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Samantha Riker

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Everything posted by Samantha Riker

  1. Silent and Still, Part III--Captain Picard's "St. Crispin's Day" Speech SD 10305.24 from the Personal Log of Jean-Luc Picard, Captain, USS Enterprise: Will Riker had been displaced by a small herd of doctors who were visiting Samantha as part of their rounds. He was standing outside the room by the window when he felt a presence approach and stand beside him. "How is she doing, Will?" Captain Jean-Luc Picard asked quietly. "Physically, she's doing better. She's re-hydrated and re-nourished, the doctors have managed to repair a lot of the muscle damage and the bruises have started to fade. She'll start physical therapy next week, if all continues according to plan." "And the rest?" Will turned to look at his former Captain, his friend. "Thank you for coming to see her. She still hasn't spoken. Oh, she communicates some things quite clearly through her body language. But she hasn't said a word about what happened to her. Deanna's worried that if Sam continues to refuse to speak, Starfleet Intelligence is eventually going to lose patience with her." "And then Intelligence will try to take over her care, which will most certainly be less focused on Samantha's recovery than on pulling the information they want out of her," Picard nodded grimly in agreement. "I think Deanna has a valid concern." "Not to mention--" The doctors began to file out of Samantha's room; Will glanced inside, saw that Sam had turned her face away, as if shutting the doctors from her view would speed their collective exit. "Captain?" the Starbase CMO said. "Yes?" Will and Picard said simultaneously. They exchanged smiles. "Captain Riker," the doctor began again. "This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard, of the Enterprise, Samantha's godfather," Will said by way of introduction. "Please feel free to speak in front of him." "Captain Picard," the CMO nodded at the other man. "Captain Riker, I'm concerned about Samantha's continued refusal to speak." "Doctor, I think we all share that concern," Will said, his impatience ill-concealed. "Yes, sir, I understand that, but I'm starting to get some heat from above," he said frankly. "Starfleet Intelligence has medical specialists, too, and the people who specialize in collecting information are starting to make noise at the people who specialize in medicine. I've been ordered to run some rather extensive tests on your daughter, checking for damage in any of her vocal apparatus, and looking for any potential brain damage that could be preventing her from speaking. But the accurate completion of these tests will require that she make a genuine attempt to speak during them." "Has anyone pointed out to Intelligence that a period of emotional recovery is required after an officer suffers a trauma in the line of duty?" Captain Picard asked tersely. "Yes, sir," the CMO sighed wearily, "I've made that observation to them. And the tests will buy us some time. But they want whatever it is she knows. And the Intelligence officer I spoke to warned me that if Lieutenant Commander Riker continues to refuse to answer their questions, and if she doesn't cooperate with the physical examination I've been ordered to conduct," he hesitated, but then plunged ahead, "SI will charge her with insubordination, at which point they'll move her to Intelligence medical facilities. You don't want that to happen, Captain," the doctor said soberly to Will. "Is she awake now?" Picard asked. At the doctor's nodded affirmation, Picard turned to Will. "With your permission, Will...." "Please," Will gestured toward the door. "I tried to tell her that you were coming, but she'd fallen asleep on me. I keep thinking that seeing you is exactly what she needs." Picard could see the hope in Will's eyes; it fell like a weight onto the already-heavy concern he carried for Samantha. Taking a deep breath, and hoping he would know how to do the right thing, Captain Picard entered Samantha Riker's room. He began gently. "Hello, there, young lady," he said warmly, moving to sit on the side of her bed. Slowly, as if afraid that an abrupt movement would turn his presence into a mere fantasy, Sam turned her head towards him, the shadow of a smile on her face. "You're looking awfully well for someone who forces Captains to do the traveling in order to visit with her," he teased, and was rewarded with a warming of her smile. Picard reached out and took the hand closest to him. Only when he held it in both of his own hands did he meet Samantha's eyes again. "How are you doing, Samantha?" He waited for her to respond, but she simply blinked at him. "Your father tells me that you haven't spoken to anyone since you were recovered by the Arcadia." This time he received a tiny shake of the head. "Samantha, you are aware of my career history, of my own experiences as a prisoner, aren't you?" She shrugged, then nodded. "After both of those experiences, it was your step-mother's counseling that helped me to recover. The most difficult thing in the world for me was to admit out loud, to another person--and a person under my command, at that--that I had been afraid, and angry, and felt completely out of control. It's not until you can speak the words aloud, until you can admit the truth to yourself, and to another living being who can bear you witness, that you can begin to heal." Samantha rolled her eyes in frustration and tried to pull away from Picard, just as she had tried to pull away from her father. At the window, Will stood watching, hoping that Picard would have more luck with her than he had had at that point. "You