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Everything posted by KhreRiovtRex

  1. Get it right bud.....she suggested you for acting XO, it was tr'Vren that had to put you up to Enarrain because tKsa had other duties. And..well, he wanted you as his pawn, not the Tal Shiar's pawn.
  2. [color=lime ]Do you honestly believe that! Muhahahahahaaaaaaa[/color]
  3. "Yes, it's all falling into place. The Arcadia will be destroyed. Too bad we can na take our revenge directly against Moose. However....Hayden...hrrau her dreams, she knows that she is still io of us still. And when we get the chance, we will complete breaking her, " ::looks at the file from ch'Havran rhae the training of the Hayden clone::: "Ie, this will do nicely," leans down, and wipes a spot from the Prada boots. "Of course, if I myself live though my current ordeal."
  4. RES Talon Crew Roster Updated: 2006.05.26 Crew Compliment 9 Awards in process up updating....... ======================================== R. E. S. Talon D'deridex Warbird Registry# - 2415 =========================================. COMMAND Staff: Enarrain: Khre'Riov L'haiy t'Rexan [female] ///////%%# $$@ <Incapacitated in medical> Executive Officer/Tactical: Daise Erei'Riov Ural tr'Psichore [male] (exterminator of spies) <Stasis-XLOA> 2XO: Daise'Maenak (Infectious Disease/Biohazard Specialist): Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana t'Ksa (the Evil Maenak)[female] ///////////%%%%%%%%#+++++ (2XO) ACTING FIRST OFFICER Oira Officers: Ops/Comm: Erei'Riov Koga Nraku S'Bien +++ (ship's hearthrob) <LOA> Helm Officer: ENGINEERING: Daise'Engineer/Systems Specialist: El 'Riov Laehval t'Temarr (Acting 2XO) [female] (Consort of Spies) //////%%%%%%%##++++++++ Scout Ship and H'teij Specialist: Erie'Riov Lerak Pexil [male] //////%%%%++ (SPY) AQS and Utilities Network Specialist: = Open= General Engineering: =OPEN= SCIENCE: Daise'Science Officer: Arrain Sar’vek Aljie t’Jhiin [female] Sciences Specialist: Arrain Rhean t’Valae [female] Sciences Specialist: =OPEN= Life Science Specialist: Ne'Arrain Issaha N’dak [male] % (traitor junior) <NPC> SECURITY: Daise D'heno: El’Riov Shibae t'Aehjae [female] (always in trouble) ///%%%% Disheren Security Officer: Daise Erei'Riov Destorie Ma'Lyn N'dak [male] //%%#+++(Traitorous Whipping Boy) Acting Commanding Officer Disheren Security Officer: =OPEN= Disheren Security Officer: =OPEN= MEDICAL: Daise'Maenak (Infectious Disease/Biohazard Specialist): Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana t'Ksa [female] (Evil Maenak) ///////////%%%%%%%%#+++++ (2XO) Disheren Maenak: =OPEN= Disheren Maenak: =OPEN= Leave of Absence: Daise Erei'Riov Ural tr'Psichore (XLOA) El'Arrain Koga Nraku S'Bien (LOA) SGV El'Arrain t'Oo [female] %///( ElArraintOo) Awards: Granted to those crew members making that extra special effort. & - Crystal Crab Award (150 sims in a row without an absence or excusal) @ - Platinum Good Conduct Medal (100 sims in a row without an absence or excusal) $ - Gold Good Conduct Medal (50 sims in a row without an absence or excusal # - Silver Good Conduct Medal (25 sims in a row without an absence or excusal) % - Bronze Good Conduct Medal (10 sims in a row without an absence or excusal) / - Service Stripe (attending 25 sims) + - Merit Award (excellence in log writing)
  5. Will we find our answers at Bajor? Where did Holly go. And... Will gets shot!? By Ensign Johnson?! There's a new sheriff in town! R060522.doc
  6. Congratulations to those receiving promotions tonight: Sarvek_tJhiin: Hereby promoted to the rank of Arrain. Lerak_Pexil: Hearby promoted to the rank of Erei'Riov Shibae tAehjae: Hearby promoted to the rank of El'Riov Rhean_tValae: Hearby promoted to the rank of Arrain. Destorie N'Dak: Hearby promoted to the rank of Daise Erei'Riov. Placed in command of the RES Talon as acting Enarrain Let the assassinations begin...... T060522.doc
  7. Ssnnzzzzappp! Ssnnzzzzappp! Elements the pain was excruciating and they had na even reached 20 yet. She had expected that the Deihu would to have his son participate in the whipping, had actually thought he’d have him do most, if na all of it; but was surprised when he had called upon t'Temarr. She did na know what surprised her more, that t’Temmar did na leap at the chance to “get even with her”, or the fact that she had blatantly refused to take the proffered instrument of pain, and deliver the blows as N’Dak’s father demanded of her. Was her refusal genuine revulsion for the events occurring here today, or was it yet another way to get even with t’Rexan, by making her have to take those first 10 lashes over again? Ssnnzzzzappp! Ssnnzzzzappp! Again and again, the lash bit into her back, each time, she lost more and more of her composure, and she felt her strength ebbing fast. Had she been 30-40 years younger, then she may well have been able to have taken the number of lashes she had sentenced young N’Dak to, however, at her current age and physical condition, she was na sure she would even last for half of the blows she was sentenced too. Ssnnzzzzappp! Ssnnzzzzappp! Each blow, each sting, digging deeper, and pain coursing through her with each electric shock weakening her muscle control. She found she was already barely able to stand, and tr’Vren had just reached 27. Granted, it should be 37, but there was nobody fahd that would come to her rescue this time. To harden her crew, to pull them together to work as one with each other, she had driven them mercilessly at times, incited them to hate her, but at least they hated her as one. In fact, it was something they excelled at. They would watch her die as one too, at least there was that. It would help them survive after this debacle was over, and would keep them together under the new command that followed. Assuredly, the Tal Shiar was already planning to put people in place aboard the vessel once they rid it of her. Ssnnzzzzappp! Ssnnzzzzappp! She was barely able to maintain her bite upon the leather wrapped stick she clenched between her teeth. Her breath ragged and beginning to sob with the pain. Though she wanted to maintain a strong front, the force of the blows being delivered prevented it. Tears began to streak down her face almost as heavily as the green blood was flowing down her back. 34. She was na going to make this, and she would yy’a looking a weak, useless veruul to her crew. Ssnnzzzzappp! Ssnnzzzzappp! Through it all, she was most disappointed with the boy N’Dak. Had he learned nothing from his experience? Evidently na, and instead of taking the wisdom she’d hoped he’d gained from the punishment she had exacted upon him, she only felt terrible rage from the man, an unfulfilled need for revenge, that chose this time to show itself. He was truly his father’s son. Ssnnzzzzappp! Ssnnzzzzappp! Ie, it was true, she had sentenced him to 100 lashes, yet he was young and strong, she had felt even after what he had done to her; that he at least had deserved the chance to survive, to live through the ordeal. She thought he would understand io day about her choice of his friend as the one to deliver the blows, though she had ordered Koga to na go lightly with them either. Did he na realize, that his friend, would ensure that the lashes would be spread out, dispersed as much as possible, and na centered hrrau io location, in an attempt to main, and literally bleed the victim out? Na, na from his reaction once he held the whip. Ssnnzzzzappp! Ssnnzzzzappp! She had expected heavy blows from N’Dak, but na the vehemence that was delivered with each blow. Na only could she feel the extra exertion that he placed into each strike, she could hear it. His breathing had been rapid, and he had exhaled with a grunt with each blow, to help deliver a stronger strike, much as they taught at the Retor when io was learning hand to hand combat. That exhalation would put more emphasis and strength into a blow than io without. He had na missed doing so with any of his strikes. And although she could feel tr’Vren’s blows literally shredding her back, it was N’Dak’s blows that she had felt the most. It frustrated her that she had na reached him, had na taught him anything, but also hrrau that each of those first blows ripped into previously scarred flesh, rending and tearing through the scar tissue layered there. Ssnnzzzzappp! Ssnnzzzzappp! “Aaulff,’ barely able to hold the stick, as tr’Vren’s blow bit so deep into the muscle that the shock directly hit a major nerve ending causing her entire back to spasm, and for her to lose her footing. tr’Vren however; had strung her up so high, and so tightly, that she had barely been able to stand before without standing on her toes, but now was hanging from the chain locked around her wrists and weaved onto her hook as well. All of her weight was now pulling upon her shoulders, the muscles straining and on the verge of the ligaments tearing, yet tr’Vren continued with his count. 