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Everything posted by Quelsar

  1. In the darkness of her quarters, Quelsar shivered. It wasn’t cold (in fact, she found it to be just a touch too warm) so she couldn’t explain the spontaneous spasm, and didn’t try to. There were other things on her mind. Quietly, her blue antennae drooping sleepily (though no where near the levels of exhaustion endured by others at that moment) she spoke into the emptiness, ‘computer, begin recording. Personal Log, Ensign Quelsar, Stardate…’ she paused, momentarily forgetting what day it was, ‘stardate 0604.14. ‘My arrival on the ship was a quiet affair. Not that I’d been expecting otherwise. I slipped in, a minor change for a department filled with grief. In some ways, this is the perfect time to join a crew, as major adjustments are already underway, and an extra person isn’t going to draw too much unwarranted attention. But the fact remains that, as the newcomer, there is so much I haven’t experienced. I wasn’t even been there for the last, devastating, battle, and this most recent attack compares in only the smallest ways – how can I possibly understand what this crew is going though?’ She paused again and looked around the room, bare of any personal artefacts. Briefly, she considered unpacking such items, but couldn’t bring herself to stand up. On the contrary, she let herself flop down onto the bed, and stared up at the ceiling for a long moment. ‘Would you like to discontinue recording?’ The computer asked. Quelsar considered, then shook her head. ‘No, continue. ‘The people around me are a team, in every sense of the word, and the loss of their own will merely bring them closer, make them stronger, uniting them under that same cloak of grief that fills the silence between words.’ The phrase came out of nowhere, and she smiled, despite herself, recognizing her brother’s influence in it, before going on. ‘I try not to think about it. It isn’t my place to mourn the passing of those I’ve never met, and I will not do their souls a disservice by pretending to remember them. ‘Even so, I feel a touch of sorrow knowing that I never, and would never, meet them. To be mourned so deeply, missed so much… I can only hope that, when my time comes, I leave a similar impact behind. It is a sign that they truly lived their lives.’ She stopped again, and wondered if she should delete the last few sentences, but decided against it. It was her small tribute to those that had been lost. The ceiling was unnervingly familiar. Though she’d only arrived a short time ago, the dull grey panels that rested above her head were so like those of her academy dormitory that she could almost convince herself she was back on earth. Almost. ‘I miss Earth,’ she said, and only afterwards realized that, not only had she said it aloud, but it had been recorded to her log. Again, she considered deleting, but didn’t. ‘Though not so much the San Diego heat.’ She smiled, remembering, ‘even the winters were warm…’ and, as though realizing how pointless it was to reminisce with a log entry, the smile faded from her blue-tinged lips and she sat up. ‘Computer, end log.’
  2. lol, yeah, gotta love the Oilers (though I'd love them more if they'd start playing a little better :lol: )
  3. What can I say? I live in Edmonton - we don't cheer for our southern neighbours up here - and if I did, and people found out, that would be bad :lol:
  4. I'd go with flattered - he may be an arrogant bastard, but he's the best character on that show, and I've decided to speak for all my Canadian peers in saying that he's better than the stereotypical Canadian character (i.e. the moose from Brother Bear)
  5. I play cards. Solitaire, freecell, Spider, poker, whatever. Or, if there's anyone else waiting around, I try to get a conversation going. (though sometimes it seems more like I'm talking to myself, so that doesn't happen often)
  6. I don't really care who wins as long as it's not the flames :lol:
  7. I seem to prefer the ones the rest of you hate. I loved ENT, and Wesley was my favorite character - with Q, Shran and Harry coming in a close second, and Echeb, Chekov, Julian and Weyoun in third. Anyway, this is a thread for what I DIDN'T like... I didn't like the Enterprise episode where they had to clone Trip, it was sad and depressing. I didn't like TNG's 'Tapestry' even if Q was in it, and I didn't like the DS9 episodes that revolved around the wormhole aliens - particularily the finally. Oh, or the VOY. episodes involving Seska, she was a pain in the neck. I think that about covers the things I didn't like (oh, the first movie kind'a sucked too, but I still watch it).
