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Everything posted by MadisonStarr

  1. Hello..you might remember me a bit but if not *shrug*. lol. I'm on summer break and and settled enough to start simming again. Im GLAD to be back, and can't wait to see you in the academy or elsewhere. Bye ^^
  2. Hello, Glad you could join us. I know you, not sure if you know me( by my STSF name). Anyway hope to see ya tonight. I got permission from the warden to start again. If you need any help, ask!
  3. Hello, and welcome to the world of STSF!I'm sure that you'll find it great fun.Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have.See ya in the academy!
  4. Hi

    I suggest you try The Next Generation...It is my favorite and has several seasons to keep you occupied.Picard is my favorite captain.Anyway enjoy the simming and welcome!
  5. I dind't know you then but I had a chance to sim with you in the academy tonight and enjoyed it. Looking forward to simming with you again soon. Madison :P
  6. Hi! And I hope you have as much fun here as I have.It's a great place and people will help you with anything so don't hesistat to ask.Hope to see you in a sim soon!!
  7. engineering colors
  8. Hey! Could you do me a vulcan human mix,morte human than vulcan but obviously vulcan.With dark black hair ...and blue eyes.Oh and Ensign Rank.Thanks.
  9. i just sent u a pm.....lol
  10. Cadet's log Star Date:? Hi,I'm Madison Starr and I am a new Cadet.So far ive completed 1 sim and because or and internet failure i couldn't finish another. I love sci-fi and star wars was my first love(actually it was Mark Hamill) but Star Trek came soon after. I write Star Trek fan fics all the time and hope to develop my fictional charecter in the advanced sims.Please contact me I'd love to talk. Cadet Starr signing out
  11. hey if it works..... :blink:
  12. lol well i should maybe read my old ST paper backs and see what i cam come up with.I really shouldn't have a problem making up words since i did list talking as a hobby!lol
  13. Hi and welcome to Star Fleet.I'm a newer user myself but i have really enjoyed simming and chatting with the others.I'd also like to give you some advice i got before my first sim.In the academys all cadets are assumed to be human and character building doesn't come till the adv. sims. Well those my like 5 words or wisdom.Please feel free to post me or pm me if u catch me online.With all these redshirts dying,we need to stick together lol.Oh BTW dont listen to Finn, he says that to every one. Bye!
  14. Yah.Thanks for the advice. And Finn something tells me you loved ur college days too. But my technobabble really needs to inprove and considering the fact that i like to play in ENG i really need to work on that. I'll ask the GMs follow their advice and hope that cuts the part.
  15. Thank y'all and I had the pleasure of simming with Finn and he was very nice.Kind of interesting(lol) but nice. On Friday, I completed my second sim and I had alot of fun.I really cant wait till i graduate and get a chance to develop my character.Those of y'all who have already graduated please give me any tips on how i can make sure I am impressing the GMs and what did you did on your graduating sim.Well I have to go (I'm in class right now lol) so I'll be bock.<does really corny terminator impression>