43. Elements…please let him be merciful and add the first 10 back to the count. She could na take much more of this….. Ssnnzzzzappp! Ssnnzzzzappp! Eyes blurring with tears, the pain making her believe t’Shaeni was standing in front of her, watching, judging her weakness. The bite stick dropped from her mouth, swollen tongue from biting it, t'Rexan whispers to the imagined image before her, "Oh Minje, I only wish" Ssnnzzzzappp! "That I had gotten to know au better," Ssnnzzzzappp! "but instead, as with these I drove au away as well.I could na tell au," Ssnnzzzzappp! "Au would na have believed." Ssnnzzzzappp! "And hated me more." Ssnnzzzzappp! "Forgive me!!!" t'Rexan screamed out as she slumped in her chains at 57. Ssnnzzzzappp! Ssnnzzzzappp! A few more strokes driven at the limp form hanging from the post, and he was na sure she was even still alive. tr'Vren held his next stroke a siuren, and turned to the Deihu, "Who was she talking to?" The elder N'Dak turned to tr'Vren, "What the Elements does it matter, she's clearly hallucinating or trying to get out of the rest of the punishment. Why have au stopped!? Finish it.....she has 13 more strokes to go....if she lives," looks at the bloody carcass hanging stretched from a hook as if she were na more than a side of beef. Green blood flowing down her back from the deep furrow torn into her by the tr'Vren repeatedly lashing the same spot. Dark green blood soaked into her trousers and boots, and finally puddling upon the floor beneith her as the rancid smell of drying blood and torn flesh filled the air. "Finish this, so we can put this matter behind us, and the poor Khre'Riov into the ground."
  8. Yy'a Rihan Walking....... The N'Dak's Revenge is nigh. The crew, split in their opinion if the sentance is just or na, bear witness hrrau the RAC bay.... Destorie enjoying his task too much, Laehval refusing to participate, and trVren starting the count anew... T060511.doc
  9. Ewww....Federation.....
  10. Too many...too Federation looking!! What you need, is a nice graceful Rihannu design!
  11. In The Name of Justice, Retribution and Vengeance, Part 3 A Joint Log by t'Rexan and N'Dak N’Dak slowly made his way over to where t’Rexan stood, she facing the Chairman, and he standing shoulder to shoulder with her, facing the assembled dignitaries. The middle-aged woman, her black hair showing beginning streaks of grey, trying to stand tall, yet also clearly exhausted from this whole ordeal. Ie, hna was the perfect time to strike, and he would take her down hrrau io quick stroke. In a hushed tone, he leaned over and whispered to her, “Time to atone for au sins.” “Khre’Riov L’haiy t’Rexan,” he projected in a booming voice so all could hear, and a flourish of his arms to regain their attentions. “I have a remaining topic for au to authen. Tell us, please, hrrau au own words, about Daise Erei’Riov Minje t’Shaeni.” t’Rexan momentarily closed her eyes, and swallowed. The inner terror that they had finally found out what she had hidden for the last 32 years, hit her as squarely as if someone had fired at her with a compression round from io of the bulkhead breaching weapons they stored in the RAC bay. There was na to do now, but stand and authen. But in hopes he did na know all, authen only what was asked. “Daise Erei’Riov Minje t’Shaeni was my executive officer rhae the RES Talon for approximately 4 years,” she answered him. “And, where is she hna?” “As I’m sure au already know by this game of yours, she is hrrau the Valkaru Rehabilitative Hospital.” “The hospital?!” D’Lvon feigned shock and surprise, “Whatever is she doing there?” “Au miserable snake, I ought to,” she hissed at him, as he walked around her, smirking at her frustration. “My, my, my!! My mnekha Khre’Riov…..temper temper,” N’Dak goaded her on. “Yet another executive officer taken down in the line of duty. Yet another officer sent home hrrau a stasis box to their family. All courtesy of Khre’Riov t’Rexan and her poor command decisions.” t’Rexan blinked, unsure of where he was going with this. Which would he bring up. Her hand, or worse, what so far remained hidden? “But wait! Is it na true, that ‘au’ were part of her family? And is it na true that au ‘cut off her hand’!? It baffles me! How could au take the hand of someone hrrau au own family?? More so, that au had so little regard for this woman, that au not only took her hand, but au ordered au Daise Maenak to graft it onto au own arm to replace the io au had lost?!! AUTHEN ME! Do na evade the question by staring at the floor!! Elements! They did na know. She may na have to face this yet. Na, it was na the time nor place, yet she knew that io day, it ‘would’ come out. Too many people to keep such a secret. Balling her remaining hand into a fist, she turned defiantly to answer him. “Ie, I took her hand, but there was good reason. At the time, my ship, and a powerful LLoahnn’na ship were under control of the alien Squids. I was having difficulty trying to turn our people from the power of their mind control devices, but once we were able to do so, I needed to make a strong appearance to the crew and that of the weak-minded Lloann’nah crew, to try to regain control of our ships. I had to make a whole, strong impression, or they may na have followed me. My executive officer was at this time, set in a stasis unit, and the Daise Maenak’s report, that she was as good as dead, unless a genetic scientist would be able to clone matching organs, and eventually implant then once the cells had grown and organized into a workable organ. My sister, Ahiuan t’Shaeni, happens to be such a doctor. The hand would be but io more organ for her to regrow for Minje. I mean, the Daise Erei’Riov.” “A fortunate story for sure. But it leads me to ask another question? Just where is this hand hna? I do na see it attached any longer to au arm?” N’Dak made to lift her arm but drew back when she snapped her teeth at her, as if to bite him. “When I returned to ch’Rihan and went to the home of my sister and her husband, they happened to recognize a birthmark that was on the back of Minje’s hand. My sister acted as an angry mother would. She took a sword from the wall, and when I was sitting at the table talking to her husband, she brought it down, and severed the hand from my arm. She proceeded to tell me she never wished to speak to me again, had me removed from their home, and from what I have heard, she returned to the hospital with the hand, to reattach it to the body of Minje. That is all I know.” N’Dak turned to the Chairman. “And, having taken a limb from another officer, and leaving that officer maimed if they ever recovered, she is by far, more guilty, than what my son had done to her. I ask. NO, I demand justice.” t’Vren saw an opening to make Galae look bad and stood. “I concur and second his motion, if the Chair will recognize me. This officer, has committed a crime against io of our own. Granted she claims it was necessary under the circumstances, but what if the officer had na been in stasis? Would she have still taken the hand of another lower ranking officer? The Tal Shiar back Deihu N’Dak in seeking retribution in this matter.” Around the room, io by io, many of the others agreed, and na io wanted to support Galae, as they had just ignored the issue to begin with. The Chairman stood to give his verdict. “Khre’Riov t’Rexan. This tribunal finds au na guilty to the charges of negligence to prevent the aliens from having boarded au ship while it was damaged in the ion storm. However, this tribunal does find you guilty in the matter of assault and battery against a member of au crew, io that was unable to defend herself or refuse au to take the limb in question.” “It is this courts decision, that au suffer the same penalty that au sentenced Erei’Riov Destorie N’Dak to.” tr’Vatrix quickly stood. “Chairman, however, in her sentencing of young N’Dak, she noted that based on his current health and age, that she felt he could endure the 100 lashes. Considering her age, and rank, Galae asks that au consider lessening her penalty based on her general health. She is already partially maimed and her condition na well from having spent time hrrau the br’tehh. She also stated, that should Destorie survive, that he suffer na loss of rank. We ask that if au consider her deliberation, that she be given the same consideration” N’Dak was furious that his victory was being wrenched from his grasp. “I object. Au said she would receive the punishment, na that it lessened because of her age. I also demand a public setting” The Chairman had enough of this, “She will incur 75 lashes, and based upon her previous service for the Empire, and her flag rank, it will be carried out aboard the Talon, with only a limited viewing to assure punishment has been suitably administered. She will retain her ship and rank should she survive.” N’Dak, infuriated, turned to t’Rexan. “Very well, but I pick who delivers the blows.”
