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Mitar Precip

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  1. Mr V'Roy, I always thought the Raptor in the 2004 series seemed more like a dedicated DRADIS craft...with a secondary personnel carry ability. This did not make a lick of sense to me. However we all know Science Fiction shows are expensive...and they clearly only had the money the build two maybe three fighters for the actors in the premiere. It is odd..thinking todays AWACS type plane being a troop carrier as well...and then as the series progressed a weapons carrying platform. The Blood'n'Chrome Raptor again, carries the 2004 Dradis..though it's never mentioned as a dedicated "AWACS" type craft. (Not enough time?). She clearly can carry personnel. And it was made very obvious in the early B'n'C epis (Coker bitching about his payload) this OLDER version of the Raptor was a weapons platform. I was thinking...okay like a modified Blackhawk Helo...which can carry both. Then came what you mentioned the Tail gunner scene. Oh how the future Raptors would of loved to have more rear defense like her ancestors did. With the moving of the engines, that created the opportunity to either use it as a hatch or...a gunner position. The Tailfins, with canopy and guns kinda reminded me of a B-25 Mitchell Aft gun position. I don't recall the B'n'C Raptor "jumping." Was that just Coker's Raptor or does it go for all of them. Not sure. It was an odd remake for the Raptor. Some elements suggested a backwards, that is "primitive" Raptor. Others however are more consistent with your thinking perhaps...More Firepower from the get go for the Raptor. -B As for Coker being a distant relative of Kara Thrace....well...if the series were picked up...:)
  2. I am not certain what ships you are referring to. I have noticed Viper Variants that are unfamiliar. The Raptor is using a "Firefly" style rotating engine system, which did not strike me as an advancement in Tech. The Vipers I do agree with you on, and hopefully those who put her on these in the show(s) will develop a "family tree." I understand some of those different Vipers are from one of those high end video games (potentially multiple player). Galactica hasn't shown any new tech to me in the brief frames. Since she's being saved (from a plot perspective) of the ship that comes to the rescue. None of the escorts struck me as showing anything new. The Osiris just had different form of flak battery...being in the past it had to look different. I when I first saw them deploy I thought they looked like Quad Soviet Anti-Ship Missiles used on some of their Naval vessels of the 80s. If you are referring to the Cylon capital ships shown so far, the one that battles the Osiris is definitely a new design. The missile launchers were very crude looking on her. As for her shape, I see your line of thought perhaps. It definitely has a bit of Ron Moore's basestar look from 2004 added to the conventional round design we expect. So aside from the Cylon Basestar in the Osiris fight and the Vipers in B'n'C...they've pretty much kept things the same. And I am not going to post a spoiler image to how..."Intact" Galactica looked in her prime. -Precip
  3. Greetings, Pleased to mention Blood and Chrome "Webisodes" are available on You Tube. It's quite that the small segments being aired were never meant to be split up, rather a two hour Pilot. Thus the quality of these first two released "Webisodes" are far beyond those aired on with BSG in the past. As you are aware direct linking is forbidden on STSF messageboards. But the You Tube Channel you want to visit to see the BSG Blood and Chrome "Webisodes" will be the MachinimaPrime Channel. To my knowledge there will be ten of them. I heard Doug Drexler in a podcast discuss how Galactica would be depicted differently in many ways in her prime, Her first beauty shot is not one to miss. -Precip "Frakkin' Great in HD!"
