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Everything posted by KhreRiovtRex

  1. New to the Talon Tidbits!? Its just our way, of taking comments from in the sim, and having a bit of fun with them. An irreverant take on what is happening, and who's doing, or not doing what!? Arrain_Koga_SBien: NDak wrote a log? tRexan> He forgot we already made him a GM, that he didn’t have to keep sucking up like he has been? ::looks at her freshly NDak licked shiny boots taken from Dac: STSF_NDak: If I kill the senator, do I get back in your good graces t'rex? tRexan> Always possible STSF_Lebowski: <<there's one person you could kill that would get you back in her good graces>> DErv_tKsa: <q>I could throw a rice bowl at him...it would na hurt my reputation. Laehval_tTemarr: Oh frickin frack. Someone is all dressed up with no place to go... 'cept the brig. t’Rexan> She just brings joy to so many with the spoken word…. DErv_tKsa: ::watches carefully, wondering which io will be eliminated next:: tRexan>::Next week on Survivor Rihannsu….Which El’Arrain will be eliminated!? STSF_Lebowski: ::gets out pain sticks... oh wait, no..:: tRexan> ::ponders if he is a surgically altered spy…adds him to her list:: ERv_NDak: And Ksa had the Stasis chambers all warmed up KhreRiovtRex: Did I ask au, au little khlle ERv_NDak: ::slinks off:: Na rehhkai... DErv_tKsa: ;:perks, there might be an elimination yet tonight:: tRexan> Likes to keep her crew happy…… Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::scooches next to Ksa..offering popcorn.....:: tRexan> Someone’s trying to catch her on the rebound… Arrain_tr_Vosh: <Im the io that GETS poisioned.....> ERv_NDak: < why poision you, that a waste of perfectly good poison, wheny ou cans imply be beamed into space?>> KhreRiovtRex: ::leans to trPsichore:: Besides, if I get too many of them close to tTemmar, she will get moody ERv_NDak: <<when isn't she moody? >> tRexan> Steps aside, to let Laehval have at him…… Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Is in the medbay, con--talking to the nurses about something or another:: tRexan> He’s “consorting” again….. DErv_tKsa: ::in a sulky mood, pacing her office for the moment:: tRex> Personally, I think she’s spent too much time around Laehval, it’s rubbing off…. Deihu_TKeshi_SBien: ::nod/bow:: Charmed, I'm sure tRexan> Swell….another suck up. ERv_NDak: Issaha> ::on the bridge immersed in sensor scans, actually doing his job for a change:: tRexan> First time for everything!! Laehval_tTemarr: ::In her own office in Engineering, even moodier than usual because of the insufferable hangover she had, she all but growled as N'Dak's voice issued over the comm. If she ignored him, would he go away? No. He'd just use the computer to track her down:: tRexan> Didn’t realize it was possible for her to even “be” this moody… DErv_tKsa: ::exits her office after wearing a path in the carpet, spies tr'Lahir consorting with the nurses.......again. Sighs, and heads towards Vosh's biobed:: tRexan> See….I told you….I’m not the only one seeing it. Spy, consorting spy!! ERv_NDak: ::hearing the deciedly moody tone, he smirked to himself, this is what they got for going out drinking and not taking hang-over pills:: +Laehval+ I have a....project I'd like to discuss with au, may I come down to speak with au about it, or would au prefer to venture up here? tRexan> Laeh..how many times is that, that NDak’s called you moody tonight? Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::going a bit batty in maenek:: Agrie_tr_Lahir: <<Oh I show you batty...>> tRexan> To the bat cave!! ERv_NDak: ::N'Dak tone was...warm and...pleasant...is that possible?:: tRexan> No! DErv_tKsa: Etre Vosh, I'm beginning to think there is something seriously wrong with au. This is the third time I have had to deal with au's injuries in less than re weeks. Perhaps au are too frail for an assignment on a Galae ship? tRexan> Oooo Morganna……that’s cold……”too frail” LOL ERv_NDak: << Even *I* am not in Medical that often! >> tRexan> Elements, na even the Maenak’s are there as often! ERv_NDak: ::For some reason he was in a particularly chipper mood, a broad smile accross his face as he waited for Laehval's response. He placed his boots up on his desk leaning back deeply into the semo-cushy chair:: Arrain_tr_Vosh: <uh..did he say smiling> Deihu_TKeshi_SBien: <here we go again..> Laehval_tTemarr: (( Of course he is smiling. He's going to visit Laehval. >> ERv_NDak: ::As the TL descended into the Realm of Laehval N'Dak leaned back against wall:: ERv_NDak: ::grinning from ear to ear:: I have decided..::walking into the room, and yes he did have a strong scent that seemed to drive women wild for him:: Laehval_tTemarr: ::Laehval hadn't reached that "wild" level. She was more ... nauseated t’Rexan> :decides NDak needs a better anti-perspirant. ERv_NDak: ::flips his Comm off as he walks into main engineering tapping the ISD against his other hand:: tRex> I suppose it’s better than him flipping one of us off as usual. ERv_NDak: ::As he entered the Engineering level he glanced around for Laehval, although he was sure he could spot the bad aura from a mile away:: Laehval_tTemarr: ::Supressing another bout of shudders, she took her mug of tea and walked out of her office. She could smell N'Dak from a mile away. Waving him over, she indicated the tech spec room with a flick of her chin.:: So what is this big project? tRexan> ::predicts these two will either quickly become an item, or Laeh will yy’a him before the year is out:: Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Chortles a bit:: Hm... True enough. Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Chortles again, tapping into his ISD:: Consider it done. t’Rexan> Morganna, check him out,.he keeps…chortling. I recommend using a cold probe. tAehjea: ::notices the brig empty for a change:: tRexan> I’m sure we can fix that. DErv_tKsa: ::wiping her eyes:: Hann'yyo...I haven't been that amused in a long time. tRexan> Just try to read the log seriously. It does it for me!! LOL Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::To Ksa:: Beside the execution of my punishment, na Ihhei. tRexan> Au would prefer execution as au punishment? Did I hear right? Arrain_Koga_SBien: Blobs? Au are still griping about the blobs? t’Rexan> OMG, I read the wrong for a moment! Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::wondering how Koga knows so much about Ll'oahnna entertainment:: ERv_NDak: <<SPy!!!!!!!!!!!>> ERv_NDak: << that's because we're all worried about getting offed ourselves >> tr_Psichore: <<Be nice to each other.... don't make me off all of you.>> ERv_NDak: << Do you know how much I have to pay t'Rexan to keep me alive? tr_Psichore: <<Geez... why is this sim always about killing each other.... killing and killing, all the time..>> tr_Psichore: <<Why can't we just trust each other and be happy...>> Arrain_tr_Vosh: <cant we all just ..get along> tr_Psichore: <<why can't we all just get along!>> Arrain_Koga_SBien: <<Won't you be my neighbour?