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Benjamin Robair

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Everything posted by Benjamin Robair

  1. Who cares about the birthday of a tugboat? I mean, a newer model tug will have to be coming out here soon. ::checks records:: Who ever heard of a tugboat that has only tugged in two ships? Two ships in eight years? What a horrible record. Even more reasons not to care! Heh - happy birthday, Manticore!
  2. The Agincourt had been dispatched to repair a sensor array that is transmitting garbled information, but suddenly found itself right outside of an exposion between two cloaked vessels: one Romulan, one Klingon. The resulting explosion caused sensors to go down for a few minutes, but eventually they got back into working order. The USS Merlin was sent on to fix the array Agincourt was suppose to fix. Speculation as to why the two ships were even in the sector continues, as each represented government has already sent out their own investigation teams to the site. This speculation has begun to subside, though, as it seems both ships were setup to ram each other in order to disable the Agincourt's sensors. Soon after, it was discovered Agincourt's rescue attempts aided a terrorist attack on the ship, and Main Engineering has been takenhostage by Romulan and Klingon conspirators. The Agincourt was ordered to a nearby Romulan civilian outpost, where the Romulan government vessel met them. Since this time, Agincourt has been ordered to proceed toward Earth. To buy for more time, Colonel Harper agrees to the course change, only to later discover that five other Federation vessels, believed to also have been taken over, have left their intended paths and are headed toward Earth as well. [[ It just keeps getting longer. ]]
  3. The Agincourt had been dispatched to repair a sensor array that is transmitting garbled information, but suddenly found itself right outside of an exposion between two cloaked vessels: one Romulan, one Klingon. The resulting explosion caused sensors to go down for a few minutes, but eventually they got back into working order. The USS Merlin was sent on to fix the array Agincourt was suppose to fix. Speculation as to why the two ships were even in the sector continues, as each represented government has already sent out their own investgation teams to the site. This speculation has begun to subside, though, as it seems both ships were setup to ram each other in order to disable the Agincourt's sensors. Soon after, it was discovered Agincourt's rescue attempts aided a terrorist attack on the ship, and Main Engineering has been taken hostage by Romulan and Klingon conspirators. The Agincourt was ordered to a nearby Romulan civilian outpost, where the Romulan government vessel met them. [[ Oy... that's pretty dag 'on long! ]]
  4. The Agincourt had been dispatched to repair a sensor array that is transmitting garbled information, but suddenly found itself right outside of an exposion between two cloaked vessels: one Romulan, one Klingon. The resulting explosion caused sensors to go down for a few minutes, but eventually they got back into working order. The USS Merlin was sent on to fix the array Agincourt was suppose to fix. Speculation as to why the two ships were even in the sector continues, as each represented government has already sent out their own investgation teams to the site. They won't be at the site for quite some time, though. Yellow alert.
  5. (A special note: The Agincourt will have it's 1-Year Anniversary tomorrow. That's right: The garden shovel of the fleet has been flying about for one year!) Along with this, the Agincourt begins its next adventure... The Agincourt has been dispatched to repair a sensor array that is transmitting garbled information. The Agincourt left dock two days earlier, and is currently within hours of the array. Green alert.