  12. In The Name of Justice, Retribution and Vengeance, part 2 A Joint log by Khre'Riov t'Rexan and Erei'Riov N'Dak “Oh, na game to be sure. I just want to be clear and thorough when it comes to the facts,” Deihu N’Dak smiled as he walked up to her, and slowly began to circle her, as a nei’rrh would its prey. “And continuing with our discussion of facts, is it na a fact, that au came to be rhea the Talon, when both of its command staff went …missing? Convenient that, is it na? “I had na to do with that,” t’Rexan answered him. At the time, I had been instructing at Galae Retor, and was at my home, on a personal leave. I was called in to fill in a gap in the chain of command, until they could be located. As it was, t’Saar never was located and her whereabouts unknown. As for ch’Paar, the Daise Erei’Riov was found hrrau a state of mental dysfunction. She had na memories of any events, or of even who she was. We returned ch’Paar to Galae Medical for rehabilitation. It was at that time, that Galae decided that I would remain aboard the ship. “ “And, what of au new executive officer when au reported aboard? I understand that au had many disagreements. He was attached to the Tal Shiar, and his reports often stated that au did na defer to his decisions when it came to things considered to be in the Tal Shiar’s realm of influence. Is this na correct?” Na waiting for a reply he turned and walked over to where the head of the Tal Shiar sat. “Daise Khre’Riov tr’Vren, is it na true, that when there is a security issue that the Tal Shiar have recorded as ‘investigating’, that the Tal Shiar agent, has jurisdiction , even if they were stationed rhea a Galae ship? “ The head of the Tal Shiar, tr’Vren barely got in a nod before the impassioned deihu continued, “And did not her executive officer file several reports on refusing to follow that chain of command?” N’Dak was on a roll now, and without giving anyone a chance to answer, he wanted to keep the tribunal hanging on his every word, he spun at t’Rexan, finger pointed in her face. “Did au na send him into a hopeless battle, where he was shot down, slaughtered under heavy firefight? Was this your way of getting rid of this command problem? Did you have him sent to his death, so that au could remain in authority!!? Answer the questions!! “I OBJECT!” tr’Vatrix practically flew to his feet in anger; at the same time that t’Rexan had to be physically restrained by the dheno beside her, stopping her from reaching N’Dak. “Lies! How dare au, au kllhe!” she spat at N’dak. “This is ridiculous! “ tr’Vatrix continued. “This man is here on his own personal agenda, trying to defame io of our best Galae flag officers, through rumor and innuendo.” tr’Vren sat there giving the Galae officers a look of innocence hrrau the matter, though inside he was laughing away at the misfortune his counterparts and adversaries were partaking in. Even should this charade of a trial that N’Dak had arranged be declared null and void, others would remember tr’Vatrix’s weakened position here. And if his officer took the accused blame, again, the Tal Shiar came out of this looking brilliant and Galae as a bunch of dupes. N’Dak may not be the smartest Deihu in the senate, but his schemes often had worked into tr’Vren’s personal agenda. The man’s wife on the other hand, was a pure nuisance and fortunately had na been included in these affairs. Regardless how this turned out, he already had people in place to act upon which ever outcome appeared likely. Ie, this would quii be worth the trouble of having to cancel his plans for the day, well worth it. Deihu N’Dak put a look of consternation upon his face and pointed at t’Rexan, who was just giving into the hold of the dheno officer that had her by the upper arm. “If that is an example of io of au best, then perhaps it is time for those who make the decisions hrrau the Empire to be worried, and take a stronger look at how Galae is run. Perhaps more Tal Shiar oversight ‘is’ needed rhae Galae ships.” He had been able to get in the barb that the Tal Shiar wanted him to plant, the suggestion that Galae was in need of a heavy overhaul. He knew that if he worked with them, he may also be able to get something out of it for his son. Just asking them to take Destorie in as io of their officers, the boy would be suspected of being a senate plant, a spy for Galae or the senate or both. But by cooperating with them, he hoped that they would come to him, and give his son or both sons, an invitation to join their ranks and excel there instead. He knew their careers hrrau Galae were practically worthless to him as a political standard. More like a roped rock that had been tied around his neck and dropping into deep water. He turned and looked again with contempt at t’Rexan, for shaming his sons, and ultimately himself. “Temper, temper hna Khre’Riov. I’d think that io of Galae’s finest, would be better able to control her emotions.” He would have his revenge upon her, na matter the cost. t’Rexan knew that if she had na seen the hand command from tr’Vatrix ordering her to hold her place, nor had the dheno detaining her by the arm, that at this very siuren she’d have been on trial for murder instead. Looking up at the dheno, “Au may let go of my arm, I do na intend to move anywhere.” “Ie, Ie, let her go, I’m sure she knows her place, that she knows what the penalty of striking any of those assembled fahd today would be,” D’Lvon motioned the dheno away from t’Rexan. “Hna,” pausing a moment before he continued, “I have a few more questions to ask, but let me move forward to a more current event then. Tell me Khre’Riov about Daise Erei'Riov Ural tr'Psichore. Another of au executive officers and, “looking at his IDS, “another hna hrrau stasis under au command. However could this have happened?” Chairman tr’Vahn stood, looking around the room, then motioned for silence. “Deihu N’Dak, we are all aware of Daise Erei’Riov trPsichore’s condition, and that it was brought about by the invading aliens that were experimenting upon our people. If au do na have anything else of relevance, they I will turn the questions over to Daise Khre’Riov tr’Vatrix, and we will be ready to give our decision. If au have anything, speak hna.” N’Dak felt like a sseikea ready to make the yy’a. “Ie, I do have io more thing of relevance to bring to the tribunal’s attention. Io matter, I find most profound, that has somehow even evaded the notice of her supervisors. Io that that I have found has somehow passed the notice of her superiors, and falls with in the same scope of a previous punishment we were just speaking of.”
