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asharu t'cel

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About asharu t'cel

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  1. ::eyes bugg out:: well i stand corrected i guess. sorry havent gotten to Voyeger as of yet still dealing with the last of TNG (books that is) and am trying to ration out the rest. cause after all theres no thrill like a new episode ya know, what ive seen i digg the E.M.H. the most, as yet that is only seen like 10 episodes all the way and i am after all at the mercy of programmers of tv. DS9 ive also seen like 5 and its good, like i said im rationing it out i dont want to suddenly realise that every episode of anything Trek i seen a thousand times.....just yet. i dunno Star Treks been a good train for me i dont want to come to the end of the line you may say quickly. rather i slowly relish every bit i get and digest it thourly. Vulcan patience and all. so i conceade to your knowlage and this caget stands corrected.
  2. well finally i got the time to go to my first Academy simm. still kinda confused as to what transpired but i gotta say im hooked. but i need to ask one thing, wheres the pockets? TOS?...no pockets,TNG?.... nope still none, DS9?...nope at least i dont think so, ditto for Voyeger. WHY? Enterprise they had cool jump suites with zippers and pockets galore. just saying one day lets say im in a simm and lets say need a plasma torch, i gotta go get it and then use it, and put it back. if i had pockets i would proably have most of the tools i need on me. but no alas no pockets. is this an issue that can be danced around? could a engineer have a utility outfit? does it have pockets? if so gimme. ah, yes the simm. like i said its mostly a blur and i usually got to replying post facto but i loved it.honestly cant wait to become CENG and bounce wonky ideas around,i have the tech guides and other books, i get ideas some good some bad but love to try em out. oh by the by can savagely beating a non-working item (exe. console) be quilified as "fixing" it? just asking because it usually works in real life. wouldn't wanna just bust that out on some poor CENG,.......... <CENG>AENG>T'cel fix that comm terminal AENG>CENG yes sir ::casually strolls over to repair comm, comm refuses to come on:: AENG> ::walks around to the side opens conpartment and gets shocked badly:: AENG> ::utters curse as he violently beats comm with hydrospanner, lights flicker comm comes on fully functional:: AENG>CENG::tosses CENG hydrospanner::fixed sir. i dunno if that'll fly ya know? but as i simm more im sure i'll learn the ropes, i had fun and saved a lot of people( i think) so all in all good times, good times.
  3. it all starts with a TOS episode at like three am, for some its "Amok Time" others "The Enterprise Incident" but the fact is a ciurcit you never knew about clicks and you usually go wow followed by "what if..." or for some like me " i bet i could...." and normaly ended in "build that". some dig space and some dig the grunt in the red shirt **moment of silence** others command or science. and some saw that beautiful ship whos shape you didnt quite get till you really looked at it the beeps and mechanical noises, well they have quite an impact on the young mind of many children mainly me, because if i wasnt talking about myself i woulda wasted like what five minutes of your time? so i drempt and thought of how to make the world i saw real, after a few years an countless books and other stuff im still workin on it. but the dream remains. by the tme i got around to watching TNG in my teens i was struck by how plausable it all seemed. you looked at the controls and the christmas tree lights were replaced with something that at least looked real and workable, and like i can build it,hehe. now years latter looking at all this technologial junk that you really dont need but wow its cool and you can see the influnce of one man's dreams so long ago. art reflects life, can art spawn its self to its own creation? this i wonder as i use a newer computer proably alredy outdated that's umpteen times better than anything around when i was born,satellites bangin around throwing this rant out into a sea of information i look at my flip top cellphone and the little ipod thing that refuses to allow me to unlock its mysteries and the model of the gracefull 1701 "as Scotty may say no bloody a,b,c,or d." and it seems nearly in reach that someday mayby not the Enterprise we know and love but another majestic ship that will surely bear the name Enterprise will sail through the stars and perhaps i may get a chance. then i hit the computer because it steadfastly refuses to obey and come back to reality but as always the dream remains. P.S. i just found spellcheck and am not using it for the principal of the thing, if the english language cand be broken down to abbreviations exp. LOL ect then i can butcher my spelling and or grammer.::stamps foot selfrightiously and storms away::
  4. by the by if i consistantly misspell things gimme a break please look at the time i usually post! its a wonder i can even string together a sentence. i look forward to serving with you all.
  5. Ash here, just wanted to say thanks for the advice and yeah i read Mooses tips and found some great advice that will help and the such. im still trying to get to the computer in the time span to go to the Acadamy. heh i just moved and as an engineerig hopeful i hate to say this but i dunno about this new computer and am greatly troubled by the high speed internet setup, it swwms i have a union broadband modem that only works when it feels inclined. its kinda wired being only in my early 20"s and hoplessly behind the times. i am positive that realigning the warp nacells has to be easier than anything having to do with windows. heh at least i have several tech guides to Trek, fairly sure that the comps instructions are written in orion or perhaps romulan. all part of the head ache getting settled in to a new place. Its nice that someone has feilded my questions. the last Trek thing i checked out left me high and dry. so thanks for the warm reception. again by the by so im ready when the moons and stars align and the acadmy is graced by my presence, i would like to flesh out my alter ego Ash a bit and well just a list of don'ts would proably work better than do's. i think Asharu T'cel is a pretty rock steady name huh? well rambled on enough, still debating if two posts qualifies me as a blogger or something, i dunno. i just sincerly hope that i can share the experence that is Star Trek with you all and be a valuable asset to a fine ship and crew. honestly i dont have asperations for command i just want to take things apart, find innovative new solutions, and be the angel that answers your prayers when sheilds go down and life support is failing. i am admitdly more TNG in my Trekkieness but still hold mister Scott on high. so there you go more ranting and raving from the one and only Asharu T'cel .
  6. guessing that everything was done right seeing the post being here and such i seem to be on the right "trek" heh heh ok not funny. being blatently honest i have little or now clue to what i am doing and am assuming that i must arrive at a certin chat at a certin time and am fairly confident i can handle that much. with that said i am still totally clueless as to what to say, do or as to how to say and do it. anyways i am Asharu T'cel and hopefull to get into engineering and any help thrown this poor misguided soul new to the experence would be very appriciated.