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Yvon Hawke

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Everything posted by Yvon Hawke

  1. Yeah, I knew it would take a min or two to get the DL of the pic. I try to keep the image render size small enough so the DL isn't way long but big enough to yield a quality sized pic. One of the biggest problems I run into on the 3D sites I'm a member of is that my pics are way too small because all of them run resolutions at 1028 or higher. Like I can afford a monitor big enough to actually be able to take advantage of that. Plus, I have the sim community to consider. We don't have the need to run resolutions any higher than 800 and pretty much use the standard settings. We don't have the need to be super resolutioned. So, this is what I come up with.
  2. ::SMACK!:: Snap out of it, dude. You're going techno-babbly.
  3. ::sobs... tear down cheek:: You don't like me! WAAAAAAAA!!!!
  4. ::does a happy dance jig::
  5. TechTV has a show called Big Thinkers that has an episode regarding this very subject. They play it once every copule of months. I suggest keeping an eye out for it. They discuss wormhole theories in the mix as well.
  6. That's what I do naturally to take full advantage of the Full screen feature. I hate running a program within a program.
  7. Well, this is a subject I've had to deal with all my life. Yvon is my real first name. I just use a different last name online as it reflects (kinda) my real persona-ish (its a little tweaked, of course). But, being named Yvon, people automatically think and say Yvonne. Ok, so this assumption is SO WRONG!!! It's actually pronounced in the Russian vernacular, Ivan. So, for those of you who think I'm a woman, you obviously haven't met me yet so I could correct you or think that I really like to mow lawns. :(
  8. ::chuckles:: And this coming from a guy that can't get into a simple java driven IRC chat room. By the way, Hew, did you happen to get that problem fixed yet?
  9. Perhaps this has some similarity to the word, 'balloon knot'? ::shrug::
  10. What would doing this accomplish? What kind of benefit would it produce?
  11. SHould it be necessary, most, if not all, IRC chat rooms do have a 'kick' ability. This functino is normally based off of preset criteria such as 'scrolling' (sending numerous lines of text or no text to the room within a very short period of time), using vulgarity (you can set up certain words that when said will kick someone out of the room), using colors for text (if you really want to be picky) amongst other things. There is also an option where room operators can do a /msg nickserv (or chanserv) KICK #channel nick ((or some similar wording). Being unfamiliar with the Holodeck and other STSF rooms hosted by Paramount, I'm not certain if these functions are available for you hosts. However, in a standard IRC environment, they are available. Therefore, if these options are available, the GMs have the ability and may just not openly advertise it nor may not acknowledge it due to contractual obligations.
  12. Tomato, tomato.
  13. Wasn't the prison called Rurepenthe (or something like that)? Seems to be a different place unless I'm thinking of the planet name.
  14. I really can't say what I'd do. But, it would be all about me. Aw yeah.
  15. Yesterday was my b-day. I'm 30 now nd I had a choc-mouse tort.
  16. Everyone IRL I tell about my character says Christian Slater would have to play me. My response it I would play me. ALthough, I'd let Christian auditin for the part. :o
  17. ::laughing so hard, hits the floor, cracks head open and brains spill out. Maintains uber-laughing::
  18. Vex, did you ever get the chat rooms to work on your fruit box?
  19. I'd like to let everyone know that there is a vast library of country-flag combadges at Commander Tomalak's Trek Animations, where the good ensign's avatar originated from. If there is anyone here from other countries in the support effort along our sides, please get a copy of the country-combadge for your country and show your support. Thanks.
  20. This was more of an opinion poll than anything else. But, I got Commander.
  21. There's insignias for those as well. They're part of the Marine's insignias based off of US military ones, but they're there.
  22. ::Wondering if anyone knows about the Everclear conspiracies.::
  23. One idea to get Paramount to make it easier and Mac friendly could be to collect a number of names of people, after checking with them first, conveying they difficulty of the navigation to the rooms there and to include the Mac-Unfriendly interface.
  24. I've seen that list before. The source of those insignias and designations is RPG-Insignias. I like the Miranda listing better because it's an all-in-one listing. Plus I like the Miranda model. It's like A Sovy-Miranda-Prometheus freakazoid on crack or something. I gotta ask them for the model for my 3DS-MAX collection.
  25. I'm not sure if plugging your own RPG is permitted. Could we get clarification on this from the council or higher?