  13. In The Name of Justice, Retribution and Vengeance A Joint log by Khre'Riov t'Rexan and Erei'Riov N'Dak Daise Khre’Riov tr'Vatrix narrowed his eyes at D’Lvon N'Dak, knowing that some of those on the tribunal committee felt that they had to give the Deihu something, as they had overruled every other motion he had made. What made tr’Vatrix even angrier, was that this was obviously a Galae matter, one that was his decision, and he did na like others rendering his position as powerless. Ie, N’Dak held a deep seated grudge against Galae, tr’Vatrix and most of all, t’Rexan herself. Sighing, he crossed back over to where several of his other Galae flag officers sat, to regroup with them, give them his feedback on how things should proceed and any coaching he could, before N’Dak forced his hand and made him stay clear of the proceedings. N'Dak glanced towards tr'Vatrix once more; he'd placed considerable resources into this little affair, he'd made calls with his contacts within the upper echelons of the Tal'Shiar--the ones his wife hadn't managed to completely annoy. And he'd be damned if tr'Vatrix would ruin this all by helping his dear friend, t'Rexan. He stood once more, "This is a trial of Khre'Riov t'Rexan, she must answer for herself, na what au Galae fools have to say for her." tr'Vatrix leapt to his feet hrrau anger, “And who are au, to sit fahd and make such charges!? And I would think au would think twice, before calling the Command branch of Galae a bunch of veruuls! As for the Khre'Riov, it is only her ship policy that is hrrau question, and how her security was placed. If I recall, was it na "your son" that has been hrrau charge of Dheno these last several months?” N'Dak remained calm, his voice annoyingly flat. "My son is na on trial in this matter, all reports indicated that he served as well as he could under such circumstances..." He paused. "However, as Enarrain rhae the Talon, the responsibility for the ship and the crew under her command falls to her,” pointing to t’Rexan, “and her alone." “Ie, at least this time,” the head of Galae said sneering at N’Dak, “he and au other son, did na try to feed her to these particular aliens! This time, au son only made a mockery of her, by making her his servant, telling her she was the ship’s waste engineer.” Pausing a moment, looking to those grouped before him, then back to the deihu, “And as her commanding officer,” tr’Vatrix turned towards N’Dak, walking to stand in front of him toe to toe, “Again I state, that this matter falls under the auspices of Galae to handle, as we best see fit to handle. Na au! And na au little vendetta.” "Silence!" N’Dak snapped at the fuming Daise Khre’Riov. Elements he loved throwing these people off their guard. "That matter is na why we are fahd at this trial, and my sons have suffered the punishment for their transgressions. Au attempts to tarnish my family name for the sake of protecting the Khre'Riov will go in vain." “Do na tell me to be silent! I think au forget auself Deihu. Au are Deihu of a 'once more noble hfaifar. Deihu of an economically depressed region. Deihu of traitorous sons.” "My sons were na traitors! Their minds were under the control of an alien device! And if au want to be looking for traitors, qiuu au have to do, is look at au own officers,” pointing at t’Rexan. “Yet qiuu we hear, is au repeating auself trying to protect her.” Grinning to himself as he continued to make his point to the room, “trying to protect the wife of aur yy’a best friend?” “I do na repeat myself to ‘protect her’, and to belittle the memory of a fine officer who yy’a in the service of the Empire, is even beneath au standards. Na, I do this, as it is a farce to try this woman for a situation she could na have foreseen. Haven’t au just stated, that au own sons, were na at fault, due to being controlled by an alien device? The same would apply fahd as well!!” “As au say,” moving his hand to cover his mouth as he yawned. ”And again, didn’t that device come to be rhae the Talon, under her command? Perhaps, it is time to retire the Khre’Riov, and place someone more competent in charge of that ship. I believe we all know why she is na longer training officers at Galae Retor. Was na io yy’a enough for au?” Pausing for dramatic affect on the crowd, he continued more quietly, “I’m sure the poor Erein’s family would say so.” Behind tr’Vatrix, the din of those in attendance began to rise, as even within those assembled, they began to debate amongst themselves, who was right, and who was wrong. "Na matter,” N’Dak continued, “she should suffer punishment. Just as my own sons did, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, na?" This unexpected opening appealed to him. "Under the condition that she will receive punishment befitting the crime, punishment that she herself set as precedence in her sentancing of my son, I will withdraw my motion for this to be heard by higher powers. Yet, only on the condition that I have final approval of the punishment in question." "Elements sake man! She already lost her hand in that matter, bitten off by aliens as she was to be fed alive to them, and all au want, is revenge? Grow a set man, and admit that this is what this entire mockery of justice is about! Proconsul tr'Merk stood, having heard enough of the personal squabbling, "Chairman tr'Vahn, must we waste our time listening to these two and their petty squabbles?” tr'Merk turned to tr'Vahn, “Why don't we just question her and see if she was indeed lacking? She's managed to get her duties done to protect the Empire hrrau the past, though sometimes through very questionable and unconventional means. I will admit, she is due that measure of respect. She has always come to the Empire’s need when called in the past.” N’Dak rolled his eyes and made a disparaging comment under his breath about tr’Vatrix and t’Rexan keeping company with each other, quiet enough that tr’Vatrix could just make out part of what he said, but na enough for him to explode without looking like a veruul. tr’Vatrix surely heard the gist of the suggestion, and D’Lvon reveled at being able to get in a free barb under the mans skin. tr'Vahn stood, looking across those attending and taking part of the tribunal, "We have already looked at the evidence that has been provided, we have heard the Khre'Riov's statement. Tediously, we have heard the words of Deihu N'Dak and Daise Khre'Riov tr'Vatrix. We have also looked at the security tapes and records. However, I think for the sake of pleasing this tribunal, we will allow each side to ask a few questions of the accused." tr'Vahn motioned for the dishern dheno to bring t'Rexan back to the front. D'Lvon N'Dak stood glancing at tr'Vahn for several moments, then looked at t'Rexan as she was brought forward. All the while, she returned his glare, as she made her way to stand before the assembly. She was thankful at least, that the shackles had na been reapplied for this event. tr'Vatrix had saved her from that humiliation. "Khre'Riov t'Rexan, what is the policy regarding the loss of limb, as a result of another officer's negligence?" N’Dak asked, as he held an ISD in his own hand, looking at it with mild amusement. "Deihu N'dak. I will na stand fahd and have au ridicule me for the loss I endured at the hands of au sons. Au already know that the punishment I set for au son, was just, and was approved by my command staff, and was na refuted by Galae when I filed my reports. In a case of malice or attempted murder, yy'a could be asked for. In cases involving coersion, a more physical punishment can be handed down, such as au son received. The decision is io that is made by the io hrrau command of the situation. In that case, it was myself in command, and I felt the punishment metted out, was more than fair considering the situation. He was lucky I did na have him terminated as soon as we regained control of the ship. Many other subsequent issues would have na had the opportunity to have happened had I chose that course of action. He also received medical care as soon as the penalty was completed, and the matter considered over. He was allowed to return to duty upon my ship.” “But I do na see why au bring this up hna? What game is it au are playing Deihu?” t’Rexan looked across the floor at him.