can't just turn away, Samantha," Picard continued, undaunted. "You can turn your head from me, you can try to pull your hand from me, but you can't turn away from the wounds inside of you. Until you begin to treat them, they will continue to fester and grow, eating away at you bit by bit until you no longer have the power to make the choice to heal." She struggled harder now to pull her hand free of his grip. "Look at me, Lieutenant Commander," Picard ordered harshly. His tone had the desired effect; startled, Samantha stopped struggling and turned toward her godfather. "Your choices are already beginning to dwindle. Starfleet Intelligence regrets, I'm sure, any inconvenience you've undergone, but refusing to make your report is insubordination." Samantha's eyes widened fractionally. "That's right, they're taking this very seriously. Your continued silence could end with a court-martial. The wound is already starting to fester, Samantha. You need to screw your courage to the sticking place, and make the choice to heal!" Her eyes were troubled, but her lips didn't move. "I'm sure I've given you a great deal to think about," Picard said, withdrawing somewhat, tucking his passion away behind a mask of cool composure. "I'll be on the Starbase for another few days. If you'd like to talk, Samantha, you've only to call me." Her eyes pleaded with him; he could read their message, but simply shook his head sadly as he stood and tugged on the hem of his tunic. "I shall look in on you later, young lady. Get some rest, darling; you've got a great deal of work ahead of you." He kissed her on the forehead, and then left her alone to think. -=/\=- Copied and saved to the file of LtCdr D Samantha Riker aboard Starbase 36, attached to the USS Arcadia TDY: Starfleet Intelligence
  2. Silent and Still, Part II--The Front Line SD 10305.24 from the Personal Log of William T. Riker, Captain, USS Titan: "Any change?" "No, sir." The nurse shook his head apologetically. He watched Captain William Riker take a deep breath before opening the door to his daughter's room. Through the window he could see the Captain's cheerful attempt to urge a response from the girl. The nurse shook his head again, this time in pity, and moved away. When this patient's father had shown up--a Starship captain!--the entire staff had groaned, anticipating unrealistic demands and orders for the performance of miracles. He'd turned out to be not too bad, for a Ship's Captain. One thing was certain: he loved his daughter. "Hi, baby," Will smiled at Samantha, leaning over the bed to kiss her on the forehead before taking the chair by her bedside. Sam smiled weakly in response, then crinkled up her forehead questioningly. "Aunt Deanna had to go to Betazed for a couple of days. She'll be back," Will explained, taking Sam's hand. "While she's gone, baby, you and I have to have a serious talk." Sam raised one sarcastic eyebrow at him. "I know that tone of voice, young lady, even if you aren't speaking out loud," Will teased gently. "Sammy, sweetheart," Will began, tightening his hold on her hand, "I know this is difficult for you. I'm sure you're angry and confused by the things that happened, but baby, if you don't talk about them--hey," his voice tightened when Samantha rolled her eyes and turned her head away, trying to tug her hand from his grip. "Samantha," he said, gently but firmly, then, "Samantha, look at me," sternly as her resistance increased. He reached a hand toward her face. Samantha started to shake her head, keeping out of his grasp, but the advantage was all his; only a brief struggle ensued before Will was sitting on the edge of Sam's bed, one hand on her chin, the other on her hair, gently holding her head still. Samantha met her father's eyes with a furious stare. "Good, get angry," Will agreed, "get so angry that you want to spit all of it out. As long as your memories and feelings sit inside you, they'll control you, and if that happens, then they've won. Since when does Samantha Riker let anyone win, without giving them a damn good fight?" Tears welled up and spilled out of her eyes. Will could feel her muscles slacken under his hold. "Oh, baby," he whispered, gathering her to him, rocking her and stroking her hair. "I wish I could do it for you, but this time Daddy can't fix it, no matter how much he wants to." They sat quietly for a while, Samantha finally loosening somewhat the fist she'd been holding so tightly inside herself, Will pretending for a moment that holding her could make everything right. "Sam, I spoke to Uncle Jean-Luc earlier. He's coming to see you. Maybe you'll talk to him, hmm? You know what he's gone through in his career, first the Borg, and then the Cardassians. So maybe you'll trust that he really does understand what you're feeling right now. You have to talk to someone, sweetheart. I am not going to lose you inside yourself, you hear me?" He pulled back from his daughter gently, to look into her eyes, only to find them closed "On the other hand, sleep is good for you, too," he said dryly. He held her a while longer, just because he could, before gently laying her down and tucking her in, and moving back to the chair by the bed where he kept watch over his little girl while she slept. -=/\=- Copied and saved to the file of LtCdr D Samantha Riker aboard Starbase 36, attached to the USS Arcadia TDY: Starfleet Intelligence
