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About WxMurray

  • Rank
    Charismatic stallion

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  1. That did it, thanks. :)
  2. Is it just me or is there a chat room problem? I've tried on Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome, and all three come up with the error "application failed to run". Java being it's usual pain in the tuckus? :huh:
  3. $70 retail price for a season of DS9 DVDs? That's considerably cheaper than when they were first released (about $120 or so per season). Prices have definitely fallen over time. Same with TNG, Voyager, and Enterprise. Looks like a good bet, though, would be to buy all the seasons separately on Amazon (about $40 each).
  4. Murray stood on the primary observation deck of Starbase 2. The loss of the Agincourt was beginning to sink in. But for the ship on which he had served the majority of his career, it wasn’t going to be easy. Of the ships he served on, this one hurt the most. Two transfers and an injury combined with and leave of absence and career change…everything prior had been his own choice to one degree or another. But this…this was taken forcefully. It was like a part of him suddenly wasn’t there. He had gotten his career back on track, having floundered around in security and the Marine Corps for so many years. Captain Davies had seen Murray’s potential and assigned him to the senior engineering staff. Finally, a chance to follow his dream. Finally, a chance to grow. And just like that, it was gone. Commander Prell and Kairi. Captain Davies and Colonel Harper. Commander Jones, Lt. Colonel Day. They believed in him. They helped him learn and grow. They trusted him. And just like that, it was gone. For all of the close scrapes the Agincourt had been in over the years. For all of the times Starfleet Corps of Engineers begrudgingly put the ship back together again. And just like that, it was gone. In the back of his mind, he always knew it would happen someday. He’d get promoted, transferred, or (heaven forbid) injured or killed. The ship could be damaged beyond repair or destroyed. So many ways he could have left the ship… …and yet, it felt like it would never end. He didn’t want it to end. “Are you ready to go, Colonel?” He hadn’t heard General Marisa Ipswich come up behind him. He had been too zoned out to notice anything. “Yeah,” he said, not breaking his gaze out the window. He took a deep breath. “Yeah, I’m ready.” Ipswich looked him over, head to toe a new man in his crisp Marine uniform. “It’s good to have you back in the service. Honestly, I was beginning to worry we would never work together again.” “Believe me,” he replied, “if it hadn’t been for the damn Tal Shiar, I’d still be out there.” “I approved all your crew requests. Colonel Harper and Commander Kassem all had glowing recommendations for your engineering team. I’m sure Dickinson, Brady, and Williams will all fit in well in your system. I notice, though, that you haven’t selected a second-in-command.” Murray shrugged. “It’s just a training command. Regulations don’t require an XO. Besides…” He paused for a moment. “I was kinda hoping to ask Kairi, but it’s just too awkward to ask a former superior to be a subordinate.” They began to move toward the airlock where the USS Luther was waiting. As they approached, Dickinson, Brady, and Williams were waiting. Murray turned to Ipswich. “You’d better hope you don’t end up giving Harper another Agincourt, else you won’t have a senior crew on this ship.” Ipswich smiled and shook her head. “Plans have not yet been discussed, but I’ll keep that in mind. Such a group of people you had on that ship. Loyal to each other. Loyal to the last.” “Always.” With that, he stepped into the airlock with his friends and crewmembers and began heading for the bridge. “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.” -------------------- From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother.
  5. Okay, I missed the day, but... Happy birthday, us! :D
  6. Personally, I'm a fan of the newer series more than TOS. What do I want? A series that is well-written and well-produced. If someone can do that, it doesn't matter what the setting is. And really, this person needs to remember the title of the TNG series finale - All Good Things (must come to an end). I loved TNG, DS9, and Enterprise, and I liked Voyager, but everything has to end sometime, and there's a reason they do. Time to stop living in the past.
  7. "Charismatic stallion" Please. :)
  8. My biggest complaint with Voyager was physical: how, 70,000 light years from home, did the ship manage to get repaired to pristine condition after every episode? Having the ship starting to fall apart and age after seven years would have added an interesting dynamic, much like Season 3 of Enterprise actually gave us. Not sure it's ever stated outright, but they do have cargo bays to store products, and since they're not nearly as far away from home as in the other series, they'd be much closer to Earth and affiliated outposts, as well as the Earth merchant ship routes. Just a thought. Season 3 would be where this thought gets a bit dicey, though.
  9. I don't know which I'm more sad about - that I thought it was on last week and I had forgotten about it when I was home, or that I missed it this week because I don't have Science in my apartment. :(
  10. Fixed that for you. :P Now no one can resist the invitation!
  11. Ick. I'm creeped out just reading that. No snakes for me, thanks.
  12. I agree, but I would say that some blame lies with producers trying the same old thing over and over again and beating a dead horse. I would also agree in that I think it's too soon. A) There's a movie series going on that's a different continuity. Let that one have it's time before muddying the waters with something different. B) It just hasn't been long enough. It's not been 10 years since Enterprise was canceled. As I (and presumably some others) said when Enterprise started on the heels of Voyager, Star Trek needs people to want to watch it, and I don't think the masses of fans are there yet. It needs at least another five years or so. And I say this as someone who was a die-hard Trekkie back in the day. If it was on TV, I was watching it. Now, I can honestly say I've not watched any episode or movie of Star Trek in probably about five years now. I watch other things, and I don't sit around saying, "Boy, I wish that were still on the air!" I do a little, but then I look at my other options, and I move on.
  13. I think now I know how people in the south feel when I make fun of them for freaking out at a snowflake...
  14. I think we've reached the point...and Enterprise was the real proof of this (and to some degree, anything beyond TNG)...that nothing is going to please everyone, and the biggest pains in the butt about it are also the loudest, no matter how small a group. These days, people are likely to start flaming something if Spock raises his eyebrow wrong.
  15. My first earthquake. And before I get to truly experience my first tornado. Go figure.