  6. Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Robair Chief Security Officer USS Agincourt "Setting Down The Law" Reprimanding someone, especially one of your own officers, must be an event no one wants to truly endure. However, it must be done, for no crime may go unpunished. Yes, I would have preferred to take her word that she would never avoid regulations again in such a manner, however that is not my job. Yes, I would prefer to be friendly with those under my command, but again, this is not my job. I am not here to forgive and forget; as a security officer, especially, I must enforce Starfleet Rules and Regulations. I was told early on in my career that this was not simple in the beginning, and never became easier. I do not enjoy punishing people, especially those I know are sincerely sorry for the mistake, but I know I must do it. I am a chief. With that title, I must act as a mentor to those officers around me, be the voice of reason, know exactly what I'm talking about, and still keep control of both myself and everyone else. It is no easy task, and not always one I enjoy. Lieutenant JoNs is a wonderful officer, ranging from her ability to correspond with others, all the way to her remarkable tactical and combat abilities. It was no easy task setting her down, to tell her she was being reprimanded. And, oddly enough, it wasn't particularly me who told her, which could quite possibly be why I do feel bad about the events that recently unfolded in my office. I had invited the newest member of Agincourt, in effort for to unknowingly drag JoNs across the ground and effectively bring her well-being down to that of mud. I embarrassed her, I ridiculed her, and I was quite possibly mean to her - all by simply asking Midshipman Spitfire questions revolving around the concept of, "Is stealing, even if you feel it is what you should do, the correct thing to do?" And, every time, he answered perfectly, as Lieutenant JoNs mentally sank lower and lower into her chair. There, in my office, I had provoked a midshipman into ridiculing a lieutenant, and it was all my idea. It was what I had intended to do, it is what I did do, and it was flawless. JoNs got the point across, without any problem. But, given her outstanding record and the mission she had just returned from, I was quite possibly too hard on her. No, no, I wasn't too hard on her. She deserved exactly what she got. But, then again, she didn't. This was her first offense, and she had good reason, and yet it may be assumed that - had she taken an additional five minutes - she could have received the goods in proper, Starfleet way. No matter how I feel now, I cannot go back and reverse the harsh reprimand I gave her. I cannot erase the inevitably now-confused mind of Midshipman Spitfire, as he attempted to piece together what exactly Lieutenant JoNs had done. Quite honestly, I shouldn't have gotten someone else involved in what Captain Davies probably considered a "relatively minor" event. However, even as I go back and think about the events that had just unfolded, I admit to myself that, should similar events happen again with anyone, I would do the exact same thing. Even so, I do believe I acted too rash, all things considered. I had to get my point across, and I did that effectively. I have no regrets about the matter.
  7. Briefing #39 Several hours have passed. The USS Agincourt, currently at yellow alert, is just about to reach the rendezvous coordinates gathered from the Romulan ISD that Taellel mentioned during interrogations. Members from Security, Engineering, and the Marines are continuing their attempts at turning on the large device found within the Vacitu, which is now in Cargo Bay 1 of the Agincourt. Taellel, who has been healed and cleared for transport to the Federation ship currently enroute to meet Agincourt, remains confined to Sickbay with armed guards.
  8. Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Robair Chief Security Officer / Second Officer USS Agincourt | NCC-81762 Stardate 0508.30 ------------------ HOMEWARD BOUND ------------------ The orders were clear. As unexpected as it could be, the Agincourt crew was returning home. Robair was already finding it odd that the USS Agincourt - a Federation warship - was to be a centerpiece at a celebration of peace. Perhaps it should be viewed as an honor, but Robair viewed it as time that could be better spent protecting this quadrant of space. However, if anything at all, it would allow Robair some free time to see his family - to see Sarah. They had been friends for years. There was never anything officially between them, and they had never officially been anything other than good friends. (Too much time in Starfleet has obviously made Robair use the word "official" too much.) But, she was the one he really wanted to see when he returned to Earth... outside of his family, of course. There were no siblings, but he did have cousins, aunts, uncles... parents. Oh, how he couldn't wait to see his parents. They hadn't spoken in several months. To be honest, now that Benji thought back, he felt bad about this. The last communication he had sent them was that he was being promoted and transferred to the USS Agincourt. He hadn't even let them know that he was settled in and doing fine. But, he was already preparing a list in his mind of everyone he wanted to be sure and see - obviously, visits to Earth were very infrequent for crew of a warship. He thought of how he had met Sarah. It was many years before, during the summer. She was going to be a doctor, he was going into Starfleet. But, they had met in a summer course. Put