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Yvon Hawke

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Everything posted by Yvon Hawke

  1. What I would have liked to have seen would have been a follow-up to TNG's "Conspiracy".
  2. Enterprise isn't Trek. Trek began in TOS... Enterprise is before that, kinda like the prelude to a book that no one reads. ::chuckle::
  3. Yup, your login name pretty much explains it all.
  4. Hi guys. I wanted to share this 3D art design I've been working on to see how you like it. nyone that's simmed with me in the past might recognize the name, StarHawk. This is the next version of it (there's 3 total, but I need to work on the easiest design first and work my way backwards for the most part). How do you like?
  5. Ok. I figured that, anyway. Just wasn't sure if you had remembered it.
  6. You crossed into both realms on that one.
  7. I'm picking Voyager. I'm not going with the area of the Enteprise ships because nothing can really compete with those. They're in their own league. But, with Voyager, it stepped new bounds by adding a new Trek show that had nothing to do with, no had connections to, the Enterprise. Yeah, there were episodes that featured TNG people, but they didn't have an intrigal part of the show with the exception of the ep where Voyager ended up crashing on a Hoth-like planet killing everyone. The stories were good for the most part. The 2hour eps they had all the time were great. The funnies they kept pulling were awesome. There's nothing better than seeing Robert Beltran keep trying to hold back that smirk of his and hiding behind someone. Even Jeri had her 'hold it back!' moments. I just wish that once they had contact with Command that they would have updated their uniforms to the current ones (24th Cent, of course). You would think COmmand would fill them in on everything they had to update.
  8. ::nods:: Okay, I see. I'd probably feel demeaned myself Not for long, I hope. A reasonably experienced simmer can graduate the academy pretty quickly. Requiring everyone to go through the academy process, I think, is more than just a matter of "those are the rules" - it satisfies the interests of fairness and equality. To some extent, it prevents favortism to people who know the GMs, and it keeps STSF from trusting other simming forums' rank systems, where their standards may be lower (I think the Chakotay idiot is a perfect example of why we need academies). The only exceptions to the rank/academy system that I could see being reasonable (correct me if there are more) are: - When a ship joins STSF from another forum, people who move along with a ship should be able to keep their rank, without going through the academy process again - GMs who have lower rank (Lt Cmdr or Cmdr) in academies become "honorary" Cmdrs, Captains during their academies. - A GMs who has a lower rank (Lt Cmdr/Cmdr) in one sim who starts a new sim should be able to be a Captain. You forgot to keep in the rest of my sentence saying, ", but I'd deal."
  9. Hey there, If I remember a brief conversation, he is upset at the fact that he must be "demeaned" by going through the Academy. ::nods:: Okay, I see. I'd probably feel demeaned myself, but if those are the rules, those are the rules and I'd deal. He can't deal, apparently.
  10. Makes me wonder what kind of grudge Chakotay would hold and still be doing this activity. He obviously is very low on the maturity scale.
  11. Wow.
  12. This is probably a dumb question (and totally topic-irrelevant) but: If you can get together so many people in one place to sim, why use the computers? ::busts a gut::
  13. These, as they're written by you, could be either. It just matters as to the extent of those items that makes the difference.