> ERv_NDak: << I think we have a Vulcan spy on our hands >> Agrie_tr_Lahir: <<If you'd like we can kill you Psi. :blink: Then you won't have to worry about it>> Laehval_tTemarr: (( Because we have pointed ears and brow ridges, Psichore. It comes with the territory. )) tr_Psichore: <<LOL>> t’Rexan> There…togetherness! At least it’s something we all agree on. Laehval_tTemarr: Erein t'Ditsy> ::Working in Main Engineering, she catches sight of t'Aehjae patrolling and quickly hides her Koga action figure contraband... now with movable arms & tear-away shirt!:: tRexan> At least it wasn’t NDak that was caught playing with a dolly DErv_tKsa: And fhaen...watch how au consort with the nurses. Au will suffer the wraith of the head nurse if she finds that au are occupying too much of their time. ::smirks, heading to the replicator:: tRexan> Consorting is now allowed by the Daise Maenak!? Man, she’s gone soft! That, or perhaps she’s hoping she gets her chance!! Laehval_tTemarr: (( ::visually scanning N'dak's info as it downloads.:: Brig specs, brig modifications, forcefield modifications, naked pictures of N'dak, security office modifications, transporter inhibitors, naked ... Wait a minute! ::scrolls back.:: )) ERv_NDak: << You know you want him Laeh >> tRexan> Glad the sim was about to end for the night!! DErv_tKsa: ::glances over her shoulder at the staff, watching them work like busy bees:: <m>Perhaps I'm just moody today. ::turns and watches more fully:: tRex> No no….I thought that was Laehval? That’s what NDak said at least! ERv_NDak: oh him...he's supposed to be scary? That's like being afraid of a bunny Arrain_tr_Vosh: Its just a little bunny' Agrie_tr_Lahir: Don't underestimate the Bunny Rabbit. Arrain_tr_Vosh: <remembers a Holy Grail bunny> KhreRiovtRex: it's got big sharp nasty teeth! Arrain_tr_Vosh: oh ie... A Monty Sim ERv_NDak: err Grail Laehval_tTemarr: The Full Monty? I'll come to that academy. Arrain_tr_Vosh: Laeh your mind is in the gutter like always ERv_NDak: I preform nightly Laehval_tTemarr: Somehow I get the mental picture of the Patrick Swayze vs. Chris Farley Chippendales skit. And N'Dak isn't Patrick Swayze. Arrain_tr_Vosh: I KNOW Laehval_tTemarr: ::cackle:: tRexan> PAUSE SIM…PAUSE SIM.QUICKLY …my eyes!!
  2. Oh geez...not only do we have to deal with S'Bein, but now he brought his daddy to stick up for him.... Well, we saw where that got N'Dak.... ::checks the charge on her electowhip:: T050331.doc
  3. Repairs and leave on the station.....and...S'Bien's father is coming to visit. 23:08:10 khreriovtrex: Jolan Tru RES Talon 23:08:14 Cdt._Chase: ::GURGLE as blood flows from his neck:: 23:08:14 Ens_Yanksfan: I like dying in the academy 23:08:34 LtCdr_LoAmi: Jolan Tru, au Rihannsu! 23:08:37 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Jolan tru. :D 23:08:42 DErv_tKsa: Hann'yyo 23:08:43 Cdt._Chase: Jolan tru 23:08:52 STSF_Lebowski: Alright, everyone... it's time for the RES Talon.. so feel free to stay and watch quietly or move to the lobby to chat. 23:08:53 Ens_Yanksfan: *no* 23:09:08 STSF_Lebowski: Thanks for coming, next academy is Saturday night :) 23:09:16 Cdt._Chase: bye all 23:09:19 Ens_Yanksfan: *deadjim* 23:09:31 Laehval_tTemarr: ::Busy catching some of that spurting blood in her special chalice for the demonic rights she'd be performing later.:: 23:09:40 khreriovtrex: I had some abdominal surgery yesterday, and sitting up at the computer isn't very comfy. I'll try to stay a bit, but I'm not sure I can make the whole sim without taking a few breaks. Anyway, I apologize ahead of time. Fortunately, Mr SBein is running this plot and I'm sure he and trPsichore can help you with anything while I'm away from the screen. Remember you have a 48 hour leave. 23:10:27 STSF_Lebowski: No problem.. you take care of yourself, boss. 23:10:33 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Indeed 23:11:14 Arrain_Koga_SBien: :) 23:11:18 khreriovtrex: Ok....Koga sent the Mission Briefing to your email, but if you haven't seen it, he'll put it to the screen in a moment 23:11:27 Arrain_Koga_SBien: RES TALON MISSION BRIEFING, SD: 10503.10 23:11:40 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Having arrived at an outpost near ch¡¯Rihan last time, the RES Talon undergoes some much needed repairs after the damage she sustained in her previous mission with the Lloahn¡¯nna Galae ships. 23:11:50 Arrain_Koga_SBien: The Talon¡¯s crew also are given a time to enjoy a brief period of R&R before they disembark for their next mission. But also at the station is Senator T¡¯Keshi Kaga S¡¯Bien, father of Koga S¡¯Bien. 23:11:59 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Organsing a meeting with the Khre¡¯Riov in about ten minutes, the Senator has some rather important, but bad news he wishes to share with her concerning the well being of the Empire and all those who inhabit it. 23:12:25 khreriovtrex: Hann'yyo Koga 23:12:31 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Np 23:12:53 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Begin Sim.. 23:12:56 Arrain_tr_Vosh secretly learned the shocking news....... 23:13:02 khreriovtrex: Only Dev siuren (10 minutes) have passed since leave was granted 23:13:06 khreriovtrex: Begin sim 23:13:09 khreriovtrex: Begin Sim 23:13:10 Arrain_Koga_SBien: O_o 23:13:11 Arrain_tr_Vosh: <ch'Rihan idol is being cancelled> 23:13:13 khreriovtrex: Begin sim 23:13:35 r_tor_bat_ok: ::wondering around the recreational area of the station looking for something interesting to do:: 23:13:50 Agrie_tr_Lahir: <<::Sneaks in, giving a wave:: Jolan Tru all>> 23:13:51 STSF_Lebowski: <<lol>> 23:13:56 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::in the p'Ub, eating his meal:: 23:13:59 khreriovtrex: ACTION: tRexan has went to a series of meetings which will tie her up for most of the 2 days of leave...... 23:14:46 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::eating with Koga:: so...tell me about aus father.......au told me before he was a senator........::taking a swig of a nice ale:: 23:14:52 Sen._TKeshi_SBien: ::same can be pretty much said for the Senator:: 23:14:55 DErv_tKsa: ::finished torturing N'Dak and is na considering what she needs to accomplish, should she deal with her problem maenak, or allow him to rot in his quarters while the rest enjoy leave:: 23:15:23 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Rotting peacefully in his quarters:: 23:15:50 khreriovtrex: <short break....bbs> 23:15:52 STSF_Lebowski: ::sitting in his quarters reading up on social psychology for assassins:: 23:15:59 DErv_tKsa: ((Where is the dheno staff when you need them?)) 23:16:04 Laehval_tTemarr: ::Already taking advantage of her leave time, she was ensconced in a little out of the way dive bar that served a myriad of food - none of it Rihan. Some fizzing, bright orange alcoholic beverage in her hand, she sat at a table by herself, listening to 23:16:04 DErv_tKsa: ((LOL)) 23:16:07 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::Looks to Vosh:: Yes, he is the Chairman of the Intellegence Division of the Imperial Senate serving in that position for over 30 years. Before that, he was an officer in the Galae. 