  14. “I know this; however there are others that have to be convinced. It seems the mission and its results are no the only issue fahd, but it is being used hrrau a political firestorm of Deihu against Deihu….those supporting the Fvillah and those that do na and support the Proconsul.” “I have na wish to play hrrau political games,” L’haiy sneered. “I have na time for those fvai, kllhe and veruuls.” “Au would be wise to hold au own tongue a bit more L’haiy, and na speak with au anger so much. It’s caused au enough trouble over the years. First that incident with Deihu trMalkor’s son, and hna this issue have developing with Deihu tr’NDak. He has had several initiatives pass the senate of late, and he is quickly pulling himself back up in standing amongst the Deihu. He would be io au would be well adviced to avoid.” “trMalkor’s son was a veruuls, and he got himself yy’a, na ie. But they needed a scapegoat to pin the responsibility upon. Qiuu I had done, was push the sniveling little sseikea to better his battle skills. How was I do know he’d try to challenge io of the Fvillha’s elite d’heno when they were visiting. As for the N’Dak situation, that is a difficult thing, as I have his son hrrau my ship, two of them for that matter. Better to know who the spies are than to have to guess anew,” she said turning to look at him as they stopped before the briefing room door. “Perhaps it would be advised to only have io of them rhea au ship, better to face io adversary, than to have another behind au.” “Perhaps,” holding up the stump to him “This is an example of their handy work, but again, how better to protect myself from someone, than to have something he value’s hrrau my hand.” L’haiy paused a siuren to look at the stump, “Well, figuratively at least. He will have to tread carefully so as na to harm his own, will he na?” “Elements L’haiy, au have na changed, have au? You always were scheming to find a way around the problem. Well let us discuss the facts that have brought au to this point, and I will take au official “Right of Statement” myself, to ensure there is na tampering before the court reviews it.” “Something I should worry about,” lifting a brow at him? “I think na, but come. I have sent for some hlai and fruit so au may have a decent meal while we talk.” “Hann’yyo Daise Khre’Riov, it is na wonder why my husband held au hrrau such high regard. I miss those days when au families would quii hna’h to the lake, and watch the sunsets. How is au hfihrnn B’tran? ” “Ie, those were better days…much better days,” as t he door closed behind them and they moved to the seats he had indicated. “Qiuu is menkha with my hfihrnn, hann’yyo for asking. Hna, we should begin. There is water if au wish it, before au start.” “Na, I just wish to tell this and pray to the Elements that this will be the last time that I will have to repeat myself. I know some of it this will sound outlandish and absurd, but if “space squids” can come take over a combined Lloann’ha and Rihan task force, and bite my hand off, then why na giant purple beings?” “Vriha menkha,, etrehh ta’rhae,’ tr’Vatrix stated. “My name is Khre’Riov L’haiy t’Rexan. I hold the rank of Khre'Riov, and my home is listed as ch'Havran. I currently am in command of the Galae vessel RES Talon, ship 2415. I swear by my solemn oath that what I say fahd this eisn, will be the truth, or may the Elements strke me down. I had received orders, issued by the command of Galae to support an emergency intervention in the name of Intellegence and Analysis Division of the Rihannsu Imperial Senate. We were to retrieve a potential threat to the Empire, which had been stolen from a secret government research lab. Deihu tr’Seiben, Chairman of the issuing committee boarded my ship, and presented me with the orders that were authenticated and we had to obey. When we arrived, we found that na only had the weapon been stolen, but that the entire research and support staff had been brutally yy’a, and the weapon and all materials related to it taken. We were able from station records of incoming vessels to identify the offending ship as the RES Firestorm, commanded by io Enarrain trRaddik. I can na tell au exactly how this weapon works, I will have to leave that to the scientists to do so. However, as we gave chase, we encountered the destroyed Rihannsu Outpost 288, obliterated by the use of this weapon. Noting their projected path, we extrapolated a course that would lead them back to fahd, ch’Rihan, where we could only presume it would be used hrrau some type of political coop, or some type of terroristic plot. We can only presume this to be the case from Galae reports as we embarked upon this mission, of several Deihum that were all assassinated with bombs. It was well known that tr’Raddik was vehemently against any discussion of reunification, and our current state of….compliance with the Lloann’nah. We finally were able to catch up and engage the RES Firehawk. The Talon had incurred an alarming amount of damage, but we were able to prevail due to several extremely talented members of my crew. My Daise Engineer, Erei’Riov Laehval t’Temmar, with her extensive knowledge of ship systems and her ingenuity, practically held the ship together long enough that we were able to place an assault team aboard the RES Firehawk. The Deihu’s son also serves upon my ship, El’Arrain Koga tr’Sbien was also instrumental during the altercation. We were unable to save the RES Firestorm as she had taken damage during the altercation and it’s destruction imminent from explosion. We pulled our people out in time, as well as a few prisoners and the data banks, and were barely out of range before it imploded. We sent a recovery team to recover as much of the debris as possible, so that the scientists could piece together what had happened, and na to leave confidential debris where it could be obtained by unauthorized personnel. Our communications systems had taken damage, and we prepared to return to ch’Rihan. At this time, we encountered an ion storm that we were unable to outrun.” t’Rexan takes a break, and reaches for the glass of water that tr’Vatrix has handed to her. “Hann’yyo.” “Etrehh, ta’khoi.’ tr’Vatrix turns to her. “Quite a mission from the sounds of it. And au still have this debris au spoke of as proof?” he asked her. “Ie, hrrau the haerhs,” t’Rexan paused from the gletten he had passed to her. “Menkha, I know they will be wanting to examine it immediately, if they’ve already na started to do so.” Pushing the bowl of gletten aside, t’Rexan sat up, prepared to continue. “I am ready to proceed.” “Vriha menkha. Etrehh ta’rhae.” Commanded tr’Vatrix as he sat down to listen to the rest of her soliloquy. “Continuing, I find that many of the following details are unclear or confused. I will skip ahead to the end so that the other events may be more carefully understood. The crew had awoken from being engulfed hrrau the gigantic ion storm, but na io of us, knew who we were. Many of the ship’s function were running rhae automatic, though we had na indictation as to why or how they had been set to do so. After long hours, some of the crew were able to access the ship’s etrehh, which had a database of the crewmembers ranks, names and posts. We found out later, that this information had been falsified by another race that had found us damaged following the ion storm and had worked to preserve our lifes and the ship. However, it seems that io of their scientists was very unethical, and for the sake of experimentation, wanted to see how we adapted as a species to new situations, even to the extent of mating habits. I will explain momentarily how we in the end discovered this information, and were able to free ourselves of the alien influence. Myself, I was evidently to be