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Everything posted by Hestral_tOryla

  1. The monitor before Einya tr'Aeolix blinked off showing only a spinning t'Liss, leaving the face of the Ambassador for his chief of staff to gaze upon. "Ambassador," she preambled, finally out of earshot of the Lloann'su, "I believe we have a rather substantial problem." He turned to face, eyebrow lifted in the classic position. "Ie?" "The Federation claims to possess evidence that our government backed these recent acts of terrorism," she replied, voice deceptively neutral. "Curious," he said, dispassionately. "I assume if they are 'warning' us that they feel this information is substantiated, or at least a decent fabrication and forgery?" "Indeed. Admiral Goran seemed convinced enough." "I am sure he is." Aeolix scowled. "He's almost as hawkish as some of our leaders." Hestral nodded quickly. "Agreed. He scarcely resembles io of aur typical Lloann'su." She paused, looking at him sharply. "Are we responsible, Ambassador?" "Mind your place, Lleifven." His own typically smooth voice sharpened. "I will of course have to speak with the Senate before I am ready to answer that question." "Ie," she replied, ducking her head slightly. "I apologize." Waving his hand, "H'nah I am sure they are already taking measures in anticipation of a conflict, na?" "They have termed it, in the event that we indeed did back it, an act of war. I'd hardly believe that they would na." "Then we must prepare ourselves as well," he sighed deeply. "Once again Cardassia has brought to the brink of war. Begin preparing the Embassy for evacuation." Another deep sigh. "Someone knows something that we do na...Admiral Danlae t'Rhivae has been dispatched to the sector with a Squadron of Warbirds." "A squadron?" She looked at him sharply. "That would imply some prior knowledge on our part, would it na?" "Or it could be a coincidence," he proffered. "Or that Galae has sources deeper than Goran." "The Federation president himself was only informed re hours ago. The latter seems unlikely." "Regardless," he said. "If we are on the Road to War once more, then we have much to prepare. The Romulan Empire's presence on Cardassia will not vanish easily I assure you." "And call up a copy of the Surrender of Bajor," the Romulan said with a slight smile. "After I speak with the Senate, I will most likely be going to visit the good Admiral." "Of course." She smiled slightly, herself. "I always veer a shade more diplomatic, less inflammatory, due to my position. I believe he may be a trifle surprised when he meets someone capable of speaking fully for the Empire." A small smile crossed his lips. "Indeed." "Shall I attempt to arrange an appointment, then?" "Ie." "As au wish." Glancing at a small ISD, she looked over its contents. "I believe that would be all, in that case." She spoke quietly, not letting any of her own turmoil or worry into her voice. Romulan Glossary au - you Galae - fleet h'nah - now ie - yes io - one ISD - Information Storage Device -- padd Lleifven - attache Lloann'su - Federationers na - no; not t'Liss - the Romulan bird of prey
  2. Congratulations on your graduation! :)