  8. STARFLEET PERSONNEL FILE: Quelsar, Zhrul Rank: Ensign Serial number: SC 342-811 Current assignment: Assistant Science Officer, USS Excalibur Full Name: Quelsar Zhrul (The Andorian ‘surname’ is an aspect of their culture that they prefer not to discuss with other races, and will generally use only their given name) Sex: Female Date of birth: September 10th Age (standard earth years): 20 Place of birth: Andorian Transport ship Valcor, en-route to earth Father(s)*: Kirshan Thrul (teacher, 56); Shad Charn (Teraformer, 52) Mother(s)*: Rodilla Zhrul (sculptor, 52); Mara Shattel (mediator, 53) Siblings: Sisters: Harena(28), Rashall(27), Alex(25), Kelly(25), Tannell(23) and Sellra (twin, 20) Brothers: Rolig (29), Dreshar (27), Quinn(24), Alcar (22), and Amtan (twin, 20) Marital status: Single Children: none *Andorian marriges consist generally of four individuals, though the details are kept from outside races Education: Attended an Earth school until the age of 16, at which time she was admitted to Starfleet academy. She holds majors in both quantum/temporal physics and astrophysics, with a minor in engineering Physical Traits: Hair Colour: white-blond Skin Colour: blue Eye Colour: Dark brown/blue, with light yellow where one would usually see white Identifying marks: dark blue birth mark about the size and shape of a thumb print on her left ankle. Height: 165.1 cm (5’5”) Weight: 170lbs Other Features: Quelsar also sports the twin antennae her species is known for. When fully erect (as they will be if she is angry) they measure 13 centimeters (a little over five inches). She has a small, narrow nose, white-blond eyebrows, with natural dark blue shading around her eye area, as well as dark blue lips. She wears her hair at shoulder-length, with short bangs that curl around her antennae. General Description: Quelsar is extremely vulnerable to dehydration in warm environments (which is understandable, considering her planet is covered in ice), and the loss of an antennae, though it will grow back, will knock off her balance for months. Andorians, on the whole, are a super-sensory species, with their antennae serving to attune their sense of smell, and hearing, both of which are more developed than the average human’s. As an Andorian, Ms. Zhrul has a tendency to be somewhat aggressive, but living with humans has taught her to learn some control over these impulses. She still holds some genetic distrust of Vulcans, though that, too, she has learned to reduce to a mere uneasiness, and she would be hard pressed to admit even that. Blessed with natural agility, as well as raw power, Quelsar should be a natural fighter, and surely she could hold her own in hand-to-hand combat, but she was unable to concentrate on any formal training related to such situations, and as such tries to avoid them. Plus, they bring her aggressive nature to the front, which is rarely a good thing. Generally, however, Quelsar is easy to get along with, dedicated to her duties, eager to please, and, overall, a friendly individual. Starfleet Career Summary: The USS Excalibur is her first assignment. Pre-Starfleet history: Raised in the high arctic regions of Earth, Quelsar has only visited Andor on a few, select occasions. She had a large family (as is typical for her species) that included 12 siblings and four parents. Quelsar’s mother was a sought after sculptor, and she passed her passion on to her daughter, along with a talent for the flabbjellah (an Andorian musical instrument that also serves as a weapon). Quelsar’s other interests include history (particularly periods of warfare). Though fascinated by stellar phenomenon, Quelsar never demonstrated a natural aptitude for science in general, and had to work particularly hard just to gain entrance into the academy. However, stubborn and willful, she did not let this stand in her way, and graduated near the top of her class with majors in quantum/temporal physics and astrophysics.
  9. Okay, so the message boards aren't exactly a new discovery for me, but seeing as I've been around for a whole week now (well, more than a week actually) and I still haven't posted, they might as well be. Anyway, I thought I'd drop in and give anyone who cares enough to keep reading a little information about me, and a little about my character, Quelsar. I'm a university student, studying Anthropology with a minor in journalism/political studies. I've been writing fiction for seven or so years now (I don't count the early 'assigned writings' from elementary school) but not proffesionally. I became a trekkie somewhat late in the show's long history, sometime between the end of DS9 and the end of Voyager (though at the time, I thought TNG was the only good serise. I have since amended that oppinion). Now that I've bored you all to death, here are a few tidbits about Quelsar. She is an Andorian female, as my avatar would sugest, and comes from a large family (six sisters and five brothers, plus her four parents). That's really all I can say, at the moment, as, still being a cadet, I don't know what field of study she specializes in, and the details of her life are far from relevant now. Is anyone still awake out there? No? Oh. I guess I'll stop talking to myself now, B)
  10. Thank you everyone, :grins:: I'm most certain I'll have plenty of fun!
  11. Well, that's what we get for sending pros. instead of the junior team. They got overconfident, cocky and they let it show through in their game. The junior team wouldn't have had that problem. The olympics are no place for proffesionals, anyway. You don't see Jamie and David out there, why should pro. hockey be any different?
  12. While I don't know much about Captain Huff's personality, I can just see the captain of a starship retiring to his quarters to mull things over with his pet turtle, who would patiently stare at him all the while.