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Posts posted by WxMurray

  1. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "storm-relative helicity". :wub:


    May you die well. :P

  2. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "Rankine vortex". :wub:


    May you die well. :P

  3. By dissolving into thin air?


    ::Shudders at the thought of moisture particles in the transporters!::

    :P Someone knew what my secret word meant! :)


    ::watches a pig fly past his window::


    Although I was going with a different definition. "To become liquid by absorbing moisture from the air." :wub: But still, that you knew one of the meanings...



  4. A new Star Trek movie. Don't get me wrong; I would love a new Star Trek movie. But this rumored Academy plot? Gag me with a spoon. I want Star Trek, not something like Friends in Space or anything like that. I would much rather prefer the now-shelved Jendresen script for a Romulan War-era movie (although, who's to say that the Academy idea won't get trashed and they'll use Jendresen's idea).


    Of course, while I hate the idea, I'll still watch it to determine if it's any good or not. Personally, I think that Trek needs to stay in hibernation for a few more years. I hope this worth it.

  5. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there :) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "deliquesence". :wub:


    May you die well. :P

  6. Personal Log

    Stardate 0604.20


    The shock has worn off, and now I’m working to prove that the away team might still be alive. I’ve enlisted the help of our ranking science officer Ensign Montague, fighter chief Zafira, and fighter pilot Angelis to help me prove to the Captain that our people are not dead or at least that they didn’t die on the shuttle and could still be alive somewhere.


    Doctor Matthews came up to the bridge to speak with the captain. I hope things went better with her than they did when Zafira was in there. This must be particularly hard for her. Smith was one of her doctors before he switched over to science.


    And I can only imagine what the captain is going through. We lost how many people against the Tholians, not to mention we almost lost the ship. Now, here we are on our first mission since that incident and we’ve lost an away team consisting of two of our department chiefs. Maybe he’ll retire. Or worse, maybe Starfleet will promote him. I think he need’s shore leave and a shrink. Not that I’d tell him that; Smith is notorious enough for that. Really, though, I think Michaels needs a break. He’s the stereotypical captain: work’s himself to death, won’t get physicals, and never takes a vacation.


    Commander Ridire has just informed us that we have one hour to find the proof we need to convince the captain that the team is still alive. Great. That’s all we need, a deadline. We’re working against time, and at the moment time is give us quite the butt-kicking. We are not going to leave the away team here or wherever it is there are.

  7. Personal Log

    Stardate 0604.19


    Well, here I am, up to my old tricks again. This time I think I’ve found a truly viable plan. By utilizing the com system connections in engineering I can put out a hypersonic pulse. The hypersonic pulse will knock out everyone in main engineering, the Klingons, the Romulans, and our people, too, without actually harming them. And then our security teams can move in and secure the room, and, more importantly, they can secure the leader of this cell. He can’t detonate the warp core while he’s unconscious, can he? And I’m willing to bet that the hypersonic pulse will interfere with his mental connection to the detonators, though I have absolutely no clue about that for sure. I’ve got everything ready to go; I just need the go-ahead from the bridge.


    In other news, I was able to communicate with Kairi. It seems that in all the confusion (not to mention the dark) she was able to make it into Prell’s office where Captain Rieve and her team were located. And then, somehow, she managed to use parts of Prell’s desktop com, his replicator, and the ODN network to communicate with the outside world. She’s a bright girl, and she’ll make a fine chief engineer one day.


    Well, here I am, still sitting in the dark and cramped Jeffries tube. I guess the Romulans are negotiating with someone at the moment, either Colonel Harper or Rieve. Or both. We really need to get things moving and get this over with. They’ve got several hostages, one of which is our warp core. I’ve always known that dieing in space and on duty was a distinct possibility, but I was kind of hoping that I wouldn’t be done in by a treacherous warp core. I kind of doubt that my parents want to receive a package from Davies containing an urn that holds a few of my remaining atoms. Yeah, not fun. Yeesh, I would have rather died twelve years ago aboard the Susquehanna, and that mission was a complete disaster.


