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Heather Jamieson

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About Heather Jamieson

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  1. Espresso Keb and Oolong Erich Keb pulled away from her protective embrace. She’d hugged Erich instinctively, and now felt embarrassed. She attempted to shield him from the panicked emotions that flooded him when the ship’s systems failed, and...it had somehow worked. Now as he calmed down, she realized his team had all seen them in an intimate embrace. Keb had wanted to help him, as he’d helped her...but perhaps she had only made things worse. “Erich...I’m sorry. I--I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” she said, though she was the one blushing. “I just...wanted to help you.” She wondered why she’d even thought she could help him. “When you grow up reading minds, the idea of embarrassment is meaningless.” Still, he was thankful she couldn’t read him. “I could have shoved you away.” He looked at the crew moving about Stellar Cartography, their silhouettes passing in front of lit consoles. “I think something is happening between us, perhaps on a chemical level.” Erich sensed her confusion and deepening self-consciousness. The dim light felt like a shield against prying eyes. “What do you mean--some kind of chemistry?” she asked quietly. “I was waiting to tell you, and after what happened earlier, I was not sure I’d ever tell you.” He turned away and then took a deep breath. “You have a very...open mind. It’s difficult not to hone in on your thoughts. It’s...intimate. I’m relaxed when I can hear your mind only, and I seem to have some calming influence on you as well. Your mind is an espresso in a galaxy of decaf.” He cringed at his own metaphor. “There must be a chemical reaction between us.” Keb’s discomfort increased as he further explained; she stepped away from him, protesting what he was saying though she’d experienced it herself. She wasn’t used to being an open book, or being somehow special. “I...I don’t know much about how Betazoid telepathy works,” she said, looking for a way to put her confusion in words. It was far more...diplomatic than where her thoughts were; it was one thing for him to read a moment of public shame, and quite another for him to know her most private thoughts. His eyes captured hers. “It normally doesn’t work this way. Your private thoughts should be just that, private. Look, you are very attached to this ship. I’ll put in for a transfer after this weather disaster passes us.” His heart fell into his stomach. “Wait, what?” she asked, shocked. “N-no, you--you shouldn’t have to leave just because of me.” He felt her dismay and walked past her, sitting against the rear wall of Stellar Cartography. It felt good to sit and talk even in the midst of the chaos. “I do not wish to leave, but I don’t want to make your life here more difficult.” Swallowing, Keb hesitated a moment before she sat next to him. “You haven’t made my life more difficult...you helped me just a couple hours ago when...you know. And whatever you did--I dunno, I just felt...lighter somehow. In a good way.” It was hard to put it into words, but Erich sensed how what he’d done made her feel closer to him and less isolated in her recovery. She should be angry over the mental violation but couldn’t bring herself to feel that way. And it wasn’t just that she didn’t want him to go on her account--it was that she would miss him. Erich looked at a spot on the ground in front of him. Her thoughts touched him. “That’s very nice of you. Not since leaving Betazed has anyone mentioned missing me.” Perhaps they could make coexisting on the ship work. He smiled as some thoughts from others filtered into his own, slipping through Keb’s tangled web of emotions. He laughed out loud at one of them, then looked up at her puzzled expression, hearing her question before she spoke. “Ensign Nosy over there thinks we should get a room. Someone’s getting a double shift.” He glanced around, wondering what her reaction would be. “Not the first thought like that I’ve heard.” Her cheeks glowed in the darkness. “I...was seen emerging from your quarters the other night. You know how gossip is on this ship.” “Gossip is second to only hydrogen as the most abundant element on a starship.” He smiled. “What’s done is done.” “I just don’t want it undermining your authority.” Or further undermining mine, if there’s any left. She bit her lip, curious. “Do...do they think we make a good couple?” she asked. “I do.” He hadn’t intended to let that slip, and hurried his next statement. “They think we are two dilithium crystals short of a matter/anti-matter reaction. So, yes. I’ve not sensed anyone thinking otherwise.” He mused for a moment. “I could send a poll to all crew asking that very question.” Keb looked alarmed until she realized he was teasing about the ship-wide poll. The notion of dating Erich hadn’t crossed her mind before; it felt strange at first, like tasting Klingon bloodwine for the first time. And yet the flavor of the idea had an appeal she couldn’t shake. “Bloodwine? That smarts,” he said playfully. “I’d like to think I’m more like Oolong tea, myself.” Realization dawned that he could hear her considering him, feel her appraising gaze from both sides. She buried her face in her hands. He changed his tone. “Seriously, you don’t have to feel ashamed around me. I’d be concerned if you blindly considered it.” He lied, a little. Seeing her embarrassed was an evil treat. Delicious emotions cascaded through her. She was amused, intrigued--and fearful of the sudden shift in their relationship. “We don’t have to jump straight to the reaction chamber, but let me buy you dinner when we get power back.” He wrapped his pinky finger around hers, a small gesture to break the ice. She curled her finger around his in acceptance. “Okay.”