  3. Silent and Still, Part I--Reinforcements SD 10305.24 from the Journal of Counselor Deanna Troi Riker, USS Titan: Dr. Meeghan Holloway sat at her desk at the Betazed Institute for Advanced Psychological Studies, threw back her head and laughed. Her poor brother and his family had the worst luck in the world when it came to planning vacations; fortunately, they also had a remarkable capacity for laughing about it afterwards. "Something must be funny," her secretary, Jared, grinned as he stuck his head around the door frame. "Geoff and Gab tried to take the kids on vacation again. You have to read this letter," the dignified Director of the Institute giggled. "That poor guy." Jared shook his head, but he was smiling. "I hate to interrupt just when you're having fun, but you have a visitor." "Really. I don't have anyone on my calendar." "Yeah, she apologized about dropping in unannounced. Says the two of you went to school together, Deanna Troi?" "Get out. I don't think I've seen Deanna since graduation. Bring her in, please. Oh, and Jared--do we have any chocolate around here?" "Deanna. It's wonderful to see you again!" Meeghan hugged her friend warmly. "Please, sit down. You're looking gorgeous, as usual," she smiled. "You're looking pretty wonderful yourself," Deanna replied honestly. "You always did have the capacity to come out of a horrible weekend of no sleep and too much junk food looking like you'd just returned from a spa." "Sometimes being shallowly vain about my appearance is deeply fulfilling," Dr. Holloway shrugged, grinning. "You, though, always managed to find a date when it counted, contrary to some of us. Is there anyone special in your life now?" "Actually, I've just been married." "Oh, congratulations!" Meeghan sat forward eagerly. "Who's the lucky guy?" "Do you remember the Starfleet lieutenant I dated during our senior year of school?" "Vividly. Tall, dark, eyes you could get lost in, pick-up lines that were so utterly transparent they were actually charming. I remember everything about him... except his name." She grimaced. "Will. William Riker--" Deanna began, only to be joined by Meeghan as she spoke his last name. "Mmm. And he's probably not just a lieutenant anymore," Meeghan wiggled her eyebrows. Deanna smiled dreamily, swept up by Meeghan's contagious, girlish delight. "No, he's not. He's a Captain now. We moved his new ship shortly after the wedding. At which I missed you, by the way. Mother tried to get an invitation to you, but all we could find out was that you were on a sabbatical somewhere, and that you'd stopped communicating with everyone but Geoffrey. And all he knew was that you were alive, but not where." "I guess I just needed a good sulk, some time to myself. That was about the time that I was decidedly not getting married," she screwed up her nose at the memory. "I'm sorry I missed your special day. And while I am thrilled to be catching up with you, something is weighing on your mind." "You're right. Meeghan, do you remember my cousin, Marina?" "Vaguely. She passed away unexpectedly quite a few years ago, right?" "Yes, leaving behind a daughter. Will's daughter, well, our daughter, my step-daughter." "Samantha," Meeghan sat up, snapping her fingers. "She spent several summers here with your Mother, right?" "Yes, and she's never forgiven us for allowing Mother to win on that idea," Deanna smiled, but the weight of her sadness was almost visible, so heavy was it. "You love her very much, don't you. Deanna? What's happened to Samantha?" "There's a lot we don't know. Several months ago she was put on temporary assignment with Starfleet Intelligence. There was a great deal of time when we couldn't get any information about her at all. She would get messages to us saying that she was fine, but SI refused to confirm or deny anything about her assignment or her status. Two weeks ago, the Arcadia, her previous post, brought her back into Federation space. Will's at Starbase 36 with her now. When I left, he was still trying to convince the Intelligence officer, Samantha's captain on the Arcadia, and the Starbase CMO to allow him to transfer her to the Titan." "How is she doing now?" As she spoke, Meeghan pulled a padd in front of her, jotting down notes out of habit. "She's... lost a lot of weight. Wherever she was they apparently tried to force-feed her and keep her hydrated, but she's still malnourished. She's covered in bruises, and there is some intramuscular damage, although the medical team is still assessing its extent. It seems to have been caused by incompetent, or simply repeated, attempts to repair earlier bruising, which, in combination with the malnutrition, ended up causing more damage than it repaired." "Where in the name of the Gods was she? What happened to her?" "The details were immediately Classified by SI, and they haven't responded to Will's repeated inquiries about obtaining access to any of the information" "What about the Arcadia's captain? Surely he knows what happened, or has some idea, at least." Deanna almost managed a smile at that. "Will's relationship with Captain Moose is... complex, at best. Will won't ask him, because in order for Moose to answer, he would be compromising himself. The information is classified, need-to-know, and it's neither Moose's nor Will's place to decide that Will has the need to know." "And what has Samantha said?" Deanna's ghost of a smile disappeared. "That's why I'm here. Meeghan, she won't speak. She didn't say a word to anyone from the Arcadia when she was found, or while she was onboard; she hasn't said a single word to her doctors on the Starbase; she wouldn't speak to either her father or me. I'm sure it's easily explained by classic trauma syndrome, but it's her resistance, her distance that worries me." "You said Will wants to bring her aboard the Titan. Is that so that you can counsel her?" "No, that is so that Will can feel like he is in control of the situation," Deanna confided, but without judgment. "She's refusing to communicate with anyone. Her body language spoke quite