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Found 8 results

  1. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Anyway, yes, Challenger was enroute to the nebula and had launched a probe into the nebula. Initial readings should be coming back. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any other questions? Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Standing on the flight deck by a prepped Eagle, and a fuming Chief Barnes.:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::Ja'Lale:: Captain, receiving telemetry from the probe. Gretchen Hanson -> ::in SB doing medical things::: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Very good. Anastasia Poldara -> ::begins reviewing the telemetry:: Hmm. Derrick Sabin -> ::in his quarters, getting ready to go on-shift:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Find anything? Artemis -> ::Pre-buffering shield frequency rotations for yellow-alert, and warming up the phaser cannons in their cradles:: Cassie Granger -> ::since there was not much for her to do on the bridge, she decided to get down to the fighter bay and check out the Eagle:: Anastasia Poldara -> Well, the nebula itself is largely unremarkable. I don't know why the freighter is so close to it. Dyan Sylvanis -> Don't give me that look. It's the only way for the Eagle's sensors to work without leaving the proximity of the ship. Hunter Matheson -> ::at helm, not really happy about the situation, no not at all:: Anastasia Poldara -> We will encounter significant sensory and shield disruption if we enter it. We won't quite be blind, but not far from it. Dyan Sylvanis -> Barnes> It's suicide. Anastasia Poldara -> The freighter itself registers on the probe's sensors, though proximity to the nebula means its scans are about as good as ours. It isn't registering the freighter as being in any obvious distress... oh. Cassie Granger -> ::hears Barnes as she strides toward them:: Anastasia Poldara -> The freighter's thrusters are at stationkeeping. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Turns and nods at Cass as she sees her approach.:: Captain. Dyan Sylvanis -> Barnes> ::Snaps to.:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::finishes clearing out the conference room, mulling over the discussions that were had:: Cassie Granger -> ::Barnes:: As you were. ::returns the salute:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Can we determine how far the freighter is in the nebula? Cassie Granger -> It's dicey, Lieutenant, I'll give you that. Suicide, Barnes? Dvokr chim Hok -> :: On the bridge at the communications console :: Anastasia Poldara -> ::runs some calculations:: Triangulating. Derrick Sabin -> ::takes the nearby TL to the Science deck:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::after putting glasses and such into the recycler unit, comes out of the conference room, sort of feeling like the maid but it gave her time to ponder the evidence again and all of the discussions:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::Ja'Lale:: If the freighter is at stationkeeping, sir, that implies they are holding position for a reason. Hunter Matheson -> ::listening to science re the nebula:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: Indeed it does. They either are unable to move further, or are waiting for someone. Anastasia Poldara -> All right, it looks like the freighter is approximately 0.8 light-years from the boundary of the nebula closest to us. Derrick Sabin -> ::Enters the Sci lab and settles into his chair, logging in to his station:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> I assume we are unable to raise the freighter from here? Dyan Sylvanis -> Right, so I know you said you wanted us to get the Eagle's sensors to work from the flight deck. Problem is, even though they are powerful, there is too much interference in the hull, EPS grids, and etc. So I figured we can make a tractor beam tether and I'll take the Eagle out and drift under the hull. Dyan Sylvanis -> Barnes> ::grumbles.:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::glances around the bridge before she takes her seat, silently, though made eye contact with anyone that looked towards the door when it opened, and nods to the Captain before she sits:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::sees Sabin come online:: +Sabin+ Poldara to Sabin. Artemis -> ::Ja'Lale:: Captain, this reeks of bait. I may not believe that the freighter picked up Klingons, but that doesn't mean they aren't here. Derrick Sabin -> +Poldara+ Sabin here, Lt. Cmdr Rinax -> ::a little shocked that Artemis has nearly her same conclusion... not exactly, but close:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> I was thinking the same thing. Anastasia Poldara -> +Sabin+ We've started to receive telemetry from the probe we sent ahead of us. Please keep an eye on it and see if you can divine any more useful details from the data. The more information we have before we arrive on the scene, the better we'll be able to plan ahead. Cptn Ja'Lale -> It wouldn't surprise me at all. Cassie Granger -> ::after quite a bit of thought, she reiterates:: The idea was to stay aboard if possible. I'm not so sure that taking the fighter out in the nebula is a good idea. Derrick Sabin -> ::switches his monitor to follow the flow of data from the probe::: +Poldara+ I have it up now. I'll let you know what I can find. Cassie Granger -> But, ::glancing to Barnes:: I'm inclined to agree with you both. It could be suicide, maybe creating a feedback with the attempted mesh of technology. Artemis -> I would recommend coming to a stop as far from this freighter as we can Derrick Sabin -> ::puzzled by the lack of data about the freighter::: Hunter Matheson -> ::likes that idea, too:: Derrick Sabin -> ::makes some adjustments in the telemetry analysis::: Anastasia Poldara -> Just a reminder that the properties of the nebula affect the freighter's sensors as well. Cassie Granger -> ::Dyan:: What's the fighter's capability in the nebula? Cassie Granger -> All around capability, I mean. Anastasia Poldara -> As for communication … we could potentially use the probe as a signal booster. ::glances at Hok for confirmation:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> If you can, make it happen ::to Hok:: Cmdr Rinax -> Captain, what if we took a shuttle over there, limited personnel, science... and a driver - take our scans, bring them back - quick in and out,. Hunter Matheson -> ::doubling up with nav, isn't liking what he sees, or doesn't see would be more like it:: Dyan Sylvanis -> I get that, but we need this information. And you know as well as I do, the Eagle is better than any probe we could hope to launch. ::Stops a moment.:: No armaments to make room for the sensor suite, but she's got twice the shield power of the Spectres. She can hold. Derrick Sabin -> ::makes one other adjustment and then hits the comm:: +Poldara+ Sabin to Poldara. Dvokr chim Hok -> I think we can boost the signal, but it will train the power sytem of the probe more quickly. Dyan Sylvanis -> She's made to survive with info intact. Anastasia Poldara -> +Sabin+ Do you have good news for me? Cassie Granger -> ::stares hard at the Eagle, then at Sylvanis:: Dvokr chim Hok -> Boosting the signal Captain. Cassie Granger -> All right. You know her capabilities more than anyone. I'm making it your call, Lieutenant. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Try to hail the freighter, if you can. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: Thank you. I'll be careful. Cmdr Rinax -> ::looks at Hok, to see if there is a response:: Dyan Sylvanis -> Barnes> You better be. Derrick Sabin -> +Poldara+ Depends on your point of view, Lieutenant. The probe is definitely giving us readings on the physical properties of the freighter, but limited to it's exterior. Nothing is penetrating that ship's hull. I'd say she's pretty heavily shielded. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smirks.:: Dvokr chim Hok -> The connection to the probe is made.. recieving... Dvokr chim Hok -> We are getting a response, but it's tricky Cassie Granger -> ::Nods and turns away from them to contact the bridge:: +COM+ Granger to Captain Ja'lale. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Freighter> +Challenger+ ::Static:: This is....reighter...Erie...::static::...stuck in nebula...navig...ut....::static:: Anastasia Poldara -> +Sabin+ Really? That's interesting. Why would a freighter be so shielded? We're using the probe as a signal booster—could you piggyback some kind of active scan over the comm signal? Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Cass+ Go ahead. ::Hok:: See if you can clear that up.. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Grabs her helmet and climbs into the Eagle.:: Derrick Sabin -> +Poldara+ I'l give it a try. Cmdr Rinax -> ::taps onn her console to look up Freighter Erie:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Puts helmet and mask on, closing the canopy. She begins powering up.:: Cassie Granger -> +COM+ Sir, we have at our disposal one of the most sophisticated packages of technology within a sensor suite attached to Lt. Sylvanis' fighter. She's ready to go on your mark, sir. Derrick Sabin -> ::configures a video channel to ride underneath the audio frequencies going out to the probe, hoping it will get relayed to the freighter unobserved::: Anastasia Poldara -> ::keeps an eye on the probe's power levels:: Probe power at 55% and dropping. Artemis -> ::sends a frequency schedule to Hok:: Here, using these frequencies should help get through our own shields. My clear things up a little. Hunter Matheson -> ::looks up and turns, thinking about Sylvanis going into the nebula, he clenches his jaw:: Cmdr Rinax -> Captain, we have 3 Erie Freighters on the Federation database. Unsure which one yet. Derrick Sabin -> ::gets scrambled images that coincide with the breaks in static in the audio stream from the freighter:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Hope they all aren't the same type of freighter. Cmdr Rinax -> Let me check the differences... maybe we can identify it. Anastasia Poldara -> Probe power at 49%. Dvokr chim Hok -> Clearing.. :: Artemis -> ::sends same frequency schedule to Sabin and Poldara:: I wont drop shields, but this should give you a dedicated hole Hunter Matheson -> ::Lets out a breath:: On approach to the freighter, Captain. ETA five minutes to holding at 10,000 km. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Finished with her prep, waiting on the go ahead.:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::reads console, attempts to find differences:: Cassie Granger -> +Syl+ Stand by. Cmdr Rinax -> There was a Fort Erie, Captain. This one filed a flight path on Rout to SB 179... that's probably the nearest to our location. Cmdr Rinax -> Let me see... their scheduled freight haul was supposed to be metallic ores and such. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Fort Erie... but why cut through a nebula? Cmdr Rinax -> Wasn't in their flight plan. ::smirks and tries to get more info:: Dvokr chim Hok -> I have cleared the signal by about double, is that enough? Anastasia Poldara -> Meet with some smugglers? Anastasia Poldara -> Probe power at 42%. Derrick Sabin -> ::trying to clear the video feed:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Hates the waiting.:: Hunter Matheson -> ::Ja'Lale:: Approaching freighter. Holding at 10,000 km. Hunter Matheson -> ::parks:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Good Cmdr Rinax -> ::turns towards Anastasia:: Or hide from some? Lets do scans of the area around us too, just in case others are hiding! Derrick Sabin -> ::captures a "still" of the intermittent data and breathes a small sigh of relief::: Anastasia Poldara -> ::Rinax:: If there were any in range, we would have picked them up by now. Mind you, in this nebular, our range is now effectively about 3 AU. Derrick Sabin -> +Poldara+ Sabin to Poldara. I don't much quality video to work with, but what I've got looks like a human crew. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Try to hail the freighter again. Anastasia Poldara -> +Sabin+ Humans? On a Tyrellian freighter? Cmdr Rinax -> Just keep scanning, ... ::turns:: Captain, I suggest yellow alert, so no one is surprised by something out here. Hunter Matheson -> ::glancing at nav:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Already on Yellow Alert) Derrick Sabin -> +Poldara+ Clearly not Tyrellian...or Klingon for that matter. Also, some kind of metallic compound as cargo. Anastasia Poldara -> +Sabin+ Acknowledged. Will pass this on. Anastasia Poldara -> ::Ja'Lale:: Captain, Sabin piggybacked a video feed on the comm transmission and saw humans on the freighter. Scans also verify the presence of metallic signatures in the cargo bay. Gretchen Hanson -> (checks her sucker supply. Clearly those on the bridge are having a sugar reaction) Dvokr chim Hok -> Granger (++ if needed), are you able to do some post-transmission processing to clean up things further? Cmdr Rinax -> ((Withdrawal)) Cptn Ja'Lale -> THat's a relief. Cassie Granger -> +Ja'Lale+ Eagle standing by, full sensor package ready to go. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Waiting on those launch orders.:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Cass+ Launch when ready Cmdr Rinax -> ::checks console:: That's probably the Fort Erie, then... mostly human compliment aboard. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Checks the Federation registry:: Fort Erie, large Type VII freighter based in Fort Erie, PA Earth. As the Commander mentioned, she was headed to SB 179 Anastasia Poldara -> ((I thought it was a Tyrellian freighter we were going after?)) Cassie Granger -> +Syl+ Launch is a go. If you see anything that remotely resembles danger, return immediately. Good hunting. Cmdr Rinax -> ::nods:: They don't have any warnings on their record for troublemaking, Captain, at least up until now. They didn't register any crew or leadership changes... so we are going in blind. Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Meant to be a civilian freighter... but we can say that it is registered in Tyrellia as a flag of convenience if you will) Dyan Sylvanis -> +Cass+ Roger. ::Launches, and once clear, she has full shields up and turns for the freighter.:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Which could make it Tyrellian technically.) Cassie Granger -> ::Barnes:: Get your QRF hot, just in case. Monitor her comm closely. Anastasia Poldara -> ((I’m a scientist, not a shipping lawyer.)) Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Fort Erie is owned by a company on Earth, but registered in Tyrellia. Hunter Matheson -> ::glad to be just a SWCC:: Cmdr Rinax -> Captain, the registry is Tyrellian, but it's owned by this Earth company. ::points at her console:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Must be cheaper to do that. But, I'm no expert in that field. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Once she closes the distance, she uses the full suite trained on the freighter to take detailed scans.:: +FOPS+ Suite active and all eyes on the target. Gretchen Hanson -> (you know, like US cruise ships sailing under a Panamanian flag) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Yes, that's exactly it) Cassie Granger -> FOPS> Copy. Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Cheaper and less rules to go by) Cassie Granger -> +FOPS+ Send the sensor feed from Eagle directly to the bridge. Dyan Sylvanis -> +FOPS+ linking now. ::Sends.:: Anastasia Poldara -> Hopefully the Eagle's sensors will have more luck penetrating that hull. Cassie Granger -> FOPS> Will do, Captain. It's coming in now. Dyan Sylvanis -> +FOPS+ Shields holding steady. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: The Eagle launches and heads closer to the freighter. Cptn Ja'Lale -> (5 minutes) Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Eagle's sensors are able to penetrate the Fiort Erie Dvokr chim Hok -> +Granger+ Do you wish me to monitor and control the Eagle's transmission protocols? Cptn Ja'Lale -> 's hull Cassie Granger -> +HOK+ Whatever you need to do to get the information to the captain. Artemis -> Did we ever get a repeat of their last transmission? Cptn Ja'Lale -> No. Hail them again, please. ::to Hok:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Fort Erie hails Challenger back Cassie Granger -> FOPS> Copy. Cassie Granger -> ::moving into FOPS, she stands a distance from their operations console so as to monitor but not interfere:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Continues her detailed scans, keeping her eyes open, ready to react.:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> F. Erie> +Challenger+ ::Grainy but audible:: Challenger, this is Captain Peterson of the SS Fort Erie. We were hit by an ion burst and lost navigation and wandered into the nebula. Gretchen Hanson -> (gotta run, see you next week) Cassie Granger -> FOPS> +Eagle+ Scans are clear. Transmission excellent. Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Night!) Dyan Sylvanis -> +FOPS+ Roger Anastasia Poldara -> ::rolls eyes:: Cmdr Rinax -> Ion burst? Anastasia Poldara -> As if you could "wander into" a nebula, navigation or no. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Ion burst? Hunter Matheson -> ::ion burst?:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Begins scanning the cargo holds.:: Dvokr chim Hok -> Watching the probe and the Eagle's signals Artemis -> There has been no recorded Ion storm activity in this sector for months. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Hmm. Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> Great job everyone. So the mystery only deepens. Are they really that stupid or is something else going on? We'll hopefully find out next week! Dyan Sylvanis -> Is the ship being run by Pakleds instead of human? Cptn Ja'Lale -> TBS won't be long if any. Maybe 30 minutes tops. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Scans said human... maybe not lol. Dyan Sylvanis -> Cause if they were then I would go with the stupid. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions or comments? Artemis -> Do we need a tbs? We are technically talking to them right now? Anastasia Poldara -> Are they human? Or are they dancer? Cptn Ja'Lale -> I suppose you're right. No TBS. Cptn Ja'Lale -> If there is nothing else, then sim dismissed. Have a great week everyone