simply, it was fate; they didn't have any of the same classes. It just so happened that they were placed at the same facility, and just so happened to have sit by one another at lunch one day. Conversation had taken place (sadly, Benji couldn't remember what it was about), but they had quickly become friends. She was one of those dependable people who didn't talk bad about anybody or anything. Put simply, she had no flaws. She was perfect. And they were still only friends? He supposed that was just how it was all suppose to happen. She had been there for him more than once, and meetings with each other once or twice a year or so proved to be a wonderful time. Sure, these meetings would mostly be for a couple of hours - grabbing some lunch and taking a walk through the park - but they were something Benji looked forward to for months in advance. He only hoped that Sarah looked forward to them as much as he did. They were each too busy in real life to meet more often, but Benji supposed that was a good thing; it kept things distant, yet special. He often wondered if he was in love or not. He eventually decided he wasn't, but was never able to completely prove it to himself. But, Sarah wasn't the only person Benji was looking forward to see. Besides family, there were the fellow tennis players from his years before the Academy - many of which he still stays in contact with quite often. And those special teachers from the Academy... oh, there were several he adored, both for their help and for their teaching style. Professor Meredith and Professor Franklin to name a few. But, there were others... there were very few that Benji would make special preparations to avoid. Above all, he would go take a look back in his hometown. Louisville had surely changed over the years; Benji hadn't actually been there in many years. His family had moved to California when Benji was accepted into the Academy, and he hadn't been back since. There were many sights there he wanted to be sure and see, as well as hoping he would run into old friends that he had long since forgotten, and catch up on everything that had happened over the years. There were only a few things left for Security to do before the Agincourt made it back to Earth. Inventory had to be taken, and new inventory had to be taken aboard before the Agincourt left Earth again. Oh! Must stop now... Benji wasn't even back at Earth yet, and he was already going over preparations for leaving. This was one of the worse duties of being in his position - he had to be prepared many weeks in advance, and throw in the unexpected when he had time for it. It wasn't the best style, but it did work. For now, Benji considered what to do first. There was only one thing he could think of: send some messages to tell Earth he was coming back for a few days, and make sure lunch was scheduled with Sarah.
  9. Yupyup. Happy birthday. :P
  10. Ens. JP Marks sat up from the table and quickly double-checked what he had proposed on the PADD. He quickly saved the plan of attack for Pax Primus and looked up at the Chromometer to see that they were due to arrive at Pax Primus with the hour. With a slight look at frustration at how long it took him to put the plan together, he headed out of the Security Office and half sprint for the nearest Turbolift. The wait for the Turbolift seemed to last a lifetime as did the ride up to the bridge. Although admittedly, the light jazz that was recently installed in the Turbolift was soothing, in this situation it seemed totally unappropriate. With a cocking of his eyebrow, he rushed out of the turbolift onto the bridge and began scanning for Lt. Commander Robair. Spotting him, he quickly walked up. "Sir," JP declared, "I have finished my proposed plan of attack." Robair nodded to JP, and took the PADD. He examined it, and took it. "Continue." He soon began outlining the plan as Commander Robair reviewed along with the simulation on the PADD. Basically, by either imprinting a warp signiture on an astroid and directing it towards the main power source on that planet or flying a fully shielded shuttle and remote piloting towards the main power source, they could actually make the satellites destroy their own power. By doing that, a 12.83 second window would be open before the satellite's reserve power supply would kick in. That window would give the Agincourt time to get in, beam down the Marines and get out hopng that the Marines would be able to regain control of the satellite system. JP cleared his throat. "As you can see sir, it will be a tight pinch. Its going to take a steady hand at Helm as well as a steady hand directing either the astroid or the shuttle... However I do believe it is the only feasable way without directly attacking the satellite system." Benji again peered at the PADD, and examined JP's plan in more detail. "So, we deploy a fake ship to take the hit meant for us?" Benji thought about it for a moment. "Sounds like a good plan to me, but the odds aren't that good. The chances of getting through a 12.83 second window without a hit is very unlikely, and I'd be afraid that the satellites would hit a stabilizer as we're headed straight for the planet." Robair walked around the top of the bridge for a moment. "But, other than the odds, the idea is pretty well flawless. I'll speak to the colonel and captain about it. It may be the only option we can come up with before we must have an option." Benji thought for a moment. "Work on getting a shuttle ready for this. Dismissed." Benji set the PADD down on the console and went back to his console, while JP took off for the shuttlebay.