clearly to the counselor on the Starbase, and to me as well. Will offered to contact her Academy counselor, but Sam didn't like that idea, either. She had a Vulcan doctor a while ago, a Dr. Virax, but she... appears to be MIA." "What would you like me to do, Deanna?" Meeghan asked quietly. "Just see her. There has to be someone she'll let in. I thought, perhaps someone she doesn't already know would feel... less threatening to her. Perhaps she's rejected all the other counselors because she's ashamed of what happened while she was... gone." "Perhaps," Meeghan nodded slowly. She didn't point out to Deanna that the nameless counselor from the Starbase was just as much of a stranger to Samantha as she herself would be, yet that doctor had been rejected, too. Deanna continued fearfully, "My concern is that if she continues to refuse to answer any questions, Intelligence will step in and try to take control. They want whatever information she has, and she's obligated by oath to report it to them. I'm afraid that if she keeps silent much longer they'll lose their patience and take over her care from Starfleet. And if that happens...." She trailed off, unwilling to speak the unthinkable. "Then we'll have to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. Do you have transportation to the Starbase?" Meeghan's tone became clipped and brisk, her actions purposeful. "Yes, we have--" Meeghan forestalled her with a gesture. "It sounds perfect. Give me two hours, to work some things out here and to pack a bag, and then I'll meet you, where, at your mother's house?" Deanna nodded. "Meeghan, I can't thank you enough for--" "Deanna," Meeghan interrupted her again. "I'm willing to do anything I can to help Samantha, but I have to remind you, she's the one who's going to have to do the work. Don't thank me, not yet. Not until we find out if Sam will let me help her or not." Deanna nodded emotionally. "I know you're right. But thank you, at least, for being willing to try." "You say that now," Meeghan said with a playful wink, "but wait 'til you get my bill for making a housecall." -=/\=- Copied and saved to the file of LtCdr D Samantha Riker aboard Starbase 36, attached to the USS Arcadia TDY: Starfleet Intelligence
  4. Empty Hourglass SD 10305.23 Samantha could feel the hypospray Dr. Telano had applied to her neck beginning to work; a tingling warmth was spreading through her body, leaving the anesthesia of relaxation in its wake. Dr. Telano was still speaking to her, she could see his lips moving, but as the drug worked its magic, she began to care less and less. She closed her eyes, let the floaty feeling lift her up and carry her away-- An almost siren-like alarm shattered her peaceful repose. "Sounds like you've got some messages there that won't wait any longer," Ren smiled understandingly, nodding towards Samantha's computer console. "I suppose you should attend to them, but then I want you to let that hypospray do its work. I'll notify Commander Dacotah that I have not cleared you for duty yet, so you will not be reporting in for this search." He tidied away his hypospray and tricorder, and then stood. Samantha also came to her feet. It was only polite to show the doctor to the door, but every second she delayed silencing that message alert seemed to add to the already unbearable tension fisting in her stomach. She had the sinking suspicion that she knew what that Priority message was going to say. It wasn't seeing Dr. Telano that would be responsible for revealing her attempt to hide; it would be the mere fact that she had come back alive, aboard a Starship. "Contact me immediately if there is any discomfort in your throat, or if you begin to feel any other signs of injury," Dr. Telano was saying. "I hope you rest well." With a final nod, the physician's benediction, Ren Telano left her quarters. The alert on the Priority message had dropped off to an intermittent tone; each new blast of sound flooded a wave of pain through Samantha's head. Moving like a condemned woman towards the scaffold, Sam went and sat in front of her terminal. There were dozens of unread messages waiting for her. Since her return to the Arc, Sam had taken a sort of perverse pleasure in choosing to ignore her mail, instead of making any attempt to catch up on it. That luxury, though, had clearly come to a screeching halt. The most recent message was the Priority message. It was from the Commander, Special Assignments, Starfleet Intelligence--about what she had suspected. She glanced at the names beneath "Adm. E. Fitzroy." There were five messages from her immediate SI commander, Captain Lakewood. There were two from her father, and one from her Aunt Deanna. Suddenly the idea of reading all these messages was overwhelming to her, as if each text was alive, and they were all vying for her attention at once. She started with the earliest messages from Captain Lakewood. The first two were quite compassionate, actually. He didn't say how he knew, only that he was aware of the actions taken by the Arcadia and her crew, and of Samantha's release and return. He hoped that she was in sound physical and psychological condition, and was eagerly awaiting her preliminary report. Thomas Lakewood's third message was considerably less friendly, more a terse reminder of her obligation to file at least her preliminary action report with SI, or at the least a request for an extension; this was to take priority over any assignment the CO of the Arcadia might give her. Her father's message was text-only, but Samantha could sense her father's relief. "Understand you have returned to Federation space. Contact me immediately--need to know that you are well. Details can wait. Aunt Deanna and I send all our