  4. 2418 THE REPLAY CYCLE Guardian Precinct Headquarters, “Unspeakable Zone” Interrogation Room Gamma Annoying Shop Talk between Cops... My ODRI goes wild...so does everyone else’s... Klingons arrive... that is new. Sheriff says, “Look at me! Not your ODRIs,” and begins speech... Motors come... guns blazing. Klingons speeder blows up... an arm flies by... Deputy says open fire. Guardians shoot back.. Another speeder hit and burns... Dad says run! I ask Dad to use his hunting rifle... look back... ball of fire... Forward now... Deputy hit in front of me by beam, lifted off his feet... A loud boom... I turn around... nothing but flame... I go for Dad’s gun. I run up the stairs... to the roof... Smoke billows out of roof door with me as I exit... I see the attackers... I see Nausicaans.... I lie down... and aim... Kill... Kill... Kill... Kill... I hear a voice... behind a Guardian yelling for me to aim for the other side... I obey... and... Kill... Kill.... Dad... got to get Dad.... Collide with Guardian... who says we need to get off the building, it’s going to blow... I ask about Dad.... “Your Dad is gone, Son..” Dad is gone... that can’t be... A Guardian coat is thrown over my head.... “Do not take the coat off your head... I’ll walk you off the back escape ladder!” Dad... “Son.... Later.... We have to move....” Mark Winston broke from his of his mental replay cycle briefly when the Guardian asked him if he needed anything. “Just my Dad” “We’ll take care of you, Mark. I promise.” “When can I go home?” “When we find you a new one, and I am certain people at this station are going to help you with that. I have to leave, Mark.” “Are you coming back?” “Yes. And the name is Jiles, Mark. I’ll be back with some fresh clothes. Give me a few minutes.” He closed the door to the room. And the cycle repeated itself yet again in Mark Winston’s head. Annoying shop talk between cops.... 2420 Guardian Precinct Headquarters, “Unspeakable Zone” Office of Maxwell Symanck, MD Dr. Symanck paused the security recording taken two years ago and leaned back to study the image frozen on the screen: that of a young man who had just lost his father and his home. A paste of dust and soot masked the boy’s face, dry tears smeared throughout. A dark rim around his eyes marked the squint that had probably shielded them from exploding particles. Dry, cracked lips hung open in shock and his forearms rested uneasily on his thighs, legs bouncing in anxiety, tattered clothes askew. Throughout the Guardians’ questioning the boy’s breathing had come in short, shallow gulps with an occasional shudder and his blank stare pinned the opposite wall with only an occasional flick aside to recognize the presence of the Guardian who had saved him: Jiles Benson. Veteran Lawman and one of the most respected officers on the force, Benson had since taken the boy into his care, had become his mentor, and was now his senior partner. By showing such compassion for a lost young man, Benson epitomized the kind of Guardian engendered by Marshall Amanda Savoy. But the subject of today’s interview was not Jiles Benson. Today Maxwell Symanck, MD, focused on the rookie before him, Mark Winston, as the recent academy graduate watched the video of his father’s death. Appointed Chief of Psychiatry by Marshall Savoy, Symanck was responsible for evaluating Tranquility City’s Guardians, including their elite, their new recruits, and their rookies. Today, as in every case, he was judging the young man’s responses to the video and looking for psychological indicators of instability: anything that would hinder performance, make him vulnerable to corruption, or make him snap at the first chance for revenge. The last interview in an increasingly intense sequence, this, in essence, was the “final exam” for Mark Winston. Dr. Symanck took his focus from the screen and leaned forward to rest his forearms casually on the table. “What was going through your mind at that point, Mark?” “Well Doc,a whirlwind of thoughts and visual memories going over and over like a distress signal of a starship.” “Visual memories such as...?” Mark leaned forward from the cushioned chair resting his elbows on his knees and his head on clasped hands, focusing on the doctor’s eyes. “After Jiles left me in that room with his coat, my mind was in a state of cyclic replay of visual fragments of what happened at the garage two years ago. I think it is fair to say I was quite traumatized by what happened. And I kept looking for a visual event where I could have changed what happened.” Mark retreated into the comfortable office chair provided for Dr. Symanck’s patients. “After so many replays and a few gentle words from others you realize there was nothing else you could have done that particular day.” “Having any flashbacks... either in your dreams, when you’re training, or on patrol?” “None recently, Doctor. I had them for a few months after the attack, as you know from our sessions. Those subsided. Lawman Benson seemed to divert my attention to the academia of Guardian Law Enforcement, and...” he chuckled, “...my liking for reading history. He said ‘stick with that and keep learning.’ It did help. “During the recent riots, Lawman Benson was my partner. Senior. He was the same Guardian that got me off the roof of that garage before it collapsed. He has been a...” Mark was lost searching for the word,“...an adopted Father for me.” Mark turned his gaze from Dr. Symanck to the floor briefly. “Funny, I am not sure if that is right.” Max rocked back in his chair. The muffled pulse of its inner coils created a calming effect with most patients. “If what’s right? That he was your senior or that he seemed like an adopted father?” “The decision for him to be my senior partner was not his choice nor my own. That decision came from Sheriff Knorr. He made the call. I am still alive. Jiles has succeeded in being my senior; that was the right call. I had no prior experience doing anything security wise before. Yes I knew how to use a gun; but that is different.” Mark paused. “I did not answer your first question, did I?” Mark looked at Dr. Symanck’s eyes. “I would be lying if I said that during the first several months of training, at the pistol range in particular, I didn’t have some memories flash before me. But those have seem to have faded into obscurity or they only arise in our sessions. “I have not killed anyone since taking the Lawman Oath. One would think somebody who blew six beings’ heads off would be on the trigger-happy side. Lawman Benson has been very instructive on the use of deadly force as a Lawman, aside from the academia.” “And what about the men who killed your father?” “Prior to the riots, Marshall Savoy herself paid me an unexpected visit one day after judiciary class. She said something like, ‘excel above others by dismantling wanton thoughts of petty revenge; use justice as your armor and strength against corruption of the mind and the law itself.’ I was quite flattered that she said that to me. I guess she knew I was probably going to be a Lawman in the end. Maybe I was a concern to her, regarding the Nausicaan population of Tranquility City.” “Does the Nausicaan population in the city disturb you?” “The Marshall really put the heat on the Nausicaan biker gangs after that incident, as you well know. They seem to have, as Jiles said, ‘gone underground or basically kicked out of town.’ There are, I believe, over 1,000 Nausicaans who we know of. Jiles thinks there may be more, but they are in no position whatsoever to organize as they did years ago. No, I wouldn’t say they concern me today more than an Orion, Andorian, or Human. Any species is capable of criminal activity. Even Vulcans.” Symanck gave a thoughtful nod, hands folded and resting in his lap. “Before we conclude, is there anything you’d like to ask me, Mark?” Mark warmly looked at the old man who, along with Jiles, had rebuilt his psyche the last two years. “I’d like to ask if we can continue sessions in the future. The reason being: Jiles has said inevitably a Guardian will have to use lethal force during his career. And he thinks the Sheriff is going to want me to use my father’s old rifle again as a ‘long- arm’ of the Sunset District.” “Of course, Mark,” he replied. “My office door is always open. And if it’s not the office, then wherever you feel most comfortable. In fact,” he paused, a grin playing on his lips, “I wouldn’t say no to the offer of a drink once in a while. But...” Dr. Symanck rocked out of his chair and extended his hand. “...I don’t want you to be late for duty. Good luck, Mark. You’re a good man. Your father taught you well. Never forget him; he was your first and most important teacher.” Mark held up his late father’s ODRI on his wrist. “Thanks Doc. This will always remind me of my father and principles he instilled in me. He was not a perfect man. But who is? “ Mark grinned at the doc and exited the office in a hurry to catch lunch with Jiles Benson. ======================= “Long-Arm” - Tranquility City Guardian slang for Sniper “ODRI” -Optical Data Relay Interface ref:Qob Tranquility Base: ODRI ref:ODRI & You
  5. Damage to Enterprise Shuttle

    ::palm to forehead::