  14. I would consider myself a Trek-ker. I kinda derived my own descriptions of the two terms over the years. A Trekkie is a person who include Star Trek into almost every aspect of their lives. They decorate their homes with Trek related materials to the extent of, but not limited, to collector's merchandise (collector's plates, signed pictures, etc.). A Trekkie goes to conventions dressed in their uniform with all the cheesy rank insignia and the misporportioned combadge, the phaser toys holstered to their belt and a tricorder in hand. Vulcan ears can be found on some and full blown Kingon, Bajorans and Borg drones can be found, to name a few others. Trekkies also refer to the characters on tv shows and movies as the character and not the actors, on a typical basis. Trekkies keep talking as if the characters are real people and who's going to get together with who and the whole soap opera theme starts to come into play. They can certainly talk about the actors as their names, but it's not quite as often as the other way around. Trekkies join up with the Starfleet Fan club and then find their local chapter and meet every week. Trekkies take their own approach to life and extend it into everything they do Trek Related. They may even make web sites tht are Trek related. But, they stay within the lines of the TV shows/movies with character bios, episode guides, screen capture pics, audio and video captaures, etc. Basically, just collections of studio produced material(s). Fanfics on existing characters will fall here also. Trekkies are people who take everything Star Trek, toss it all into a blender and blend on the highest setting. Trekkers are a little more refined. They look deeper. They pay more attention to the science, the ideology. They don't dress up when they go to conventions (should they go at all). They see the show/movie as such and don't model their own life within it. They see the stories as the stories. Trekkers may join up with fan groups, such as simming, but keep it safely distant from their real lives. But, they might also do things such as web sites, but take a more original route, such as sim web sites, as develope everythig from scratch and be a lot more original. Resource sites for graphics, 3D art, web developement, etc., are also created. These sites are on a more focused route than Trekkie sites. I have more, but I'm at work and have other boards to check out before I start the day.
  15. I'm a geek rather than a nerd. However, I have HAWKE on my License plate and I drive a Jeep Loredo. Plus, I'm a Trek-ker rather than a Trek-kie.
  16. Actually, 101.
  17. Well, I would more than likely have two names. I'd have this one for odinary posting. But for my character, I'd use the rank+last name type of name like I do at SFOL and on the Ranger web site message boards.
  18. "Hallo, my name is Deiter and welcome to Sprockets!"
  19. Yes, we've been waiting for the "extension" to be completed here in the DC area for years. It will actually be an annex of Dulles International Airport, not National (National is right across the river from DC and there's no room, Dulles is about 20 minutes away and there's LOTS of space). If anyone is in town before then and wants to see a COOL tour - they should go to the Paul Garber Facility in Silver Hill, MD. This is the NASM's "attic" with acres and acres of warehouses filled to the brim with aircraft and spacecraft that isn't on current display. That's where the Enola Gay is housed now, it's where you can see them working on restoration projects (WWII Bombers, etc.) You need to make an appointment for a tour ahead of time, but it's well worth it for air and space nuts! Ya. I know Dulles. ALmsot a bad experience as a pilot. I was doing my Instrument cross country and we decided to make the trip worth our while rather than just going back and forth from Bangor, Maine (the usual cross country flight for training at my school). I had a huge headache from wearing a special hat that kept me from looking outside(and force me to fly strictly on instruments), turning from my base leg onto final approach in my little four-banger and the tower calling me to expedite my landing because I had a King Air earing arce right behind me on short final. Dang, I must have landed my plane in zero zero and at cruising speed. I've never greased a landing like that before. The next morning when we went to start up the plane to leave, I turned the ignition and nothing happened... the starter was gone! My instructor had to hand-start the engine. That was my real life time at Dulles. I also flew the American Airlines Airbus 300 simulator at the academy in Fort Worth and it used the Dulles airport. My father brought me back in 88. I sat in the back and laughed at my father over six hours on 2 days and the instructor said afterwards that since I was laughing to see how I'd do. I did good for a first time in a multimillion dollar machine. No crashes. So, I was there kinda twice. But, I can't wait for the new facility to be completed. Tomorrow, I'm heading with my father to the Air Force Museum on Ohio where they've just opened up the Cold War Era hangar. Very exciting. My father served from '52 to '65. A lot of history there.
  20. I made this tonight. What does everyone think? And I also made this little ditty.
  21. Wow! No army? That's great! I say we march on them! I mean MARCH ON THEM! And I'll be in back. That way when we turn around and run I'll be in front.
  22. Washington DC is a district. District of Columbia, hence the D.C. part.
  23. Could mine be changed to 'He Who Brings Chaos from Order'?
  24. Oh, my friend, you would be frightened if I used a photograph of myself. ::evil laugh::
  25. Can you point me in the direction of it? I'd like to see it. Thanks.