love." Another message from Thomas Lakewood, similar to his third, but considerably harsher in tone. A second note from her father-also more terse, his 'request' for the affirmation of her health now reading like an order. Then Aunt Deanna's message, a tender counterpart to her father's stern demand. The fifth from Lakewood, the final warning she had ignored. "Your silence thus far, your freedom from confinement in Sickbay, and your absence on the active-duty manifest of the Arcadia force me to conclude that you are simply evading the performance of your duties. As I have previously stated, such refusal to comply with your mission orders is usually considered insubordination and is dealt with accordingly. Because of the particularly... delicate nature of the mission you have just completed, Admiral Fitzroy has ordered that you judged with leniency. "However, your grace period is now up. I am giving you a direct order, Lieutenant Commander Riker: I expect either your preliminary after-action report, or a statement from the Arcadia's captain and CMO attesting to your incapacity to complete that duty, to arrive within the next 12 hours. Unless I receive confirmation from you to the contrary, I shall assume that this order is clear. Lakewood out." Distantly, Samantha noted her curious lack of emotion upon hearing the ultimatum she had ignored. As if she were standing outside herself, she watched as she brought the final message, from Admiral Fitzroy, to the screen. "Lieutenant Commander Riker. The Chief Medical Officer of Starbase 36 is expecting you to present yourself for treatment upon your receipt of this message. Given the delicate and confidential nature of your recent assignment, you should be aware that this officer has been given need-to-know clearance to facilitate his care of you, in whatever capacity is required." The Admiral paused, then seemed to look right through the screen and into her eyes. "Lakewood is not happy. I know this was a damn hard assignment for you. I'm giving you an escape route, Samantha. Take it. Fitzroy out." Samantha turned off her console; her time was up. She had to go, now, before she lost the nerve. Standing, she left her quarters, before she let herself think about what she was about to walk into. LtCdr D Samantha Riker aboard the USS Arcadia NCC-1742 TDY: Starfleet Intelligence
  5. -=/\=- Hideaway SD 10305.21 Silence. She still had her silence, which she was keeping wrapped around herself like an invisible cloak, protecting her from the continuous lashings of reality. Thus far, she had managed to slip through the cracks, so to speak, and had avoided attracting the attention of anyone from Sickbay or the command staff. No doubt she had Hayden's promotion to thank for her medical evasion; if Dac were still presiding over Sickbay, Samantha never could have hidden away so long. Did Hayden even know that she had returned to the Arcadia? Surely the Captain knew, and Ziggy knew, which she supposed meant that Dana also knew.... Eventually, someone would come down on her for not reporting in, to anyone, upon her release from her captors. She supposed she would deserve the reprimand she would eventually receive; that thought wasn't enough, though, to prompt her to publicly acknowledge her freedom. To do so would be to open the door to the questions, endless questions, and reports and depositions and debriefings, about all of it, every detail of her time... there. And she didn't want to talk about it. She had gotten the words, the thoughts, the images out, had committed them to her personal log, set them free so they could stop pounding in her head, waking her in the middle of the night, rushing over her like a wave of nausea with no apparent prompting at all. But despite her efforts, they were still there, pounding, waking, rushing. She hadn't even contacted her father. Did he know she was alive, or had SI declared her missing, presumed dead? It wasn't that she didn't want to speak to him. But even sending him a text message would result in his calling the Arcadia, and when she indicated that she couldn't speak, it wouldn't take long before Sickbay blew her cover of silence. Then again, maybe she really had lost her voice. Maybe they'd never force her to-- But they would. And while Moose and Dac might be lenient about her failure to report in, Starfleet Intelligence was another story. It were not an organization known for its compassion. A reprimand would be the least of her problems if SI chose to pursue her apparent disregard for protocol. Samantha knew there had been a time when protocol and keeping her record clean had mattered to her, deeply; the memory lingered in her thoughts like a face never quite seen fully, always half in shadow, familiar somehow, yet unrecognizable. If she hadn't lived through what she had, maybe she would still care. The one thing she did know for sure now was that she would never, ever be the same again. LtCdr D. Samantha Riker aboard the USS Arcadia NCC-1742 TDY: Starfleet Intelligence