  6. Don't Birds bomb Cars with their crap enough anyways! Now they want our wipers!
  7. 2018 The Guardian Response (A Winston Chronicle written by Joe Manning) “Unspeakable District;” Close to the remains of the Winston Garage. 14 hours after the Attack. Over twenty hovering A/V recorders sprang into the air like bees disturbed from a nest. They all pointed toward the makeshift platform, nothing more than a large display shelf turned on its side. The crowd slowly fell silent waiting for the speaker to reach the voice amplifier. The media assemblage had been herded into a cleared area at the back of an abandoned hardware store, where no windows offered a view of the scene outside. Lighting had been quickly strung up along the wall and platform, but the area was still dim and all but a cleared path to the old store’s entrance was shrouded in darkness. It made the reporters uneasy -- possibly the intent -- to know the rumors that this store and all the still-derelict structures of the strip mall were haunted, that strange noises were often heard from below the city platform’s surface and shadowy figures seen flitting in and out of front doors. Even if the superstitious whispers came only from the vagrants who picked at the ruins of the strip mall, this area of the Sunset District had had a bad reputation for years. The Sunset District in general had once been prosperous, in the days when Tranquility was first born. As the city grew and Sunrise District sprang up to provide new more expensive housing, class division began to take hold. Sunset District became the Unspeakable District to the layman, a nesting place for the poor souls who found their way to Tranquility with little wealth to share. Failing to find the fortunes that the brochures had promised, many turned to desperate means to survive, and the crime rate began to climb. It was said that the strip mall’s neighborhood had been caught in the grip of a terrible gang. When business owners began to abandon the area; driven away by the extorting and vandalizing band of criminals. The neighborhood became a ruin, abandoned even by the gang itself. Eventually, its only purpose in Tranquility was to serve as a battleground between Guardian patrols and the bikers of the Cycles of Death. That changed when the garage opened across the street. As the speeder garage attracted a heightened Guardian presence to the neighborhood, criminals and vagrants began emigrating to other areas. New business owners took their place, claiming the abandoned storefronts and ushering in a wave of renovation and commercial growth. The garage had been a beacon around which rallied champions of the prosperity that Tranquility was supposed to represent, the prosperity that had abandoned Sunset District. Then the beacon was snuffed out. Sunset District, it seemed, would resist any renovation. Now the locals and the Tranquility press wondered what the neighborhood’s future would hold, whether the garage would soon be another object of “supernatural” rumors. The new Marshall of Tranquility’s Guardians, the fiercely energetic woman who had risen through the ranks by exposing the corruption of her peers and superiors, strode up to the amplifier. Her tall form was wrapped in the white leather of a Marshall’s jumpsuit, and the silver star on her breast caught the meager light and flashed. Her short blond hair was drawn back, neat and straight, over her scalp and her face showed determination and, perhaps, barely concealed anger. “Amanda Savoy, Marshall of Tranquility City will speak,” the public relations’ officer’s voice announced the woman’s arrival over the nearby speakers. “Thank you all for your patience,” the Marshall said. “I will begin with the facts as we are aware of them at this time, though I warn you that we are still investigating this incident and that there are several points which we have deemed classified for the time being. “Fourteen hours ago, the Winston Garage across the street became the target of a brutal attack during a ceremony honoring the garage’s owner Daniel Winston. Eyewitness reports combined with analysis of the scene suggests the involvement of a local Nausicaan gang known as the Cycles of Death. “We can confirm the unfortunate deaths of Daniel Winston and all seventeen Guardian officers who were present at the ceremony, including Sunset District Sheriff Iktar Senar and his personal Deputy Ethan Shrike. Families of the other officers are still being contacted and their names will not be released at this time. Additionally, we can confirm that three guests of honor -- local Klingon civic leaders -- were present at the ceremony. Two of these lost their lives in the attack and the third was rushed to a local care facility with severe injuries. “It is believed that there were six attackers. Though we are not prepared to disclose details at this time, all six of the assailants were killed during the attack. We believe that this was a small group of the larger organization, carrying out this attack on behalf of the gang’s leaders. The intent was clearly to catch a large group of Guardian officers, including the ranking officers of Sunset District, in one place. It is also possible that the gang intended to disrupt the speeder services being provided by the Winston Garage to Sunset District’s patrols, services which were allowing the Guardians to keep pace with the gang’s vehicles. The garage, unfortunately, was lost, burned to the ground in the wake of the attack. “This most recent attack is the most brutal and focused effort in a long history of violence perpetrated by this biker gang against Guardian forces in the District. Its intent was to weaken and possibly to scare off Guardian presence in the district. I can assure you that it will accomplish neither goal. As I speak, Guardian personnel are being redirected from other Districts to secure this area and to sniff out the trail that is surely to lead to the gang’s leaders. In short time, the Cycles of Death will be made to answer for these heinous crimes and this neighborhood will be kept on its recent path of improvement. “The Winston Garage was an instrumental component in uplifting this area from its downtrodden state. Its loss, rather than diminishing that spirit of reform in the Sunset District, should give it new life. Presented now is the opportunity for citizens of the District to find new purpose and new hope for their lives by enlisting with the Guardians and helping us root out these undesirable elements from our city. The Guardians are here to ensure your safety and to make your city a pleasant refuge for all. Give us your help for your own sake and for the sake of your neighbors and your loved ones. “This call I send out also to the District’s Klingon population. The anger you must surely feel for this brazen attack on your esteemed representatives is also the anger that I feel. I urge you to direct your anger into a constructive purpose. Lend your aid to the Guardians so that, together, we may bring justice upon the perpetrators of the attack. In this District that has long fostered sentiments of social isolation and self-interest, we need cooperation now more than ever. Help us retake the Sunset District. “Until a replacement is named for Sheriff Senar, I will be directly overseeing Guardian operations in the Sunset District. Deputy Knorr of Latinum District is currently on site managing the investigation and he will act as my Deputy here for the time being. The Guardian presence in this District is only going to be strengthened by these events. “Now, are there any questions?”