23:16:37 Arrain_tr_Vosh: Ah..so he parlayed his military career into politics...... 23:16:46 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Like N'Dak, my family is very highly respected on ch'Rihan and we've much power associated with our house 23:16:53 Laehval_tTemarr: the local singer which happened to be an Orion. Nobody she'd ever heard of, but the green skinned female - no doubt someone's slave - wasn't all that bad of an entertainer.:: 23:16:57 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::nods:: precisely 23:17:19 DErv_tKsa: +tr'Bully+ Etre tr'Bully, fhaen bring Etre tr'Lahir to my offices...fhaen as quickly as possible, I would like to enjoy at least some of my leave. 23:17:25 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::chuckles at the mention of powerhouse..: Koga....with your frame..who would expect anything less... 23:17:35 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::smile:: 23:17:42 DErv_tKsa: tr'Bully>+t'Ksa+ Ie, lhhei. 23:17:52 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::looks down at his frame:: 23:18:28 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Catching up on some Medical journals, reading about some fascinating new procedures being done in the Galae:: Hm... interesting. 23:18:47 DErv_tKsa: tr'Bully>::speed dheno that he is, rings the chime to tr'Lahir's quarters:: 23:19:01 Laehval_tTemarr: t'Ditsy> ::Anything but alone in engineering, she was still busy scowling at the station repair teams that moved here and there as they worked on the Talon's systems.:: 23:19:45 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Glances to the door:: Enter. 23:20:19 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::enjoying a rather thick cut of meat.....seared to perfection.....:: I have missed this........ 23:20:26 DErv_tKsa: tr'Bully>::holding out a pair of restraints in his large fists:: Au are to come with me immediately. 23:20:42 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Heh.. it's meat 23:20:45 r_tor_bat_ok: ::noticing two rihans playing ch'ess and stops to watch for a moment. Not all that interesed doing something in one of the gyms takes note of a few tables with ch'ess pieces:: 23:20:50 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Sighs:: Very well. 23:21:02 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Steps over to the door, extending his hands out:: 23:21:10 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::digs into his juicy steak, obviously not savouring it as much as Vosh:: 23:21:30 Arrain_tr_Vosh: Its na JUST meat..........its tr'Angus.......it actually reminds me of My father........ 23:21:46 DErv_tKsa: tr'Bully>::slaps the restraints on tr'Lahir's wrists and grunts:: Let's go. 23:21:49 Arrain_tr_Vosh: my mother was na cook....most meals were prepared by servants...... 23:21:55 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::Raises brow:: Your father reminds you of steak? 23:22:16 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Moves along, goind where ever it is that the tr'Bully is taking him:: 23:22:18 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::Nods:: Ie, me too. Parents too busy to cook. 23:22:36 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::grinning at Kogas comment:: but..on special occasions...my father would cook........ 23:22:46 Agrie_tr_Lahir: going* 23:22:50 DErv_tKsa: t'Ksa>::finishes a memo to engineering, reminding them of her request for assistance for a piece of medical equipment:: 23:23:10 DErv_tKsa: tr'Bully>::glares at him almost daring him to run:: 23:23:18 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Not that my folks can cook anyways. 23:23:25 Arrain_tr_Vosh: he was actually quite good............he knew how to season..........::laughing:: he could have made aus boots taste god.... 23:23:34 Arrain_tr_Vosh: *good 23:23:47 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Walking along, showing no stuggle, just wanted to get this whole thing done and over with:: 23:23:52 STSF_Lebowski: <<Mmmmm, boooots>> 23:23:54 Laehval_tTemarr: ::Hissing as the last of her drink burned down her throat, she glanced about, searching for a server to get her another. Catching his attention and indicating her desire (for a drink, anyway), she settled back again to listen. The singer was now 23:24:11 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Interesting. 23:24:12 DErv_tKsa: t'Ksa><q>I could be on the station on leave now, instead of here. I hope this works and quickly...::mentally making a list of things she intends to do:: 23:24:25 STSF_Lebowski: <<Howdy t'A>> 23:24:26 Laehval_tTemarr: fronting for a synth-instrument band. The tune was catchy enough that a few of the braver patrons were shuffling toward the dance floor.:: 23:24:31 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::thinking Dak must be rubbing of on him...what with FOND memories of his father and all:: 23:24:46 tAehjea: << Sorry folks Just walked in the door from work>> 23:24:49 DErv_tKsa: tr'Bully>::delievers t'Lahir to the door of t'Ksa's office, ringing the chime:: 23:24:59 tAehjea: <<hi Leb>> 23:25:06 DErv_tKsa: t'Ksa>::looks up:: Enter, fhaen. 23:25:09 r_tor_bat_ok: ::stores the information on her ISD and tucking it in a pocket continues to walk around the recreational area:: 23:25:39 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Steps into Ksa's office, still in his restraints:: 23:25:53 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::catching the servers attention:: more ale...........hann'yyo.. 23:26:06 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Make that two.. 23:26:06 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: Enters the bar :: 23:26:11 DErv_tKsa: tr'Bully>Etre tr'Lahir, as au wish, lhhei. 23:26:37 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::to Koga:: so..as daddys pride and joy..are au privy as to our purpose here? 23:26:59 DErv_tKsa: t'Ksa>Menkha. ::waves for tr'Bully to take the restraints off:: I will take custody for now. Fhaen remain in medical until I give word, hann'yyo. 23:27:06 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: picks a little table off to the side :: 23:27:33 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::sighs.. shakes head:: Unfortunately I am not. I was just as shocked as most of au were when I heard we were picking up my father as a passenger for our next mission; evven more so actually. 23:28:23 DErv_tKsa: tr'Bully>::does so, then exits Morgana's office:: 23:28:33 Arrain_tr_Vosh: na that I mind the change of scenery........I have grown weary of driving ms t'Ditsy.....::sighs::. 23:28:56 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Not enjoying being the Helmsman, eh? 23:28:56 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Rubs his wrists a little, finding the restraints not too comfortable. Standing at attention now:: 23:29:04 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "Hot tea please." 