  6. Biography, Deanna Samantha Riker, Lieutenant Commander Stardate 9708.22 Updated SD 10304.19 Personal Information Name: Deanna Samantha Riker Species: 1/2 Human, 1/2 Betazoid DOB: 7912.11 Place of Birth: USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Parents: Commander William Thomas Riker Dr. Marina Saison (deceased) Gender: Female Eyes: hazel Hair: light brown, with red highlights Height: 5’2” Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander Current Post: [uSS Arcadia NCC-1742-D] (pending completion of SI assignment) Service Record 9708.17 Graduation from Starfleet Academy 9708.20 Official Appointment to USS Arcadia, Captain Chell commanding Commencement of duties as Security Officer with rank of Ensign under Commander Christopher T. Moose, USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-D 9709.24 Promotion to Chief by Captain Chell, USS Arcadia NCC-1742-D 9712.11 Promotion to Lieutenant junior grade by Captain Chell, USS Arcadia NCC-1742-D 9802.18 Promotion to Lieutenant by Captain Chell, USS Arcadia NCC-1742-D 9809.16 Promotion to First Lieutenant by Captain Chell, USS Arcadia NCC-1742-D 9901.04 Transfer to Medical as Nurse, under CMO 1st Lt. Kimberly Tucker Hines 9906.30 Promotion to Lieutenant Commander by Commander Alexandra M. Dane, on behalf of Captain Christopher T. Moose, USS Arcadia NCC-1742-D PERSONAL HISTORY Immediate Family Dr. Marina Saison was a Betazoid anthropologist specializing in the excavation and theoretical reconstruction of ancient civilizations. She and Commander William Riker met when Marina was posted to the Enterprise as a civilian expert for a special mission. A brief love affair produced a surprising result: a baby girl, Deanna Samantha, named after Enterprise Ship’s Counselor Deanna Troi, Marina’s cousin. Although they did not marry, Marina and Will remained friends and, despite the complications the arrangement posed, both desired to raise the baby together. Sammy was adored by her parents, as well as by the entire senior staff of the Enterprise. When Marina was killed in an accident on a routine exploratory mission, just after Sammy turned two, the staff took both father and daughter under their collective wing. Psionic Abilities Despite being only half Betazoid, Samantha’s gifts for both empathy and telepathy are very strong. While most Betazoid children develop their psionic abilities in their early- to mid-teenage years, Samantha's abilities were startled into functionality when she was only two years old—initiated abruptly by the psionic trauma of her mother's death. Because of the unexpected and unplanned nature of Samantha’s initiation to her psionic capabilities, Samantha’s capacity for both empathy and telepathy became deeply rooted and profoundly strong. During her babyhood, Samantha’s abilities were remarkably strong compared to those of other children her age. Samantha's cousin Deanna Troi (whom she addresses as "Aunt") worked extensively with Samantha to help acclimate her to her newly-found abilities. Troi's efforts were somewhat hampered by the fact that her own psionic gifts were not as instinctively rooted as Samantha's own talents. Troi's help was invaluable to Samantha, but was insufficient to encourage Sam to develop the discipline necessary to control a gift as potentially powerful as her own. Being unable to master her gifts left Samantha vulnerable to certain unfortunate ‘side-effects.’ As a consequence of her lack of skills, Samantha was involved in more than one incident as a child when her psionic talents were invoked and challenged beyond her control. Although the records on the incidents were sealed because of Samantha's youth at the time of their occurrence, her permanent record does reflect her involvement in at least three now-classified incidents. As of the date of her Starfleet commission, the records of these aforementioned incidents have been reclassified Need-to-Know, and are available upon request for examination by her current, and any potential, commanding officer(s). Physical/Social Development It wasn’t long after Samantha learned to walk that she discovered the crawl spaces and Jeffries tubes of her home, thus beginning her earliest lessons in Starship design. During her childhood on the Enterprise, Samantha attended the ship’s school, but also, following the precedent set by Wesley Crusher, spent a good deal of time learning on her own and with the guidance of the ship's Senior officers. Due in part to her early psionic awareness, and in part to her unconventional family situation—in which she was primarily surrounded by adults, and ranking officers at that—Sammy had few close friends in her peer group. Instead, she spent hours ‘helping’ in Engineering; she enlisted the Chief of Security to teach her martial arts and self-defense techniques; she asked questions endlessly; she finally persuaded her father to teach her how to fly. Commander Riker taught his daughter how to fly everything from hovercraft to shuttlecraft, leading eventually to a turn at the helm of the Enterprise herself. Samantha’s family has always been very important to her. She spends as much holiday time as possible with her father as well as her extended family. Although arguably papmered and spoiled as a child (see Psychological Profile, Riker, Deanna Samantha, for further details on family and personal emotional history), Samantha learned great respect for Starfleet and its guiding principles literally from the cradle; Samantha contends that she never imagined she wouldn’t wear the uniform herself one day. Having grown up surrounded by authority figures, Samantha is typically very comfortable with them, at times to the point of indiscretion when surrounded by those with whom she is especially familiar. Despite occasional breeches of protocol, Samantha has long recognized that her position has been, and to some degree continues to be, one of privilege. In formal settings, her attention to protocol (and “Academy manners”) has done credit to her self-reported respect for authority and Chain of Command. Update, SD 10304.19: After dating for almost a year, Samantha accepted a marriage proposal from then-Lieutenant Ziggy StarDust on SD 10002.23. StarDust broke the engagement on SD 10006.14, claiming that to do so was in Samantha’s best interests. Shortly thereafter, StarDust resigned his commission from Starfleet to join the Starfleet Marines; he was reported missing, presumed dead