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Coach Pratt

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About Coach Pratt

  • Birthday 07/23/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    NE Ohio
  • Interests
    Coaching Yooth Girls Basketball and Softball. School (MIS major, University of Akron)
  1. grill.bmp Happy 4th from Ohio
  2. I bought a motorcycle. 60 MPG !!!!!!!
  3. It's just a little easier for motorcycles. less oil.
  4. sulfhaemoglobinaemia my foot, the Vulcans are here!!!!!!!!!!
  5. "Speedy" (Need to rename this one, not so speedy compared to the new Dell), "Pokey(Dell D500)", "E521" (New Dell), and the ever original "Laptop" (Old Compaq PII, still in service as a Spider Solitare laptop for my oldest).
  6. Sold a million Drumsticks at the concession stand this season. And who doesn't love the bonus nuts at the bottom of the wrapper. Just a little bonus :)
  7. For me it's Enterprise. I liked watching the Humans grow into the universe, starting as the upstart newbee with their weak warp engines to one of the founders of the Federation. It was also a new twist from all the other shows where the Fed ships were generally superior, where the NX class was just a class ahead of a Klingon garbage hauler. And how about the aliens? Andorians are cool (pun intended). And what red-blooded man didn't enjoy the Orion slave girls? And the Vulcans, those arrogant SOB's. Enterprise showed them as not emotionless, but emotion-suppressed. Well that's my rant. The Coach
  8. Go ahead, fall asleep