  11. Wooo! Congrats!
  12. Woo. What I love about University of Kentucky. The Judd's. ;)
  13. STARFLEET SERVICE RECORDS Full Name: Benjamin Lucas Robair Gender: Male Age: Thirty-six (36) Date of Birth: July 25, 2361 Species: Human Height: 6 feet 0 inches Weight: 180 lbs. Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Green Skin Color: White Place of Birth: Louisville, Kentucky, Earth STARFLEET SERVICE INFORMATION Rank: Lieutenant Commander Position: Second Officer/Chief of Security Assignment: U.S.S. Agincourt NCC-81762 STARFLEET TRAINING INFORMATION Benjamin Robair joined Starfleet (2379) right at the end of the Dominion War, as the Federation was settling down. It was when Benji joined Starfleet when Starfleet was creating many war vessels, in preparation for continued attacks. However, when these attacks did not come, Starfleet dispatched the ships to patrol the sector. Originally, Benji joined Starfleet to participate in the war. However, war was over by the time he graduated the Starfleet Academy. Per Benjamin’s own request, his dispatch was postponed until he could be posted on one of these warships. Benji’s first post was aboard the U.S.S. Roosevelt, a Nebula-class vessel that had been refit for wartime duties. It monitored the interior of the Federation sectors, until it was decommissioned in 2389. At that point, Benji was an Assistant Security Officer aboard the Roosevelt. His popularity among the ship made him rather famous among the crew, and aided his quick reassignment. Benjamin is by no means a social king. However, he is exceptionally friendly to everyone aboard, which makes him a friend to everyone aboard. This unique quality is unusual on a vessel of war. However, during a fight, Benji puts his duty where it belongs. His firing capabilities are not exceptional, but quite satisfactory among other security officers. Training includes: Hand to hand combat, close range weapon combat, long range weapon control, projectile weapons, handheld laser/phaser weapons, handheld disruptor weapons, automatic/manual vessel weapon control. After the U.S.S. Roosevelt, Benji was placed as Chief of Security aboard the Akira-class cruiser U.S.S. Parkland. Benjamin remained in this position, climbing up the ranks to Lieutenant Commander while aboard. In 2393, Benji took a Leave of Absence from Starfleet, and returned home to Earth. During this time, he fell in love with Allison Greer, who was a prominent businesswoman on Earth. Unfortunately, she was killed in a shuttle accident upon returning from a business meeting on Verma. This catastrophe drove Benji to the hospital for mental issues on several occasions, but he was later accepted back aboard the U.S.S. Parkland. We presume that Benji buries himself in work aboard ship, to stay busy so that he does not think about the accident. He left the U.S.S. Parkland in 2397 after applying for and receiving the Second Officer position on the U.S.S. Agincourt, a brand new Prometheus-class vessel. Starting over again as a member of the command staff, Benjamin Robair will be an exceptional Second Officer and continue being a successful security officer. PROMOTION INFORMATION May 11, 2379 Graduated Starfleet Academy August 1, 2379 Assigned to U.S.S. Roosevelt, Ensign, as a Security Officer December 19, 2383 Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade March 6, 2386 Promoted to Lieutenant February 1, 2387 Assigned as Chief Security Officer aboard U.S.S. Roosevelt July 14, 2388 Assigned as Acting Executive Officer aboard U.S.S. Roosevelt August 11, 2388 Reassigned as Chief Security Officer aboard U.S.S. Roosevelt June 7, 2389 U.S.S. Roosevelt decommissioned July 19, 2389 Assigned as Chief Security Officer aboard U.S.S. Parkland March 4, 2393 Went of Leave of Absence from Starfleet, and returned home. April 1, 2394 Returned to the U.S.S. Parkland, and reassigned Chief Security Officer January 29, 2395 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander March 16, 2397 Reassigned to U.S.S. Agincourt as Second Officer/Chief Security Officer MEDICAL INFORMATION Last Checkup: January 2397 (PASS) Last Sickbay Visit: January 2397 Reason: Checkup Authorization: First Lieutenant Sarah Hayden | Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Parkland Last Psychiatric Exam: January 2397 (PASS) All Exams are up-to-date until: January 2398 Exam to be given at above date: Checkup/Psychiatric Exam