  8. Tired Eyes Sunset Precinct HQ 12 hours after the “Garage Shootout” Deputy Al Knorr was exhausted. The only thing that kept him going was a constant replenishment of caf. The Garage Shootout was an utter disaster, forcing him to make trips to the Sunset Precinct Headquarters and the crime scene numerous times in an armored “Bessie.”* “Bessies” were designed for riot control not for comfort. The unnerving item was that he still felt unsafe being in the armored vehicle. But it was part of the job he decided to take on when the frantic calls from Fire Dispatch “Lawmen Down!” He had no clue how many had indeed lost their lives at the time. The number of dead was still unclear. He was currently in an annex room at the headquarters of a Guardian precinct that just lost itsSheriff, Deputy, and the bulk of its experienced Lawmen. Knorr refused to use the deceased Sheriff’s office, despite being better equipped to handle the situation. It just didn’t feel right, and it appeared to be a wise move appreciated by the Guardian staff present. He chose the annex for his Command and Control center with the staff moving in what he needed in terms of communication and other hardware. Despite being exhausted, Knorr had to continue working. This precinct took a huge emotional hit. Some Vulcans in the Guardian force were able to control their emotions. He envied that ability. The rest were a mess, and all Knorr could do was show some form of leadership. He also had reported this to Guardian HQ; this was far beyond what one precinct could handle. Until the Marshall of Tranquility City deemed the incident contained, Deputy Knorr was going to have to remain here along with the additional assets borrowed from the Latinum District. Upon her arrival, he presumed he would be relieved to return to his home district. Knorr was about to doze off when his “long-arm”* Lawmen Parson arrived in the annex. He was Latinum Precinct’s best shot, or in older earth terms: Sniper. Parson clearly had new opinions and observations to report. “Sir, you alright? You look-” “I look like targ fodder, I know Parson. I’d like your report please. The Marshall is on her way and she certainly will want a detailed briefing.” “Marshall Savoy? Frak! Makes sense,” the lawman responded. “Deputy, I did my best with what was available. Since the building did not survive the attack. I had to do some estimates at exactly where the shots were taken with that... Thing of a weapon that kid purportedly used. I would be more useful if I had a chance to look at that slugthrower.”* “Two Precincts’ tech engineers are studying it right now,” Knorr replied rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “The report I received from them was it was a slugthrower of unique design, something not seen before. I’ve been told we might need a fleet engineer to figure it out.” “Alright, sir. What I can tell you is based on the remains of the attackers. The ‘suspect’”- “Witness,” corrected Knorr. Parson corrected himself. “The witness fired shots ranging from 10 meters to about 30 on moving targets. Hitting targets from that range many lawmen can do. The fact that they were all headshots, in close quarters; shows the witness has some skill. I’d be curious as heck to see how far that rifle can fire. The extreme velocity of the rounds impacting Nausicaan skulls created an utter forensics ‘spatter’ mess of a crime scene. Finding all the rounds from the slugthrower are taking some time. Some were found embedded in adjacent structures, literally putting craters in adjacent buildings. That slugthrower’s muzzle velocity from what I ascertain, is the fastest I have ever seen.” “Sir, I highly doubt the kid fired that weapon,” Parson concluded shaking his head. “I base that on accuracy of the shots, and the type of weapon fired. Most likely the Lawman who also survived killed the attackers.” “Lawmen Benson did not claim credit for shooting the Nausicaans. He testified that he witnessed the kid fire four shots. Usually most lawmen who observe something like that are quick to say they did it trying to get the credit. Benson is not doing that. He insists the young witness took the shots.” Parson had to ask. “Permission to speak with the witness?” “Denied.” Knorr replied immediately. “The minor lost his father in the attack, and based on what I saw I could tell he’s in a state of shock. We are awaiting a trauma specialist to debrief the minor; she is enroute with the Marshall.” “Hey, is it true a Klingon survived as well? The reason I ask, it is possible the shooter was a Klingon. That would also explain things from my end.” Deputy Knorr looked at Parson and shook his head. “We are not talking about the Klingons in the situation until the Marshall arrives. Is that understood Lawmen Parson?” Parson took the hint. “Yes sir. Am I to remain here to assist the Marshall in a