tested, as being moved from heading the ship, to cleaning the head. However, I must give full and total credit for the rescue of the crew to my Daise Maenak, Daise’Erei’Riov Morganna t’Ksa. It was she, that while performing medical scans on those of us na coping well with the change, noticed that there was a chemical dependency hrrau our brains that had been tampered with. She developed a compound to counteract this tampering, and our memories slowly began to come back to us. At this time however; many of the crew disbelieved this theory, and presumed we were fomenting a mutany. The crew was split, but the maenak and several others were able to difuse the compound through the ship via the air conduits as well as direct inoculations. Even after everyone had been restored, many struggled with the thought that even this was some made up reality. Several requested leave from duty to deal with the situation. When the aliens’ apparent experiment began to show signs that it was na working, he beamed down to recreate the test, however several of the crew attacked him, and were able to injure him before his escape. We shortly thereafter received a communiqué from the alien vessel, a vessel easily DEV times the size of io of our vessels. They apologized for the unethical treatment our people had received and indicated to us that they had discovered that this scientist had performed similar type of experiments upon Lloann’ah and Klinghannsu crews. I credit the intelligence of our Rihannsu officers for being able to withstand this attach. The aliens told us that there would be na further contamination with this galaxy, and that they would depart immediately and never bother us again. I will also note, that during the time that the crew held other posts, that El’Riov t’Temmar acted hrrau the stead of Enarrain and was able to prevent capture of the ship by Tal Shiar and Galae forces, which listening to current communications indicated any advance by the Talon to ch’Rihan would be presumed as hostile, as they believed we had stolen the Epsilon device for ourselves, and wished to use it against the Empire. She was assisted by N’Dak as her execuritve officer, but from what I saw, he tended to spend much of his time plotting how to keep his name from being called into account. He did however, assist the Daise Maenak in the recovery of the crew. trPexil and several others were also helpful hrrau the recovery. Once I had resumed command of the ship, I contacted the RES Khellian, and I stand here this day. Thus ends my Right of Statement.” tr’Vatrix stood there in silence, then began to applaud. “ An incredible story to hear. It will be more incredible if au are able to convince any that it is the truth.” “Elements! How many times must I say it…I’ve told this story.to everyone, these are the facts. I do na think anyone could even comprend to make up such a tale. Espeically in light of the fact that we were rhae the way home victorious from our battle.” “Be at easy L’haiy,” tr’Vatrix laid a hand rhae her shoulder. I believe au. And au are right…who could make up such a wild tail…and have practially a full compliment repeat the same premise over and over. I will head au defense before the senate commission today, and I will return to escort au to hear their verdict. Au are free to use any of the facilities here rhea deck 7 at this time, or rejoin au crew on deck 8. I will be in touch with au shortly.” Picking up the chip, he turned from the room, and down the corridor toward his shuttle to take the statements he had taken to the committee. Vocabulary key: auethn - answer a query. ch'Havran - (planet) "of the Travelers" (The planet known as Remus). ch'Havranha - native of ch'Havran. ch'Rihan - (planet) "of the Declared" (The planet known as Romulus). Daise'Khre'Riov - Admiral. Deihu - "elder"; a member of the Senate. etrehh - computer, machine. fvai - house pet (Similar to the terran dog.) fvillha - Rihannsu analogue to Terran "praetor." fvillhaih - Praetorate. galae - fleet. Galae "Command" - Fleet Command. gletten - thin soup.. hann'yyo - "Thank you." Hearh = cargo bay hfihar, hfihrnn - Houses (noble families, not dwellings). hlai - large flightless bird used for its meat. hna'h - "Fire!", "Energize!", "Go!" (activation imperative) hnoiyika, hnoiyikar - predator(s) (similar to the Terran weasel). hrrau - at, on, in. (a general locative particle or infix) ie - yes. io - one (1). jolan tru - "Good Day/Night.". Khre'Riov - Vice Admiral. kllhe - a worm that digests hlai dung. Also an insult. llilla'hu - sufficient. mnek'nra, menkha - well, good, correct, satisfactory. oira - battle-control or bridge.." qiuu, qiuu'n - everything, everyone, all re - two (2). rekkhai - "Sir." rhae - on. Rihannsu - Romulan (plural). siuren - minute or equal to 50.5 seconds. sseikea - scavenger (similar to the Terran hyena.) Also an insult. ssuej-d’ifv- Do you understand? Tal Shiar - Rihannsu Imperial Intelligence Service. ta'khoi - "Screen off." ta'rhae - "Screen on." th'ann, th'ann-a - prisoner(s). t'liss - Rihannsu Bird of Prey, emblem of the Rihannsu Star Empire vah-udt - "Who are you (to be asking this)?" veruul - an insult.
  15. L’haiy looked up as the guard deactivated the force-field rhea the br’tehh cell. Frustrated, angry and indignant at having been treated worse than a common th’ann, she took her time when he motioned for her to stand. At this point, it was na longer just an act. She was both mentally, and physically fatigued. At least they had desisted with the elements be damned arm shackles and leg irons while she was being held hrrau the cell. She still bore bruising rhea her left arm from where they had been forced to tighten it to a point that it dug into her flesh, to keep her from trying to withdraw her stump through it. Equally angering her was that they had removed her prosthetic device, telling her they could not allow her to retain the use of the weapon. This had been the daily routine, morning, noon and night. The guard would come retrieve her, order her to follow, and be interviewed by yet another interrogator. She had been repeatedly questioned by members of Galae, Tal Shiar, Deihu, more Galae, and a few officials representing the proconsul’s office. They all had sent their own inquisitors. Two of the sessions, she would na have wished upon even a true criminal, both barely short of being called utter torture. Those sessions, io by a representative of the Tal Shiar that she had had poor dealings with hrrau the past, and the other at the direction a senate subcommittee, one which she vaguely remembered, had been headed up by Deihu N’Dak. He would have his own agenda in trying to find her guilty of anything. She also knew that he had suffered a humiliation greater than anything he could swallow following the ‘squid’ incident when he had confronted her about the squid’s attack. When he had to face that his own sons were the ultimate cause of the original mission’s failure, and that his own son’s had lead the mutiny to join the squids, he himself had to accept the burden of his family’s shame. If he could na find anything to charge her with, than he would see that something suitable were fabricated, or that he would at least try to break her out of spite and revenge. She had made herself a powerful enemy of that io. Long she had thought about ridding herself of his sons, knowing full well they would be spying for him, but that’s were she had him. Better to know the spy that is in place, then to try to figure out who the new io was. Slowly stepping through the opening into the main corridor of the br’tehh, she stood with her arms held behind her back, and turned to the dishern d’heno that had been her regular escort, staring him hrrau the eye confident she would somehow prevail hrrau quii of