on SD 10009.13, on his way to report to his new post. (LtCdr StarDust was returned to the Arcadia on SD 10103.21. As of this writing, Samantha has chosen to avoid any further romantic involvement with him.) Career History Starfleet Academy At the time of her graduation, Samantha was, at 17, the youngest cadet ever to graduate from the Academy. She studied a general curriculum, showing a strong interest in Starship design and functionality, but no particular aptitude for the mechanical science of Engineering. Although an excellent student, Samantha had difficulty selecting an area of specialization (a fact most often attributed to her youth). As she had not been particularly encouraged by her father to pursue the full potential of her empathy, she shied away from the more demanding psychology classes, attending only those classes dealing with her psionic abilities which her advisor (who, due to Samantha’s age, doubled as an academic sponsor) insisted that she attend. She excelled in her classes through sheer hard work. She particularly thrived in the arts, and she performed in many on-campus plays. She also took Honors in her flight classes, won several extra-curricular martial arts awards, and qualified as a non-surgical practical nurse. Samantha’s first serious romantic relationship was the subject of much Academy scrutiny, as at the time she was still a minor and her boyfriend was both a visiting professor and a Captain by rank. The relationship was brought to an end, and the Captain received a formal reprimand on his record, but at Samantha’s insistence, Commander Riker agreed (reluctantly) not to press any further charges. The publicity of this incident did nothing to increase the young cadet’s popularity among the other students, and she took a one-semester leave of absence immediately thereafter. Upon her return to the Academy, Samantha became involved in another classified incident. The records on this incident remain sealed, pending their eventual review and release by both Academy and Fleet officials. Fleet Commission After the completion of her academic work, but prior to her official graduation, Samantha was granted permission to visit several of the ships to which she might be posted. While she was visiting the Arcadia, the ship encountered an alternate dimension, and then-Ensign Riker was abruptly drafted into service. Once the paperwork certifying her graduation was completed, Samantha officially commenced her duties as a member of the Arcadia’s crew. Upon her arrival on the Arcadia, Samantha met then-Commander, now Captain Christopher T. Moose. Mr. Moose is Samantha's first cousin once removed, as he is her father’s cousin (Captain Moose’s mother and Commander Riker’s mother were sisters). Sam's first assignment as a commissioned officer placed her under then-Commander Moose's direct command in the Arcadia Security Department. Since that time, Samantha has transferred to the Medical department, as she continues her search for her particular niche in the Fleet. Update, SD 10112: Samantha has been reassigned to a location and position which remain undisclosed to all Starfleet personnel except for the assigning officer (name withheld). Starfleet Medical History SD 10011: Allergy to adrenaline injection determined SD 9906: Treatment of multiple personality disorder with course of psyrillamine SD 9710: Front tooth replaced (shattered by Changeling) Career Timeline SD 10109: Awarded medical degree in absentia by Starfleet Medical SD 10107: BlackOps mission: top secret; medical research SD 10105: Mission to Ramses II, to investigate the Worshippers of El-by SD 10101: Transdimensional displacement to “Darkside” ship ISS Arcadia SD 10012: Mission to Paktar, to investigate leads to the Coalition SD 10009: Passed entrance exam for Starfleet Medical School SD 10006: Part of AT to Planet K-13 to recover information from renegade Klingon government SD 10005: Mission to Klingon outpost Cor’ghai. Purported purpose: to affect repairs on the station. Actual purpose: to obtain information regarding the Klingon ship which attacked the Sea Tiger SD 10004: Onboard during “war game” between USS Arcadia (Captain Moose, commanding) and USS Sea Tiger, an Antares-class freighter (XO Commander Sullivan, commanding) SD 10003: Part of shipwide evacuation to unnamed M-class planet, when a computer virus attacked all computer systems onboard the Arcadia. Duration: one week SD 10001: Mission to Frio VII to search for the wreckage of the unmanned probe which reported faint signs of life from this frozen arctic world SD 9911: Detained in the 26th-century on the Federation Timeship Nostradamus SD 9911: Unofficially achieved passing grade on Starfleet General Medical Certification Examination SD 9910: Responsible for development of serum to counteract the effects of a deadly strain of mumps, contracted by Away Teams on mission to Sondim-IV, to rescue the survivors of the crash of the USS Novak SD 9910: Official return to duty after Medical Leave SD 9909: Beam-down to the Great Link, homeworld of the Changelings--DETAILS CLASSIFIED SD 9908: Confined in isolation in Sickbay after becoming violent during medical treatment SD 9908: Repulsed boarding parties of officers from USS Armstrong (mistaken identity -- Armstrong thought Arcadia crew were Changelings) SD 9907: Impromptu “away mission” to the city of Telmundo on Altair-5. Accompanied Captain Moose (temporarily relieved of duty) in his search for parties responsible for his abduction and attempted cloning. No disciplinary action taken despite the unauthorized nature of the above SD 9906: Placed under medical supervision of Dr. Virax. Diagnosis: multiple personality disorder brought on by psionic trauma. Treatment: course