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About Grae

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  1. Welcome. While I'm sure Finn means well, I'm not sure that it's a good idea to take that Warp Core Explosion... Certainly not before a sim!
  2. Cheers, Eiram!
  3. It's all Eiram's now, Finn! May she bloody it well.
  4. Thank you. Either way, I look forward to glorious death... Well, I do. Mitchell - not so much.
  5. Either way, it's pointless semantics. However, I was referring to the ionized gas and the tool often used in random circumstances through out Star Trek, normally in Jefferies tubes. Mostly, the point was Medical > Engineering. :)
  6. Cheers! The famed red-shirt... Well, it /is/ about time I had a truly gruesome death, and at that, played Security (TOS-era, anyway). Still holdin' out for Medical! Before I graduate, I will be medical at least once! Dermal regenerator > plasma coupler
  7. A very long time ago, during the height of my simming days, I managed to TRIPLE. Admittedly, one of them was more or less without plot (I think we were drydocked and enjoying shoreleave, or something), but it was still quite taxing. Ah, that good (::Sputter::) ol' days of MSN Chat simming. The trick with it was timing the lulls in with the pick-ups in activity. I'd never want to do it again.
  8. While I absolutely love plots like that, I have to admit my main apprehension in joining or pursuing any sim is the "break in" factor. Some information to include might be as simple as how deep into a plot the ship currently is, and the ease of implantation (assimilation?) As I haven't yet graduated and experienced an advanced sim (except for watching Excalibur for some of the time last night), I can't say much more. As I think of things, I'll be sure to post!
  9. Either way, you /are/ the senior officer! For now... ::Mirror universe cackle and goatee rub::
  10. Woo Finn! Rock on... SIR.
  11. In Generations, when Data did his "You little lifeforms" song. I loved that the button beeping even went along with it.
  12. Perhaps tonight's sims will see my death. Oh well, any day is a good day for a simulated death!
  13. Computer, begin recording. Cadet Andrew Mitchell's personal log, stardate... hell, I can't remember what day it is. I suppose that would be due to the "Warp Core Explosion" that I enjoyed last night at the RedClub, compliments of a fellow cadet, Finn Something-or-Other. At the time, it certainly didn't seem like much, but there must be quite a few kinds of liquor in that swirling blue death. At least I didn't have to pay for this headache; just the water to try and curb it. A strip of latinum for water still boggles my mind... Maybe it's just that I'm a lightweight. My father certainly wasn't; he could drink both a Lurian's stomachs under the table. Then again, thinking back, he always did inject himself with a hypospray before going drinking, probably full of an anti-intoxicant of some sort. For a doctor, my father was always a little slippery. I wonder if Starfleet Medical would have let some slide. I certainly could have used it; I had an Academy simulation shortly after my trip to the bar. While it wasn't a particularly challenging or lengthy mission, I was at a post I knew hardly anything about, under the effects of alcohol. When the captain asked me to have all the department heads report, my eyes must have been glazed over for fifteen or twenty seconds before I finally followed the order. And as I take the Academy classes (especially during classes like Population Economics of Cardassia), I wonder if I'll ever get out of school. I can't remember a time that I wasn't taking a lesson of some sort; at three, my mother was trying to teach me the piano. Seven years of medical school, and now an, at least accelerated, course through Starfleet Academy. At least the simulations are more stimulating than sitting through one more lecture on which neurons Cordazine effects first... can't help but think I'd be more at home dissecting a Betazoid paracortex, though. Things will get easier, I'm sure. At least, the Academy groundskeeper... Bithby, or some name like that... keeps telling me. I have three straight hours of simulation tonight. Hopefully I won't blow up the damn ship. At least it'll wake me up from Pop Econ. Oh well. Computer, end recording.
  14. Thank you all for the warm welcome! Moose's tips were very enlightening... And I managed to survive my first sim without dying!
  15. Hey, great. Thanks for the info... I'll pop by the club, even if I'm not sure what that's all about. Hah, and thirty seconds later, I find the link to the Redstar Nightclub 'site.