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About Robert

  • Rank
    Fly High

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  1. are you using German or English, does the forum have a translator
  2. IM confused in Britain we only have 1 time zone unlike America.
  3. Fly high please
  4. All i have to do is set 1 of the clock on my ipod to Washington it 12:11
  5. I hate some episodes of TNG because the camera seems to be out of focus./
  6. Ah thank you, i work a late shift and get home at 1:am so i could spend about 2 hour a week on role play. But why not create your own forum for role play like i do with star wars.
  7. But there is a problem, i live in the UK and don't understand the American time so if someone could help me, its 12:26 pm here.