possible brief?” Al Knorr had not thought of that. Fatigue was taking its toll. He still had to figure out the ODRI failure issue that vexed him. “Yes, you being a ‘long-arm’, she might need your opinion on how the heck not one Guardian shot killed a Nausicaan, and a civilian killed them all. That weapon will be available for her and anyone she brings to analyze. I will leave the decision to interview witness by yourself, in the hands of the Marshall.” The temporary desk comm set up for Deputy Knorr’s lit up. The Deputy answered the Comm bluntly. “Knorr speaking” The Comm broadcasted a young female’s voice: “Deputy, the Fire Chief has arrived and he’d like to brief you on the fire that burned down the garage” Knorr finished another cup of coffee and responded. “Inform the Fire Chief that Marshall Savoy will be arriving shortly and he might want to ‘dot the i’s and cross the t’s’ to his brief. And I think all of us will have do just that given this tragedy. That will be all.” ___________________________________ Bessie - Guardian slang for Multipurpose heavy vehicle used by the Guardians of Tranquility City, modified for various uses. Including Law Enforcement, Firefighting among others. Other worlds of Bull’s Head use them for mining vehicles and tanks. long-arm- Tranquility City Guardian slang used for a sniper. Slugthrower- A weapon that fires a projectile rather than a beam, like a phaser or disruptor. Rarely used since their firepower was limited by the amount of projectiles the weapon carried.
  9. Antares Fleet Yards Orbital Office Complex One Mitar Precip had arrived at his new home. It would no longer be a starship, but an orbital office of an old “Regula” construction type. This did not bother Mitar, for in his mind his career was over and a desk job was his sentence. This desk job however was a bit different. There was a sense of urgency behind what was going on at the Antares Fleet Yards. Upon arrival, Mitar was immediately assigned a small office saucer with a view of what was transpiring at the Starship construction facility. Next came a quick visit from a Commander he definitely had heard of: Commander Shelby, Strategic Planning Officer for Operation “Blue Line.” She was quick and to the point, she needed ideas, not a guilt-ridden officer who could not get along with his superior officer. She also wanted some information. Mitar was uncertain of her clearance level until using her command codes she drew up the roster of the “Black Ops” wing. Precip couldn’t help but notice Manticore being the group’s flagship. But Shelby was far more interested in the other “hulls” as she described them and how they were performing. He had to be honest, and inform Shelby it was rare for ships in the Consul General Black Ops fleet to operate together. Shelby was disappointed, but welcomed Precip to the team. Mitar mentioned he wasn’t certain what he was exactly supposed to do. “Think” Shelby said “Think outside the box anything to prevent another Wolf 359.” The Bolian returned his thoughts to the present view outside his office window. What was going outside was utterly amazing: dozens of new space docks under construction. Two huge orbital starbases, larger than the one in orbit of Earth, were being built. Starfleet was clearly beginning the next fight against the Borg. “People,” Mitar spoke to the scene outside the orbital complex. It wasn’t a ship that stopped the Borg, it was a crew. “Commander Shelby, you need to find the crews like the Enterprise and... Manticore.”
  10. There is without a doubt many people who are not happy with the "JJVerse." You can add tons of gripes by these Star Trek Fans who thought JJ Abrams reload was heretical, or had other issues. I believe the movie was PG-13. Although, it has been cited the movie cost 150 million to make; it grossed worldwide over 385 million. From the "Bottom Line" perspective "Star Trek 2009 " by far was highest grossing Star Trek Movie of all time. "Primeliners" and "Purists" of Star Trek have to accept that fact. With that success Paramount ponied up for another movie, currently in production. People can criticize the movie all they want. Heck I have some gripes, but I accepted the movie as an amazing success. Calestorm is correct this movie falls into family entertainment. They could make a toy-line from the movie. (I did have a hard time catching kids wearing Star Trek T-shirts though) People will always reject certain works. But like it or not, as foolish as they may be while they are doing it... They are entitled to their opinion. The key thing is of course is how they deliver it. Star Trek Nemesis is one of the prior movies that has been lambasted by Star Trek Fans for their portrayal of the Romulans and their society. It's happened before...it will happen again. You'll always have critics. Some good of course..some downright idiotic.