this. “Au may proceed to escort me to the briefing room El’Arrain.” She would give him na more than that. Most of the d’heno staff had na wanted to deal with her, most afraid for their careers should she be acquitted of the multiple charges filed against her. This io however, had been the io that had been heavy rhea the shackles, seeming to take great pleasure hrrau bringing down io that had been so far above him. She could only speculate, but she was sure that he had loyalties to more than Galae, always speaking for a few siuren with io of the Tal Shiar officers frequenting the facility, or io of the interviewing staff. From habit he began to reach for the arm shackles to place upon her again, when the door opened io more time. “Vahd-ut!?”As he moved to strike her with the hand the held her arm shackles, she awaited yet another blow from this fvai, yet another blow she would hold him accountable io day should she survive this ordeal. The blow however did na come, as a hand grabbed the El’Arrain from behind, preventing him from delivering his intended strike. Anger flashed through the eyes of the El’Arrain as he spun around to see who had the nerve to stop him, and suddenly stood there gapping at the man holding his arm. “Vahd-ut!? tr’Vatrix!! I mean….Daise Khre’Riov tr’Vatrix. Rekkhai…I..I…” “We will na be needing those. I will relieve au of both those, and the th’aan for hna.” The d’heno’s step faltered a moment, realizing he had just jeopardized any future career path that he could proceed upon, as he recognized the man behind him. “Ie Daise Khre’Riov. Rekkhai, I have been ordered to bring her to the…,” stammered the d’heno. “Ie, she was to be brought to the briefing room to speak with me,” the Daise Khre’Riov cut in. “Rekkhai, I can explain. The th’ann was being difficult, and I had my orders,” the d’heno continued. “The ‘th’ann’ is still Khre’Riov, and until…..unless convicted, au superior officer. As for difficult, had she been difficult, au most likely would be yy’a on the floor where au are standing. I believe that I can handle this io myself, “taking the shackles from the d’heno and flinging them across the room, “However, from my observations of her treatment, and the apparent injuries she has sustained, au are to place auself rhea report, and a notice will be sent to au superiors that au be relieved of duty until a review board may be convened. See that her personal items and her prosthetic are to be moved to the accommodation level, room 7, ssuej-d’ifv?” “Ie Daise Khre’Riov, it will be as au order,” replied the d’heno. “Mnenkha,” turning back to the woman beside him, “If au will follow me Khre’Riov, I would like for au to authen a few questions I have myself,” he said turning to her. “Ie Daise Khre’Riov, au know, I live only to serve the Empire” responded t’Rexan as she followed him out, refusing to even look at the d’heno, as he did na even deserve that acknowledgement. auethn - answer a query. ch'Havran - (planet) "of the Travelers" (The planet known as Remus). ch'Havranha - native of ch'Havran. ch'Rihan - (planet) "of the Declared" (The planet known as Romulus). Daise'Khre'Riov - Admiral. Deihu - "elder"; a member of the Senate. etrehh - computer, machine. fvai - house pet (Similar to the terran dog.) fvillha - Rihannsu analogue to Terran "praetor." fvillhaih - Praetorate. galae - fleet. Galae "Command" - Fleet Command. gletten - thin soup.. hann'yyo - "Thank you." Hearh = cargo bay hfihar, hfihrnn - Houses (noble families, not dwellings). hlai - large flightless bird used for its meat. hna'h - "Fire!", "Energize!", "Go!" (activation imperative) hnoiyika, hnoiyikar - predator(s) (similar to the Terran weasel). hrrau - at, on, in. (a general locative particle or infix) ie - yes. io - one (1). jolan tru - "Good Day/Night.". Khre'Riov - Vice Admiral. kllhe - a worm that digests hlai dung. Also an insult. llilla'hu - sufficient. mnek'nra, menkha - well, good, correct, satisfactory. oira - battle-control or bridge.." qiuu, qiuu'n - everything, everyone, all re - two (2). rekkhai - "Sir." rhae - on. Rihannsu - Romulan (plural). siuren - minute or equal to 50.5 seconds. sseikea - scavenger (similar to the Terran hyena.) Also an insult. ssuej-d’ifv- Do you understand? Tal Shiar - Rihannsu Imperial Intelligence Service. ta'khoi - "Screen off." ta'rhae - "Screen on." th'ann, th'ann-a - prisoner(s). t'liss - Rihannsu Bird of Prey, emblem of the Rihannsu Star Empire vah-udt - "Who are you (to be asking this)?" veruul - an insult.
  16. Most of the non officer personnel..and npc's have all been treated by the aliens and placed into their quarters to recover. Memoires will return, minus the period of what has occured the last few months. Shis is cloaked and hiding from the RES Khellian, as well as from several Tal Shiar ships that are looking for them. t'Rexan: Memory Chemically restored by t'Ksa, still bits and pieces missing. Retains memories of last few months. Good hand broken by trNDak's guards. tr'Psichore: Memory Chemically restored by t'Ksa, but brain fried by Keevox while trying to use his own chemical restoration on top of it. Status: In the morgue..uhm...stasis chamber...same thing more or less. t'Ksa: Memory Chemically restored by her elixir, still bits and pieces missing. Retains memories of last few months. Knows trNDak is NA her bondmate! t'Aejhae: Memory Chemically restored by t'Ksa. Retains memories of last few months. Has stabbed the new Erein while trying to defend ship. tr'NDak: Partial memories on his own, many bits and pieces missing (as if they weren't before!). Still knocked out on floor during initial altercation with the aliens. Retains memories of last few months, but not prior memories at this time. tKsa must decide upon treating him. Knows, but doesn't know for sure, that he's not really bonded to t'Ksa. (could the dangerous look from her to back off). tr'SBien: Memory not yet restored. Retains recent memories. Must make up mind who is Enarrain..tTemmar, who they've been following, or the janitor Ndak suddenly started calling KhreRiov. t'Temmar: Memory not yet restored. Retain's recent memories - Still the Enarrain in many of the officers eyes. Has attacked the aliens on "her ship", must make up own mind on who's in charge, and if she'll let t'Ksa treat her. Is t'Ksa trying to engineer a "chemical" mutany? And who's this ratty looking janitor that others are deferring to? tr'Pexil: Memory not yet restored. Retains recent memories. Still drawn to tTemmar. t'oo: Off ship, has to many memories...destroying braincells drinking coffee somewhere tr'Issah: Treated...in quarters. No memories of last several months. t'Jhiin: Memory not yet restored. Retain's recent memories. Needs to determine who she's going to follow. The Enarrain t'Temmar, or the janitor some are calling KhreRiov.
  17. Menkha!! Hann'yyo for posting it for qiuu to see! t'Rexan
