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Alan Shore

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Everything posted by Alan Shore

  1. Hmm, it seems I have lost track of time, I feel I too must throw in a congratulations to X'aedell. ::Hands her a pamphalet for the Manticore with Marsh's face on the cover:: I suggest that one.
  2. Despite Creed's second album (Human Clay) going ten times platinum or "Diamond" as it's called, upon it's release RollingStone Magazine gave the album a rating of 2 out of 5 stars, coincidently the same rating I have on this forums.
  3. I would like “It’s fun being me, is it fun being you?” thank you. Cdt. A. Shore
  4. Yes, that it is, and I believe I shall be joining you fine people with this thoroughly intoxicating idea of a 'fun time' I look forward to meeting all of you. Unfortunately, I sense I shall only be truly liked for my personality by a few. However, I suppose that's a consequence of being as colloquial and unsympathetic as I am. Cdt. A. Shore
  5. Fanta was created and sold by the Coca Cola company to the Nazis during WWII since the United States wouldn't permit them to sell current Coca Cola products.
  6. While I ungraciously thank you for redirecting me to a help page, of which I had already completed reading prior to posting on this forum. I'd also encourage you not to fret over my uncongenial nature as I've had extensive practice dealing with people in these and similar scenarios. Cdt. A. Shore