    Speaking of our illustrious captain, I wonder what he’s up to. Probably playing golf or lying on the beach or something. If only he knew what was happening to his ship. Although, come to think of it, it probably wouldn’t surprise him any. Danger seems to be this ship’s lot in life. I’m not even sure she’s been on a mission where someone hasn’t taken hostages, blown something up, or at least made an attempt to. Pax Primus, the VDC bombing and the Vacitu, and now this…and those are only the ones I’ve been around for. Goodness.


    Ugh, how long have I been recording this. Geeze, Saf, you might go crazy in here and start talking to yourself…or worse, you might start talking to the computer.

  8. Pfft. Exaclibrites trying to steal cadets with their pet scorpians. Join Agincourt. We blow stuff up while our Captain plays golf.

    Or "Join Agincourt: our captain is mentally unstable (and is much more fun to toy with)." :lol:

  9. Okairinesai (Welcome in Japanese, and no, I'm not Japanese), Kim-chan. :lol: Good luck in Academy.

    ::grumbles:: Cazy Canadians... ::grumbles:: ...greeting people in Japanese.



  10. Crewman Nicole Dickinson

    Personal Log

    Stardate 0604.12


    I swear, Saf is a dead man. Only he would find a way to not be in engineering when we lost contact with the rest of the ship, when the Romulans and their Klingon lapdogs came and took us hostage. If we come out of this alive, I’m going to bludgeon his skull with a Maglite…and then give him a great big hug for saving us.


    It’s a little dark in here at the moment. Someone took out the lights, not to mention the rest of the power supplied to engineering. I can tell Saf took care of that, and he did it in the fastest and most efficient way possible – frying the local power transfer conduits. Prell is going to blow a gasket when he finds out. Just what we need, to fix a gasket in addition to the rest of this.


    The warp core is still online, though, casting a dim shadow over the immediate vicinity. Not that it’s bright enough to see anything with, but at least I know where I am in relation to it. We seem to be toward the back of engineering on the port side of the core. Nora is with me, as are seven or eight other engineers. Kairi is around here somewhere, too, but I can’t see her in the dark. Stupid darkness.


    There must be a cease-fire at the moment. Or everyone ran out of ammo. There was Marine fire coming from in the vicinity of the pool table or Prell’s office…I think. Stupid darkness. Someone else was firing from above us next to the warp core – a phaser rifle. It has to be Saf; he was able to discretely alert me by tapping on the core. I was able to get myself and the other engineers back as best as I could so that we wouldn’t be completely in the line of fire. Of course it’d be nice to know that for sure. Stupid darkness.


    Well, whatever they’re doing, I hope they know that the Romulans have the warp core rigged to blow. I can’t tell for sure (stupid darkness), but I think that it’s wired in such a way that it is going to be very difficult to undo it. So far, these terrorists (I guess that’s what they are – certainly seem like it to me) seem to have thought this all out with incredible detail. Having a crude explosive just wouldn’t make sense. And I’m sure they’ve got several backup plans for numerous scenarios. These people are not dumb. Any sort of plan is going to require very long, and very careful thought.


    Ugh. I’m starting to get hungry. I’d try and sneak over to get something from the replicator, but Murray was kind enough to kill the power to engineering. Of course, getting food from the replicator would require me to actually find it. Stupid darkness.

  11. Murray sat in the Jeffries tube behind the middle warp core. The Marines and the Romulans had temporarily ceased fire, which was good. One phaser or disruptor hit wouldn’t blow up the warp core, but in a heated battle like this it was very difficult to keep from hitting it.


    Not that the Romulans were helping things any. The lead Romulan certainly was in the superior position, both physically and not. He had the warp core wired to explode on his command. Actually, it was wired to explode on command via the brainwave link between the leader and the detonator. One thought and their atoms would decorate the local area. If he died, the lack of his brainwaves would set off the detonator. If he moved too far away it would do the same. To put it simply and bluntly, they had a problem. A big problem.