of psyrillamine, interactive psychotherapy, and intensive psionic training SD 9904: Undercover assignment on Federation Prime to expose the Romulan “Underground Railroad” SD 9903: Onboard during First Contact with the Hix SD 9902: Supervisor of Medical Relief Effort in recovery of survivors of the USS Rothschild SD 9901: Assistant to Dr. Khiaara on forensic mission to Doktari III SD 9901: Transfer to Medical Department as Nurse, under CMO 1st Lt. Kimberly Tucker Hines SD 9812: Participant in investigation of the murder of Fleet Admiral St. John SD 9811: Member of team sent to chart transwarp conduit created via Federation technology SD 9810: Participant in encounter with the Omega Effect SD 9809: First Away Team command -- Onwentsia Space Station, Alpha Quadrant SD 9808: Acting Chief of Security (during LOA of Lt. Cdr. Khiaara) SD 9806: Temporarily aboard the USS Sahara -- member of Away Team to planet Betazed to investigate the Jem Hadar/Vorta occupation SD 9804: Member of Away Team to planet Dubron to investigate disappearance of three Federation scientists SD 9802: Encounter with the Borg; rescue of Captain Neva Brahms and Commander Christopher Moose SD 9801: Capture by the Orions on the planet Equine-6, and escape from same SD 9710: Participant in the capture and containment of Changeling (masquerading as a Federation Ambassador) SD 9708: Investigation of the “Darksider” doubles of various Arcadia crewmembers
  7. Hit and Run SD 10303.30 It was working, it was going to work, it had to work. Ziggy had laid in the course and setting, and they'd managed to clear the shuttlebay before the Arcadia had contacted them, demanding to know who was in the shuttle which had launched without authorization. "Zeta Jones, this is the Arcadia. Acknowledge," the voice from the officer at Ops came briskly through the speaker. But when she responded, Samantha wasn't speaking to Ops. "Captain Moose. I'm sorry to leave so abruptly." "Deanna! What are you doing? Tac! Get a tractor lock on that shuttle." She smiled sadly at him, her fingers toying with a small gold medallion which hung around her neck. "Capta--Moose. I *am* sorry. I'm under orders from SI. There's a group of Federation citizens on that planet, and it's up to us to get--" Sam's words were still hanging in the air when the world exploded around them. It wasn't until later that any of them could be certain of what had happened, and by that time the entire event was a fait accompli. The one person among them who had known what was meant to happen was relieved, but not surprised, that everything had gone just as planned. Samantha Riker caught herself on the transporter pad before she fell backwards; she'd been sitting down when the beam-out had commenced. "Everyone here and accounted for?" she asked cheerfully, turning to count the prone figures of her companions. "Welcome back, ma'am," a gruff voice came from the shadows, preceding the appearance of one of the largest men any of the Arcadians had ever seen. He wore a black uniform trimmed with grey, which fit snugly against his massively-built humanoid form. He offered Sam a stiff nod of his head. "The Captain wished me to tell you that we're on course, and that he would like to see you as soon as possible." "Thank you, Rualfo. First things first, though--why don't we get our guests safely on their feet." Ziggy Stardust, Dana Quest, and Marlene Zukko lay still on the transporter padd around her, eyes open and blinking, but otherwise unable to move. "Anestezine diluted at 0.05% into the transporter beam," she explained to her Federation companions. "Keeps you conscious and aware, but virtually unable to move. Selectively inhibited so you can continue to blink your eyes; if you don't, they dry out, which is most uncomfortable," she added confidentially. "Now Rualfo and his friends will help you to your feet, and then to your knees, and then perhaps we can spare a few moments for conversation. Once you can move your lips again." The mountain called Rualfo snapped his fingers, and five additional guards in similar uniforms stepped forward, efficiently binding Ziggy, Dana and Marlene hand and foot, the anestezine preventing them from struggling or moving away. When the bindings were secure, Rualfo signaled to the transporter chief; a field glowed around the three prisoners, and when it dissipated, they were able to move again. "I knew it was a lie, a trick and a lie," Ziggy spat out, as soon as he felt the numbness wearing off his lips. The woman with Samantha's face raised an eyebrow at Rualfo; the giant kicked at the back of Ziggy's legs and forced him painfully down onto his knees. Realizing that protesting would be futile, Dana and Marlene allowed themselves to be pushed to their knees with considerably less force. "When exactly did you know it was 'a trick and a lie,' Ziggy? Was that before or after you said you love me and you wouldn't lose me again? Women don't like it when you take back the nice things you've said to them. Unless you learn to get away quicker, I suggest you begin to declare your love somewhat more selectively. I'm sure you recall that Samantha has proven herself to be much more forgiving in these situations than I am." She raised her hand, as if to strike him backhanded across the face, but stopped short when he closed his eyes and turned his head, prepared to take the blow. "Oh, you're no fun anymore," she said playfully, settling for patting his cheek instead. She turned toward his companions then, smiling graciously. "Please forgive me for being so rude. Excitement about seeing an old... friend again, I hope you understand. Welcome aboard the Blue Note; I'm Rochelle Riker." One Riker Girl playing Two aboard the pirate ship Blue Note