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About Mini-Me

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  1. Personal Log Mini-Me Resident Simian Pet USS Arcadia Stardate: 110408.06 >Begin Log< Mini-Me began to claw on the locked door onboard the Arcadia. His senses told him something was not right, he had attempted to use the com but it was locked out from the last time he had tried to use it to contact his owner. His heart pounded as he clawed with all his strength hoping someone would hear his relentless efforts and release him. He could sense the pain coming from his master who was light years away. Their bond was still strong even though they had been apart for awhile and were so far apart. He had to get to him and help him somehow, he didn’t know how but he had to somehow. He continued to claw at the door hoping someone would help him. >End Log<
  2. >Begin Log< Mini-Me paced in Nem’s quarters periodically swinging on his little tree, he appeared to be very worried about something. His fur jostled and his stomach growling, Where was Nemesis it was time for their usual swing in the holodeck, but he never showed up and Mini-Me was growing extremely nervous and anxious. He replicated a banana attempting to calm himself down and settle the growl in his stomach. The banana did him good for his stomach yet his worry did not cease. The thoughts ran through his of all terrible things that could’ve happened: Nem was dead, Nem abandoned him, He himself was dead, Nem was in trouble. He finally came to a positive thoughts sprang to his what if Nem had forgot what time it was and was somewhere aboard the ship. He jumped up to a Comm panel on the wall and pressed a button that would open the ship wide comm. He yelled “Nem where are you into the comm. Module” Though all what was heard on the other side due to that fact he’s aspect of the Monkien language was crude it came out appearing like random monkey noises to everyone else. The communications were cut and so were his chances for finding Nem. What was a monkey to do? >End Log<
  3. Of course I'd win, look at me I'm a powerhouse with a tail baby ::does Monkey flexes::