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Everything posted by Neversummer

  1. Star Trek was not produced by the Sc-fi channel.
  2. Hey, don't worry about it A9. I was Johnny, and now I'm Neversummer, because I didn't like the name Unitas.
  3. ::looks around:: Well, I guess just me and.....well.....no, just me.
  4. You're right there.
  5. Yes, we've noticed that.
  6. I meant the Movies produced by the Sci-Fi channel.
  7. Directions eh? Alright, see here, you can't get there from here. K, check this out, go down three blocks and then ask something.
  8. Has anyone seen Tovan around lately? Maybe he has something to do with all this.
  9. Alright, good enough for me.
  10. Cause I felt like [Name Removed] was too annoying.
  11. Betos red sauce make butt burn. Thanks a bundle.
  12. Perhaps, I just never got into the TV thing. I more like to 'live' it. And after watching one episode, I decided that it wasn't worth watching. I will occasionally watch "First Contact" and "Generations", but that's just to help me with my simulator that I'm building in my house. No, no I'm not with "Les Moonves". I don't even know him.
  13. Alright, alright.. I still think it'd be cool.