  2. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, the Challenger crew was in the conference room, meeting with Tyrellian officials in discussion of what they had found on the outpost they had visited. It was said, that a civilian freighter had spotted a Klingon ship decloaking nearby a few days ago among other things. TBS was zero IIRC. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions? Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cassie Granger -> ::in the conference room:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::also in the conference room, staring at the Tyrellians: Hunter Matheson -> ::ditto:: Gretchen Hanson -> (reiterating her suggestion that got cut off at the end of last weeks's sim) Could this have been an accident? Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Sees he will have to route a few more calls :: Artemis -> ::In the conference room, still decked out in his workout gear, a towel around his shoulders:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> The explosion at the outpost? I suppose it is possible. Anastasia Poldara -> ::still stuck in meeting land:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> But judging by the surveillance footage, it seems unlikely. Artemis -> Wouldn't signs of an accident been more obvious? Surely we would have picked them up by now... Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Sitting at his comm station, looking like a he's sitting at a technologically advanced organ :: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::In CR, sitting next to Kal. Her tea was starting to get cool.:: Gretchen Hanson -> ::leans in to the Captain's direction, in a low voice:: Could we speak privately a moment, sir. Without the Tyrellians, I mean? Hunter Matheson -> ::enjoying the company:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Tyrellian Official 1> ::judging by his rank insignias on his uniform is clearly high up there in rank:: Unlikely, I'd say. All of the evidence you submitted seems to suggest otherwise. Cptn Ja'Lale -> (m) Yes, of course, doctor. Cptn Ja'Lale -> If you'll excuse me... Cassie Granger -> ::watching the Tyrellian's body language:: Cassie Granger -> ::taps the feed to send it to CMTAC:: Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Watching the very active communication lines throughout the ship :: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::heads to a secluded area of the conference room with the doctor:: Hunter Matheson -> ::leans toward Sylvanis, still picking at the scone:: (w) Got any ideas? Cassie Granger -> ::taps her slate, asking Hok to mute the transmission:: Cassie Granger -> ::play nice Tyrellian hold music:: Gretchen Hanson -> Captain, there's nothing in the medical scans that show anything other than asphyxiation of the station crew. My diagnosis is a very slow drop in the O2 levels, and why their sensors didn't pick up on it is part of the problem. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Leans over, quietly.:: I think it's clearly a set up, but I can't figure out by who. Hunter Matheson -> ::nod:: Same here. Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Hok mutes the transmission :: Gretchen Hanson -> Now, if there was an accident, malfunctioning sensors, accidental or otherwise, and a cover-up to follow, the rest that we've seen is window dressing. Hunter Matheson -> :;shrug:: Personally, I don't think it has much to do with a major party. Hunter Matheson -> Too sloppy. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: Raiders or another party. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods:: I agree. Hunter Matheson -> Um.. could be. But they didn't take anything, did they? Hunter Matheson -> ::pick, sample:: Dyan Sylvanis -> Unless they were a hire. Gretchen Hanson -> The question becomes, why would the Tyrellians cover up a problem on the station, and try to blame it on the Klingons? Hunter Matheson -> (w) Hire for what, though? Seriously, who wants an outpost like that? Unless it was more than an outpost. Cptn Ja'Lale -> If it was the Tyrellians. What would they have to gain by stirring the pot like this? Especially given their close proximity to Kronos Cassie Granger -> ::listening to the exchange between Kal and Dyan:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Somehow, I doubt they are responsible. Gretchen Hanson -> The answer to that sir, is above my pay grade. Cptn Ja'Lale -> And mine it seems. Dyan Sylvanis -> Right, or an inside job even. I think we've potentially missed something. Gretchen Hanson -> In any case, the scene has been staged. Hunter Matheson -> ::pops a piece into his mouth:: Someone went postal? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes, clearly. They certainly didn't do a very good job of it, though. Dyan Sylvanis -> Could be, or the outpost had some information someone else didn't want leaked. Gretchen Hanson -> ::nods her agreement, and waits for the Captain's direction:: Dyan Sylvanis -> I would like to know what we found on their sensor logs and hardrives, but no one has said anything. Hunter Matheson -> Or... ::another piece:: someone was there for something else than listening. Yeah, me, too. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Well, regulations would state we wait for Starfleet for our next steps, but I fear in this case, that'll be too late. We should head into the nebula to investigate futher. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Anything else, doctor? Anastasia Poldara -> We didn’t find anything of interest. That’s the problem. Gretchen Hanson -> No, sir. Just didn't want the Tyrellians to gather that we might be catching on to them. Dyan Sylvanis -> Was there any signs of tampering? Hunter Matheson -> Dunno. ::finishes up, brushing the crumbs into his napkin:: They haven't said and it's not in my MOS. Hunter Matheson -> I'm just the driver. ::grin:: Or you are sometimes. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods:: A wise precautionary move. Thanks doctor. I'll keep that under consideration. Let's get back to the meeting. Gretchen Hanson -> ::follows the Captain back to the conference room table:: Cassie Granger -> ::taps her slate again for Hok to unmute comm to Tyrellia:: Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Turning his head as he listens to a conversation, then speaks to the party on the line :: I don't know when they can fix the shower in there, I will contact engineering on your behalf. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::heads back to the conference room table:: Just went over a few things with the doctor. Resume conference call, please. Cassie Granger -> ::nod:: Aye, sir. Cassie Granger -> +HOK+ Resume the call. Dvokr chim Hok -> +Grang+ Aye... :: taps :: Resuming Cptn Ja'Lale -> Sorry abaout that, gentlemen. A few ship matters. Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> ::slight hint of annoyance of being placed on hold:: No problem,Captain. Now as we were saying, we may have a bit of a lead for you: Roughly 36 hours ago, a civilian freighter reported detecting a ship decloaking on their sensors. Appeared to be of Klingon origin. Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> The ship was located in the nebula cluster near the border into Klingon space. Cassie Granger -> ::notes the "appeared":: Artemis -> ::Mutters to himself:: Just what kind of 'Civilian' ship was this. You need more than your average sensor gear to detect a ship dropping from cloaking Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> Sadly the ship appeared briefly on their sensors, about a few seconds or less, so they were not able to get a detailed scan of the ship. But the freighter is nearby an enroute to Starbase 79 not far from here. Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> The captain indicated that he is willing to cooperate with us and can share sensor info if you wish. Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Casually listening into the call, for diagnostic purposes :: Cassie Granger -> ::also notes the sensor penetration of the nebula:: Cassie Granger -> ::turns to Ja'Lale:: Captain, I would like to request that information, sir. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Interesting. ::steeples fingers:: Perhaps we should pay them a little visit then. Is there anything else? Hunter Matheson -> (w) ::Dyan:: You got any sensors that penetrate a nebula when a ship is decloaking? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Indeed. The freighter is too far to be contacted at our current location, so we best catch up with them as soon as possible. Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> Nothing else right now. We will let you know if we find anything else. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::looks around:: Any more questions for the Tyrellians or in general? Cassie Granger -> Not at the moment, sir. Hunter Matheson -> ::negative:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: One of our birds has an advanced sensor suite in it. Gretchen Hanson -> Would I be correct that the direction of SB 79 is away from the scene of the crime? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Very good. We'll conclude our meeting then. It was a pleasure to speak with you and we thank you for your assistance. ::To T1:: Hunter Matheson -> (w) How advanced? Hunter Matheson -> (w) Like SPECOPS advanced? Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smirks.:: Maybe. Cptn Ja'Lale -> It is slightly out of the way, yes. We should catch up with the freighter before they get too close to SB 179 to minimize travel time to the nebula field. Hunter Matheson -> ::grin:: Hunter Matheson -> (w) We're cut from the same cloth, remember? Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> A pleasure captain. Goodluck in your hunt. Tyrellia out. ::screen goes blank:: Cassie Granger -> ::turns to Ja'Lale:: Gretchen Hanson -> Just curious as to what might happen at the outpost while we’re conveniently away. Cassie Granger -> ::nods agreement:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Right, meeting dismissed. Please take your stations. Mr. Hunter, please plot a pursuit course to the freighter at the coordinates the Tyrellians provided you. They should already be in your console. Warp 7 Hunter Matheson -> ::stands:: Aye, sir. Stealth mode? Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Readies his Klingon protocols :: Dyan Sylvanis -> What if we drop a probe off on our way? Cptn Ja'Lale -> I agree, makes one wonder what else we're missing. ::Matheson:: Yes... stealth mode. Gretchen Hanson -> ::merges with the flow out of the room, heads for the TL::: Hunter Matheson -> ::smart nod:: Aye, Captain. ::moves out immediately:: Artemis -> ::Stands, and follows the rest out to the bridge:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> To the nebula? Yes, I'd like you to get on that as soon as possible. ::to Ana and Dyan:: Hunter Matheson -> ::taps Ens Lackey to resume his duties, then slips into helm:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Launch probe when ready. Anastasia Poldara -> ::sighs, not pleased by the amount of unknowns involved in this next stage of the mission:: Understood. ::hopes that will help. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Gets up and disposes of her now cold tea. She then heads for the door.:: Hunter Matheson -> ::course laid in:: Cassie Granger -> ::stands, waiting for the captain to exit first:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::returns quickly to the bridge via TV magic:: Engage when ready, Mr. Matheson. Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Watches the main viewer :: Hunter Matheson -> Aye, aye, Captain. Engaging warp 7, course as requested. Cassie Granger -> ::following, taking an empty station for monitoring:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::returns to the bridge:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Stops over by Cass.:: I'll get Chief Barnes to prep the Eagle in case we need her eyes. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Keep your eyes peeled on those sensors, please. ::to Artemis:: Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Nodding at Granger :: Artemis -> ::Relieves the Ensign, and taps three keys on the console as he sits down:: Cassie Granger -> ::nod:: Good idea, Lieutenant. Cassie Granger -> Prime her package. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: Cassie Granger -> Load it up. Artemis -> ::Ja'Lale:: Aye, Captain Hunter Matheson -> ::frowns, checking the course:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Heads for the lift, taking it down to the flight deck.:: Hunter Matheson -> ::swivels:: Captain? Not sure I like this course. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Challenger jumps to warp towards the slower moving freighter. Hunter Matheson -> ::turns back to verify it, then frowns again:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> What's wrong, Lieutenant? ::to Hunter:: Hunter Matheson -> ::engages stealth as soon as they hit warp:: Hunter Matheson -> (Gunny, sir) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Sorry!) Hunter Matheson -> Well, sir, it's into the heart of the nebula, and navigation is dicey at best. Hunter Matheson -> I sure would like to know how the hell they got those coordinates with the low level tech they have. Hunter Matheson -> Uh.. sir. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes? Hunter Matheson -> Just makes me uneasy, Captain. Cassie Granger -> ::turns:: Lieutenant Sylvanis is priming a package that should alleviate that problem, Captain. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Makes me uneasy too. We should approach with caution. At least it should not take long to catch up with them. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods to Cass:: Hope it helps. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Arrives at the flight deck and has Chief Barnes prep the Eagle with full sensor package.:: Cassie Granger -> +Sylvanis+ Granger to Sylvanis. Dyan Sylvanis -> +Cass+ Go ahead Captain. Cassie Granger -> +COM+ See if you can engage that package without leaving the flight deck. There should be a way. Coordinate with CMTAC. Dvokr chim Hok -> :: In stealth mode, communications in and out are cut off, listening to internal comms :: Derrick Sabin -> (?) I'm confused.. Is SB 79 in the nebula? On the other side? Or a different direction altogether? I thought we were going after the civvy freighter? Dyan Sylvanis -> +Cass+ Without leaving the deck? Artemis -> I have to agree, Captain. The needed equipment that would pick up the scattered Tachyon particles involved in Cloaking through something as dense as this nebula is something I would never expect to be on an unarmed and unprotected Civilian freighter... Cptn Ja'Lale -> (You on the bridge, Sabin?) Derrick Sabin -> (no, just asking for clarification) Cassie Granger -> COM+ If possible. I've informed CMTAC and verified your clearance. Cptn Ja'Lale -> (ahh.. SB 179 is not in the nebula, but the freighter we are trying to get to is... as the Klingon ship may or may not be as well... why the freighter is in said nebula is unknown at this time) Dyan Sylvanis -> +Cass+ Understood. :;Looks to Barnes:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> I'm guessing it's either lost, has navigational problems, or is trying to lead us into something we don't want to get into. Cassie Granger -> ::Ja'Lale:: Suggest yellow alert, sir. Chirakis -> (Have a good evening, Challenger.) Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yellow alert. Hunter Matheson -> ::braces for the klaxon:: Artemis -> ::Brings shields to standby for post-warp:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Activate counter-cloak measures when safe to do so. Hunter Matheson -> Countermeasures activated. Cptn Ja'Lale -> (5 minutes) Hunter Matheson -> (We have a TAC officer?) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (YEs, Artemis is our Tac) Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Working out a plan with Barnes:: Artemis -> (waves) Dyan Sylvanis -> ((lol Where have you been Kal?)) Hunter Matheson -> (Mybad. All yours, Artemis) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (lol.. I know, it's late) Hunter Matheson -> (Watchin' you, ma'am. Got me all distracted. ::smirk::) Dyan Sylvanis -> ((::facepalm::)) Artemis -> (Hey, I just considered it a team effort) Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Freighter appears on sensors; about an hour out from at this speed. Artemis -> :;Ja'Lale:: Captain, if we do actually get inside the nebula, our sensor range is going to be extremely limited Dyan Sylvanis -> Barnes> It's suicide and you know it. Dvokr chim Hok -> Comms will be down... Artemis -> Freighter in range, but still not close enough to determine status Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: I believe Science is working on a probe to enter the nebula for us. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Shrugs.:: Yeah well, get me a better plan then it won't be. But until then it's all we have. Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Ana+ What's the status on the probes? Dyan Sylvanis -> +Cass+ Captain, I have an idea, but you aren't going to like it. Cassie Granger -> +Dyan+ Lay it on me. Anastasia Poldara -> ::Ja'Lale:: Probe is ready, Captain. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Please launch probe when ready. Hunter, drop us out of warp. Hunter Matheson -> Dropping from warp, aye. Hunter Matheson -> :::puts on the brakes:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Probe launches into the murky nebula.. Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> Thanks... great job everyone. Next week, we'll see what the probe finds. TBS will be 1 hour. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Or is that too long? Any other questions or comments? Cassie Granger -> What should we find in that hour? Cassie Granger -> Think it might be too long, maybe? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Hopefully more signs of the freighter. I kind of agree, actually. Let's change the TBS to 20 minutes then? Cassie Granger -> Roger that. Dyan Sylvanis -> That works Derrick Sabin -> (?) I'm still murkey on the location of the nebula, the Starbase, the "normal" route to said SB, and if the freighter was ever really going there? Cptn Ja'Lale -> TBS is 20 minutes. Cptn Ja'Lale -> I have a map of that area... I'll send it out via the mailstring this week Dyan Sylvanis -> My guess is there is a nebula in between Tyrellia and the starbase. Artemis -> Can we make sure I am on that mail-string please? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Correct. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes, sure. Dyan Sylvanis -> Never! You stay out of the loop. Cassie Granger -> Yeah ,sorry about the miss, Artemis. Cptn Ja'Lale -> I have your email so I will be including you in it as well. lol. Cptn Ja'Lale -> I really do need to update it.. I 'll also send that as well. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Anything else? Artemis -> Be careful, Dyan, or you might see a light tap of phaser fire on the next shuttle you take out ;) Dyan Sylvanis -> You'll have to hit me first Cptn Ja'Lale -> With next week being the US Thanksgiving weekend, if you can't make it, it won't be counted against you. We'll continue our plot as usual if there are enough players to play. Dyan Sylvanis -> I should be able to make it Artemis -> I'll be there Derrick Sabin -> Should be there. See you next week. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Hope you guys enjoy your turkey and football. Cassie Granger -> I should be there Dyan Sylvanis -> night night Hunter Matheson -> Same here. Hunter Matheson -> Night guys Gretchen Hanson -> Night all. Cassie Granger -> Have a good one. Dvokr chim Hok -> Night all. Cassie.. :) Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK, great. Hope you enjoyed watching, Jas. You're welcome to join us again next week either in the gallery or as a player. PM me next week before the sim if you want to play.