  11. Philosophically Ethan Neufeld that is a hard post to follow. You are correct I believe, many Star Trek races portray human traits/faults. However, our own traits/faults or emotions are all we have to draw upon for a Alien race. I agree, races like the Ferengi are portraying the human vice of "Greed." Yet overtime we saw more than greed from Quark, Rom and his son. We saw an alien culture develop on screen, Yes. The start was most certainly "Greed" but we saw other traits develop. I think Armin Shimerman deserves credit for getting the writers of DS9 to move beyond the Ferengi form the one word starter "human" trait :Greed. Most races never got the chance. Nausicaans (although one was seen in an auction at DS9 bidding on an antique not clobbering people). Romulans, the worst case I think never got the chance to develop away from their assigned Human trait :paranoia. They never were given a seven year character to work with. Now, of course one can turn to the countless fictional books written by many authors over the years. The fictional books provide the opportunity to have characters move on from their Human Trait Label, easier than an hour long TV show. Many embrace these works. Yet I believe the powers that be in Trek have declared fictional books Non-Canon. Of course here in STSF, we can liberate ourselves from that declaration with permission of the Council I believe. We have at least one sim of I am aware of that is based on a fictional writers work..maybe more. I would like to think a Star Trek Race was created not on the basis of a human trait, however humans created Star Trek. Where is an alien writer for Star Trek when we could use him to add something different. ;) BTW..best Human deviation from perfection I believe was on DS9 with bringing the Romulans into the war with Garak's insistence. That was a fantastic departure from the fictitious human perfection genre. Precip If you made it this far..I salute you!
  12. My guess is the Facebooker being described as "elitist" is probably my age. Post TOS Essentially A Star Wars kid, who didn't really care much about Trek until the movies came. Then the poster was first treated to "Trek" with TNG, and went to DS9 then Voyager. Where I chose to rediscover TOS while watching TNG..this poster may of tried but just had to have "the modern look" Foam Rocks unacceptable. Kinda sad . If the poster only read the reference books that are so hard to come by and discover the history of The Original Series perhaps a greater appreciation may of developed. I cannot say for sure why Enterprise was left off. I have a theory though below. What I am fairly certain of is this person is a "Primeliner" a group of fans who chose to cling those happenings of the TOS (which this quote omitted),TNG,DS9 ,VOY timeline. Enterprise perhaps this poster considered revisionist history unacceptable to the "Primeline." he/she so adheres to. I would really like to see the whole FB post on where this came from. Just a single sentence rant. Or something like I tend to do and go on for ever on a topic. (People are reaching for the mouse now). I personally would not call the three shows mentioned "elitist" nor the poster. I don't see anything "elitist" about them. Again the full post would be nice here. But I am aware of a base of Trek fans known as "Primliners" who desperately want to see a show with the Enterprise-F or something. They do not want Vulcan destroyed, they don't want Romulus wiped off the slate..and they certainly do not want the Original NCC-1701 launched from the surface of Earth, purported to be the same size as the Enterprise D. Heresy!!! That is my guess where this person is coming from. Sorry I tend only to mention the ship angle..for those who have survived my posts on this forum a habit of mine. Oh and yes I sim on the Qob as well as Manticore. And I love both universes they are in. Thank you, Mitar Precip
  13. (Note: This Chronicle was written by Joe Manning and Mitar Precip) 2418 12 hours after the “Garage Shootout” Top Brass Guardian Headquarters, Tranquility City The aide was clearly not himself. Nor was any Guardian in the city at the moment. But his job was to debrief the Constable and the Marshall on the latest casualty figures, supplied by a Deputy who took charge of the scene ... some Deputy from Latinum District named Albert Knorr. He was nervous, how many his age get to brief a Constable? The young man noted the office was what expected of a Vulcan’s spartan office. Little Decor, all that was there was for the Constable’s office to function. “Uh, the Deputy on scene, sir, reports the following. Sunset District Sheriff Iktar Senar and Deputy Ethan Shrike are confirmed dead along with 15 other Guardians. Two Klingons were also killed, along with the civilian that Sheriff Senar called to the assembly ... his name Daniel Winston. Apparently this individual was responsible for greatly improving