    He knew that people elsewhere on the ship were trying to come up with a plan that would neutralize the threat in some way. It was dangerous work; they didn’t know what else was going on in Main Engineering. It was possible that the leader had a subdermal transporter scrambler implanted somewhere on his person that would kill him in a rather horrendous manner if he was beamed out. He could have the core rigged to explode if transport was attempted. There were a lot of possibilities, and all of them had the potential for an explosive death for all. Any sort of plan would need careful consideration. Very careful.


    And things didn’t get better from there. Captain Rieve was pinned down in Prell’s office. The lights were still out (and they were going to stay that way for a while – he had made sure of that), the Romulans were holding their engineers hostage...if that was better, then he couldn’t wait to get high on death.


    There was something about this ship – it seemed to attract a certain element. Or maybe that element attracted them. Pax Primus, the VDC bombing, and now this…Captain Simeon “Unstable” Davies certainly knew how to show them a good time. And things just kept getting better. At least from his position, Murray wasn’t going to notice the warp core exploding.

  12. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there ;) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "storm-relative helicity". B)


    May you die well. :lol:

  13. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there ;) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "Aitken nuclei". B)


    May you die well. :lol:

  14. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there ;) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "turkey tower". B)


    May you die well. :lol:

  15. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there ;) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "Monin-Obukhov length". B)


    May you die well. :lol:

  16. Murray sat at a science console on the bridge. He was still a little shocked at the loss of the away team. Scherer and Smith…he had served with them since he had joined the Reaent. And now he had lost his new security officer.


    He could tell by the expression on Zafira’s face that things had not gone well in the ready room. The first mission for the fighters and the entire away mission ended up in disaster. Michaels was probably wondering just what good the fighters were, and what exactly they were doing on his ship.


    Murray looked over the various sensor logs, hoping to find something, anything that would explain what happened. He hoped that it wasn’t because they just hadn’t been fast enough in beaming the team off the shuttle.


    He sat there for twenty minutes, skimming the surface of the logs, hoping that something on the surface would be a clue. The ship’s sensors, the shuttle’s sensors, the fighters’ sensors, the fighters’ flight recorders…it was a lot of data.


    Something formed a pattern, though. Murray looked closer, going into the detailed readings. There it was in the biosigns aboard the shuttle, or more accurately, the lack thereof. It was the proof that they had no control over what happened; the proof that no one was at fault. And upon further examination, it could even prove that the away team was still alive somewhere.

  17. Hello. I am the STSF Resident Egomaniac, and I would like to welcome you to the Star Trek Simulation Forum at stsf.net (as opposed to stsf.com; try simming there ;) !) Just remember that the secret to simming is to have fun and the secret word is "cloud condensation nuclei". B)


    May you die well. :lol:

  18. Personal Log

    Stardate 0604.04


    Wow, it’s dark in here. I have just cut all power to engineering. We should be able to take the Romulans that have taken over engineering by surprise. Prell probably won’t be happy with the way I went about shutting off power, but Captain Rieve wanted it off, so I “turned” it off. I was lucky I didn’t fry myself. Or any of the Marines. Put on quite a light show in the Jeffries tube, though.


    It has just occurred to me that we don’t even know how many of our engineers are still in engineering. I left Kairi in there, and I believe Nikki was wandering around in there, too. How many others the Romulans are holding hostage, I don’t know.


    I’ve tapped discreetly on the warp core. Hopefully Nikki will hear it and get the others and herself out of the line of fire. Still though, given that someone somewhere has brilliantly decided to turn off the gravity down here, things could get pretty messy and hectic. As it is I’ve got myself tethered to the matter and antimatter housings at the top of the separated core. It will be hard enough getting a phaser lock in the dark let alone hovering above the core in a gravity-less darkness. Hallelujah for Starfleet Marine Corps battle training.


    The Marines have opened fire. Opening fire myself.