23:29:08 Arrain_tr_Vosh: I enjoy being an Oira officer...do na misunderstand.... 23:29:12 DErv_tKsa: Etre tr'Lahir. What am I do do with au? 23:29:22 Arrain_Koga_SBien: It has it's perks. 23:29:29 khreriovtrex: @::idly listening to reports from the station commander while several other blowhards try to impress her with their ships' exploits:: 23:29:32 tAehjea: ::looking around and in window shopping:: 23:29:49 Arrain_tr_Vosh: I just miss d'heno.......sounds nuts, eh......::laughs:: 23:30:02 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Gulps slightly, not all too sure if he should answer the question:: 23:30:11 r_tor_bat_ok: ::stops seeing a tounament poster for later in the day by the ch'ess tables and moves closer to take a look:: 23:30:23 DErv_tKsa: Well? ::motions for him to speak, it might be the last chance he has to save his skin:: 23:30:54 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Au do? 23:31:22 Arrain_Koga_SBien: I never thought I'd ever hear that from a Talon Dheno Officer. 23:31:28 Arrain_tr_Vosh: It was na my idea to transfer..regardless of what the gossip said...... 23:31:45 Laehval_tTemarr: ::Spotting Pexil as he entered the establishment she'd been sitting in for a few minutes, she grinned. Somehow, she knew that he'd find this place. Hearing his order, she snorted and shook her head. As the server came by with her drink, she motioned to 23:31:53 Arrain_tr_Vosh: it had problems..like every department... 23:32:02 Agrie_tr_Lahir: I-I-I do... na know, Ihhei... But whatever you decide to do, I shall follow along accordingly. I should na have done what I did without au's permission. 23:32:07 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Hmm.. well.. all respects aside to Destorie, he can be quite demanding. I know. I've known him since childhood 23:32:08 tAehjea: ::continues walking uptil comes to the pub and decides to get a drink:: 23:32:11 Laehval_tTemarr: Pexil's table. :: Give that to him. Tell him it is from the female across the room. ::Smirking.:: 23:32:18 Agrie_tr_Lahir: This I understand, and I aplogize for my actions. 23:32:23 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: Sips his hot tea while listening to the music :: 23:32:38 Agrie_tr_Lahir: apologize* 23:32:48 Arrain_tr_Vosh: but.......what can I say...I like a challenge........speaking of Ma.....NDak...have au spoken to him lately 23:32:51 Sen._TKeshi_SBien: ::chats about the mission to whom it may concern:: 23:33:00 r_tor_bat_ok: ::notices that it doesn't start for a while yet, and decides to continue through the rest of the area some more and maybe grab some food:: 23:33:00 khreriovtrex: @::knows that after this meeting, she has on her schedule io of her oira officer's daddy to speak too. A deihu as well......she remembered NDaks' father. ::mumbles:: I'd rather be stranded on a barren asteroid 23:33:11 DErv_tKsa: Au realize that this is the second time au have disappointed me. Violated the chain of command and the trust of the maenak who serve here? Tell me, Etre tr'Lahir, what would au do if au were in my shoes? 23:33:21 Laehval_tTemarr: ::Doing as bidden, the server moved to Pexil's table and placed the fizzing, bright orange drink on his table.:: A drink from the female, sir. ::Pointing over in Laehval's general direction.:: Because drink tea here would be a sin. 23:33:35 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::stopped himself from using Ma Lyn:: 23:34:01 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::smirks:: No, not for awhile. I don't think he's in a position to see anyone right now 23:34:05 tAehjea: ::enters the pub and walks up to the bar:: 23:34:46 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::notes that this pub is getting crowded.. heh:: 23:34:51 r_tor_bat_ok: ::continues walking along the rec facilities noting how much larger they are here than on the talon:: 23:34:52 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::sees t'A......whistles:: Over here......::motions:: 23:35:07 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: squints to see this female the server spoke of :: 23:35:08 Agrie_tr_Lahir: If I was in au's shoes, Ihhei, I would more than likely be furious, and no punishment would serve appropiate as redemption for my actions. 23:35:12 tAehjea: ::turns hearing the whistle:: 23:35:15 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::looks up:: 23:35:16 STSF_Lebowski: ::getting confused by psycho mumbo jumbo.. puts down the reading for now:: 23:35:26 Arrain_tr_Vosh: he has been acting.......differently.......... 23:35:42 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Differently? 23:35:55 tAehjea: ::askes the bar tneder to deleiver her drink to the table :: 23:36:12 Arrain_tr_Vosh: if au havent spoken ...au would na believe me......just notice the next time au speak.. 23:36:12 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: picks up both drinks and heads over to where the female was :: 23:36:25 DErv_tKsa: Furious is definately an adjective aptly describing my feelings. ::walking to her desk, opening a drawer and pulling out a small data key:: 23:36:27 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ....::shaking his head:: au'll see 23:36:32 tAehjea: ::walks over to Vosh:: 23:36:54 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::shrug:: Hmm. 23:36:57 r_tor_bat_ok: ::seeing a few more things that caught her eye that she might have to come back and try she left that area heading for a nearby restaurant:: 23:37:01 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::stands..feigning a salute...::glad to see au up and about... 23:37:05 Laehval_tTemarr: ::In shadow in the smoky place, it'd be hard for him to see. She had the server bring her another of those fizzing drinks while she waited for Pexil to head over. If he recognized her or not, surely he'd be curious enough to venture over.:: 23:37:11 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Glances at the key:: 23:37:15 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "I should have known, and to think I thought my ship of love had finally warped in." 23:37:21 Arrain_tr_Vosh: have a seat...........:grabs a chair:: 23:37:25 tAehjea: :: still not completely over the effects of her beating mentally:: You wished to see me? 23:37:40 khreriovtrex: <<would anyone be offended if I were to go lay down? I'm really getting some discomfort here> 23:37:48 STSF_Lebowski: <<Go!>> 23:37:50 Arrain_Koga_SBien: <<Nope, not at all>> 23:37:51 Arrain_tr_Vosh: <<beat it boss..>> 23:37:54 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: waves as to indicate if he could sit down :: 23:37:56 DErv_tKsa: ((No...get well)) 23:38:04 Arrain_Koga_SBien: <<Ditto>> 23:38:15 tAehjea: <No not at all>> 23:38:18 Agrie_tr_Lahir: <<Ya... what they said>> 23:38:21 Arrain_tr_Vosh: <<actually got to say that .and live......