  14. Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Robair Second Officer/Chief of Security USS Agincourt | NCC-81762 March 12, 2397 "New Beginnings; Forgetting the Past" It had been several years since she had been killed. He tried not to remember it - and the easiest way for him to do that was to get caught up in work. That was precisely what he did. Benji Robair was caught up in the final preparations of the USS Agincourt. He was at spacedock, going over checklist after checklist of what was to come soon. He had received most of the crew manifest, and read over many of the names. Very few did he know, though there were a few more that he could guess their parents. In essence, Benji had been around the fleet for many, many years. If his math was correct, it would be about 18 years. Benji was a few years younger than his new Commanding Officer - Captain Davies - who Benji had only fondly heard of. Benji had only saw pictures and reports with that Captain's name on it, but even that was rare in such a large fleet. It was easy to tell that the captain had many good years in Starfleet, and was close to some of the Admiralty. Robair had first laid eyes on the ship a few weeks earlier. The ship itself was entirely finished, with only a few items yet to be aboard. With only a few days left before launch, Robair figured it was as ready to fly as it ever would. The ship itself was beautiful. The paperwork was tremendous, but it kept him from thinking of... her. She was remarkable. A successful businesswoman, the two had met at a large convention, long ago, somewhere warm. He couldn't even remember where the convention was that they first met. It had to have been one in the Caribbean, or Cancun, or Hawaii... some place warm, of course. They had met because of Robair's parents, who were in the same business as her. How remarkable... and what a small world it truly is. Then the year came that she didn't go to the convention. She had taken over her father's position in the company, and was due for a business trip just two systems away from Earth. Something went wrong - Starfleet reported that they never really knew what it was. Nonetheless, something went wrong with the port engine, causing a loss of control at faster-than-light speeds. The ship just couldn't stay together. She was gone forever. It was the work Robair did that kept his mind off of his previous love. Previous? No, no... he still loved her, in spirit. She meant more to him than anyone - the Norwegian from his childhood, his first crush - all of them. She was his fiancee-to-be, but fate interveined. Fate. Oh, how Robair despised fate. He no longer believed that anything happened for a reason. It all just happened, and if you were lucky enough for it to work out, it was wonderful. When it didn't, it wasn't fate: it was hatred. No one could have been blamed for the shuttlecraft incident she had been in, but that doesn't mean no one is scot-free either. Robair loved that woman, and he would never forget her. He just had to keep busy: it was the only thing that kept him sane. The Agincourt was coming along nicely. Everything was ready, except the deck layout. It seems that several factors quickly arose with this vessel, in which some items were moved around the ship. Robair was suppose to have the updated deck layout over the weekend, but that kept looking more and more grim. For the time being, he was on his own, just walking the decks of his soon-to-be home for the next undetermined amount of time. It may have been safe to say that Benji did not particularly like Starfleet any longer, after the accident that killed his fiancee. However, it was the only thing that Benji had ever done, and he couldn't stop now; he couldn't give himself time to think about her. He knew Starfleet vessels, and that was all the mattered now. He was good at his job, and that is what was needed at the current time. He was a troubled man during this time period. Actually, he had been troubled over the past three years. His Leave of Absence after the accident proved that. He know longer knew if it was his will to succeed and get everything done correctly that motovated him. It could just as easily be the fear of not doing anything, and recollecting about the past he lost, and the future he could have had. This was his future now. The Agincourt. It held the key to everything he had to offer now. The peacetime warship was now his home. The irony of the vessel went quite well along with that of Benji's own personal life. They both also held a unique future: the future of undertermined ages. Remarkable.
  15. To chat/sim with STSF, you never have to touch StarTrek.com. Just an FYI. :(
  16. Tricky question... and it has an answer I'm not sure if I want to release just yet. :(
  17. ::shrugs:: Budget cuts? :lol: ::walks away, whistling, with his new golf clubs and sporty sunglasses:: Ha... this is why we have a holodeck, ah?
  18. I, ah, "borrowed" some money from the Special Effects department. Davies, best be known right now that we don't exactly have the funds to blow anything up until next month's budget is set. :lol: Oh... and we don't have enough money to finish the mess hall. However, the turbolift has not been stopped from opening up on that deck! I figure it is a good way to get rid of the people who like to eat... heh heh heh.
  19. Yea! Request an application, and become part of the Agincourt crew for her first voyage! Come and ask questions, too. Personally, I'm coming for the free meal and drinks, but questions are good too...