as shifts go...all systems are operating at peak effiency and the new crew replacements appear to be settling in nicely. The reservations being noted by those of us as experienced crew seem to be retreating as well. The engineering staff are working right along as if we were on a routine patrol in a friendly sector of space instead of smack dab in the middle of Romulan space and at Red alert. Midshipman Smith is performing very well in the monitoring of the generators and power tapps as was assigned to him.The other engineer replacements we have taken under observation appear to be adjusting and performing duties as expected. The true test of the newbies will be about the same time all hell breaks loose. I had secretly hoped for additional time for their transition to Manticore and field experience if you will. The security Commander assigned to us had quietly voiced concerns as well. Both Ej and I have hopefully quited her reservations with our assurance and levity. The shift had been progressing smoothly as indicated until Doug T.,Our fellow engineer had begun to demonstrate symptoms of being ill. The matter evolved around a headache he has been suffering from by his words were approximately a week in duration. Taking Doug over to a table fellow engineer Ej pulled a med kit and did a quick look over of Doug and of course directed him to sickbay. The Sec Commander had a look of concern as Ej went about the quick exam. The matter was covered as Kansas was advised Ej had been an Amo prior to assignment to Manticore. The fact he had been so in my opinion still did not help quiet her concerns. Doug left Meng and reported to sickbay as a follow up query confirmed he had made it there and was apparently resting quietly. Taking in account the copious amounts of java we all had been consuming from the pot on the bench I noticed a rather humorous response from Kansas as she appeared to be unknowingly rapidly patting her foot...continually. I took the time to quietly point that action out to Ej and simply asked him if he agreed she may have had enough java in a jovial manner. The response from him was just as humorous in intent with no ill intended I am sure. During the time we were all going about our routine duties when it became clear there was a noticeable increase of transporter usage and power allocation routed accordingly as it was demanded. I and Ej had discussed this and came to a probable conclusion the additional power and usage was in preparation for our mission. The power and usage of the transporters increased and continued. I had related to others that if in fact there was any urgent need for us we would be promptly contacted in the event something was awry. Closely monitoring the transporters and usage Ej had voiced he was looking over their beam points. I agreed and continued to allocate power as needed even though so much activity is rare. Looking over and monitoring systems and comparisons from a physical walk around and data recording I called up to the bridge to make regular reports to Chief Garnoopy and relay power allocation status. I continued and waited for response even asking if there was anything we here in engineering should be prepared for as power usage had risen only to be met with "Silence"....Computer End log: ..Beep...! ;)