  3. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last time, we arrived at Tyrellia. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Challenger is forwarding our findings to Starfleet and the Tyrellian Government. TBS was 1 hour (IIRC). Since then, the Tyrellian government hailed Challenger (off-sim) with more information. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions? Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Evening Ana) Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cassie Granger -> ::on the bridge:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Tyrellian officials on the line. Artemis -> ::Running through hand to hand combat drills on Holodeck 2:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ((We were going to beam down right?)) Hunter Matheson -> ::gearing up for AT duty i think:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Yes.) Cassie Granger -> ::Ja'Lale:: Put a hold on the away team, Captain? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes, for now. Let's see what they have to say.\ Dyan Sylvanis -> ((We have a gym Art. We're not special enough to have a holodeck yet. ;) )) Cassie Granger -> ::nod, turns:: Mr. Hok, inform the away team to stand by. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Is in the TR, showing up a little early.:: Hunter Matheson -> (Yeah, holodecks came in season 2 of TNG, right?) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Season 1 where Wes got wet ) Artemis -> ((I stand corrected)) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (I think) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (We have a crude earlier version of a holodeck though) Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Something like that. They haven't been invented yet. We're still pre-Enterprise C. Still well within B's reign.)) Anastasia Poldara -> ((Who is on the team?)) Hunter Matheson -> (me) Dvokr chim Hok -> Aye Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Team: Hunter, Cass, Dyan, Ana and myself) Hunter Matheson -> ::checking gear, waiting for the captain:: Dvokr chim Hok -> +Away Team+ Captain wishes the away team to stand by Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Hok:: Please open a channel to the Tyrellians. Hunter Matheson -> ::blows out a breath:: Hurry up and wait. ::nip:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smirks at Kal.:: That's the way it goes. Anastasia Poldara -> ::now on hold:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::hopes they get good hold music:: Hunter Matheson -> ::half-grin to Sylvanis:: Every time, ma'am. Cassie Granger -> ::waiting for the channel:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Tyrellian> +Challenger+ This is Tyrellia to Challenger... we're just letting you know we have some interesting new information that just came up. We're ready to receive you and your team. Tyrellia out. Dvokr chim Hok -> Channel open :: channel chime :: Cassie Granger -> ::skeptical:: Send down the team without a briefing on the new information, Captain, isn't exactly a good idea. Hunter Matheson -> ::continues to check and recheck his gear:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Would you rather we just held the meeting in the conference room. Though I don't imagine your guys would be very happy about that. Cassie Granger -> Captain, all due respect... taking our time and saving lives is a hell of a lot better than going in blind. Dyan Sylvanis -> You know that stuff will turn to dust if you keep doing that. Cassie Granger -> What they think doesn't matter, sir. They do what they're told. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: I'll run it by the Tyrellians. Should be ok with them, even if they requested we beam down. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Ok then. Hunter Matheson -> ::suddenly realizes she's talking to him:: Ma'am? : :blink:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Hooray for mindlessness. :P )) Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Hok:: Lt, please hail the Tyrellians and ask if we can hold the meeting via conference. Hunter Matheson -> (Ooorah, ma'am.) Dyan Sylvanis -> Your gear. You keep checking it. Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Hails the Tyrellian deligation to conference the meeting instead :: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Tyrellian> ::Appears on screen:: +Challenger+ ::shrugs at the Captain:: That's fine, we can hold the meeting via conference. ::Looks at someone off screen:: It's probably for the better since it would save us a lot of time. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Mr Hok, please inform the team we'll be holding the meeting in the conference room instead. Hunter Matheson -> ::glanceglance:: Oh. Right. ::shrug:: Gotcha, ma'am. Don't make it like they used to. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Sorry guys... ::to the AT:: Hunter Matheson -> (You down here, skipper?) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (On the bridge) Hunter Matheson -> ::TR:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Ah cause we weren't on the bridge)) Cptn Ja'Lale -> All department heads to the conference room please, Mr Hok. Dvokr chim Hok -> +Tyrellians+ Meeting will commence in the conference room.. Hunter Matheson -> (telepathy. sweet) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (nah, that was to himself lol) Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Get out of my head Charles!)) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (brain fart) Dvokr chim Hok -> +Dept Heads+ All department heads, meeting in the conference room now. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Please inform the Away Team the change of venue Hunter Matheson -> ::blows out a breath:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::stops prepping in the TR:: Huh. Dyan Sylvanis -> Hmm. Seems they have a meeting. Shame we don't have to go. ::Smirks.:: Hunter Matheson -> Hey. Right. Department heads. ::grin:: Hunter Matheson -> So... coffee? Dyan Sylvanis -> Only if you change it to a tea. Hunter Matheson -> You got it, ma'am. Anastasia Poldara -> ::sighs:: Artemis -> ::Hears the summons, quickly grabs a towel and runs to the TL:: Gretchen Hanson -> ::hears Hok's page and is inwardly glad there's not an away trip. begins unpacking her go kit::: +bridge+ Dr. Hanson, acknowledged. Anastasia Poldara -> ::Dyan and Hunter:: Well, see you later. Hunter Matheson -> ::Poldara:: Yes, ma'am. Bring you anything? Dvokr chim Hok -> +Away Team+ Change of plans, Meeting to take place in the conference room Dyan Sylvanis -> What the? ::Sighs.:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Cass:: If you want anyone else there, feel free to have them come along too. Mr. Hok, you have the bridge. Let's head to the conference room. Hunter Matheson -> ::deflates:: Gretchen Hanson -> ::heads out for the TL:: Bridge Dyan Sylvanis -> Well on the bright side, they might have tea and coffee there? Cassie Granger -> ::stands:: So long as the away team is present so we're all on the same page, sir. Hunter Matheson -> ::mutter:: Hope so. Anastasia Poldara -> ::leaves for the conference room:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Very well.. ::heads to the TL and heads to the conference room:: Hunter Matheson -> ::tags along:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Puts hand on his shoulder.:: It shouldn't be "too" bad. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Tea,coffee and snacks provided. Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Punch and pie?)) Gretchen Hanson -> ::TL arrives at the bridge, she steps out and quickly makes the circle to the conference room::: Artemis -> ::Arrives in the conference room, wishing his workout clothes weren't quite so wet...:: Hunter Matheson -> Well, I figure there's something important or they wouldn't call us there. Hunter Matheson -> ::all tingly from the hand::shakes it off:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ((Sure)) Cassie Granger -> ::enters the conference room:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Arriving at the Conference room not long after Artemis:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Quietly.:: You alright? Gretchen Hanson -> ::enters the CR and finds an empty seat:: Hunter Matheson -> Uh.. yeah. You? Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods with a smile as they arrive at the CR entrance.:: Hunter Matheson -> ::ohboy:: Cassie Granger -> ::takes her place, standing until the captain sits:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods at everyone present and takes a seat:: Cassie Granger -> ::sits:: Gretchen Hanson -> ::gives the basket of snacks the once over, hoping for animal crackers;; Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Enters and takes a seat towards the back.:: Artemis -> ::Sits down, still trying to get his hair dry with the towel:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Pours himself some coffee, black: Hunter Matheson -> ::enters, taking whatever is left:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::in the conference room:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Gets a tea and what looks like it could be a scone. Offers one to Kal.:: Hunter Matheson -> ::checks it out, looks it over, finally decides to take one:: Thanks, ma'am. Hunter Matheson -> ::snags a coffee:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Welcome everyone. Sorry to pull you guys from the away mission on Tyrellia. I'm sure you all were dying to go down there ::sarcastically:: Cassie Granger -> ::unclips her slate, laying it on the conference table within reach:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> The Tyrellians hailed us with more information, and we figured it'd be better if we held it from here. ::presses a button and patches us into the waiting Tyrellians:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Two Tyrellian government officials appear on screen, and exchange cordial greetings with the crew. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Tyrellian 1> We have received your findings. We have to agree with your assumption that the Klingons are not the ones who conducted this attack. Anastasia Poldara -> ::is listening and ready to answer any questions if called upon:: Cassie Granger -> ::flicks up her notes:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> Hmm. We can't figure who would do this and as well, pose as Klingons in doing so. Odd. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Sips tea as she watches.:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> I don't think we don't have any leads in that respect either. ::glances at Cass for confirmation:: Cassie Granger -> ::look of confirmation:: Cassie Granger -> ::glances around the room for input:: Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Making sure the communication lines remain open for the conference. Hunter Matheson -> ::picks at the scone, gives it a try:: Artemis -> ::Pulls up some information on the PADD in front of him:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> ::nods:: Well, I'll get to it then. You might be able to find out who they are. We have received reports of sighting of the Klingon ship travelling in the Neutral Zone. A ship was reported to have seen the ship a few days ago headed to a cluster of asteroids. Dyan Sylvanis -> Could be Romulans. They've been known to use these types of tactics, but honestly I don't see what they have to gain in this instance. Cassie Granger -> ::glance to Ana, thinking:: Cassie Granger -> ::nod to Sylvanis:: Gretchen Hanson -> ::decides to put her medical 2 cents worth in:: The station personnel all died of slow asphyxiation. Scans showed no traces of toxins or other debilitating syrums in their blood streams. In my opinion, the physical evidence of an attack happened post-mortem. Cassie Granger -> And the cause of death was asphyxiation? Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> Definitely not the Klingon's style. Dyan Sylvanis -> Raiders taking advantage of a situation then? Gretchen Hanson -> As you recall, we didn't bring any bodies back for a full autopsy, but as I said, the scans showed nothing but a lack of oxygen. Cptn Ja'Lale -> So no signs of disruptor fire or other injuries? Gretchen Hanson -> ::turns to the Capt.:: There were signs of a fight all over the station, but nothing on the bodies indicated that they were in it. Dyan Sylvanis -> There was disruptor fire, just not on the bodies,. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Hmm. I wonder why they would shoot in there with everyone already dead inside. Cassie Granger -> ::Poldara:: There is something in your report about ::flips through:: the possibility of more than one encounter? Hunter Matheson -> Fight. Dyan Sylvanis -> Have the sensor logs been cracked yet? Hunter Matheson -> ::looks up from his coffee:: Fighting over something, maybe among themselves. Artemis -> I had a chance to analyze the residual weapons readings. The damage was caused by disruptors that could be considered Klingons at first glance, but the dissipation patterns vary too much to be matched with Klingon weapons. Whoever did this had replicas of Klingon weapons that weren't overly sophisticated Cptn Ja'Lale -> Or an older Klingon weapon, perhaps? Dyan Sylvanis -> Raiders with cheap knock-offs. Anastasia Poldara -> ::Granger:: Yes. For example, someone could have beem responsible for the first attack, then Klingons could have arrived but covered up their visit so they wouldn’t be blamed. Cptn Ja'Lale -> The Klingons did license the disruptors to other races, no? Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: They've been trying to restore their economy since Praxis. Artemis -> Only to those who surrendered to the Empire Artemis -> We could be looking at a revenge faction Cassie Granger -> ...and if they didn't surrender they might have gotten them anyway, which would account for the cheap knockoffs. Gretchen Hanson -> Well, if the Klingons came after the firefight, they probably soiled their pants over the scorch marks. Knew it would look bad for them. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Still, doesn't feel like the type of attack a Klingon with any sense of honour would commit to. Artemis -> The biggest thing that bugs me is why this station? What value does this outpost hold? Most Klingons I have ever met would have just simply blown apart the station from orbit Hunter Matheson -> ::picking at the scone:: It's not Romulan MO, either. Artemis -> Why leave it intact? Cptn Ja'Lale -> T1> ::Listens:: That's what has us confused. Like their trying too hard to frame the Klingons. Hunter Matheson -> ::Artemis:: So no one would know until it was too late. Dyan Sylvanis -> Again, have the logs shown anything at all? Gretchen Hanson -> ::to the group:: Could it have been an accident? The loss of O2 I mean. You notice no system alarms went off. The station crew had no idea what was happening. And the "fight" staged as a coverup for something? Cassie Granger -> ::listening:: Anastasia Poldara -> The loss of O2 could have been an accident, though I’d be curious as to why everyone is so peacefully reposed. Cassie Granger -> Any DNA picked up? Gretchen Hanson -> ::to Ana:: a slow loss of oxygen would creep up on you.. Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> Good job, folks.. we will pick it up from there next week. TBS will be zero. ANy questions? Dyan Sylvanis -> nope Cassie Granger -> Heh. Too many. Cassie Granger -> I mean IC, too many. Dyan Sylvanis -> Are we simming in two weeks? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Ah. Cptn Ja'Lale -> US Thanksgiving weekend? How many of you can make it? Artemis -> I should be here Cassie Granger -> I can. Gretchen Hanson -> I can Dyan Sylvanis -> I can too Hunter Matheson -> yep Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK then, we'll sim that weekend. Obviously I'll be there too as I already had my Thanksgiving last month Cptn Ja'Lale -> So if there is nothing else, then sim dismissed!