  2. Very nice read. Used a bit of this for my short log. :P :: puts down rusty pen ::
  3. The dimensions are wrong. Nanometers instead of light years? But this was all part of what Starfleet Science wanted as part of training for their ensigns. A holistic approach to science. Roots in one discipline and tendrils in all others. Gathering samples from shi... don't say it Heather... and being grabbed by feral creatures as a first away mission. All part of the ongoing training. Heather didn't mind. Really she didn't. She played in the mud with worms and such on Caldos, how was this any different. Sure preparing slides and performing scans for Dr. Weber was not cataloging stellar anomalies in newly explored regions of space. Not a problem. When asked how her virology was and answering with a 'how's your astrophysics?' Heather thought the response funny, but probably to her and not the doctor. She was on her fifth scan. What was on the scanner now was not a visual image, but one generated by the computer. Electrons were not small enough now. Heather peered into the hood of the display. Why not just a monitor everyone could see she did not know. Felt like wearing goggles. Strange. All the while Dr. Weber viewed the results in her office. Presumably she could get more work done while away from distractions of her staff. That Heather could understand. She knew the difference between being in the astrometrics lab alone versus with a group of chatterboxes. Much of the doctor's time was spent nursing a mug full of some hot beverage. Tea? Coffee? Coco? Over the course of hours Heather noticed the doctor getting many cups. Four or five? She'd have to ask just what it was. "Beep... beep... chirp," went yet another scanner. This was the DNA sequence thingy. The doctor would scream if she know Heather had forgotten the name. Probably the hardest machine to interpret results on. That was the doctors territory. There is one bio-scanning device the science officer wanted to know more about powered by nanites. Tiny tiny machines, probes, programmed to analyse specific molecular structures in tandem with other machine. A collective of machines working together. Sound familiar? Heather thought so until some science classes a few years back comparing Federation nanites to that of the Borg. Heather thought once again to remind herself to ask to study the nanites more closely. Was the programming similar for interstellar probes? Was their an effort underway to make them work like their nano-scale counterparts? This question would have to wait. Something else was bothering Dr. Weber and it was at the bottom of her mug. At least it used to be. Ensign Heather Jamieson Assistant Science Officer, Astrophysics U.S.S. Republic
  4. Starfleet Records Name: Heather Anne Jamieson Species: Human Ethnicity: Scottish, with the accent. Gender: Female Age: 29 Height: 1.73 meters (5"8") Weight: 66 kilograms (146 lbs) Hair color: Auburn Eye color: Green Skin Color: Caucasian with some freckles Homeworld: Caldos Colony (Approx. 200 ly from Sol) Department: Science Major: Astrophysics, Stellar Cartography Minor: Computer Programming Sensor Probes Family: Father: Douglas Jamieson Mother: Rachel Jamieson Siblings: Malcom Jamieson, Sarah Jamieson Assignment History: 2010.0405 Cadet to Ensign, USS Republic, Assistant Science, Astrophysics 2010.1018 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade 2011.0926 Promoted to Lientenant (despite diplomatic and coordination issues)