the Sunset District’s speeders and taught classes to their mechanics. The Deputy on scene speculated that this made him a target.” “All the attackers were killed. Six Nausicaans, all with tattoos or marks on vehicles identifying them as Cycles of Death members. “We lost four speeders, and a Klingon speeder was also destroyed. The Garage Facility itself was unable to be saved by Guardian Fire Authority. A total loss.” “The media is attempting it’s best to access the scene, but surviving Guardians are keeping them at bay. The Deputy on scene reports replacements from other districts should be considered due to ... emotional reasons.” The aide tried to change his tone. “But, he also reported survivors -- one Guardian, a civilian believed to be Daniel Winston’s son, and a Klingon who lost an arm and was taken by Klingon personnel on the scene to their ‘care’ facility.” Constable La’Nok stood still with his arms folded behind his back, listening to the aide’s report with an almost statuesque emotional detachment. He did not so much as raise an eyebrow when the aide hesitated in suggesting personnel replacements for purely sentimental reasons. La’Nok, naturally, thought such a suggestion to be foolish, but he kept this to himself. If Vulcans had learned nothing over the past three decades, it was to keep their opinions on the emotionalism of others to themselves; it was the ones who chose to speak out who got themselves in trouble. “Deputy Knorr normally supervises patrols in Latinum District‘s Red Sector.” The Vulcan turned to the Marshall’s secretary, seated in a small plastic chair to the side of the Constable’s desk. “It adjoins Sunset District. Given the proximity and the Deputy’s familiarity with its patrolmen, we will reallocate personnel from there. Notify Sheriff Tolson immediately.” He returned his attention to the youthful aide, standing expectantly on the other side of the desk. “The Marshall is on her way to Sunset District. She will assume the duties of Sheriff there. Deputy Knorr will assist her directly. In the meantime, all witnesses, including survivors, should be gathered for interrogation as soon as they are capable of answering questions. “The Marshall is bringing our public relations officer with her. He will issue a statement directly to the gathered press. They are to be notified at once that this statement is forthcoming. Deputy Knorr should designate a conference location a considerable distance from the site of the attack and direct the reporters there.” “Should we begin considering permanent replacements for Sheriff Senar?” the Marshall’s secretary asked. “This is not the time,” La’Nok replied, with a sharp look at the secretary. “The Marshall will assume authority for now to provide strong on-site leadership and to stabilize the situation. She will most likely name Deputy Knorr Sheriff shortly after her arrival.” “With your permission sir, I shall pass on via ODRI Deputy Knorr’s instructions?” The Guardian intern asked with haste, he truly was uncomfortable in the Constable’s presence. “Or would you have me deliver them personally, Constable La`Nok?” “I would have you deliver the instructions at once,” La’Nok answered with a raised eyebrow, his tone coldly matter-of-fact. “Your location beyond that is Deputy Knorr’s concern.” “Y-yes sir!” He replied nervously with haste, proceeded to bow and dismiss himself from the constables office. Once outside the office the young aide, noticed he was in a cold sweat. After clearing his mind he, immediately went about following the Vulcan Constable’s orders. “What a day and I volunteered for this!” Several Guardians overheard the young human as he quickly jogged down the hall. They shook their heads at the youth’s vocal exasperation.
  14. I have seen people literally build from scratch "okudagram" frames using flash, or photoshop..of course my limitation to those who have simmed with me is my ability to use programs or have them. I am hoping Windows 7 Paint can create an "Okudagram" that's all I have at the moment. and I do not have ample resources nor the gifted mind to purchase anything like those. *Okay guilty as charged as a repost, but again any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Mitar Precip/Byblos Manticore/Qob Simmer
  15. Star Trek Reference Books are a premium these days. I think Pocket Books may be dumping the Star Trek Franchise. This is a bit of speculation on my part from various tid bits of information. The only thing I buy now in terms of Star Trek publishing is the Ships of the Line Calendar. The Novels have been too inconsistent and conflicting for me to approach. However Starships from Novels have made it to the Calendar which is cool. The Aventine, and hopefully someday the Titan! Star Trek Star Charts gives me my only reference point for the Qob universe...one star system. Hence the need to some creative mapping! Mitar Precip/Byblos Qob Simmer