  4. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, Challenger team has returned back to the ship to analyse the information and other devices equipment the team collected from the outpost. Cptn Ja'Lale -> TBS was 1 hr Cptn Ja'Lale -> QUestions? Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Hunter Matheson -> No sir. Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Hunter Matheson -> ::at helm admiring the view:: H.G. Reed -> :: At her station, attending to reports. :: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Challenger is arriving back at Tyrellia. Derrick Sabin -> ::in the Sci Lab frustrated over the results of the last hour:::: Cmdr Rinax -> ::back on the bridge:: Well, the away team did wonderfully. I was glad they were able to gether so much information. For the most part, they are digesting that information. I'm hoping we can have a thorough debriefing to review all the different findings. Hunter Matheson -> Coming up on Tyrellia, Captain. Gretchen Hanson -> ::in SB, wishing she had left an hour ago for a hot bath:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Slow us down and request orbital clearance. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::On MARDET, in the lounge. She'd just finished up her report. Presses send.:: Hunter Matheson -> Aye, sir. ::cuts to sub-light:: H.G. Reed -> :: Glances up, checks position and then goes back to her report. :: Hunter Matheson -> ::Dvokr Hok:: Request clearance from Tyrellia control? Cassie Granger -> ::CMTAC, checking on a few things:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::on the bridge, another unproductive conversation with Derrick over the comm but otherwise none the closer to figuring this thing out:: Dvokr chim Hok -> On it. +Tyrellia+ Tyrellia control this is USS Challenger. Requesting clearence for an orbital insertion. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Tyrellian Control has granted orbital clearance Cassie Granger -> ::secure convo with SFCIntel:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Challenger is hailed by Tyrellian Control. Cmdr Rinax -> ::on bridge, watching and listening to the action:: Hunter Matheson -> ::checks a few other things:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::notes a secure channel open from CMTAC, can't listen or see who is talking, just notes it's going on:: H.G. Reed -> :: Tapping her console, in the zone. :: Cassie Granger -> ::as soon as the channel is cut, she gathers her things and exits, checking the deck for activity before entering the lift:: Cassie Granger -> ::slate clipped onto her utility belt, she steps off the lift and onto the bridge:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Relaxing on the couch as she reads something from her PADD.:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::nods to Granger as she enters the bridge:: Cassie Granger -> ::sharp attention:: Commander. Captain. ::moving on as soon as they acknowledge her:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Ahh. Cass. ::Nods:: Did your team find anything? Cassie Granger -> ::steps forward:: Aye, sir, they did. Cmdr Rinax -> ::attention now on Granger:: Cassie Granger -> The general consensus is that it's a setup. SFCounterIntel agrees, sir, ::Rinax:: ma'am. Cmdr Rinax -> ::nods:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods:: U see. Cassie Granger -> Klingons are not sloppy. They can be brutal but that's the nature of their race. But they do not leave things around unless they are making a statement. The question is, what kind of a statement is being made, and why. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes, that is the rub isn't it? My hunch is saying Romulans, but we so far have little proof on that. Cmdr Rinax -> Have you also found it to be true that the Klingon statements are full of verbose grossness? Hunter Matheson -> ::orbital insertion as instructed by Tyrellia control:: H.G. Reed -> :: Takes the sensors offline for diagnostics. :: Cassie Granger -> The Klingon statements are not typical Klingon, Commander. The language used is awkward, not dialectical, and definitely elementary translation. Cmdr Rinax -> I'm referring to statements... being grossly bloody when they are trying to get attention. Cassie Granger -> I would also rule out Romulans, Captain. Romulan MO is to let the enemy hang itself. They would let Tyrellia take the first shot, then retaliate. Cmdr Rinax -> Violent, etc. Cassie Granger -> Violent, yes, ma'am. But the language is elementary, like a school child would write. Cmdr Rinax -> Hmmmmm ::scratches temple for a second:: Cassie Granger -> ::turns back to the captain:: There is still the possibility that someone is trying to instigate war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Hmm indeed. Who else would want to lay the blame on the Klingons.. . you mean like an another inside job? Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Listening...a bit :: Cassie Granger -> Always a possibility, Captain. Cassie Granger -> Who stands the most to gain in this? Cmdr Rinax -> Maybe we can look at the rest of the evidence before completing that thought. Cassie Granger -> Aye, Commander. Cmdr Rinax -> Science department nabbed a bunch, and the engineers really took in a haul. Cmdr Rinax -> Has the Tyrellian government contacted us yet? Dvokr chim Hok -> :: perks up :: Nothing yet Captain. Cassie Granger -> ::moves to the main security console to check Sylvanis's report and compare it to her analysis:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any results from their analysis yet? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Thanks.. ::to Hok:: Dvokr chim Hok -> Er Commander or anyone. I will ping them again. Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Tries again :: They are getting our hail, just no response. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Tyrellian government sends a message to the CHallenger, they are free to beam down to the planet, they are curious to hear what they have found there. Cmdr Rinax -> Captain, is the away team giving them all of the information we received, or are we being guarded with our responses? Dvokr chim Hok -> Incoming. The have provided beam down coordinates. H.G. Reed -> :: Finishes the diagnostic and brings the sensors back online. :: Hunter Matheson -> ::tends to business, coming into station keeping in orbit:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> I think we sent down most of it through secure channels. Cmdr Rinax -> Ahh, ok. Derrick Sabin -> ((I'm afraid I'm calling it a night. see you next week)) Cptn Ja'Lale -> I guess the Tyrellians are curious as to what we found though. Cptn Ja'Lale -> We should form a team to beam down there. Cmdr Rinax -> I think that each department should be represented, Captain, especially those that were on the AT, in case they have more questions about our mission., H.G. Reed -> :: Makes slight alignment adjustments to the sensors. :: Hunter Matheson -> ::leaning back in the helm chair, twisting it side to side, hands laced behind his neck:: Cmdr Rinax -> Shall I have them get prepared? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Sounds good to me. Please form up a team to beam down there. ::Looks at the message:: Yes, please. Should beam down within the hour. Cptn Ja'Lale -> hour Cmdr Rinax -> Mr Hok, please send a message to all of those that were on the away team,, and department heads, to prepare themselves for questioning and reporting to the Tyrellian government. We will leave here in 45 minutes. Everyone... ::glances at the Capt:: by shuttle? Hunter Matheson -> ::leans toward Reed, looking over her shoulder:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yeah, perhaps that would be best. Have you ever been to Tyrellia before? H.G. Reed -> :: glances at Kal and smiles. :: Dvokr chim Hok -> Aye Cmdr Rinax -> ::thinks for a second:: Not... ::whispers:: Not that they knew of. Hunter Matheson -> ::goofy grin back:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::catches the goofy grins, and rolls her eyes... on the inside:: Mr Hok, make that by shuttle. Get a good pilot for us as well. H.G. Reed -> :: Whispers :: Not much to keep us busy, is there? Anastasia Poldara -> Another shuttle ride? Ugh. Dvokr chim Hok -> +Away team-Dept Heads+ Prepare for beam down to Tyrellia and questioning. Departure in 45 minutes Cmdr Rinax -> ::hears Anastasia:: I heard that.... and you loved them! ::chuckles:: Hunter Matheson -> Uh.. no, not really. ::shrugs:: Kind of a break for me, though. Cptn Ja'Lale -> I don't know how safe beaming down there would be? Tyrellia is quite a unique place Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Sits up from the couch, setting down her PADD.:: Cassie Granger -> ::after taking another look at her slate, she stows it and moves toward the captain:: Sir? Cmdr Rinax -> Sounds like a fun one. H.G. Reed -> You've been working hard lately. :: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes? ::to Cass:: Cassie Granger -> Request to remain on board Challenger. There are a few things coming in from CMTAC that require close monitoring and the connection planetside won't be secure. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Oh, very well Cass. Whom did you have in mind to take your place? Cassie Granger -> I would recommend Lieutenant Sylvanis. Cmdr Rinax -> Please update Lt Sylvanis, so she has all of the information you know from the AT. Cassie Granger -> Aye, Commander. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: Very well.. Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK - sorry for the lack of action tonight. Next week, we'll be ready to head down to Tyrellia.. tbs will be 45 minutes Cptn Ja'Lale -> ALso sorry for my computer issues. Hopefully, it will be better for me next week as well. Cmdr Rinax -> Read up on Tyrellia, folks. Dvokr chim Hok -> The time change distorts your day Cmdr Rinax -> ::grins:: Should be fun. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions/comments before we dismiss/ Cassie Granger -> No, sir. Cmdr Rinax -> Yeah, agreed Hok... I feel so much more tired! Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK.. goodnight folks! Have a great week,
  5. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, the Challenger away team finished their mission on the outpost and are now on a shuttle back to the ship. TBS was 30 minutes, and the shuttle is now within range of the Challenger. Any questions? Gretchen Hanson -> I hope the 30 minute flight time from planet to ship isn't a result of Dyan taking the scenic route? Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Hopefully not, lol.) H.G. Reed -> :: Working at her station, still fiddling with the sensors. :: Gretchen Hanson -> ::on the shuttle, I believe:: Derrick Sabin -> ::at the science station on the bridge:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Yes) Hunter Matheson -> ::on the shuttle:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::on the bridge, looks to H.G.: Set a course to Tyrellia once the shuttle is in Dyan Sylvanis -> ((We landed last week)) Tandaris Admiran -> Excalibur: ::pops over to Challenger:: Hunter Matheson -> ::landed:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Did we? ) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (OK) Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Yep)) Hunter Matheson -> ::or not:: Hunter Matheson -> ::yes, landed:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Just offloading when we stopped)) Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Shuttle has landed and the AT is back on the ship. H.G. Reed -> Yes sir. :: Taps the console, laying in a course. :: Gretchen Hanson -> ::rolls her wheelie through customs and heads back to Sick Bay::: Cptn Ja'Lale -> All right.. set a course to Tyrellia and engage at warp 5. Derrick Sabin -> ::sorting through all the data sent back by the AT:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::begins the arduous task of bringing all the equipment from the shuttle back to the science lab:: Next time, I pack the Mr. Science Awesome Scan-o-Mat De-Luxe, and nothing else. Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Cass+ Please have the away team look over the data and send it to the bridge once they are complete. H.G. Reed -> Engaging. :: taps console. :: Cassie Granger -> +Ja'Lale+ Yes, Sir. Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Hok on the bridge, listening to everything on the bridge, in the ship and out in space :: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Steps in the locker room.:: +Cass+ Ma'am, I'm going to decon. Meet you after for a debrief? Cassie Granger -> (a little distracted here - apologies ahead of time) Cassie Granger -> +Sylvanis+ Conference room, MARDET Derrick Sabin -> ::reviews what little data there is around the energy signatures:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::enters the lab, baggage in tow:: Ugh. Anastasia Poldara -> ((Are you in the lab, Derrick?)) Gretchen Hanson -> :;pulls into the SB and immediately plugs her tricorder into the main computer terminal for download:: Dyan Sylvanis -> +Cass+ Understood. ::Ends the comm and strips out of her flight suit, heading for the shower.:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::sits back in his seat, looking over some notes:: Derrick Sabin -> ::frowns at the display, not really sold on the "Klingon" aspect of the preliminaries:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::nods gratefully to a crewman who takes the bags, looks around the lab:: This is different. Nice. Love what the refits have done to the place. ::noip:: Is it bigger? Cassie Granger -> +AT+ Send all data to... ::checks her slate, and it's already streaming in:: Hunter Matheson -> ::finished with decon, hightails it to the bridge:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::is babbling now—when did she become a babbler? She’s supposed to be taciturn and Russian!:: Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Watching the comm lines in the ship :: Anastasia Poldara -> ::leaves the lab and walks down the corridor towards the TL:: Gretchen Hanson -> ::when the download is complete, keys up an evaluation program:: Computer, display a comparison of COD's on station personnel::: Hunter Matheson -> ::exits on the bridge, nod to the captain:: Captain Ja'lale, permission to take helm. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Granted. Hunter Matheson -> Thank you, sir. ::slips into helm, checking the course, speed, destination:: H.G. Reed -> :: Glances up at Kal then goes back to what she was doing. :: Anastasia Poldara -> ::her thoughts are still back on that outpost as she enters the TL:: Bridge. Derrick Sabin -> Computer, analyze energy signature data. Speculate. Could the signatures be a cause for the loss of atmospheres aboard the station? Derrick Sabin -> Computer> Insufficient data to form a conclusion. H.G. Reed -> :: Checks with stellar cartography, wanting to make sure navigation control is in sync. :: Hunter Matheson -> ::leans back, satisfied, then chances a glance at Reed::grins:: H.G. Reed -> :: Notices Kal looking at her, tentatively smiles back. :: Anastasia Poldara -> ::suddenly not all that enthusiastic about riding in a narrow metal can:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::After a quick shower and dry off, she puts on a fresh pair of shorts and a tanktop. Then heads for the MARDET conference room.:: Gretchen Hanson -> ::as the search results fill the screen, she notes all died of asphyxiation:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::feels her heart beating faster, starts to breathe a little raggedly:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Arrives at the room, hair still a little damp.:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::takes deep breaths and leans against the rail, trying to calm herself before the TL doors open:: Gretchen Hanson -> Computer, are there significant features that warrant a secondary cause? Cassie Granger -> ::enters the bridge, moving to a command console:: Captain, information should be at your fingertips. Gretchen Hanson -> Computer> Please clarify request. Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Sees Captain Granger walk in :: Cassie Granger -> ::checking:: Suggest you query science and medical about a few things, though, Captain. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Thanks, Cass. ::nods:: Gretchen Hanson -> Computer, are there indications of a secondary event leading to asphyxiation? Derrick Sabin -> ::frustrated that no data prior to the AT's landing was recovered:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Seems she is a little early, so she picks out the best seat and relaxes.:: Cassie Granger -> ::closes down her console, nods to the captain:: I have a debrief in five, sir. Derrick Sabin -> ::to noip:: I wish we had gotten power to the station's consoles with that portable generator. Might have gotten something before it was lost. Anastasia Poldara -> ::exits the TL onto the bridge, her heart still racing but everything appearing normal otherwise:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Runs her fingers through her damp, silver hair as she looks around the room at the random posters and stuff on the walls.:: Cassie Granger -> ::smart nod, turn, enters the lift:: MARDET Anastasia Poldara -> ::approaches Sabin at the science station:: What’s the word? Gretchen Hanson -> Computer> No statistically relevant data exists to form a hypothisis. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods at Ana:: Derrick Sabin -> ::turns to Ana:: A lot of data to sift through, but nothing turning up in the critical time period before the station lost contact. Hunter Matheson -> ::chair rocks as he relaxes:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::frowns:: I can’t say I’m surprised. Their sensor coverage was poor, poorer even than I expected for an outpost of this type. But something still doesn’t seem right... Cassie Granger -> ::enters the conference room on the marine deck:: Anastasia Poldara -> If this were an inside job, there should be evidence planted framing someone else. And if it wasn’t, then there should be … well, evidence. Anastasia Poldara -> What if there were two visits? Gretchen Hanson -> Well something caused them to lose air. And it either happened so quickly that it dropped everyone in their tracks, or so slowly that it caught them unaware...hard as that is to fathom. Derrick Sabin -> One from us, and one from an unknown party? Cmdr Rinax -> ((Are we i the conf room putting this info together?)) Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Turns her attention to the door as it opens. She stands.:: Anastasia Poldara -> One from the party that killed everyone … H.G. Reed -> :: Confirms data sync with stellar cartography. :: Anastasia Poldara -> ...and one from the party that got rid of the evidence. Gretchen Hanson -> Computer> Please rephrase the question. Cassie Granger -> As you were, Lieutenant. Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Between the Marines I think) Cassie Granger -> ::drops into a seat:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods and sits.:: Derrick Sabin -> Don't even know if there was a second visit. Anastasia Poldara -> Well, we need motive here. Gretchen Hanson -> Never mind computer. Just thinking out loud. Cmdr Rinax -> ::returns to the bridge, exiting the TL:: Anastasia Poldara -> Nothing, that we know of, was taken from the outpost. Cassie Granger -> ::pulls out her slate:: Let's cut to the chase. Tell me what was interesting down there. Anastasia Poldara -> The outpost itself, unlike Tyrellia, has little strategic value. Derrick Sabin -> A motive? As opposed to a mechanical failure? Dyan Sylvanis -> You mean aside from the dead bodies and disruptor score marks everywhere? Cmdr Rinax -> ::goes to her chair:: Hello Captain. The team is putting together reports from our mission, hopefully they will complete the full report soon, after diagnosing the data we gathered. Anastasia Poldara -> ::raises eyebrow:: You think their scrubbers broke down and they all sat peacefully and waited to suffocate? Derrick Sabin -> As you pointed out, there was little of strategic value, and nothing seemed to be missing of any value. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes. We'll also need to send in the data to the Tyrellian Government and Starfleet for their assessment. Signs so far seem to point to the Klingons, even if it doesn't fit their style. Anastasia Poldara -> Indeed. But if the cause of death was natural, it must have been so sudden no one had time to react. Anastasia Poldara -> I’m interested to see what Dr. Hanson comes up with in her autopsies. Derrick Sabin -> ::nods in agreement:: H.G. Reed -> :: Checks sensor readings, affirming that they are on the correct course. :: Cassie Granger -> Let's start with the dead bodies. Dyan Sylvanis -> Well it seemed that one of the engineers, Randall I think, scanned the energy residue of the blasts and determined it was of Klingon origin. Can they do that? I didn't know disruptor energy could be that specific. ::Shrugs:: But anyways, I don't believe it's them. If you've spent any time with Klingons at all, you would know that blowing up the generator just so the outpost crew could die, isn't something they would do. Cassie Granger -> So the evidence was a little too obvious Dyan Sylvanis -> Exactly. Cassie Granger -> Any evidence of who actually might have done it? Anastasia Poldara -> Though ‘s possible they all died accidentally, and someone is trying not to make it look like an accident. Dyan Sylvanis -> The team managed to recover the sensor logs from Operations. They should give us an answer. Cmdr Rinax -> Captain, none of the team believed it was Klingons... I think we should wait to submit that information to anyone until we have a clear pattern, because people may jump on the Klingon race for this action and begin a war, when a real enemy is out there penetrating, perhaps another planet. Cassie Granger -> And the sensor logs are with science? Derrick Sabin -> What if our assumption on the timeline is off? What if this "second visit" happened AFTER the station personnel lost their atmosphere? What if the disruptor signatures are from some other situation? Cptn Ja'Lale -> I am inclined to agree with them. We'll definitely need some solid evidence before we submit our findings. Anastasia Poldara -> ::nods:: Exactly. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: I believe so. It wasn't entirely clear to me who picked them up, since Kal and myself had to go on a bit of a rescue mission... Anastasia Poldara -> We’re viewing all the evidence as being related to a single incident that ultimately led to the loss of the outpost crew. Anastasia Poldara -> But maybe their deaths and those disruptor signatures are unrelated. Cassie Granger -> Rescue mission? Cmdr Rinax -> Our team knows what they were seeing. The data they took from the computers, along with the video security feeds should give us irrefutable information that'll provice evidence towards the real murderer. Derrick Sabin -> If the Klingons are involved, could they have been responding to a distress call from the outpost? And when they arrived, they found something else? Something to shoot at? Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods:: I hope so. Cmdr Rinax -> Or should I say those that committed genocide. ::lowers head:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Sighs:: Seems Randall didn't return to Challenger with the other engineers and stayed behind, unbeknownst to the rest of us, and was left alone. Anastasia Poldara -> Klingons answering a distress call? Call me skeptical. But yes, I could see that happening … Randall did claim he saw something. Cassie Granger -> And did he find anything interesting? Derrick Sabin -> Something that never appeared on the ship's sensors. Dyan Sylvanis -> Just another body, though he claimed he saw something else. But no one saw anything. Dyan Sylvanis -> And scans were negative. Cassie Granger -> Did he describe what he thought he saw? Dyan Sylvanis -> Not that I'm aware of. Anastasia Poldara -> So we have: everyone dead, apparently of oxygen deprivation; Klingon disruptor signatures that damaged the station's main power supply; no sensor logs that indicate an intruder or intruders at the time. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Hmm. ::ponder:: Dyan Sylvanis -> But he had his weapon out like it had spooked him. Just glad he didn't pull the trigger, ‘cause it could have been me approaching. Derrick Sabin -> That about sums it up. Cassie Granger -> ::nods:: Cmdr Rinax -> Captain, would you ever think that there were Klingon's on the planet when the distress call went up?... since they were already on the planet, they could have been set up. Who hates the Klingon race the most? Dyan Sylvanis -> I'm not up to date on Starfleet regs, but isn't there something about not wandering off alone? Cassie Granger -> There is. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Hmm. It's a Federation colony, so I would doubt it. The lack of resources in the area make me think attacking wouldn't be worth the effort. As to who hates the Klingons most, that would be the Romulans, would it not? Cassie Granger -> ::deep breath, avoiding the subject:: Anything else to report. Lieutenant? Hunter Matheson -> ::leaning close to Reed, very interested in what she is doing:: Cmdr Rinax -> I agree... The Romulans have been in war mode against the Klingons. I couldn't put it past them to set up something as devious and complicated, just to continue their war, and have others try to join them in their hate. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Thinks a moment.:: Not on the subject at hand, but I would like to say that Kal did a good job in the field. I know you had some reservations. Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Listening, tapping buttons :: Cassie Granger -> Good to know, Lieutenant. Cassie Granger -> Thank you. Note it in your formal report, please. Cptn Ja'Lale -> I wouldn't put it past them, that's for sure. Just need the evidence. ::beaky smile:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: I will. Cassie Granger -> And everything else you've mentioned. Dyan Sylvanis -> Right. Cmdr Rinax -> hope our team has Yeah, I certainly hope our team gathered hard evidence that can be used, not just planted stuff. Gretchen Hanson -> ;taps her comm:: +Cpt. Ja'Lale+ Captain, Dr. Hanson here. Cassie Granger -> ::stands:: If nothing else, carry on. Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Hanson+ Yes, go ahead Doctor. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Stands as well. Giving a salute.:: Yes Ma'am. Cassie Granger -> ::returns the salute, staying behind to formulate her own report:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Steps out, heading towards her bunk to grab a PADD.:: Hunter Matheson -> ::leans back:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> (2 minutes) Gretchen Hanson -> +Captain+ Preliminary medical report sir. Cause of death was asphyxiation, probably fast, but not explosive as in a decompression. No evidence of a secondary cause of death. I can't tie the scorch marks to any of the fatalities. Hunter Matheson -> ::checks the course:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Once she has her PADD, she begins walking the halls of MARDET, writing up her report.:: Hunter Matheson -> ::checks the speed:: Hunter Matheson -> ::checks out the view:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Hanson+ Thank you, Doctor. Very interesting. Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> Nicely played everyone... TBS wil be 1 hour. Close to arriving at Tyrellia Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions? Anastasia Poldara -> Yes Anastasia Poldara -> What happened at the outpost? :P Dyan Sylvanis -> lol Cmdr Rinax -> ::grins:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> lol Gretchen Hanson -> I think it's a Halloween ghost story Hunter Matheson -> oooOOOOooooOOOOooooOOOO Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes. If there aren't any other questions, then sim is dismissed! Have a great week and a happy Halloween.
  6. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, the Challenger team was still investigating the outpost. They have gathered what they can as well as pulled out many memory chips from the outpost computers. The AT should now be wrapping up what they are doing and should be ready to beam back shortly. TBS was 5 minutes, or something like that. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions? Artemis -> Signs for the AT's? Cptn Ja'Lale -> none for AT. # for Rinax's team? Cmdr Rinax -> That'll work Captain, thanks. Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK. @ for Challenger. Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Hunter Matheson -> ::with the engineers, security:: Cassie Granger -> @ ::bridge:: Dvokr chim Hok -> @ :: watching the comms :: John Randall -> ::on the outpost, working with Thomas and Jenkins on restoring at least one of the damaged generators:: Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Keeping watch, but something isn't setting with her right.:: H.G. Reed -> @ :: Working at her station on the bridge, trying to refine her sensor scans. :: Cmdr Rinax -> # ::to Dyan, Gretchen, (Art, aren't you with my side of the teams?):: Let's finish up this data dump and head back to the engineers. I think we've all got what we can here. Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::on le bridge, monitoring signs:: Cassie Granger -> @ ::steps over to Hok:: Reports from below? Cmdr Rinax -> (Le Bridge? Did you pick up a Rosetta Stone in your last swamp, Capt? ::snickers::) Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Just you me, Gretchen, and Ana.)) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (No just remembering my highschool French. What little I remember lol) Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Arty is playing with phasers on the ship.)) Dvokr chim Hok -> They have gathered memory modules for study Cptn Ja'Lale -> (though I do wish I remembered more since a lot of industries here are bilingual) John Randall -> ::to Jenkins:: Ok, now set up your configuration like this.....good. Now, bypass this junction here......right. Ok, input this code into the panel....Right. All right, Stan, throw the switch, and let's see if we get anything. Cmdr Rinax -> ((::makes note:: Oops! Ok, thx)) Artemis -> @ ::Running through pre-buffering cycles for the Phaser Arrays:: Cmdr Rinax -> (Greets Anastasia! We had a 5 minute ETA, so just about where we left off) Hunter Matheson -> ::routine check of the area, vigilant:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Yeah, just started a minute or so ago) H.G. Reed -> @ :: taps on her console, slightly frustrated at her findings. :: Dvokr chim Hok -> I presume I'll reconstruct the logs. John Randall -> ::Thomas reaches for the switch, pulls it, and all three men step quickly back:: Cassie Granger -> @ Let's hope there is something worthwhile on them. Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Taking as much video data as she can.:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Lights briefly flicker, then slowly power themselves online. Anastasia Poldara -> ::helping her team gather up the drives and other equipment they are plunder—er, taking back for analysis:: John Randall -> ::looks up, then around, and slowly smiles:: Nice job, guys. Hunter Matheson -> ::flicks off his night vision:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Action: Oxygen is also coming back online... the equipment is mostly outdated or obsolete and sadly won't fetch much on eBay or the black market. :( Dvokr chim Hok -> @ hopefully a simple manner John Randall -> ::the engineers make their way to the oxygen tanks/system:: Cassie Granger -> @ ::she gives a simple nod, concerned:: Cmdr Rinax -> # Alright everyone finished? Let's find the engineers, then we can get out of here! Cassie Granger -> @ ::moves over to Reed:: Something not right? Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::waiting to hear back from the Away Team, looks at the chrono on the wall:: Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Nods as she starts to move, but stops a moment as the lights flicker and come on.:: John Randall -> What is this, leftovers from the 21st century? This stuff is older than all of us put together. ::shakes his head:: Cmdr Rinax -> # Hmm... Power. Keep your helmets on, not sure it'll stay. I need quick analysis... Cptn Ja'Lale -> (bah... turkey is messing with my brain lol) H.G. Reed -> @ :: Looks up at Granger. :: Our scans our inconclusive. We are unable to gather any details and there is no good reason as to why this is. Cassie Granger -> @ Best guess? Cmdr Rinax -> # Will waiting another moment for power help us get any further in this area, or do we have all possible? Anastasia Poldara -> # ::hefts her bag:: John Randall -> Thomas> ::smiles at Randall:: This one's all yours, Lieutenant. Cmdr Rinax -> ((You need organic turkey, Capt... no eltriptophan, or however it's spelt, then you don't get sleeping and fuzzy.)) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Yes, indeed.) Cmdr Rinax -> # ::turns to each team member for a response:: Dyan H.G. Reed -> @ Something is preventing us from figuring out what is going on down there. Cassie Granger -> @ No evidence of a field? Interference? Cassie Granger -> @ Or could it be something natural? :::thinking:: John Randall -> ::gives Thomas a sideways glance:: Yeah, all right. Why don't you guys beam back up, and report to Lieutenant Michaels? I'll be along shortly. H.G. Reed -> @ I am unable to determine. Maybe the away team can give us some idea. Cassie Granger -> @ ::nod:: Anastasia Poldara -> # I think we should go back now, if there’s nothing else we need here. Cmdr Rinax -> # Thanks Anastasia... your opinions Dyan and Gretchen? John Randall -> ::removes his suit as the air is now breathable, although a little stale:: And take this with you. ::hands it to Thomas, who takes it, and he and Jenkins beam up to Challenger:: Dyan Sylvanis -> # If you think we need to go back, that's your call Ma'am. Bugt something still doesn't sit right with me. Cmdr Rinax -> # ::notes Gretchen's response too:: Ok... you guys all have this "feeling" but I need facts.. identify it, quickly, if you can... or we need to move. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::sipping a glass of Rigellian tea:: H.G. Reed -> @ We will figure it out, I will just be frustrated until we do. John Randall -> ::pulls out his communicator:: +Matheson+ Sergeant, my engineers have beamed up to the ship. When you finish your sweep, feel free to do the same, or return to the shuttle. Dvokr chim Hok -> :: trying all manners of breaking the interference code :: Hunter Matheson -> +Randall+ I'll stay with the team, sir. It's not quite right down here. Cmdr Rinax -> # ::gets an update while they decide:: +Engineers+ Team 2 Engineers, I need your update. John Randall -> +Matheson+ As you wish. Randall out. Cassie Granger -> @ ::getting antsy:: John Randall -> +Rinax+ Randall here, Commander. My engineers have returned to the ship, and I'm finalizing things here. You can remove your suits if you wish; the air is now breathable, and you should have plenty of light. Dyan Sylvanis -> # +Kal+ If your guard duties are finished, I could use your help. Dvokr chim Hok -> @ sorry i dont have more Captain Granger Hunter Matheson -> +Dyan+ Roger. On my way. Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ They should be hopefully beaming back soon. ::takes another sip of tea:: Hunter Matheson -> ::moves out, a knot in his gut:: Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Turns to Rinax.:: Ma'am, I'd like to check the station ops center. I feel we might have some answers there. Cassie Granger -> @ ::Hok:: There's only so much you can do, Hok. The AT should give us some input. Hunter Matheson -> ::approaching Sylvanis, slaps on a # ::: Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Gives Kal a thumbs up as he approaches.:: John Randall -> ::closes the communicator, and resumes fine tuning the oxygen tanks/rebreathers:: Hunter Matheson -> # ::Dyan thumbs up:: Cmdr Rinax -> # Ok folks, we have power and air for a while, so it's a go! Hunter Matheson -> # ::flips up his EVA visor, breathing recycled air that has a tinge of smoke to it:: Anastasia Poldara -> # I agree, station ops could be useful. Cmdr Rinax -> #::helmet release catches, and lets it hang down off her back, keeping her scanner going while the team gives the equipment more work. Hunter Matheson -> # ::Dyan:: Ma'am, you're aware of the Klingon angle? Cmdr Rinax -> #+Challenger+ Rinax to Ja'Lale. Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ +Rinax+ Yes, Commander. Go ahead? Cassie Granger -> @ ::listening in:: Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Nods:: I am, that's why I want to check Ops. Because I don't think it was them. Just a hunch. Hunter Matheson -> # I'll take point. ::moves forward:: Don't like this place, Lieutenant. Cmdr Rinax -> # +Challenger+ Captain, the engineers successfully set up power and air distribution. We have a large data sweep, but my team feels they can benefit from the OPS console and are accessing it now. We also have some strange feelings, but no hard facts about this place. H.G. Reed -> @ :: Now puzzling over what has been reported back through sensor scnas. :: Hunter Matheson -> # ::clearing the way as they move:: Cassie Granger -> @ ::glance to Reed:: Cmdr Rinax -> +Challenger+ You know, sir, following up on a couple of their hunches while we have the time, power and air. Dyan Sylvanis -> # Yeah...me neither. +Cass+ Still have eyes on us Captain? We're going to the station Ops. Something isn't right. Anastasia Poldara -> #::breathes stale outpost air:: Yummy. Cmdr Rinax -> # ::to Kal:: Good work over there. Are you the last AT left? Cassie Granger -> @ +Dyan+ That's affirmative, Lt. Hunter Matheson -> # ::rinax:: Yes, ma'am. Engineers are back on board Challenger. Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ +Rinax+ I know how you feel. Finish up what you're doing then beam back if there's nothing concrete Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Points at a door at the end of the corridor.:: I think that's it. Cmdr Rinax -> # Ok good, then I have eyes on everyone. +Challenger+ We are all in one location again, those of us that are left. I'll chime you shortly. John Randall -> ::as he works on the tank, the hackles on the back of his neck suddenly rise, and he whirls, eyes scanning in all directions; he feels that he's being watched:: Hunter Matheson -> # ::Nods:: Stand back. :::checks the door::breach:: Hunter Matheson -> # ::clears left, right, center::moves in:: Cmdr Rinax -> # Ok, we are looking for concrete, per the Captain. We must be careful still. ::scanning around them again:: Hunter Matheson -> # Clear. Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ +Rinax+ OK. Goodluck. Cmdr Rinax -> # ::moves last with the group:: Hunter Matheson -> # ::continues in, checking every hidden area:: John Randall -> ::pulls out his communicator, speaks in a low voice:: +Matheson+ Randall to Matheson. Dyan Sylvanis -> # Yeah about the Klingon thing... ::Hoping Cass picks the conversation on the video.:: This isn't their M.O. ::Enters:: Anastasia Poldara -> #::has her tricorder out again:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::Settles back into his seat:: Cassie Granger -> @ ::listening:: Hunter Matheson -> # ::agrees but isn't going to go there, letting the El Tee be an El Tee::: H.G. Reed -> @ :: Working at her console. :: Anastasia Poldara -> # Klingons usually aren’t this sneaky. Cassie Granger -> @ ::Hok:: Can you zoom in on that console? Cmdr Rinax -> # Or this smart... they are slash and grab, not all th scan:is technical stuff. ::continues to Dyan Sylvanis -> # They don't target a power generator and let people suffocate. There is no honor in it. It goes against their core values. Hunter Matheson -> # ::checking the walls, floor, ceiling, looking for trip wires, electronics:: John Randall -> ::sighs, shakes his head, and closes his communicator; pulls out his phaser, and leaves the building with the oxygen tank, his eyes scanning in all directions, convinced he's being watched:: Anastasia Poldara -> # Klingon disruptors are not hard to come by, though. Dyan Sylvanis -> # Exactly. John Randall -> ::works his way through the rubble, all senses on heightened alert:: Cassie Granger -> @ ::Ja'Lale:: Do we know who was manning this station, Captain? Who exactly they were, their dossiers available? John Randall -> ::thinks to himself he hasn't felt like this since his last covert mission:: Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Stops at a console.:: Here. I think this is the one. Sensor logs. Cmdr Rinax -> # Go ahead, see what you guys can get... I'll keep the perimeter scans:: Cmdr Rinax -> # ::stays near the external walls, though still inside the same room as the others, and scans each wall for anything moving outside their room:: Dvokr chim Hok -> @ I will try. John Randall -> ::suddenly dives behind some debris as he thinks he sees a humanoid shadow:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ The dossiers of the crew manning the outpost are in the database. I've skimmed it over, and as you may have figured, they are the sort of people who either aren't qualified to be assigned anywhere else, or previously got into trouble and wound up there. ::glances to Artemis and grins:: Anastasia Poldara -> #::joins Dyan and takes a look:: Finally. With power, we might actually be able to make sense of these instead of just pulling drives and hoping for the best. Cassie Granger -> @ Any chance they could have staged all this? Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ It's possible. But what would be their motive in doing so. Cassie Granger -> @ Covering something up. Artemis -> ::Returns with a cocky lopsided grin to the Captain:: Only those not capable of getting themselves out of trouble Anastasia Poldara -> #::accesses the external sensor logs to see if there are records of any ships visiting:: Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Steps aside to let Ana work.:: Cassie Granger -> @ ::turns to Artemis, half grin:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::nods:: Again, it is possible. We can't rule anything out. Though the dead bodies are a good touch if that's indeed the case ::Smiles back at Artemis:: John Randall -> ::pulls out his communicator, and speaks in a low voice:: +Rinax+ Randall to Rinax. I'm in the southeastern portion of the outpost. I don't think we're alone here, Commander; I think I saw a shadow, and it was humanoid. Tracking now. Randall out. Cassie Granger -> @ Agreed, Captain. Very good touch. Anastasia Poldara -> #::looks up:: A thought occurs … have we accounted for all the personnel? Cmdr Rinax -> # Do we have an accurate roster? Dyan Sylvanis -> # Think it might be an inside job? John Randall -> ::flips shut the communicator, and resumes tracking:: Cmdr Rinax -> # +::holds up one finger to her team:: Randall+ Rinax here. Hunter Matheson -> # ::still on edge:: Always a possibility. Dvokr chim Hok -> ::applying algorithms to zoom in :: Anastasia Poldara -> # It would explain some of the lack of evidence. ::gestures at the console:: The logs don’t have any record of a ship visitation in the past week. The sensors could have malfunctioned. The ship could have a stealth system. Or someone familiar with the system could have tampered with it. Cassie Granger -> @ ::watching the screen:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::calls up the bios for the crewmen of the outpost for better scrutiny:: Cmdr Rinax -> #::motions for everyone to take cover, and points at Kal, then at her COM, as if to say, "Thought everyone was back on the ship!", but can't right now. finger now on lips:: H.G. Reed -> @ :: Curious :: John Randall -> ::rounds a corner, and dives for cover again as he sees what he thinks is the shadow:: Cmdr Rinax -> # +Challenger+ Captain ::quietly:: Randall is still SE of outpost, get a lock on him... he's tracking a shadow, thinks it's human. Cptn Ja'Lale -> @+Rinax+ Will do. Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ Get a lock of Mr. Randall just in case. Hunter Matheson -> # ::Nods, moves to clear the area:: Cmdr Rinax -> # ::whispers to team:: Scan around us, if you see anything... be prepared. Don't shoot Randall! ::pulls phaser back out:: Artemis -> @ ::Directs a dedicated trace to Randall's bio-sign:: Aye, Captain Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Goes to the door, unholstering her pistol.:: I thought all scans cleared this place. John Randall -> ::peeks around the corner, but doesn't see the shadow; leans back, rubs his eyes, then slowly leaves his cover:: Cassie Granger -> @ ::Reed:: The interference is clear? Anastasia Poldara -> #::slips behind the sensor console, her phaser in one hand and her tricorder open in the other, scanning for life:: H.G. Reed -> @ :: nods :: It appears so. Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::listens intently:: Cmdr Rinax -> # ::whispers:: Thought so too, Syl... ::moves to the back wall, scanning through wall:: Hunter Matheson -> # ::thought Randall was on the ship, upset that he's alone on the station::: Cmdr Rinax -> # ::moves over to Kal and whispers:: What was Randall doing alone? Hunter Matheson -> # ::mutters::: Hunter Matheson -> # ::Rinax:: No idea, ma'am. Damn stupid thing to do, but he's there and he’s in danger. Gonna have to bail him out. John Randall -> ::works his way through more debris, heading now for the SW part of the outpost:: Hunter Matheson -> # Should have brought a whole team down to keep watch. Cmdr Rinax -> # Uh huh. ... ::makes a decision:: +Challenger+ Captain, do you have anything on scanners besides the AT? If not, I feel either more sec needs to be down here ASAP, or pull all of us back now, until it's clearly been cleared. Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Moves around the corner and out into the hall quickly and quietly, visually scanning to clear the area.:: Hunter Matheson -> # ::has Dyan's six::: Cmdr Rinax -> # ::isn't prepared for a shoot-out without numerous trained security and Marines to handle it correctly:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ((We're always ready for a shoot out. :P )) John Randall -> ::freezes again as he thinks he sees the shadow:: Cmdr Rinax -> (LOL Dyan... yeah)) Dyan Sylvanis -> ((It's what we do)) Hunter Matheson -> # ::standard spacing, clearing as they move::: Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::nods to start another thorough scan of the outpost:: +Rinax+ We're scanning again now... Anastasia Poldara -> ((I haven’t been on active duty for over a year. I’m totally ready for a shoot-out.)) Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Closing in on Randall's area.:: Cassie Granger -> @ (join the Corps, Anastasia) John Randall -> ::grips his phaser in the traditional two-handed manner; peeks carefully from behind his cover; his intense hatred for the Romulans foremost in his mind at the present:: Artemis -> ::Runs a plethora of heat, bio and activity scans on the specific surface area of the Away teams, causing the Deflector dish to flare:: Cmdr Rinax -> #::with the others, pulling up the rear:: Hunter Matheson -> # ::Sylvanis:: HUD shows nothing unusual. Cmdr Rinax -> PAUSE SIM Cmdr Rinax -> PAUSE SIM Cmdr Rinax -> PAUSE SIM Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Taps side of her helm.:: Not getting anything either. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Ohh.. ok Cmdr Rinax -> Had a couple crew members that had to fly. Cptn Ja'Lale -> So, we'll pick up from there next week... tbs will be none. Any questions before we dismiss? Hunter Matheson -> No, sir. Hunter Matheson -> Might not make it next week. Cmdr Rinax -> Sorry to hear athat Kal, we'll try and keep you alive. *winkis* Hunter Matheson -> El tee will cover. Dyan Sylvanis -> hehe Hunter Matheson -> ::smirk:: Hunter Matheson -> So, night all. Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK.. have a great week everyone. Sim dismissed..have a happy Thanksgiving or Columbus Day tomorrow John Randall -> night all Artemis -> Night Cmdr Rinax -> G'night everyone! Happy Thanksiginv / Columbus Day Everyone Dyan Sylvanis -> night night
  7. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, the Challenger crew has been recalled from their shoreleaves on Earth and has received their new assignment to head to Tyrellia, a planet near the borders of the Klingon and Romulan Empires to investigate an increase of activity of both sides. Cptn Ja'Lale -> TBS was 3 days and the Challenger will now be arriving at the Tyrellian system. ANy questions? Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM John Randall -> ::at his station in engineering; reads the e-mail briefing of the new mission:: Hunter Matheson -> bak H.G. Reed -> :: At the NAV station, monitoring their course and heading. :: Cptn Ja'Lale -> (hey Ana.. we just started) Hunter Matheson -> ::at helm:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::at the science station, reviewing reports of the sector:: Cassie Granger -> CMTAC, checking on recent activity in and around the NZ John Randall -> ::finishes reading, and gets up from the station, milling around engineering, watching the crew:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Now approaching Tyrellian system Cmdr Rinax -> ::in mess hall, finishing a meal:: Hunter Matheson -> Approaching Tyrellian system, Captain. Drop from warp? Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::looks at his PADD:: Once we arrive at the Tyrellian system, make a course heading to Tyrellia. Yes please ::to Hunter:: Hunter Matheson -> Dropping to sublight, aye. ::turns to Reed:: Got a course for me to Tyrellia? Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Walking down the MARDET halls, reading a report on Romulan tactics.:: John Randall -> ::hears the decrease in whine of the warp engines, and knows they are back to impulse power; orders a crew to do a routine inspection of the warp engines:: H.G. Reed -> :: Nods :: Yes. :: Taps her console. :: Here you are. John Randall -> *routine Hunter Matheson -> ::catches it on the fly:: Got it. Hunter Matheson -> ::smirk:: H.G. Reed -> :: Quirks a small smile. :: John Randall -> ::goes back to the main console, sits down at a station, and pulls up the warp engine readout on the monitor:: Hunter Matheson -> Course to Tyrellia laid in, Captain. Coming around to two five two mark eight. Hunter Matheson -> Proceeding to Tyrellia, sublight H.G. Reed -> :: Rotates the starboard navigation sensor array. :: Anastasia Poldara -> ::begins running scans of the system and comparing them to the last reports:: John Randall -> ::spots a small discrepancy in one of the engines, and punches the comm:: +Davis+ Randall to Davis. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: The Challenger makes its way to Tyrellia and is hailed by the planet. John Randall -> Davis> +Randall+ Davis here. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Finds herself in the lounge. Takes a seat on the couch, propping her feet up as she continues to read.:: John Randall -> +Davis+ Steve, I've spotted a fluctuation in one of the baffles on the number two engine. Sending you the data. ::sends it:: Anastasia Poldara -> I’m not detecting any anomalies in the system. Cassie Granger -> ::puzzling over the reports:: H.G. Reed -> :: Rotates the forward navigational sensor array. :: John Randall -> Davis> +Randall+ Got it, Lieutenant. We're on it. Davis out. Cassie Granger -> ::mentally files that information away to see if it jibes with Tyrellia's accounts:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Comm> +Challenger+ This is the Tyrellian government, stand by wh\ile I transfer you to our defense minister. Hunter Matheson -> ::aside to Reed:: Having fun? ::crooked grin:: H.G. Reed -> :: Slants Kal a glance. :: Performing my duty, as expected. Hunter Matheson -> Roger that. John Randall -> ::sits back and nods; directs a crew of ensigns to purge the manifolds while the ship is in orbit:: Cassie Granger -> ::exiting CMTAC, enters the lift, slate clipped to her utility belt:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> DM> +Challenger+ Hello, Captain. Welcome to Tyrellia. Cassie Granger -> ;;exits on the bridge in time to hear the contact and stops to listen:: H.G. Reed -> Should our duty be considered enjoyable? Hunter Matheson -> ::casual:: It is to me. Cptn Ja'Lale -> DM> I'm glad you came so quickly. Yes, now as you were told by your colleague in Starfleet, we have been noticed an influx of activity on both sides of the border. Naturally, this has put our local population on edge. We don't really have any ideas of what either side is up to. John Randall -> ::looks again at the readouts, and realizes he will have to be at the engineering station on the bridge to finalize the purging; puts Michaels in charge, and exits ME, heading for the turbolift:: Hunter Matheson -> ::tap::tap::leans back:: H.G. Reed -> :: Thoughtfully :: I suppose we would not chose to pursue our chosen professions did we not enjoy them. :: Smiles slightly. :: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Did you notice any ships in and around the borders? Any unusual behaviour? Cassie Granger -> ::standing behind Rinax's chair, listening:: John Randall -> ::the car arrives, and he enters:: Bridge. John Randall -> ::arrives a few moments later; exits the car, and steps onto the bridge, heading for the upper section where the engineering station is:: Hunter Matheson -> ::leans toward Reed:: Big ship. Kickass weapons. Me at the helm. What's not to enjoy? Hunter Matheson -> ::whispering:: H.G. Reed -> :: Looks amused. :: Of course. Cptn Ja'Lale -> DM> No.. not really. But as you can imagine, given our rocky relations with both sides, we're still a bit on edge as to what their motives are. ::frowns:: And what's worse, is that we stopped receiving communications from one of our outposts at the border. Cassie Granger -> ::steps away from Rinax's chair, moving back and out of video range:: Cmdr Rinax -> ((Did I get moved up to the bridge? Did someone gather my leftovers?)) John Randall -> ::catches the captain's eye briefly, and spreads his hands in a "safe" sign, meaning he's on the bridge in strictly a matter of routine:: Cassie Granger -> (No, ma'am. Just stood behind your chair, guarding it.) Cmdr Rinax -> ::has my leftovers dropped at my quarters and quickly makes my way to the bridge:: John Randall -> ::makes his way to the station; logs in, and establishes his passcodes; calls up the purge program on the monitor:: H.G. Reed -> :: Realigns the starboard array. :: Cptn Ja'Lale -> DM> The outpost in question is one of our outposts located on our side of the border, located on a barren rocky moon about 100,000 km from the neutral zone. Its primary purpose was to monitor activity from both sides; that's how we knew about the flurry of activity on both sides of the border, but 2 weeks ago they stopped communicating and all attempts to raise them has gone unanswered. Cmdr Rinax -> ::finds a couple staples in her uniform, figures she was working on too much physical paperwork, pulls them out neatly, as not to tear the threads, and drops them into a reclaimator after she exits the TL onto the Bridge:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Did you send any ships to check it out? John Randall -> ::sees the program still in progress, and sits back in his chair; overhearing the conversation on the bridge, but doesn't turn around:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::slips into her chair:: Captain. ::nods and checks on the status with her armchair console:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> We do not have any ships nearby that can. We already contacted SB 179, but they also do not have ships that are nearby Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods at Rinax, then turns back to the DM:: Okay, then I assume you would like us to check it out? Cassie Granger -> ::steps forward to get Ja'Lale's attention:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> DM> ::nods:: If you would be so kind. I'll have my staff forward you the coordinates to your navigational officer. Thank you, Captain. Once you're finished over there, please come back and be our guests at our planet and we can discuss what you've found. Tyrellia out. ::comm cuts off:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::turns to Cass once the transmission ends;: Yes, Cass? John Randall -> ::from the corner of his eye, sees that Lieutenant Poldara is at the science station; doesn't try to get her attention, as she appears to be busy:: Cassie Granger -> Captain, it would be good know the nature of the personnel assigned to the moon station, as well as the nature of their last transmission. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods:: I agree. Let's research what we can on the outpost. Meanwhile, to HG and Heather if you have the coordinates from Tyrellia, please set a course to the outpost. Warp 6. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::to HG and Hunter* Cptn Ja'Lale -> (lol Heather.. sorry Hunter ) Hunter Matheson -> (Thought I got a haircut last time in, Cap) Cmdr Rinax -> Hmm... Captain, you should be aware of how close these borders are to... the Romulan and Klingon Empires. H.G. Reed -> :: Glances at the Captain. :: Aye, sir. :: Taps console, readying the coordinates. :: Hunter Matheson -> ::looks to Reed:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: Yes, very close indeed. Definitely something to be wary of, I afree. Cptn Ja'Lale -> agree* John Randall -> ::the program finishes, and he finalizes; leans back in his chair, and smiles to himself; logs out, and stands up, preparing to leave the bridge:: Hunter Matheson -> (w) So...I got to guess the coords, right? H.G. Reed -> :: No, I've readied them. Hunter Matheson -> ::fingers to temples:: Nope. Not coming in... Hunter Matheson -> Oh, there they are. H.G. Reed -> That is odd. :: Taps console again, retransmitting. :: John Randall -> ::looks around a moment, sees everyone busy, and walks to the turbolift:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Go ahead and twap him Reed. No one will mind. :P )) Hunter Matheson -> Course laid in, engaging at warp 6, Captain. Hunter Matheson -> (Hey!) Cptn Ja'Lale -> Thanks. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::takes a seat, calling up info on the outpost from his console:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::Ja'Lale:: Captain, you might be interested to know that according to my scans, Tyrellia has some interesting features for a planet. John Randall -> ::the car arrives, and he steps in:: Deck 12. Cmdr Rinax -> ::turns to look at Anastasia as she reports:: Cassie Granger -> ::turns to Poldara, listening:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Uses her PADD to tap into the ships status, noting they have arrived in the Tyrellia system.:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Oh? ::turns to Ana:: Anything of particular concern? Anastasia Poldara -> I’d say it has no atmosphere. And it has no magnetic poles either. H.G. Reed -> :: Begins investigating the glitch. :: Anastasia Poldara -> Anything on the surface is utterly exposed to bombardment, both from mundane sources as well as cosmic and solar radiation. Hunter Matheson -> ::hearing the convo he's not hearing::no atmosphere?:: Anastasia Poldara -> I wouldn’t recommend vacationing there. Cmdr Rinax -> Will that cause maneuvering troubles for the ship? Hunter Matheson -> ::was just going to ask that:: John Randall -> ::the lift arrives, and he steps out; goes down the corridor to engineering, and strides through the doors, heading for the main console:: Hunter Matheson -> ::shields are good:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> We might not want to set up an orbit too close to the planet either then. Anastasia Poldara -> ::Rinax:: Only if you were planning to hide from a Romulan or Klingon ship above the planet’s magnetic pole…. Anastasia Poldara -> In which case you wouldn’t be able to, and they would find you. Anastasia Poldara -> And then we would look very silly, wouldn’t we? John Randall -> Davis> +Randall+ Davis to Randall. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes. Wouldn't our faces be red. John Randall -> ::whips out his communicator:: +Davis+ Randall here. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Let's try not to do anything as gauche as that. Anastasia Poldara -> ((Can Ja'Lale blush? :P)) Cmdr Rinax -> ::winks with a smile at Anastasia for her joke:: Good info Poldara. Cmdr Rinax -> I'd think geosync would be out of the question too, since we can't tag a spot to wind around. Hunter Matheson -> (darker turtle?) Cptn Ja'Lale -> (probably not, no. Though I think I remember one of the ninja turtles blushing in the 80s cartoon.. so maybe? Lol) John Randall -> Davis> +Randall+ Lieutenant, we managed to fix the baffle before the ship went into warp again. So far, it's holding up. H.G. Reed -> :: Finds a miss align in the programming algorithm for course control. :: Cptn Ja'Lale -> We will probably need to wear special suits when we beam down to Tyrellia then? Cptn Ja'Lale -> I'd rather be a roasted turtle. Hunter Matheson -> ::checks the adjustment:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> rather not* Dyan Sylvanis -> ((The new Donatello always blushes when he's near April. And I'm not talking about the stupid Bay Turtles.)) Anastasia Poldara -> Geosynchronous orbits actually rely only on calculations relative to a planet’s rotational speed…. John Randall -> +Davis+ Roger that, Steve. Stay with it for a bit, make sure it stays aligned. The warp engines are taking a beating so far on this mission, apparently we were supposed to have finished it yesterday. Keep me informed, Randall out. Cmdr Rinax -> Captain, do you think we'll send down an away team to the outpost, or just scans? John Randall -> Davis> +Randall+ Aye, Lieutenant, Davis out. H.G. Reed -> :: Changes the algorithm. :: Cassie Granger -> ;:uneasy:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Thinks about how nice it would be to fly in her fighter right now.:: Dyan Sylvanis -> (( ::Not too subtle hint:: )) Hunter Matheson -> ::thinking how nice it would be to have her pilot a shuttle down:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> I'd like to send down an away team, if we can. Usually can't get as much with scans. Can you form up an away team to beam down? John Randall -> ::snaps his communicator closed, and goes into the chief engineer's office; files a report on the activity, and sends an e-mail to the chief:: Hunter Matheson -> ::and maybe use those cool wing things:: Cassie Granger -> Captain? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes, Cass? H.G. Reed -> :: Checks the fix. :: Cassie Granger -> May I suggest a shuttle. Given the nature of the moon, it would be safer for the team to have a point of refuge. Cmdr Rinax -> Captain, do you think we'll send down an away team to the outpost, or just scans? John Randall -> ::sits back in the chair as he finishes, aware that he's very uneasy, and half angry about something, but can't pinpoint it:: Hunter Matheson -> ::looks over at Reed, watching her work:: H.G. Reed -> :: Glances at Kal and lifts a brow. :: Something wrong? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Agreed. Shuttle it is. They have a landing pad at the outpost. Cptn Ja'Lale -> An away team if we can, but we will also take scans first. Hunter Matheson -> ::innocent look:: Uh.. .no. How about with you? Cmdr Rinax -> ::turns to Anastasia and Cassie:: I'd like two from each of your departments please. John Randall -> ::shrugs, and pulls up reports, reading them:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::contacts the Medical Dept, requesting 1 staff for the AT:: H.G. Reed -> :: Shrugs :: Just fixing that glitch. Anastasia Poldara -> Ah, yes … my department. Right. I have a department now. H.G. Reed -> We ought to do a system wide diagnostic when we have a chance. Anastasia Poldara -> ::has not actually read any personnel files:: Cmdr Rinax -> Capt, should I send some engineers, in case it's mechanics bothering them? Anastasia Poldara -> ::is not actually sure if she has access to them, because she hasn't bothered to check:: Hunter Matheson -> ::checks the calculations, plugs in the fix:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes, please. We will probably need them to in case the computers there are down Cassie Granger -> ::thinking... Kal and Dyan:: Cassie Granger -> ::skeptical:: Anastasia Poldara -> +Science Lab+ Hello scientists. This is your Chief Science Officer speaking, but you can call me God. You have one minute to fight to the death. The winner must meet me and the rest of the away team in the transporter room for a mission to investigate the status of this outpost we're approaching. Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Wait...Skeptical about us, or the computers? :P )) Cassie Granger -> ::Dyan, yes. Kal...?::: Cmdr Rinax -> +Engineering+ Can I get a couple engineers for this visit, in case they need repairs? Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK, we will be arriving at the outpost at the start of the sim next week. Cptn Ja'Lale -> TBS will be 3 hours. Any questions? Anastasia Poldara -> Yes, how do I put in a requisition order for more science personnel? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Anyway, sorry for the confusion. If there is nothing else, then dismissed. Have a great week everyone. Anastasia Poldara -> I… uh... will need some. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Ahh, we'll have to order some from Lackeys R Us. Dyan Sylvanis -> You have one Dyan Sylvanis -> When he's here. Cptn Ja'Lale -> And yes, we do. When he's here. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Goodnight folks.
  8. Cptn Ja'Lale -> The crew of the Challenger are returning back to the ship after their shoreleave on Earth. We should be departing at the end of the sim. TBS was 65 hours. Any questions? Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM Hunter Matheson -> ::MARDET, checking in:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::returns back to the bridge:: John Randall -> ::shimmers into existence on the transporter pad; steps off, nods to the transport officer, and exits the room, heading for the turbolift:: Cassie Granger -> ::MARDET office:: H.G. Reed -> :: In her quarters, unpacking. :: Cassie Granger -> ::checking the roster, counting heads:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Had already put her stuff back in her bunk room. She steps out into the halls.:: John Randall -> ::steps into the car:: Deck 3. Hunter Matheson -> ::in Granger's office door, knocking on the door frame:: John Randall -> ::arrives at his destination, and exits the lift; nods to passing crew as he walks down the corridor to his cabin:: Cassie Granger -> ::looks up:: Gunny. ::nod:: What can I do for you? Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: Speaking to Hok :: Hunter Matheson -> ::steps in:: Medical clearance from Pendleton, ma'am. Hunter Matheson -> ::hands her the document:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Looks at a PADD:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::on her way to the bridge:: John Randall -> ::goes into his cabin, and deposits his duffel bag on the sofa:: H.G. Reed -> :: Folding clothes and putting them away. :: Cassie Granger -> ::pauses, assessing stare:: Hunter Matheson -> ::parade rest:: H.G. Reed -> :: Folding clothes and putting them away. :: Dvokr chim Hok -> :: to Morrison :: You look, well, beat up sir. [Morrison] I was, several times. Cassie Granger -> ::takes the document, flipping through:: Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Both walking to the MARDET :: John Randall -> ::lets out a big sigh, then smiles, remembering the good time he had with his family, especially his sister Vicki; strips off his clothes, and heads for the shower:: H.G. Reed -> :: Folding clothing. :: Cassie Granger -> ::places it on her desk:: Dr. Hanson needs to sign off before you can return to full duty. Until then you're restricted to MARDET unless the captain specifically requests your presence on the bridge. Understood? Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::settles into his seat:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::enters the bridge:: Hunter Matheson -> ::stoic, but not happy:: Yes, ma'am. John Randall -> ::steps out of the shower a few minutes later, towels off, and heads for the bedroom to put on a fresh uniform:: H.G. Reed -> :: Moves on to stowing personal items. :: Cassie Granger -> ::after some thought:: Dismissed. Hunter Matheson -> ::sharp attention, salute, about face, formal step out the door:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Walks by the office, stopping as Kal walks out.:: Hey. Hunter Matheson -> ::sigh:: Hey, ma'am. John Randall -> ::goes back into the living area after dressing, and heads for the computer terminal:: Cassie Granger -> ::closes the door so she can get some work done:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Notices the office.:: So how did it go? Cmdr Rinax -> ::gets off the TL and steps onto the bridge:: Hunter Matheson -> ::shrug:: About as expected. Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: Arrives at the MARDET door :: John Randall -> ::sits down at the computer, and accesses the duty roster:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::approaches the captain’s chair:: Lt. Poldara, reporting for duty, sir. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: Hungry? I just finished unpacking and was going to head to Mess. Hunter Matheson -> Hey. ::lightens up:: Sure. Sounds like a plan. John Randall -> ::sees that the captain is on the bridge, and decides to tell him about his visit with Admiral Baldwin; punches the comm:: +Bridge+ Randall to Ja'lale, come in, please. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Ahh. :gets up:: Welcome back, Lieutenant. I am surprised to see you back here, but I am glad you are. Cassie Granger -> ::looks up:: Come. H.G. Reed -> :: Finishes her unpacking and sits at her desk. :: Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: Knocks on Cassie's office door :: Anastasia Poldara -> ::Ja'Lale:: Ditto, sir. Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Randall+ Yes, go ahead. Cassie Granger -> ::rounds her desk to open the door:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::looks around and heads to her chair, greeting all she sees:: greetings, welcome back from shoreleave, everyone. Cassie Granger -> Commander Morrison, sir? Come on in. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Poldara:: I hope you've settled back in and things went well with your last assignment. John Randall -> +Ja'Lale+ Captain, when you have time, sir, I think you wanted to be informed about my meeting with Admiral Baldwin. Cassie Granger -> ::pulls out a chair:: Didn't expect to see you here, Sir. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Glances back at Hok and the other man briefly as the walk off. Never seen him before.:: Someone new? ::Keeps walking.:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::overhears the Adm Baldwin comment, and knows in general what that can mean:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::smiles:: Oh, I’ve got some stories for when we have the time…. But I’m settled. Dreading my physical, of course, but settled. This will be a … change. But also familiar. Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Randall+ Thanks, John. Hunter Matheson -> Um... yeah. ::unable to say:: Guess so. New commander looks like. Dvokr chim Hok -> '[Morrison] :: Walks in :: Thank you. :: He still has his cane, sits :: Thanks for everything. Cmdr Rinax -> ::raises her eyebrow momentarily, and turns to Anastasia:: You didnnt get th?at taken care of yet John Randall -> +Ja'lale+ Aye, sir. Randall out. ::closes the comm, and sits back in the chair:: Cassie Granger -> Coffee? Tea? Water? Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Smiles and nods:: I can imagine. Dr Hanson's physicals aren't so bad. Cassie Granger -> ::perches on the desk, facing him:: John Randall -> ::thinks a moment, then punches the comm again:: +Freeman+ Randall to Freeman, come in, please. Hunter Matheson -> ::as he walks next to Sylvanis:: So... wanted to thank you for the ::grin:: flight again. Cmdr Rinax -> ::sits in her chair on the bridge, glad she finally got all of the overstock organized from so many shop-a-holics this shoreleave:: H.G. Reed -> :: Checks mission status and duty roster. :: Hunter Matheson -> Epic. ::broader grin, studying the floor:: Awesome. Really.. uh.. different. Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Water, 33 degrees Anastasia Poldara -> ::Ja'Lale:: Permission to take my station, sir? