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Everything posted by Neversummer

  1. Old enough.
  2. DVD, out with old technology, in with the new. But I do miss being able to record things easily.
  3. I didn't quite get that.
  4. Yeah, but they could've planned it out better. They should either start making new episodes of DS9 or Next Generation, or they should start a whole nother series. And this time, they should make it good. ::drops his Opinion cents in the bucket::
  5. So....onimious....
  6. ::gets blasted against the wall, speaks his last words before passing out:: Its just like.......my dream, except it was A9 instead..... ::passes out::
  7. Like.....I dunno. You'll have try for yourself, its what I did.
  8. Nascar......hmmm......haven't been the biggest fan of it. All I see when I watch it is guys with beer bellies and mullets (mullets are cool, but not when weared for real). But I really don't know.
  9. Yeah. Enterprise was --in my opinion-- the worst series ever. I say....cancel it. Bring on something new.
  10. I dunno, most Vulcans I met seemed to be.......personality challenged. I know that there all logical and stuff, but I would rather play someone who can "have fun". But everyone has there preference. Tribbles? What'd you do, nibble around a bit?
  11. Yeah..... ::dazes off::
  12. ::pulls out a little squirt gun and shoots the GM's:: Good job.
  13. Are you questioning my laziness? Why I oughta.....
  14. New York: How 'bout some Taco stands instead?
  15. Fries? Can I get some Fries?
  16. Sim.....now!!!!
  17. Its called E-Milk, and it tastes like a shoe. I wouldn't suggest it.
  18. I'm too lazy.
  19. It took me 56 and I still get made fun of cause of it. But I wasn't really even trying to graduate, just messing around with Precip. STICK IN THERE.
  20. I DO I DO!!!
  21. Betos!
  22. I actually thought it was Murray, but oh well.
  23. I am......whatever I am.....so....here me, see me, smell me :wacko: , roar.
  24. Sim........now!