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Everything posted by WxMurray

  1. They said that last year. And the year before that. And the year before that. I think they'll once again botch it and lose a fourth straight Confference champioship. As for the Steelers, gag me with a spoon. I'm a Pennsylvanian and I hate both teams. I hope at least one of them doesn't make it so we can not have this PA Super Bowl.
  2. That's the hot choice all over, even though the Patriots were picked to lose to the Colts.
  3. Go Patriots! And being from PA, I am strongly opposed to a Steelers-Eagles Super Bowl.
  4. I vote for Captain Sisko. The others are starship captains. But Sisko also has more of a soldier mentality.
  5. (Annoying boldfaced note: this log is set before the events simmed on Thursday 13 January 2005) It was a beautiful day. It felt like springtime. The birds were out; the flowers were in bloom; the grass was green; and the temperature was in the mid sixties. Murray took all of this in as he drove down the interstate in a Corvette. Wait. The interstate? In a Corvette? What in the world was in that glass of apple juice? Confused, Murray looked around. He saw the stack of vinyl LPs for the car’s LP player. Murray shook his head. “What is going on here?” He continued down the interstate. He wasn’t sure where he was, or where he was going. He decided that as long as he stayed on the road, it would be less confusing. Suddenly, he heard a horn from behind. He turned and saw he was being passed by and X-wing fighter. Murray looked in confusion at the X-wing. “That’s from a 20th century movie? What’s it doing here? More importantly, why is it on the interstate?” The grizzly bear piloting waved as the fighter passed, as did the three-headed green thing with an enormous number of arms in the droid bay. Murray waved back, more confused than ever. Murray pulled over to try and make sense of things. He didn’t know what was going on. He went over the facts he knew. “Alright. I went off duty. I went back to my quarters. I can’t fall asleep in that bed because it doesn’t feel right, so I went to the couch. Now I am here. But where is here? And why am I here? Where shall I go for lunch?” After reaching no conclusions, he decided to keep going. He was going somewhere. Now if only his brain would tell the rest of his body. He continued down the road, only stopping briefly at an Arby’s for a roast beef sandwich. He didn’t care that there were no Arby’s in the 24th century; he just enjoyed his meal. As he came toward a town, he felt the urge to pull of the interstate. He didn’t know how or why, but he knew this is where he wanted to go. Eventually he came to a house. He didn’t recognize it. “Maybe they can tell me what’s going on or where I am. Maybe they’ll also an explanation. And a cookie. No. Wait. Just the cookie.” He got out of the car and approached the door. Before he could knock, the door opened. Murray looked up in surprise. “Sheila!” Murray found himself in a big hug from his high school sweetheart. “Wimbles, I’ve missed you so much.” Murray grimaced at the name “Wimbles”. He had forgotten how much he hated that name. Sheila was the only person he let use the moniker. At least no one on the Reaent knew about the nickname. The couple’s separation began to set in. Murray gazed into Sheila’s eyes. Their faces drew closer. Three TIE fighters flew overhead. A shark swam made a sandwich in the kitchen. The neighbor’s cat lit a pipe. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they… Murray sat upright. He was in his quarters and had a hankering for a cookie with whipped cream. Something was wrong. “Torpedoes.” He grabbed his uniform jacket and rushed out the door.
  6. I don't believe they showed Romulan Ale in the movie. I thought the music was excellent, as it usually is with a Jerry Goldsmith score. The Riker's strut was also good, as was Data singing "Blue Skies". I wish the scene where Riker plays his trombone at the wedding wasn't cut (as I am a trombonist). With any luck it will be included with the special edition DVD when it comes out.
  7. Hmm. Now that you mention it...
  8. I think it was those Romulans, but it could have been gremlins.
  9. I think it would be cool if STSF was advertised during Trek.
  10. I like the new Warbird seen in Nemesis. That's an awesome looking ship.
  11. I've got to agree with you there. When TNG started, it was a very cool-looking ship. Nowadays, it's near the bottom of the coolness list.
  12. That would be me.
  13. Mmm. Ketchup. I don't collect them, but I love getting them to see what they say. When they had the one marked "Not Green" my brother and I would say things like "Pass the Not Green".
  14. I like most classes of starships, if not all. I am very fond of the Prometheus and Akira class starships. The class I do not like is the Enterprise-J seen on Enterprise. It looks doofy.
  15. What do you mean? July comes before August which comes before October. That's what he means, isn't it?
  16. Hood: July 8 Aegis: August 18 Reaent: October 7 That's what I found, at least.
  17. Murray started to scan the area and map the ionic field in order to find Romulan party-crashers. He was happy to have been part of something like that: a multi-department think-tank devoted to solving a problem and then doing it. No one seemed to have any qualms about a lowly ensign fresh out of the academy putting his two slips worth of latinum in. It didn’t last long. About ten minutes into the scan, Commander Ridire had a thought. “Mr. Murray, how long have you been on duty?” After a check of the time and a calculation he responded, “Six hours, sir. I’ve been on duty since I arrived.” Six hours. That’s a tad long. Commander Ridire knew this and said so. “Mr. Murray, I want you to go off duty. If we go to red alert, we’ll want everyone at their best, and you need a break. Call a replacement to relieve you.” After Murray’s replacement arrived on the bridge, he stepped into the turbolift. Where to go now. He decided on his quarters. He could use a nap. Besides, there weren’t likely to any people in the lounge at this time. He entered his quarters, removed his uniform jacket, and went to the replicator for a glass of apple juice. He took to his sofa and closed his eyes, letting his mind unwind. As much as he would have preferred to stay on duty, he needed this.
  18. I noticed it was one of STARTREK.com's message boards and checked out STSF to see what it was.
  19. It's a day late, but whatever. Happy birthday, Andrew. I suppose happy birthday to you, to0, Blu. Are you going to kill your cadets tonight in celebration?
  20. Murray had been called to the bridge by Commander Shamor. If he had a guess, it would be to take over at tactical. He did have a guess, and he was right. He wondered why the Commander summoned him and not Lieutenant Flek. “Oh, wait, I’m the new guy,” he thought. Most likely it was for experience. You can’t be expected to do something well if you don’t do it at all. In any case, Murray would rather be up at tactical than watching security reports come in telling him that they’d found bubkus and listen to Flek wishing for a window. Once on the bridge, Murray assumed tactical, Shamor being the only other person on the bridge after Mr. Hickok left. Oddly it felt better to be on the bridge scanning the area. His scans of the area were telling him the same thing that the security patrols of the ship were telling him. Or did they? At one point, just for an incident, the sensors picked up something. A something on the scale of a subspace distortion. Murray’s knew what it was: Romulans. The computer disagreed, sort of. The computer couldn’t identify the cause of the phenomenon. It could be a ship, it could be ion particles. But Murray, had this feeling. You tend to when sitting deep in the Romulan Neutral Zone watching over another ship pull the remnants of the USS Pegasus from an asteroid. On Shamor’s order, not that he needed it, he brought shields and weapons to hot standby. It was his first mission as an officer of Starfleet and the Reaent, and here he was watching for Romulans in search of a bullseye. The plot was thickening in a hurry. He made a mental note: don’t screw up.
  21. Perhaps a liason to PDE? Food taster? Belly-button lint remover? Everyone needs one.
  22. I'd have to say false. I don't see why it would be a problem.
  23. Ah. We are also around the 20th anniversary of the creation of the String Theory. Watch for it on PBS's NOVA later this month.
  24. An awesome arc. Better than the Soong arc. Much better than most of Voyager, even. Incredible. Manny, I love you. You da man!
  25. Oh my! I'm glad that isn't my laptop.