>> 23:38:29 Arrain_tr_Vosh: < :P > 23:38:36 DErv_tKsa: Unfortunately, being furious is na enough. ::scrutnizing him:: Follow me. ::motions and exits her office:: 23:38:42 khreriovtrex: <thanks all, I"m really sorry, it was just a bit more painful than I expected> 23:38:48 Laehval_tTemarr: ::Laehval chuckled and slid one of the chairs from beneath the table with one foot.:: Have a seat, Lerak. I'm not surprised to see au here. It is an odd place, though not without some merit. 23:38:52 Arrain_Koga_SBien: <<Don't cont your chickens before they hatch. ;) >> 23:39:06 tAehjea: <<get Better tRex>> 23:39:13 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "It's... dark I'll give it that." 23:39:15 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::chuckles:: t'A.......we are on leave......sit down...talk with us...enjoy auself..... 23:39:29 Arrain_tr_Vosh: <<good point>> 23:39:45 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Walks along, following behind Ksa, his palms very moist in sweat:: 23:39:53 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "How have you been? I've worried about you over the past few cycles." 23:40:01 Arrain_tr_Vosh: unless au are meeting someio........::looks around the room....:: 23:40:06 r_tor_bat_ok: ::notices a small cafe up ahead and heads for it:: 23:40:13 tAehjea: ::sits:: Its hard to enjoy io self after what I have been through 23:40:36 tAehjea: na I am not 23:40:54 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: looks at his drink :: 23:41:05 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::awkward moment...remembering Koga gave the lashings last time...::right....well au must try to put t behind au 23:41:05 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "Would this be good with tea?" 23:41:06 DErv_tKsa: ::escorts him to a non-descript door that always seems locked, slides the key chip into the slot and the door slides open to a dark windowless space:: After au...::motions:: 23:41:12 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::sips his drink:: 23:41:27 Arrain_Koga_SBien: <I gave them to NDak>> 23:41:31 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Gulps again, nervously stepping into the dark room:: 23:41:33 Laehval_tTemarr: They have Lloann'na food and even a few kll'inghann dishes, if au can believe that. ::Taking her drink from the server as it was delivered. She took a long drink, licking her lips and avoiding Pexil's question.:: I can na say. It is orange, bubbly, and 23:41:40 Laehval_tTemarr: strong. Try it. Au might like it. Too much. 23:42:01 Arrain_tr_Vosh: <i know..but it would be awkward, anyway> 23:42:11 Arrain_Koga_SBien: <meh..> 23:42:14 tAehjea: I thank au for allowing me to sit with Au 23:42:42 Arrain_tr_Vosh: na at all...we were just discussing Kogas father....and our secret agenda... 23:43:16 DErv_tKsa: ::taps commands into the wall console, turning on the light in the middle of a room, highlighting an old, scary looking electric chair:: Fhaen, have a seat. 23:43:18 tAehjea: ::turns to Koga:: Aus father? 23:43:18 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Which I sadly have no idea what is, since I haven't seen or heard from my pop in like a year 23:43:21 r_tor_bat_ok: ::walks into the cafe and looks at the menu seeing the expected dishes. choosing a sandwich that was her usual in a cafe near the academy, she ordered:: 23:43:33 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::noticing the bar grow quieter about the time he said secret agenda::........great..... 23:43:51 Arrain_tr_Pexil: ::places his hand on hers for a few moments:: "I'm here as a friend and not a fellow crewmember if you need me... Unless this drink you got me finishes me first." 23:43:53 Arrain_Koga_SBien: >T'A> Ie, We are due to pick him up here as a passenger on the Talon for our next mission. 23:44:10 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Moves over to the chair, having a seat. His sweat starting to show a little more:: 23:44:46 tAehjea: If I am interrupting something I will leave ::stands:: 23:44:55 Arrain_Koga_SBien: No, it's okay.. 23:45:10 Arrain_tr_Vosh: na...sit down..aus making ME nervous........ 23:45:10 r_tor_bat_ok: ::picking a table out of the way to sit at, she starts to eat the sandwich and take out the ISD to look over another area of the station:: 23:45:14 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: closes his eyes :: "I probably need to hold your hand while I try this." 23:45:19 tAehjea: ::sits:: 23:45:24 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: gulps the fizzing drink down :: 23:45:25 Arrain_tr_Vosh: just try to relax..... 23:45:35 Arrain_tr_Vosh: thas what these times are for, ie? 23:45:36 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::sips his ale again:: 23:45:38 DErv_tKsa: ::clears her throat, walking around the edge of the light:: Au realize by au's actions, the trouble au caused? 23:45:44 Laehval_tTemarr: ::With a wry smirk that was so uncharacteristic of Laehval, she gave him a wink. Sliding her hand from beneath his own, she gave the top of his a couple of pats.:: Au will be fine. I promise it won't kill au. Perhaps tomorrow au will wish it had, but 23:45:50 STSF_Lebowski: <<Everyone in the bar thought you heard them talking about their secret agendas>> 23:45:54 Laehval_tTemarr: it is a good enhancement to the loud music. 23:46:01 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: Pixel's eyes open wide and his face turns an interesting shade of red :: 23:46:14 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Nods:: Ie, Ihhei. I do. 23:46:16 Arrain_tr_Vosh: <<exactly...the tal shiar will be all over me> 23:46:33 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "Oh my elements!" 23:46:37 tAehjea: Ie But I have forgotten how to do just that 23:47:01 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: tears run down his face :: 23:47:10 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "I think this was meant to be sipped..." 23:47:11 DErv_tKsa: Do au really now? Then fhaen explain to me...what is it au do know? 23:47:13 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::grinning:: well..let me assure au..it starts here....::pointing to his mug of ale.......:: 23:47:14 Laehval_tTemarr: Or rather, it dulls the loud music. ::Watching him as he drank. She chuckled at his reaction, shaking her head. Laehval was not a heavy drinker, but she could hold quite a bit of it. She'd already delved into that 300 year old bottle of Saurian Brandy 23:47:22 Laehval_tTemarr: she'd found in one of the engineering lockers.:: 23:47:27 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: reaches for his tea :: 23:47:31 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::slight eyeroll:: 23:47:55 Arrain_tr_Vosh: :holds glass up:: a toast...to the S'Biens..powerhouse of ch"Rihan.. 