  18. ElArrain_Koga_Sbien: We're about 10 minutes from the Centre's location tRexan> Dead giveaway that he’s a “Canadian Rihan”…he can’t spell Center, eh?!! ::snickers:: We jol au Sbien!! STSF_NDak: ::has them all lined up and ready to move out, he himself was dressed in his nice AT outfit:: tRexan> As opposed to the tacky pink lacy thing we keep noting on the security cams, that he prances around the br’tehh in. [Holodeck] tAehjae: ::noting all that pass:: tRexan> Refrains from the really bad joke about bodily functions here. I mean, I know security is tight on this ship, but….really now…… ElArrain_Koga_Sbien: Ie rekkhai.. +TKeshi+ We're about 10 minutes away from the Centre's location.. tRexan> What do you call the center of the “Centre”? Ok, Ok..I’ll stop….:ph34r: STSF_Lebowski: ::nods repsectfully:: Very gracious of you, khre riov. tRexan> See….someone thinks so! So ha! Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Continues on, minding his business and doing his work in the medbay. Preparing things fror the upcoming injured Dheno's no less...:: tRexan> Wait…did I see that right? Not busy consorting? KhreRiovtREx: <ok...in short...I'm trying to keep trLahir from over consorting down there...he worries me> tRexan> See we were expecting it! KhreRiovtREx: <keep your tidbits to yourself mister!!> Agrie_tr_Lahir: <<LOL. No need, I'm doing some work research, so I don't have time to consort. <_<>> STSF_NDak: << Yes but my tidbits are tasty Rex...or so I hear>> KhreRiovtREx: <not the type of bits I was thinking of....Rocky Mountain boy> Deihu_TKeshi_SBien: < o_O> Agrie_tr_Lahir: <<Whoa... why am I scared now??>> tRexan> ::in dramatic late night tv voice:: When OOC goes bad….. Agrie_tr_Lahir: ::Walks into the transporter room, noticing the goons, and frowning slighly at their sight:: STSF_NDak: Goons> ::ignore the consorter of Nurses:: tRexan> ROFL…..even the NPC’s see it! STSF_Lebowski: Make sure you know where you're stepping.::that was tr'P's version of a joke:: STSF_NDak: ::He however smirked ever so slightly:: tRexan> NDak, you are such a suck up STSF_NDak: Issaha> ::scoots onto the padd, trying his best not to be noticed:: tRexan> Scooting…will get you noticed….and it don’t look nice either. I’d suggest a trip to medical. I’m sure they have some sort of cream that will help you with that condition. STSF_Lebowski: <<I was thinking office building where just one floor got attacked>> tRexan> Starring STSF Lebowski in Yy’a Hard 4. Since that sound like pirates….it’s a group of Orion Pirates that Lebowski stalks around barefoot, ie’yakk in hand blasting…..well, you know the story….lol Agrie_tr_Lahir: @::Now at the center with the rest of the AT, waiting for whatever comes next:: tRexan> ::grins:: Center. Not north of border!! STSF_Lebowski: ::to Goons:: Secure the area! STSF_NDak: @::motions to the Goons to secure the area:: STSF_NDak: Goons> ::Do as they are directed:: STSF_NDak: Goons> ::go about securing the area:: tRexan> Oh yea…..quality action here…. STSF_Lebowski: ::begins walking around casually, looking around for any obvious clues::tRexan> This is Star Trek…..aren’t the clues supposed to be painfully obvious? STSF_Lebowski: <<We'd want to secure the area before letting the valuable senator down here :blink: >> tRexan> A valuable deihu!? ROFL…that’s a menkha io trPsychore! STSF_Lebowski: ::over his shoulder to Lahir:: See if you can find anything interesting about the cause of death. Oh yes, and I suppose look for survivors as well. tRexan> Oh….how lucky for a survivor! He supposes…lol STSF_Lebowski: I thought EPSILON only affected ships? Deihu_TKeshi_SBien: <<mostly, but in a pinch, it could be used as a laser weapon...>> STSF_Lebowski: <LOL I thought it was a virus> Deihu_TKeshi_SBien: <a COmputer computer virus and a weapons enhancer.. 2 in 1 kinda deal ^_^ >> STSF_NDak: << Where do you get those...Radio Shack or Circuit Cuty? >> STSF_Lebowski: <<Well I just mean you can't shoot a virus at someone>> STSF_Lebowski: <<You mean it can enhance a pen laser into a weapon or something? Deihu_TKeshi_SBien: <<Ya. Wal-Mart. Only at Wal-Mart. :D >> Deihu_TKeshi_SBien: <<True.. should've made it more clear.. my bad>> tRexan> Either some of us fell asleep at the briefing, or someone had a really bad power point presentation….lol STSF_NDak: Issaha> Perhaps it was being tested at this center, na?tRexan> Center….lol tAehjae: @::unholsters her distruptor and stands ready:: tRexan> ::Hears music from an old Clint Eastwood movie playing in the background:: Deihu_TKeshi_SBien: ::covers nose:: Elements, that stinks.. tRexan> It’s just NDak. Sorry about that. STSF_NDak: Issaha> ::nodding:: The computer seems pretty well toasted... tRexan> Hmmmm, toast! STSF_NDak: Issaha> It is safe to touch... tRexan> Famous last words
  19. RES Talon Crew Roster Updated: 2005.04.07 Crew Compliment 12 ======================================== R. E. S. Talon D'deridex Warbird Registry# - 2415 ========================================== Note: Awards are currently not listed as up to date, this will be corrected in the next few days. COMMAND Staff: Enarrain: Khre'Riov L'haiy t'Rexan [female] ///////%%# $$@ Executive Officer/Tactical: Daise Erei'Riov Ural tr'Psichore [male] (exterminator of spies) 2XO: Daise'Maenak (Infectious Disease/Biohazard Specialist): Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana t'Ksa (the Evil Maenak)[female] ///////////%%%%%%%%#+++++ (2XO) Oira Officers: Ops/Comm: El'Arrain Koga Nraku S'Bien +++ (ship's hearthrob) Helm Officer: El'Arrain tr'Vosh [male] % (most assurably a spy) ENGINEERING: Daise'Engineer/Systems Specialist: El 'Riov Laehval t'Temarr (Acting 2XO) [female] (Consort of Spies) //////%%%%%%%##++++++++ AQS and Utilities Network Specialist: Erei'Riov R'Tor Bat'ok [female] (R'Tor) ///%%%%#++ (ambitious spy) Scout Ship and H'teij Specialist: El'Arrain Lerak Pexil [male] //////%%%%++ (arrain_lerak_trpexil) (SPY) General Engineering: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN= SCIENCE: Daise'Science Officer: = El'Arrain t'Oo [female] %/// (ElArraintOo) (XLOA) Life Science Specialist: Ne'Arrain Issaha N’dak [male] % (traitor junior) Physical Sciences Specialist: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN= Stellar Physics Specialist: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN= SECURITY: Daise D'heno: Erei'Riov Destorie Ma'Lyn N'dak [male] //%%#+++ (Traitorous Whipping Boy) Disheren Security Officer: Erei'Riov Shibae t'Aehjae [female] (always in trouble) ///%%%% Disheren Security Officer: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN= Disheren Security Officer: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN= MEDICAL: Daise'Maenak (Infectious Disease/Biohazard Specialist): Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana t'Ksa [female] (Evil Maenak) ///////////%%%%%%%%#+++++ (2XO) Disheren Maenak: Ne'Arrain Agrie Stoul tr'Lahir (Angie) [male] % (too nice to be a spy) Disheren Maenak: DEAD =POST NOW OPEN= Leave of Absence: El'Arrain t'Oo (XXLOA) Awards: Granted to those crew members making that extra special effort. & - Crystal Crab Award (150 sims in a row without an absence or excusal) @ - Platinum Good Conduct Medal (100 sims in a row without an absence or excusal) $ - Gold Good Conduct Medal (50 sims in a row without an absence or excusal # - Silver Good Conduct Medal (25 sims in a row without an absence or excusal) % - Bronze Good Conduct Medal (10 sims in a row without an absence or excusal) / - Service Stripe (attending 25 sims) + - Merit Award (excellence in log writing)
  20. El'Arrain Agrie trLahir posted to RES Talon 040422 3/11/04 joint sim credit) 040520 Promoted to rank of Ne'Arrain 040610 Bronze Good Conduct Medal 041118 Promoted to rank of Arrain 050331 Promoted to rank of El'Arrain Currently 17 sims
  21. Edited for promotion on 050331 bump
  22. El'Arrain Koga N’Raku trS’Bien posted to RES Talon on 5/13/04, (3/4/04 joint sim credit) 040513 Merit Award 040610 Promoted to rank of Ne'Arrain 040722 Merit Award 040722 Best use of a cartoon graphic in a log, awarded Onion Rings, Slinky and a Whoopie Cushion 040729 Merit Award 040909 Promoted to the rank of Arrain 041007 Talon Service Stripe (25 sims) 050331 Promoted to rank of El'Arrain Currently at 27 sims as of 041021
  23. Rank updated for 050331 bump
  24. El'Arrain Saek trVosh posted to RES Talon 3/31/04 040422 Promoted to Acting Daise Dheno 040429 Promoted to rank of Ne'Arrain 040610 Bronze Good Conduct Medal 040806 Promoted to rank of Arrain 040902 Silver Good Conduct Medal (25 consecutive sims) 040902 Talon Service Stripe 050331 Promoted to rank of El'Arrain Currently at 31 Sims as of 041021 1%, 1#, 1/
  25. Topic updated for 050331 bump