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About LtCmdrKresh

  • Rank
    Have you Hugged your Hog lately?
  • Birthday 10/31/1957

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Usually where I don't want to be
  • Interests
    Bikes, beer, chicks, gaming, Razorback Football!!<br />And raiding Bethany's fridge for pie when I visit!

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  1. Since I can't comment on the other string on the GM Messages, I'm starting another here for us green pawn people. Grats to ya Blu and the crew of the Republic for making it to 19 years of simming without killing each other yet. Sorry I couldn't make it to your party last night as I was travelling, but I expect an invitation for the 20th anniversary next year! Grats again you guys! Kresh~
  2. Yo, Thanks all!! Good trip excect. OMG!! I Can't believe we lost to the Lions, but after the game we went to Hooters for wings and to watch more football. And T'Mir sweetie, you know giving me donuts is like proposing right? Kresh~
  3. ROFLMAO!! Dude....maybe, just maybe, I'll share one of my girlies with you next time we go to Vegas, but you have to get there early, as I usually am doing structural consults on the weekends, and can only get in there on Wed or perhaps Thurs again next year. We'll at least grab a beer. K~
  4. BAH!! Damned Sorry Huffikins....... As I had been hinting at last week, I had some work in Atlanta this week and was going to try to swing by for a night or two, take over Blu's dinner dealio and grab up a few of you girlies to go do some Salsa dancing. Bad news though.... Then my supervisor needs to send me up north to do some consulting on a roadway project that incurred some issues this week, so I'll not be able to come suprise everyone this year like I did last year when I cannon balled you and flipped that innertube over under that waterfall. Ah...good times....seeing Huff stuck upside down in an innertube! (she still gets me back in sims for that) Don't get rained on.... Kresh~
  5. Wait...I'm confused. George is leaving. That I get. Later dude...come back when ya can. Lava says she's not simming, but just boards. S'ok....time constraints abound. Play when ya can. Eagle then says he's miffed and therfore leaving. Yea, ok. Then he's saying he's posting to other sims? What gives boyo? Are ya in or out? In is better dude. Next time though, try saying what ya got to say in one post, no need to grandstand and repeat it in multiple posts. Reading the same thing over and over is a waste of time. Time is money. Money equals comfort. Don't damage my comfort. Kresh~
  6. Ok girlies and boyos......Tell us what you excuse is for not having went last night to see the new movie. We want to talk about it, but can't yet cause you ain't seen it yet!! Kresh~
  7. Wait.....I have two I have to do...... BluRox or Bethany take yer pick and Posted on Aug 5 2004, 12:46 PM Honey Buns (The snack...) Huff
  8. Ohhhhh, watch out if you're going to go play with Blu. From what I hear, she's taken out someone just about every year, and only got caught once. My advice, even if she's playing something good, kill her while you have the chance!!! ROFL!! :D Kresh~
  9. Yea dude, but keep yer hands outta my donuts, get yer own.... Precip dude....go for it, ya want to be Chief....set up the other dude, get him demoted, and there ya go....yer chief. Kresh~
  10. Personally, I thought the Orcs and Uruk-hai were incredibly handsome, like myself. Kresh~.
  11. Yo dude, I'm adding you to my list. Right there with Quint, Huff and Blu. And lest I forget....Bethany. I'll be keepin' an eye on you. No more engineering upgrades for you and the Galactic Bus Stop.
  12. Just a suggestion... Going on each night about not having graduated, and saying you'll get even...that just isn't going to get them on your side. Perhaps if you were just to sim, and show that you're ok with just simming, you'd get looked at more than you would if you were going on about not graduating. In reality, they are looking for people for the advanced ships that they will sim with each week, do you think they want someone that's going to keep complaining that "I'm not an ensign yet, or a ltjg, or a Lt, or ect, ect.?" Just a thought. Perhaps if you were to show that you can do some sims, without mentioning graduation at all...and followed the briefing and general game mechanics...perhaps then you would graduate. If you've been told to "be annoying", then someone steered you wrong. You know what they say about burning your bridges.... you may need to cross back the other way someday. Now you'll have to work extra hard to prove yourself to those that you were being annoying too... Well, good luck dude.
  13. Have you Hugged your Hog lately?