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Of course, please do. Cassie Granger -> ::nod, speaking to the replicator:: Water, pure, 33 degrees. John Randall -> ::not getting an answer, asks the computer for the location of the chief, and is told Freeman is in his quarters; nods, and looks at the duty roster:: Cmdr Rinax -> Anastasia, I'll walk down to sickbay if you want. Cmdr Rinax -> Or did you have a set appointment? Cassie Granger -> ::hands him the glass:: Anything else? I have a stash in here. Dyan Sylvanis -> Hmm. ::Shrugs it off as they keep walking. Smiles as he thanks her.:: Don't mention it. We should do it again sometime, especially since it looked like you were getting the hang of it. ::Pauses.:: Oh, by the way, you owe my navigator, Williams a bottle of something. She got upset when she found out I went flying without her. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::settles back into his seat:: Before we depart, we'll need to organize a meeting in regards to our next mission. Hunter Matheson -> ::stops, studies her a minute:: Seriously? H.G. Reed -> :: Takes a moment to check her messages, knowing she has to report for duty soon. H.G. Reed -> :: John Randall -> ::sees he is not scheduled to go on duty for another 5 hours; gets up, goes to the bedroom, and changes out of his uniform back into civvies:: Cmdr Rinax -> Of course, Captain. Did you want department heads in the conference room, or something with more staff? Anastasia Poldara -> ::Rinax:: What, afraid I’m not going to make it down there on my own? ::grin:: Hunter Matheson -> So... what kind of bottle of something should I get? Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: Drinks :: No appointment, just wanted to see you off. Cmdr Rinax -> ::chuckles at Anastasia:: Well... you know, you've been gone so long, perhaps you forgot where it was. ::chuckles:: EddieFreeman -> ::rolls out of bed, having inadvertently drifted off to sleep:: Cassie Granger -> See me off. ::quietly, nodding:: You're in good hands. You realize that, Commander? Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Oh, a limited series of people are going to look into this Orion Syndicate and Coridan issue. The going may be slow, especially if some on the inside of the Federation are involved. John Randall -> ::grabs a bottle of flavored water from the stasis bin, and goes into the living area, popping a movie cube into the holovid player:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Department heads in conference room is fine. Let's say in 20 minutes. Gretchen Hanson -> ::in Sick Bay catching up on what went on while she was on Earth:: Cassie Granger -> ::nod:: Anastasia Poldara -> Ah, twenty minutes. Not enough time for a physical. Too bad…. Cmdr Rinax -> You got it captain. I'll make arrangements. Cmdr Rinax -> ::smirks at Anastasia:: I'm sure she could fit you in just afterwards. Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I have to wonder if your previous mission is related to Coridan. One of the routes indicated on the map placed it very close. Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smirks.:: No relax. I already got her something. EddieFreeman -> ::paws in the darkened room for a light switch, eventually hitting one:: John Randall -> ::settles in to watch one of his favorite 20th century movies (Chuck Norris: Lone Wolf McQuade):: Hunter Matheson -> Oh...::sheepish grin:: Guess I owe you, then. Hunter Matheson -> ::stops:: Say... uh.. you mind if I check the manifest to see if the doc is aboard yet? H.G. Reed -> :: Turns her computer off and stands, exiting her quarters. :: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smiles:: Well you did already save me from eating anymore MRE's. ::Nods, curious.:: Sure. Anastasia Poldara -> ::diplomatically withdraws to her station:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::speaks to the bridge officer, requesting a COM channel be open to each Department Head for her:: Cassie Granger -> ::nod going to answer that one, not sure what to say::: Hunter Matheson -> ::indicating a console close by:: Yeah. MREs. Straight out of the 21st century and just as old. Hunter Matheson -> ::nod:: 'scuse me a second, ma'am. Cmdr Rinax -> +Dept Heads+ Commander Rinax here. Requesting your presence in the conference room in no less than 20 minutes for the new mission briefing. Make necessary arrangements. Hunter Matheson -> ::steps to the console, pulling up the manifest:: Cmdr Rinax -> +Dept Heads+ And acknowledge this COM. John Randall -> ::enjoying the movie with some replicated popcorn:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::shoots Rinax a “thumbs up” from her station as she stares at the once-familiar controls:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::motions for the open COM to Dept Heads to e closed:: Cassie Granger -> ::hearing the call:: Pardon me, Commander. Cmdr Rinax -> ::nods to Ansatasia:: Gretchen Hanson -> +Rinax+ Sick Bay acknowledged Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] Y-yeah. H.G. Reed -> :: Steps into TL. :: Bridge John Randall -> ::hears the announcement, but knowing he is not the department head, doesn't answer:: Cassie Granger -> +Rinax+ Captain Granger, Commander. Twenty minutes, conference room. EddieFreeman -> ::hears the call and begins to get ready:: Hunter Matheson -> ::page page page:: Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: He had more to say, but something got in the way.. all. of. the. time. :: Gretchen Hanson -> ::mumbles, "meetings"... Sets her padd down on the desk and leaves SB. Heads down the passageway to the nearest turbolift::: Hunter Matheson -> ::whew:: +MED+ Gunnery Sergeant Matheson to Doctor Hanson. Cmdr Rinax -> ::making some notes on her PADD - writing: Granger, Poldara, Hanson.... then frowns, since the list is rather thin:: Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Hok is walking to his quarters :: Cassie Granger -> ::stands:: I have time to walk you out, sir. Gretchen Hanson -> +Matheson+ Hanson here, Sergeant. Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I will see you later before you are off. Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: stands :: John Randall -> ::watching the movie, wondering what the new mission will be:: Hunter Matheson -> +Hanson+ Doc, I have papers from Pendleton Medical for you to sign off on so I can return to duty. You available? H.G. Reed -> :: Steps out of TL onto bridge, nodding to those on duty. Relieves Willis as she takes the NAV station. :: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Stands just down from Kal a bit to give him privacy.:: Cassie Granger -> ::by his side::door opens:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::to the Bridge COM officer:: Send a message in writing this time, to all of those that did not respond. Sign my name, so they get off their butts! Cmdr Rinax -> Bridge Com officer> Yes, Commander. ::does as requested:: Cassie Granger -> ;::is standing, therefore off her butt:: Gretchen Hanson -> +Matheson+ I'm on my way to the bridge, hopefully not long. Why don't you come by SB in about 45 minutes? EddieFreeman -> ::already on his way to the bridge:: Hunter Matheson -> +Hanson+ Roger that, ma'am. 45 minutes. Cmdr Rinax -> ::turns around and goes back to her chair, a bit frustrated:: Sometimes, I feelou that being 2nd in command doesn't hold any weight, Captain. I may have to forge your sig if I have to send a 3rd request. Hunter Matheson -> ::closing down the console, looks around for Sylvanis, spots her, sprints to catch up:: Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: walks with Cassie :: Hunter Matheson -> Hey. Got 45, then I need to ::thumbjerk:: get to sick bay. H.G. Reed -> :: Checks the sensors and mission course heading. :: John Randall -> ::inevitably nods off in front of the holovid as the movie plays:: Gretchen Hanson -> ::gives the TL her destination, spends the ride up thinking about Sgt. Matheson::: Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] I'm sorry if I side tracked your shoreleave EddieFreeman -> ::enters the bridge, and passes through to conference room, taking a seat:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Standing by the entrance to the Mess Hall.:: Alright. A quick bite then. Hunter Matheson -> You got it. Cassie Granger -> :spots the commander's security detail::it's hard to hide a jarhead; the haircut gives them away:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::frowns, seeing Freeman report for the meeting without checking in:: I"ll be right back, Sir. Cmdr Rinax -> ::goes into the conf room, stopping at the door so its only Freeman and her for a moment:: Mr Freeman. Is there a problem? Cassie Granger -> Didn't interrupt at all, sir. Earth's not my home. No family here, just some friends. Cassie Granger -> ::presses the lift call:: Cassie Granger -> ::holding the door for him::: Cassie Granger -> ::and his detail, nods to them:: Gretchen Hanson -> ::The TL deposits her on the bridge and heads for the conference room:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::makes his way to the conference room:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::blocking the Conference room from opening:: Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] About my.. breakdown at the new cabin.. EddieFreeman -> ::looking up, surprised:: I didn't think so, ma'am. Cmdr Rinax -> The request for this meeting, Mr Freeman, requested a response by department heads, to acknowledge. Your acknowledgement was not received. Cassie Granger -> ::escorts him to the walkway, listening:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Looks to see what's on the menu today. Can't understand half of it.:: Looks like burger and fries for me. Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: thinks :: Perhaps I relived my experience too closely. Gretchen Hanson -> ::sees a crowd at the conference room entrance and pauses to discreetly survey the bridge::: Cmdr Rinax -> Please make sure it does not happen again. ::taps the door, allowing it to open/close freely:: Hunter Matheson -> ::not really looking at the menu, more at her:: Works for me, ma'am. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Joins the crowd in front of the conference room:: H.G. Reed -> :: Stands to enter the conference room. :: John Randall -> ::asleep on the sofa as the movie plays:: Hunter Matheson -> And.. uh.. if they have Coke, all the better. Hunter Matheson -> ::snaps out of it, realizing what he's doing:: Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: Right before they depart :: I have some things to arrange with your Mr. Hok. I will see you before the Challenger departs. Gretchen Hanson -> (those subliminal ads aren't going to work on you John if you're eyes are closed) Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods as she grabs a tray and starts collecting her food from the line.:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::steps to the table, checking that everything was put in order for the meeting - water, PADD's, adequate seating, etc:: Cassie Granger -> Of course, Commander. John Randall -> (that's the general idea, :) ) Cassie Granger -> ::snaps to, sharp salute, withdraws to the lift:: Bridge. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::enters the conference room, nods at everyone else there:: Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: Does one of those awkward nods before he continues on to Hok's quarters :: Gretchen Hanson -> ::finally enters as the bottleneck clears and finds her usual seat:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::pours herself a drink of water, turns to watch folks as they come in:: H.G. Reed -> :: Enters the conference room, takes a seat in the back. :: Cassie Granger -> ::exits, enters the conference room:: Cassie Granger -> ::acknowledging:: Commander, Captain (?). Cmdr Rinax -> ::notes Reed also entered, note entered on her PADD:: Cmdr Rinax -> ::nods to Granger:: Anastasia Poldara -> ::slips into the conference room:: Cassie Granger -> ::stands behind her chair until command sits:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods at Cass:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> All right, are we all here? Cmdr Rinax -> ::fills her glass to the top and moves to her chair:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Once she has a Coke on her tray, she moves to an empty table and sits.:: Dvokr chim Hok -> [Morrison] :: knocks at Hok's :: Cmdr Rinax -> We are, Captain" Gretchen Hanson -> ::thinks all of her is here:: Hunter Matheson -> ::following, taking things, feeling awkward and a little foolish:: John Randall -> Davis> ::holding down the fort in ME while Freeman and Randall are absent:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods:: Okay then, let's get started. Hunter Matheson -> ::slips into the chair opposite:: Cassie Granger -> ::sits:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Looking at her tray of food.:: Not as good as the place you and the rest of Delta took me that one night, but it works. Hunter Matheson -> Heh. Yeah. Pretty cool place, that. Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Dims the light and brings up the large display screen:: Our next mission will be bringing us to Tyrellia, located near the shared border between Federation, Romulan and Klingon space. Dyan Sylvanis -> What was it called again? Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Eats a couple fries.:: Hunter Matheson -> So... ::fry in his mouth:: that's what I can't quite remember. H.G. Reed -> :: Taking notes. :: Hunter Matheson -> We got to Deep Six in the back streets of San Diego. Cptn Ja'Lale -> Tyrellia is a Federation aligned planet nearby. Recently, they have reported an upsurge of activity from both sides in the region from both the Klingons and Romulans. Hunter Matheson -> But it was on station somewhere, right? ::burger:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: Yeah, I can't remember much from that night. Cmdr Rinax -> ::making notes, "Tyrellia... middle of trouble" on her PADD:: Hunter Matheson -> ::snorts, mouth full, shakes his head:: Me either. Cptn Ja'Lale -> About two weeks ago, an outpost located nearby has stopped transmitting. We've been sent to investigate why. All efforts t raise the outpost have so far been unsuccessful. THe outpost has about 12 officers and serves primarily as a listening post to monitor Romulan and Klingon activity. Dyan Sylvanis -> I just remember getting yelled at by Madi sometime that evening or early morning. Hunter Matheson -> Just remember singing that song... gees. Dyan Sylvanis -> Or I think she was yelling. ::Sips her Coke.:: Cassie Granger -> ::listening, absorbing it all:: Hunter Matheson -> ::shrug:: Not much difference. Gretchen Hanson -> ::sighs, outpost, planet in the middle of trouble. Why can't they ever be in the middle of a beach?::: Cptn Ja'Lale -> We'll be headed to the outpost to investigate. It seems like a pretty straight-forward mission.. hopefully it'll stay that way. Cptn Ja'Lale -> way* Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions? Cassie Granger -> Captain, do we have eyes on Tyrellia? Cmdr Rinax -> Do we have any intelligence of trouble, sir? Cassie Granger -> ::waits for the commander:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Latest Intel reports didn't seem to suggest so. H.G. Reed -> :: Typing away while listening. :: Cptn Ja'Lale -> The outpost is located on a small rocky moon, in a system without any notable resources. Gretchen Hanson -> ::like electricity for the transmitters?::: Hunter Matheson -> ::devouring his burger after enduring inpatient food:: Hunter Matheson -> ::maybe inhaling is a better word:: Hunter Matheson -> ::moves on to the fries and Coke:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Grins as she watches him go.:: Hunter Matheson -> So.. next time we go to Deep Six. Cmdr Rinax -> ::motions to Grangers question (Do we have eyes on Tyrellia"::: Hunter Matheson -> It can get pretty wild there, specially when the squids show. Squids and Jarheads don't mix. Hunter Matheson -> ::dip dip munch:: Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smirks.:: So I've noticed. Especially when the drinks start flowing. Cptn Ja'Lale -> We do have a base there yes, stationed by Federation officers. Starbase 179 is also near Tyrellia as well. Hunter Matheson -> Yeah. But they got first rate bands, games, other stuff you might be interested in. Cassie Granger -> ::nod:: Dyan Sylvanis -> Oh really? Cmdr Rinax -> So, captain, we will just show up and take a look around? Hunter Matheson -> ::grin:: Yeah. Ever play ArmA? Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes, that's correct, and report back why they're not responding. Hunter Matheson -> We get really serious over that. Might think you're actually in a war. Cmdr Rinax -> Could we send a probe in beforehand, perhaps to find things that a Federation Ship approaching wouldn't normally see? Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Thinks for a moment.:: Mmm...No I don't think so. Hunter Matheson -> Sniper game. Radical. Epic. Cptn Ja'Lale -> I suppose we could, yes. Cmdr Rinax -> ::nods and makes more notes on her PADD:: Hunter Matheson -> ::arms cross, finished eating, leaning on the table:: What kind of stuff you interested in, besides ::hand motion:: Flying. Cmdr Rinax -> ::glances around the table, her questions all asked:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Is that all the questions for today? ::Looks around as well:: Okay, meeting is adjourned. Please head back to your stations and prepare for departure. Cassie Granger -> ::stands, steps back from her station, sharp withdrawal:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> If you do have any more questions or feedback, please let me know. Cmdr Rinax -> Thank you, Captain. Everyone? ::pushes her chair back, and waits for others to go first:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> We should be arriving there in about three days. Cassie Granger -> ::on her way out:: +MARDET+ Rig for departure. Gretchen Hanson -> ::joins the queue leaving:: H.G. Reed -> :: Stands, taking her notes. :: Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM Hunter Matheson -> ::pause:: Cptn Ja'Lale -> Great job, everyone.. TBS will be 3 days with us arriving at Tyrellia at the start of our sim. Any questions before we dismiss? Cptn Ja'Lale -> If not, then sim is dismissed. I hope you all have a great week and see you next Sunday!