23:47:55 Laehval_tTemarr: Want me to get au another? ::Grinning still, she took a long drink of her own beverage.:: Or would au rather something to eat? 23:48:13 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: his face begins to return to its normal self :: 23:48:16 tAehjea: ::bartender brings tA her drink... a lemon drink:: 23:48:30 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::Smiles:: At least N'Dak ain't around to object. 23:48:32 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "I'm wondering where my throat went to." 23:48:41 r_tor_bat_ok: ::scrolls the map on the ISD between bites looking at what kind of stores there are on the prominade:: 23:48:43 tAehjea: ::holds up her cup:: 23:48:51 Arrain_tr_Vosh: Indeed.......here here....::kllink:: 23:48:52 Agrie_tr_Lahir: That I disobeyed a direct from a superior officer, and that I should told au that I had a problem with the given order, as it I felt if violated my medical morals. 23:48:53 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::sips respectfully:: 23:49:34 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "I don't get out enough appearently." 23:50:20 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::finishes off his steak..na leaving any on his plate a his mothers manners would have required:: 23:50:26 Arrain_tr_Vosh: *as 23:50:33 Arrain_tr_Pexil: <brb> 23:50:36 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::starts on dessert:: 23:51:00 Arrain_tr_Vosh: what is that concoction, Koga? 23:51:08 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Eh? What? 23:51:09 Laehval_tTemarr: Na. Nor do I. ::Sighs deeply as if clearing her lungs of recycled ship air.:: Na often enough. I'll be glad when we have time for longer leave on ch'Rihan. It'd be nice to see my family again. 23:51:18 DErv_tKsa: Au know...it is na the violation of the order that concerns me, Etre tr'Lahir. It is the violation of the chain of command. Because au failed to bring this ...problem...to my attention, I had to back that verrul Etre N'Dak. Instead au took it upon au's 23:51:20 tAehjea: :: takes a drinkLL 23:51:23 tAehjea: :: 23:51:28 r_tor_bat_ok: ::marks the location of a few shops she wanted to see as she finishes her sandwich:: 23:51:28 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::points to dessert plate:: 23:51:29 DErv_tKsa: self. 23:51:57 r_tor_bat_ok: ::gets up and walks out of the cafe towards to the promenade:: 23:52:01 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Oh.. it is b'Aked a'Lask'A 23:52:19 STSF_Lebowski: <<b'aked a'lask'a?? LOL>> 23:52:23 tAehjea: ::looks to where koga os pointing:: 23:52:27 Arrain_tr_Vosh: it tastes better than it sounds, ie? 23:52:29 Arrain_Koga_SBien: <<::shrug:: :) >> 23:52:29 tAehjea: *is 23:52:32 Arrain_tr_Vosh: lol 23:52:36 DErv_tKsa: And it was the second time au failed to bring something to my attention.The first when au failed to mention that the Khre'Riov ordered na further research on a prostetic. 23:52:36 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Yes, quite. 23:52:44 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "How long since you last saw them? 23:53:25 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Gulps again, not liking this at all:: 23:54:09 Laehval_tTemarr: ::She shrugged.:: Last leave I went to visit them for a short while. Na long. A day at the most. Nothing ever changes there. I like it. 23:54:12 tAehjea: ::sits quietly listening:: 23:54:37 Arrain_Koga_SBien: It's a very fancy dish 23:55:02 Laehval_tTemarr: (( ::starts turning the crank to charge up ol'sparky for Ksa. The lights on the Talon go dim, then bright, then dim, then bright again. :: )) 23:55:04 DErv_tKsa: So, since au seem to have difficulty following the chain of command and informing au's superior of issues...from now until further noticed, au must have au's work signed off by me or my designate. 23:55:07 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::his dessert arrives.......ice cream smothering a brownie..:: I know..my mother loves it..........THIS....is what I loke 23:55:24 Arrain_tr_Vosh: *like 23:55:27 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Yes.. very.. traditional. 23:55:50 Arrain_Koga_SBien: And tiny 23:55:56 Arrain_tr_Vosh: all I care about is the taste...... 23:56:02 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Hm 23:56:08 tAehjea: ::watches as the deserts arrive:: 23:56:19 STSF_Lebowski: <<You people are making me hungry...>> 23:56:24 Arrain_tr_Vosh: au na eating, t'A? 23:56:36 Arrain_Koga_SBien: <<It's the Rihannsu version of the Hood. :D >> 23:56:40 tAehjea: <<HUmmm THAT Sounds familiar 23:56:41 Arrain_tr_Vosh: <lol> 23:56:43 STSF_Lebowski: <<It's like Tuesday or something, lol>> 23:56:49 r_tor_bat_ok: ::checks out the merchandise the shops had put near the front of the stores trying to decide which shops she actually wanted to venture into:: 23:56:54 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Glances over at Ksa, wondering if that's the brunt of his punishement:: 23:57:11 tAehjea: I did na know au were eating 23:57:21 Arrain_tr_Vosh: <well the AQS isnt running of HO-HOs just yet> 23:57:33 DErv_tKsa: In addition, au will spend au's 'free time' if au have any, cleaning and sterilizing the mortuary unit. All statis units unoccupied and the sugrical ward. 23:57:54 Arrain_tr_Vosh: would au like something.........waiter........ 23:57:58 STSF_Lebowski: <<haha>> 23:58:20 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "Sounds nice." 23:58:48 tAehjea: If I may? ::still uneasy:: 23:58:53 DErv_tKsa: And let me get io last thing straight, Etre tr'Lahir. ::coming in from the darkened parts of the room, and leaning into his face:: 23:58:54 Arrain_tr_Pexil: I can make sure a shuttle is prepped if you need to visit them." 23:59:02 Arrain_tr_Vosh: of course....... 23:59:50 tAehjea: I guess .. I guess I will just have a Sun'Dae 00:00:14 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Not a bad choice. 00:00:15 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Glances right into Ksa's eyes:: 00:00:19 Arrain_tr_Vosh: :to waiter:: sun'dae...hann'yyo 00:01:10 DErv_tKsa: There will *not* be a third incident of this, Etre tr'Lahir. You will *not* like the consquences. ::knocks on the edge of the chair:: Is that understood? 00:01:22 tAehjea: Have either of Au seen Ndak? He said he wished to speak to me but I have na seen him 00:01:25 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Gulps:: Ie, Ihhei. 00:01:26 Laehval_tTemarr: Na. Na unless we are given leave to ch'Rihan and I doubt that will happen. Once we're patched up, I'm sure there is another suicide mission for us to go on, unless the Enarrain has found favor with the Galae Command, which I doubt. 