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Everything posted by Gozer

  1. Well I'm good to go, I only live 2 1/2 hours away so I can drive over there whenever. :P Now I've just got to remember.... darn my memory!
  2. I've got a Mac at home so I'm waiting for the Mac version of Sims 2 to be released before I make an avatar. Then again I haven't decided quite what I am in the Star Trek Universe. (I'm thinking Bolian in preperation for the online game.) Though I'm not sure how I'd do the line down the middle of their face. (Blue skin easy, ridge... hmm...)
  3. I'm a mid level nerd. Mainly because while I do have many high lvl's of dorkiness and geekiness I keep offsetting it with my cool car, sharp clothes, and good house. :P
  4. Greetings one and all! I'm pleased to be here and I look forward to meeting each and every one of you. I've been through one Academy sim and have sat through one more. Hopefully work will allow me to join in on a few more games. ;) For those wondering, I work for NASA at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex. Which means I spend a lot of my time being George Jetson and pushing buttons while we track deep space satelites. As you can imagine a lot of this is routinue and I get a lot of free time, but there are times when the spacecraft are doing manuvers or other hardware failures that cause me to *GASP!* actually work. :P *Chuckles* Seriously though, I look forward to many an interesting mission with you fine folks here at the STSF!
  5. YOu know the keyboards ARE rather close together. And I DO tend to type rather fast. I could see that happening. ;) Oh, and I've already lost one spacecraft. Remember CONTOUR? Bet you didn't because it blew up shortly after entering orbit. My bad. :P