00:01:32 Arrain_Koga_SBien: I think he's still on the Talon 00:01:56 Arrain_tr_Vosh: places a rather ornate kaleh on the table..........:: 00:02:05 Arrain_tr_Vosh: I have spoken with him..... 00:02:06 DErv_tKsa: ::narrowing her eyes at him for a long moment, then stands up:: Up. ::motions for him to stand up: again:: 00:02:13 r_tor_bat_ok: ::a clothing shop had some interesting garmets out front so she decided to have look further in the store.:: 00:02:29 Arrain_tr_Vosh: he gave me this.............. 00:02:39 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "Any special someone planetside or on ship?" 00:02:40 tAehjea: ::slowly slides back away from the kaleh:: 00:02:45 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Stands once again, his uniform a little moist... with sweat that is:: 00:03:12 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::realizing the ale has loosened his tongue...:: do na worry, t'A.....::puts it away quickly:: 00:03:41 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: has the server put something in his tea :: 00:03:56 Arrain_Koga_SBien: He did? 00:03:57 tAehjea: ::in a worried voice:: What did he tell Au to do with it ::eyes a bit larger:: 00:04:03 DErv_tKsa: Au can go. The crew has been granted 48 hours of leave. Au may have 10. The rest of the time...I should find au cleaning...correct? ::expectant look:: 00:04:19 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Nods:: Correct, Ihhei. 00:04:58 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::trying to figure out how to keep his word without offending his friends....:: ie.....he did........I do na think au have to worry about it, t'A....just find him when au have the time to talk.. 00:05:08 DErv_tKsa: Then go already....::motions to the door:: Before I change my mind. 00:05:13 Laehval_tTemarr: Na. ::Brooding for a moment, peering into her drink. She shook her head and downed the last bit of her fizzy brew, fiddling with the empty glass on the table.:: Perhaps a few old friends, but that's all. 00:05:23 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::quickly taking another drink:: 00:05:24 STSF_Lebowski: <<Few more minutes...>> 00:05:43 tAehjea: do I need to worry? 00:05:44 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::Hmm, thinks it's very un Destorie like to give out gifts to people like Vosh:: 00:05:49 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Bows sligtly to Ksa:: Hann'yyo, Ihhei... 00:05:57 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Dashes off, out of the room:: 00:05:59 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::perhaps he has changed somehow.. or there's some kind of catch:: 00:06:03 Arrain_tr_Pexil: :: looks at Laehval for a second, then takes a drink 00:06:05 DErv_tKsa: ;:mutters to herself::<m>And be thankful that I am being far more generous than I was thi hours ago. 00:06:25 Laehval_tTemarr: What of au? Family? ::Peers up at him finally, waving off the server's attempt to get her another drink. She wasn't read for one just yet.:: 00:06:29 Laehval_tTemarr: Friends? 00:06:34 r_tor_bat_ok: ::purchases a two shirts and looks to a chrono and decides to run them back to her quarters on the talon:: 00:06:37 Arrain_tr_Vosh: au will see when au speak with him...::to t'A::and na..there is na need to fear..... 00:06:44 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Au sure are hitting the ale pretty hard, eh? Don't want to spend the majpority of your leave drunk as a skunk 00:07:05 Laehval_tTemarr: (( ::sighs, taking her hand off ol'sparky's switch and flicking off the power.:: How disappointing. )) 00:07:17 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Dashes into the surgical award, amazed that he is still alive and that he still has his commission:: 00:07:26 DErv_tKsa: ::steps out of the room, removing her key and tucking it back into the folds of her tunic where it belongs...only she knows where the key is and she means to keep it that way:: 00:07:27 Arrain_tr_Vosh: I did na realize.........it is quite good, though 00:07:36 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "Someone really close, na, family is on Romulus in the intelligence business. I've not talked to them in some time actually." 00:07:37 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Yes, excellent vintage 00:07:38 DErv_tKsa: ((Next time Laehval....muhahahaha)) 00:07:38 Agrie_tr_Lahir: <<LOL Laeh>> 00:07:47 Arrain_Koga_SBien: <<lol>> 00:07:56 DErv_tKsa: ((Or perhaps we can use it on N'Dak? ::ducks;:)) 00:08:01 Arrain_tr_Pexil: "Some friends on board yeah... yeah.." 00:08:10 Agrie_tr_Lahir: <<Geez, you'd think Laeh was the Governor of Texas of something with anxiety like that...>> 00:08:28 Arrain_tr_Vosh: I do na want to end up yacking like some verrul....... 00:08:30 tAehjea: ::slides her drink away and sits back in her chair Looking down to the table:: 00:08:47 Arrain_Koga_SBien: Or worse.. heh 00:08:57 r_tor_bat_ok: ::navigates through the station corridors back to the talon with her purchase in hand:: 00:09:04 DErv_tKsa: ::relaxes, na sure if that worked...but at least the verrul has been warned, walks down the corridor towards the doors of main medical:: 00:09:04 Laehval_tTemarr: (( I'm a Southerner. I like to see 'em fry. Don't give them the sissy way out! :) )) 00:09:17 Agrie_tr_Lahir: <<LOL>> 00:09:30 Arrain_tr_Vosh: <<same here....you play in the rain..be prepared to ride the lightening..> 00:09:51 STSF_Lebowski: PAUSE SIM 00:09:53 STSF_Lebowski: PAUSE SIM 00:09:58 r_tor_bat_ok: ::pauses:: 00:10:00 Arrain_Koga_SBien: ::Paused:: 00:10:01 Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Paused:: 00:10:03 Laehval_tTemarr: ::zaps Vosh:: 00:10:03 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::errrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk:: 00:10:05 tAehjea: :: Paused:: 00:10:19 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::used to it by now:: 00:10:21 Arrain_tr_Vosh: lol 00:10:36 STSF_Lebowski: Alrighty folks. I'm not precisely sure what Koga and t'Rex have in mind, but I think we're having one more sim of leave? 00:10:43 Laehval_tTemarr: ::Zaps Vosh with a cattle prod.:: Used to THAT? Huh?! 00:10:46 Arrain_tr_Pexil: Sounds good.. 00:10:54 STSF_Lebowski: Eh Koga? 00:11:00 Arrain_tr_Vosh: ::snickers:: na quite 00:11:08 Arrain_Koga_SBien: I believe so, depending on what happens. :) 00:11:24 Arrain_tr_Vosh: I did na know au cared, Laeh....... 00:11:29 STSF_Lebowski: Alrighty. So if you want to do some leave logs that would be fine... or whatever 00:11:32 STSF_Lebowski: Any questions? 00:11:50 STSF_Lebowski: Alright.. T050317.doc
  4. What do you mean....that we're picking up company? T050224.doc
  5. Will r'Tor and N'Dak be rescued? Or will they be crushed and left to die in the vacuum of space? T050203.doc
  6. Well, we always said we'd end up burying NDak.....he's so close to being there, under all those tons of rock..... T050127.doc
  7. Seems that the Lloann'na had the same idea, and have fired into the asteroid field as well, to make life interesting for us, assuming that we're there...... We won't tell....then again, with our torpedos firing at the same time, I'd say it's safe to say, that at least one of them is bright enought to figure out who just fired over their bow.....lol
  8. Seeing the feeble rate that the lloann'na ship is advancing upon us, we decide to stir things up a bit, and fire topedos into the asteroid field to create a pinball effect for them.....
  9. Last of the 2004 logs! Happy New Year! T041230.doc
  10. There are Lloann'na hrrau au space, we should have yy'ad them. T041216.doc
  11. Yea, but as far as we're concerned on the Talon, Nemesis never occured. It wipes out 35 years of known Rihannsu history, so we don't use it at all on our sim. There were so many inconsistencies and contraditions with previously stated things, that we as a whole, decided that movie is best used as a coaster. Granted, we go by alot of the written book stuff, but all carries the Paramount stamp on it, and that's good enough for us. Seriously..romulan ale is blue..not clear! What they should have done for a protaganist, was done a storyline around Tomalok, who had always sparred with Picard, and Andrea Katsulas is one heck of a good actor.
  12. D'deridex by far!! It's bigger than all your puny ships. We've got really cool green running lights, our own little Quantum Singularity to run things on....and of course... the cloaking device!! t'Rex
  13. Great job everyone!! It's you, the simmers that make this sim what it is!! And don't worry about it..N'Dak's working on a way to get rid of me, one body part at a time, if tTemarr doesn't just space me first. LOL. t'Rexan
  14. Viduus d-navassa'tel RES Talon rhae dev years. Happy Birthday RES Talon on 10 years!!! To the valiant crew of the RES Talon, I commend your dedication and service to protecting the Empire against the advances of the Lloann'mhrahel (Federation) and the Kll'inghannsu fvai (Klingon dogs). May we continue to do so for many years to come. The RES Talon began simming 10 years ago today on January 5th, 1995. Well done to all current and past crew members, as we wouldn't still be here today without your time and efforts! Khlinae a nneikha. (Do honor to the Empire)
  15. The RES Talon will be taking this opportunity to indulge hrrau roast Hlai and stuffing. We will return to our regular programing next week (so no sim this week folks!) Watch for us soon, in a Neutral Zone near you.....
  16. El’Riov Laehval Ullho t’Temarr = Posted to RES Talon on 9/7/00 010201 Bronze Good Conduct Medal 010322 Promoted to rank of Ne'Arrain 010426 Service Stripe (25 sims) 010621 Merit Award 010625 Merit Award 010705 Promoted to rank of Arrain 010809 Bronze Good Conduct Medal 010906 Merit Award 011129 Service Stripe (50 sims) 011227 Bronze Good Conduct Medal (presented on 1/10/02) 020124 Merit Award 020404 Demoted to rank of Ne'Arrain (plot demotion only) 020404 Merit Award 020411 Merit Award 020417 Bronze Good Conduct Medal 020418 Demoted to rank of Erein (plot demotion only) 020606 Merit Award (1/2 merit award) 020613 Service Stripe (75 sims) 020905 Rank of Arrain Reinstated 020912 Promoted to rank of El’Arrain 021010 Bronze Good Conduct Medal 030116 Service Stripe (100 sims) 030123 Promoted to rank of Erei'Riov 030313 Silver Good Conduct Medal 030522 Merit Award, a chocolate sundae and a “Get ta’khoi the br’tehh free card” 031113 Service Stripe (125 sims) 040108 Bronze Good Conduct Medal 040226 Promoted to rank of El’Riov 040318 Silver Good Conduct Medal 040318 Service Stripe (150 sims) 040324 Temporary command of the Talon, seizing it from r’Tor and Squids 040513 Merit Award 040520 Bronze Good Conduct Medal 040909 Service Stripe (175 sims) Currently at 180 sims
  17. Updated 041030
  18. Into the breach....and overwhelming odds..... T041028.doc
  19. Wagering is open on which crew member will loose thier temper first, and go postal on their crewmates... Wagering opens at 2 strips of latinum..... T041021.doc
  20. Daise Erei'Riov Ural tr'Psichore 040708 Posted to RES Talon as efficiency trainer/hunter: Assigned hunter as part -040909 Assigned Executive Officer RES Talon 040909 Promoted to Daise Erei'Riov 040909 Bronze Good Conduct Award Currently at 17 sims as of 041021 1%
  21. Update 041021
  22. Updated on 041021
  23. Erei’Riov Destorie Ma’Lyn NDak posted to RES Talon on 7/3/03 030821 Promoted to rank of Ne'Arrain 031106 Merit Award 031106 Promoted to Daise Dheno 031204 Bronze Good Conduct Medal 031218 Promoted to rank of Arrain 040121 Service Stripe (25 sims) 040225 Silver Good Conduct Medal 040226 Promoted 040311 Seizes control of the ship with Squids, feeds t’Rexan’s hand to Squids to show loyalty 040318 Removed from command by Captain Moose of the USS Arcadia when captured 040325 Service Stripe (50 sims) 040331 Promoted to rank of El'Arrain 040415 Stripped of rank 040513 Merit award 040610 Bronze Good Conduct Medal 040625 Restoration of rank 040729 Merit Award 040806 Promoted to rank of Erei’Riov 040909 Talon Service Stripe (75 sims) 041007 Silver Good Conduct Medal (25 consecutive sims) Currently at 80 sims as of 041021 2%, 2#, 3/, 3+
  24. Updated on 041021
  25. Updated on 041021